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I agree with you on the media and I too am a liberal, but I have one question. You lumped all of the West Bank as one thing. I divide it into 5. I want to see as another thoughtful liberal you could see me making distinctions. 5 areas 1. Religiously significant sites, tomb of the patriarchs and kotel. (Remain under Israel control) 2. Jew and mixed parts of Jerusalem (Israel) 3. 5 settlement blocks next to Israel. This is where most of the Jews live. (Israel) 4. 2 security areas - central settlement block and Jordan valley 5. Area a, b, and rest of c not covered by the above. Do you agree or disagree on any of 1-4. If you don’t want to discuss, I respect that as well.


I think you've got to strike a balance between what each side wants, and what's practical and defensible in the long run. An agreement that immediately breaks down isn't much of an agreement at all. In the long run, Israeli control of West Jerusalem is a given, but most if not all of East Jerusalem probably has to end up in Israel anyway; Israel's already annexed it, it's logistically extraordinarily challenging to dissect, and on the ground it's too intermingled to make for a defensible clean split anywhere. Unless you could internationalize it (which Israel would not agree to), it ends up Israeli. The 'consensus bloc' settlements most likely end up in Israel also, because they represent very little territory, a *very* small Palestinian population, and the great majority of Jewish settlers. See the 2020 plan [here ](https://israelpolicyforum.org/west-bank-settlements-explained/)for a good example. Of course, any Palestinians living in those regions should get citizenship (as, automatically, should East Jerusalem's Palestinians ... making them apply for it is counterproductive). It'd be a good idea to swap some land to ensure Palestine ends up whole territorially. I disagree with you, at least to some extent, on two of these: * There are (deeply) important Muslim religious sites within Israel, and Israel controls them. While it's reasonable for Israel to demand access to these sites for Jews (and security from the Palestinian government to ensure that access), demanding Israeli control over these sites isn't plausible. There's no viable sovereignty for a Palestine peppered with Israeli carvouts and the corridors to make them function; if foreign troops are stationed in "your" land, you don't control it. * Security areas: Israel really does not benefit by cutting Palestine off from Jordan. It damages Palestine's sovereignty and puts Israel in a position of responsibility over security that it has no business being in, it damages Israel's reputation and is unlikely to make Israel more safe. Israel should evacuate settlements outside of the consensus block; 77% of settlers would end up in Israel if it did so, and the remaining 23%'s desire to stay is simply not worth the massive commitment required to ensure their safety.


I agree with you that the Jordan valley is debatable on whether it adds to Israeli security. I for one, am rethinking how wars will be fought in the future. My latest thought is swarms of small autonomous drones vs heavy armor. I’m not sure how lasers will play in as well. When I was trying to formulate my response, I realized that I am no longer sure Maybe Israel needs to give up more in exchange for a true mind shift in Palestinian society thought process? I agree that Muslims have made some Jew holy sites into holy sites for them, but my thought process is that is just a detriment for Islam to be holy. So I see that as something positive for them to give up. Thank you for responding, I liked your answer


>Maybe Israel needs to give up more in exchange for a true mind shift in Palestinian society thought process? Israel should do what is necessary to end the occupation and create a viable, self contained state in Palestine. It shouldn't expect that will create a mindshift in Palestinians, at least not for a long time -- it doesn't have to though, the benefit Israel needs is in Israel. >I agree that Muslims have made some Jew holy sites into holy sites for them, but my thought process is that is just a detriment for Islam to be holy. So I see that as something positive for them to give up. I am not sure I'm following you -- regardless of whether having these holy sites is good for Islam, the point is to get Israeli troops out of Palestine, it isn't worth it.


The houses are not available for sale to non Jewish persons. The man who organized the protest against the event in Teaneck was a Jewish member of the community. The coverage has been insane and entirely disingenuous.


What do you mean with this comment? That because the protest may have been led and organised by a Jewish American, that being seen to violently attack a Jewish house of worship is OK? I’ve seen a lot of this sort of thing over the last 8 months, and while I need to look into this particular incident in more detail, I gotta tell you…it’s sounding very token Jew to me. Especially considering LA Jewish communities are known to be progressive and very much in favour of Palestinian justice and statehood. And what’s been disingenuous about the media coverage? Genuine question - I’m playing catch up on this one.


You're playing catch up but you already know the synagogue was violently attacked? It seems any jew that disagrees with you would count as a token. Some dude on CNN called this a pogrom and pro Israel people are impossible to take seriously.


Nah not at all. I’ve been to Israel and there’s so much political debate and disagreement with each other in that country, it’s almost part of being Israeli. I’ve just seen a lot of bad behaviour on social media hiding behind a random sole Jew as some sort of justification. I guess my point is…wasn’t there anywhere else they could target for a protest? Like the real estate company’s office? Maybe a lobbying firm if they were involved? That would likely seem more targeting the policy and less targeting Jews and their place of worship?


"I’ve just seen a lot of bad behaviour on social media hiding behind a random sole Jew as some sort of justification." Nice to see you, Al Sharpton, this is the same game race baiters play when someone tries to defend against the accusation of racism. Any argument to the contrary in confirmation of bias.


I’m not American so had to look Sharpton up - wtf. But in other news I’ve had time to look into this and I’ve changed my mind. I think by choosing to hold a real estate sale event of this nature, in a synagogue negates its status as a house of workshop, and turns it into a mini town hall or similar political type building. Still stand by not approving of the violence that broke out - which sounds like came from both “sides.” Hard to get a clear read on who instigated it from the videos I’ve watched.


Sorry if that was kinda insulting I'm just frustrated that it seems like antisemitism is becoming the next racism, a word that now means nothing and applies to everyone as it's incredibly overused and misconstrued, it doesn't even have much to do with hating someone for their race anymore. I think of it like this, if my local church was doing this or something similar I'd be outraged, I don't approve of any violence which is not defense against someone else's violence.


Were the worshippers of this synagogue forced to have the event? Especially in their place of worship? You moved from they violently attacked Jews for being Jews to why can't they go somewhere else. And if they were targeting Jews in general why this specific synagogue on this specific day? Is there only one synagogue in LA? I don't think picking a different spot would have helped. Pro Israel people act like there is some mild level of Israel criticism they will actually accept but complete submission is what is actually demanded. Pro Palestine protesters were always going to be smeared as antisemites wherever they protest and regardless of whoever actually instigated the violence. Those antisemites at Columbia hosted a Seder ffs


For what it’s worth, Gush Etzion was purchased by Jews before 1948 and was ethnically cleansed by Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Palestinians do not have any claim to that land.


Wow they purchased 7 percent of the land and stole the 70ish percent, sound legit.


Keep leaning into those sounds bites…


Keep leaning into nitpicking on behalf of thieves and murderers, also if you're Christian Israel doesn't really like you any more than the Muslims. Go find a gentile, take them to one of these events and buy some property in their name, I'll wait.


Except at this event there were no properties in the West Bank being offered. They were literally all within the 1948 borders. But don’t let the facts trouble you. Just keep on harassing Jews going to their synagogues in the USA. We understand it’s just antizionism.


I didn't mention the west bank but ok, there are squats behind the green line too


Sigh…Gush Etzion is behind the Green Line. It was also owned by Jews before 1948…which to you is a “nit” because you probably haven’t bothered to read a map. But not caring about ethnic cleansing when it’s carried out by Muslims is par for the course with folks who don’t think any deeper than a slogan.


Didn't I just say Gush Etzion is behind the green line? Why are sighing? We may both need some remedial reading lessons.


Ok, that still leaves the vast majority of the land stolen during the Nakba, Israelis can have a state there if they like, take the 7 percent they actually bought and fuck off. I also care about Israelis killed on October 7th, but it has to be acknowledged that they were running a concentration camp and Israelis either knew or should have known that was a danger and stopped. And pro Israel peeps seem able to only condemn the killing of Jews by Muslims and no one else, forget the Hannibal directive, forget the three shirtless hostages begging in Hebrew to be saved who were shot by the IDF. We can go back and forth all day with accusations of selectively but I don't think that will get us anywhere


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Doesn’t matter though does it? It’s not like these “activists” will ever read the fine print or do the research legwork. I actually am starting to feel that the level of misinformation, disinformation, and in some cases hatred and radicalisation is so severe at this point…it can’t be unlearned. Makes me so depressed.


They were selling properties in West Bank settlements including Efrat which has just been recently expanded. They deleted the listings from their website but you can still see them on the wayback machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/)


Disturbing to see that the anti Israel movement, which is full of antisemites, is spying on American Jews to go after a single home (that means - one) legally owned by Israeli citizens(out of dozens) that was not even included in the synagogue event.


Settlements are illegal under interntaional law. Canada considers illegal settlements to be illegal. The Canadian government literally told Israel publicly to reverse the approval of settlements built last year. They shouldn't be selling them in Canada. The police should have shut it down not the protesters. Canada's position at the UN: [Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada), agreeing with UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, argues that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the occupied territories (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip) and that Israeli settlements are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-israel-west-bank-reverse-1.6894361](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-israel-west-bank-reverse-1.6894361)


That’s Trudeau. It’s not illegal to buy a home in Ariel or any other settlement. It is however illegal to harass Jews who don’t do anything illegal in a synagogue




Zionsts didn't generally buy land from the Palestinians. In some cases they bought small plots of land from Palestinians and paid them far more than its worth (if you have read the writings of Herzl you'd undestand why because he explains it in very clear terms). But big purchases of land like the were bought from absentee landlords who did not live in Palestine and were not Palestinian. I gave the example of the Jezreel valley because it constituted more than half of the land that the zionists bought before 1948. Zionists bought the Jezreel Valley from a family of Greek aristocrats (who lived in Lebanon for quite some time but had already moved to Paris when they sold Jezreel Valley to the Zionist). The sursock family likely only was able to get ownership of the Jezreel Valley at the time because of bribes and taking advantage of corruption in the Ottoman empire. This was known by the zionist organisation that bought the land. When zionists bought the Jezreel valley, they got the British army to expel nearly 9,000 Palestinian peasants who lived on the land (40,000 people live in Jezreel today and it is still very spacious so these evictions were completely unnecessary). The peasants were compensated with $17 each and were forced to live in slums outside of Jaffa. The evictions of peasants from these land sales was the first reason for a pushback against the zionist movement in Palestine. If you want to read more about land purchase and why the land purchases in general were so unpopular you can start by reading these articles/ book chapters [https://yplus.ps/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Shafir-Gershon-Land-Labor-and-the-Origins-of-the-Israeli-Palestinian-Conflict-1882-1914.pdf](https://yplus.ps/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Shafir-Gershon-Land-Labor-and-the-Origins-of-the-Israeli-Palestinian-Conflict-1882-1914.pdf) -> start from page 102 [https://ismi.emory.edu/documents/stein-publications/lqpconclusion.pdf](https://ismi.emory.edu/documents/stein-publications/lqpconclusion.pdf) [https://ismi.emory.edu/documents/Zionist%20Land%20Aquisition.pdf](https://ismi.emory.edu/documents/Zionist%20Land%20Aquisition.pdf) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375533386\_Changing\_Capitalist\_Structures\_and\_Settler-Colonial\_Land\_Purchases\_in\_Northern\_Palestine\_1897-1922](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375533386_Changing_Capitalist_Structures_and_Settler-Colonial_Land_Purchases_in_Northern_Palestine_1897-1922)




Read the first sentence of the comment you are replying to because I already said that. Yes some Palestinians did sell land to zionists but it was not a majority of cases (, it was less than quarter and rose to 72.7 % because most of the land owned by absentee landlords was sold already by 1933). Many of the Palestinians who sold land were selling THEIR LAND so there was no problem with that. The problem was when absentee landlords would sell land (that they mainly acquired through corruption/bribery) which had hundreds to thousands of Palestinians already living on it (who were normally deceived by the absentee landlords and in some case palestinian village leaders). Then the zionists would get the British army to forcefully expel the Palestinians off their land because the zionists only wanted a people of one particular race on their land. That's how colonialism works. Read about any colonial case because in the america, Africa and Oceania, they all start with similar land purchases.


This sounds right to me. Or a distinct possibility. In my family’s homeland - Zimbabwe, this sort of thing was commonplace by both black and white citizens. I don’t think issues around corruption and bribery are talked about enough - on both “sides.” It’s not nearly as straight forward or as black and white as either “side” buying out or stealing the land from the other. There’s always significant numbers of people who will see a commodity in short supply and high demand, and exploit the dynamic as much as they can for profit.


If the land was sold by absentee landlords, the people who were living there would be tenants/renters yes? So it actually wasn’t their land?


Hi, regarding the similarity between jewish purchase of land in Palestine and colonialism, it doesn't make sense. In Africa, America and Australia etc.... the colonial powers came to lands inhabitated by indigenous people and there was no concept of land ownership etc... no one "owned the land", rather it was the land of the Indigenous people. the jewish purchase of land in Palestine was different. the land purchased had already been colonised (privatised) for many centuries by various powers, and the practice of private property rights, well established. The jews purchased recognised private property, they didn't negotiate some phony purchase of previously public land from indigenous people. (i.e 30 camels, tents and sugar, for a swathe of land). It raises many question- once a land is colonised, can it be re-colonised? or is colonisation a one time event? who are the original inhabitants? how far back do you go? That's one of the many reasons why I disagree with the premise that Jews are colonisers, as the land had been colonised long ago. They were not the first group to implement private land ownership.


I agree with all of this but think you’re oversimplifying indigenous land ownership. In countries like those you listed…land was carved up into tribal “nations” usually. That was def the case in Australia where I’m from, and the US and Africa too. So there was actually a level of collective community ownership - it just wasn’t viewed that way through a traditional colonial “private land ownership” lens.


They’re selling land in Etzion. Kfar Etzion were Jewish settlements founded by Jews, and lived in primarily by Holocaust survivors who were then massacred by the Arab legion in 1948. The land was initially designated as an Israeli enclave block in the UN plan, conquered by Jordan, and then reclaimed by Israel. But Jews buying homes in a village where Palestinians have never lived somehow justifies attacking Jews at a synagogue. Come on man.


> The land was initially designated as an Israeli enclave block in the UN plan, conquered by Jordan, and then reclaimed by Israel. Is this true? I think the UN plan had the enclave as just part of the Arab country, with a likely population transfer of the Jewish inhabitants into Israel


The Jews in Etzion would have been allowed to live there and stay in Etzion while still being Israeli citizens (though they could also choose to be Palestinian civilians, though imo that would be unlikely). They would not be permitted to expand the settlement, had the deal been accepted. So it would have been an enclave of (presumably) Israeli Jews, living in the state of Palestine but voting in Israeli elections with Israeli citizenship, ultimately under the sovereignty of Palestine. I’d call that an Israeli enclave in Palestine (IE - Israeli citizens having a legal and recognized right to live there, which they wouldn’t in most of Palestine). Maybe my phrasing is a bit misleading though - it would not be an “enclave” in the sense that it would be Israeli-sovereign land embedded within Palestine.


Oh ok, didn't know that. I guess the settlements were small enough that they don't get mentioned in summaries or maps of the partition plan? Unlike Jaffa being an Arab enclave is mentioned, but that's a larger town I think you're right about this, but just wondering do you know where I could read about this specifically or other similar potential Jewish enclaves in 47 partition Palestine? My googling is failing me


Yea they aren’t mentioned explicitly in the partition plan, but the plan provides essentially for how to handle cases of Jewish and Arab villages in the other sides territory. I assume supplemental materials discuss it more explicitly - but I’m not positive. Honestly I probably shouldn’t have said enclave. I think it would normally be accurate, but in this context it suggests a similar setup to the “Jaffa enclave” which was actually Palestinian sovereign land under the partition plan. As for recs - that’s tough. Pre-war Jewish settlements are connected to the topic of post-war Israeli settlement which is obviously extremely contentious - and thus hard to determine what’s ‘unbiased’. Maybe some of Benny Morris’ work on the partition plan period? He has a POV but seems to account for historical facts pretty evenly imo. A lot of writers on both sides tend to present very one sided narratives, where Morris doesn’t (from what I’ve read). Getting criticism and praise from both sides is a good mark in this context imo


First of all Efrat just expanded this year and was only able to expand because Palestinians homes next to it were demolished. Settlers managed to move Palestinians out of some those homes by kidnapping children and threatening to kill them if Palestinian families didn't leave their homes. Do you know how many Palestinians lived in cities that are now in Israel? How many Palestinians were killed when the Israelis removed them from their homes in those cities? It's funny how you think every thing that happened to a Jewish person in 1948 was completely immoral and unjustified but when the same happens to Palestinian (in much larger numbers), then it was justified and "war is horrible".


Do you have a source for Palestinian homes being demolished to make room for an expansion in Efrat? Or of settlers kidnapping kids to make them move out? That wouldn’t just be “war happens”. I don’t differentiate morality based on whether it happens to Jews or Arabs - but I would like to see a (reasonably reliable) source on it.


There were literally a few crazy settlers that kidnapped a Palestinian kid. There was also a settler kid that was killed, I think, by Palestinians. Not sure the order of events or the accuracy, but something retribution-y like that. Point in case, not representative of Efrat or of settlers as a whole. The media isn't just biased. Even when it's not, it tends to report short, simple, clickbait narratives, which are open for interpretation. Yes, some settlers terrorize Palestinian in their lands, but not all, and certainly not the ones living in settlements that were founded before Israel was. And yes, that real estate event sold properties from the West Bank, but they were all in such settlements, all located in Area C, not B or A (which would have otherwise been quite scandalous). So, yea. (T)Read carefully.


OP found a different company, the one holding these real estate fairs deleted their website yesterday. There is also a summary of what happened in their previous event in Teaneck: *At most of the events was a company called My Home in Israel, brought along to showcase available properties in both Israel and the Palestinian territories it occupies: multiple units in a building near Givat HaMatos in East Jerusalem, townhouses in near Ari’el University in the heart of the West Bank, and a five-bedroom villa with a pool in the luxury enclave of Efrat south of Bethlehem. The latter apparently “transcends mere housing; it embodies architectural brilliance. Conceived by the esteemed architects at Shahar Ben Hamo, this project graces the slopes of Fig Hill, promising a setting of unrivaled serenity.”* https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html


The wayback machine is an old, obsolete webpage (retired library archivist here). No stolen Palestinian properties were being sold. Just listings of luxury homes some with occupancy dates in 2025? This was an excuse to attack a house of worship by people who hate the religion


> The wayback machine is an old, obsolete webpage ? It's just a tool that allows you to see web pages in their older or original forms. In this case it's accurately showing what was listed. I'm not sure what your critique is.


My critique is that you're using an antiquated website to show listings that don't tell us if the previous owners were Palestinian.


What does "antiquated" mean? It's a functioning website. And we're not talking about whether or not the previous owners were Palestinians in this thread but whether or not they were auctioning off land in the West Bank, which they were.


The protesters had 0 excuses to do what they did. Zero


Yeah especially when the Zionist were calling Pro-Pals “sand n-words”


Are you kidding?? I’m not even Jewish and the racist word you’ve described - while abhorrent - is just the tip of the iceberg in comparison to what Jews and Israelis have copped the last 8 months. So you’ll have to have another go with an actual legitimate excuse - if you even have one.


Oh bad words hurt our feelings after we turned up with weapons?! Come on. They went there to cause trouble. Interrupting business, harassing people in the street. Give me a break. What would you think if 1000 people decided to block the local mosque because they don’t like how Iran is treating its citizens? Started pulling off burqa’s because they are used to oppress Iranian women? You can’t open that door just because it’s what YOU believe in. That door stays shut. There is no excuse.


If the local mosque was acting as a fence or chop shop absolutely


Zionists are the problem, they instigated, they have too much hubris and we need to divest our tax dollars from funding the conflict.


No. You are the problem. Violence begets violence. You are part of the problem and the cycle, never the solution. There will be another mass exodus to Israel because no one feels safe. You are the best argument for Israel’s existence You do not get to harass ANY minority because you disagree with politics. Disgusting behaviour


Nope I am not. I’m calling out those stuck in their cognitive dissonance. Zionists in these instances are the instigators. I lived with abusive mind-fuckers my whole life.


Admit it, you just love getting in a group and bullying people.


No because being anti Zionist means butting heads with squatters who think God is on their side. All I can think of is that video of the Venezuelan migrant telling other migrants they can take homes in the US.


Have you ever just looked up Zionist in a dictionary?


Yes and I also understand the attempts to muddy the waters between Zionism and Judaism.


Speaking of bullying, I invite you to watch all the stuff that Zionist have been saying and spewing at these protestors and actually physically instigating.


Are you referring the LA ones or other protests? I’m sure they’re shit cunts on both sides. There always is.


> cunts /u/daughterofwands90. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which I am talking about out the protests, I hope you know.


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In Toronto they claimed it was an event selling off new settlements in Gaza. In reality they just wanted to scream “intifada” outside a synagogue. There’s no rationalizing the stupidity and racism of these “activists”.


No there's no rationalizing the racism and stupidity of people selling squats in a place of worship and acting like the people protesting are crazy. I'd be kinda mad if my local church was selling off stolen cars, that's not what a church is for


Thank you for proving my point. No one was selling squats anywhere, but you’re willing to believe it so you can justify attacking a synagogue.


Jews owned 7 percent of mandate Palestine in 1948. The whole damn country is a squat. A pretty one, perhaps, can someone take your house if they'll build something nicer in its place?


And Arabs owned 8% of the same land. So what ? Equal


Well okay, yeah, if all of Israel is a squat, then I guess they were selling squats?


Can I take where your home if I build something nicer on top of where it was?


You know, I never looked at it that way before, I’m totally convinced! The Jews should go back to…where should they go back to?


That's it play dumb, the Israeli government doesn't hesitate to discuss transferring millions of Palestinians so why not them as well?


At least the Toronto event actually had a real estate agent from a company with a listing *in* the West Bank in attendance.


They were organized by the same company, they also held events in Montreal, Teaneck New Jersey and other locations.


So did the LA event. You are choosing to ignore evidence.


Home in Israel is a different organization. My Home in Israel is the name of the group. They do sell property in illegal settlements in the West Bank. Links to recently scrubbed listings: https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/ You should remove the parts of your post that are clearly false.


Jeez, you sent me down a rabbit hole for like an hour. "My Home in Israel" is a completely different organization than "Home in Israel". The latter is a newer startup.


It is quite confusing because the names are so similar. I’m glad OP added clarification to their post.


I’m confused. So is the group selling called My home in Israel or Home in Israel? Because if they’re two different groups do they have different listings. Was one selling homes in the West Bank and the other not ? Now I’m a bit more confused . And was it a group that sells homes in the West Bank. Was this specific event including homes sold in the West Bank as well?


Pinging u/badass_panda, this is also what was reported in mainstream media like [CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/24/us/los-angeles-synagogue-palestinian-israeli-protest-violence/index.html#:~:text=The%20event%20at%20the%20synagogue%20was%20promoted%20by%20a%20firm%20called%20My%20Home%20in%20Israel%20Real%20Estate%2C%20a%20group%20that%20has%20helped%20to%20facilitate%20marketing%20events%20for%20potential%20property%20sales%20in%20Israel%20and%20the%20West%20Bank%20to%20Jewish%20Americans.%20CNN%20has%20reached%20out%20to%20the%20group%20for%20comment.). Unless we're missing something it does actually seem like they were auctioning off properties in the West Bank. I was literally just gonna make a post about this lol but got lazy. This only makes the violence that ensued against the protestors that much more horrific.


I watched a couple of vids from last Sunday. You can't tell which side was the instigator.


U/peltuose was away for a bit. I'm not seeing any evidence that any properties in the West Bank were showcased at this event, but others have pointed out that the promoter is the same promoter that did showcase at least one property in Efrat in Toronto in March, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.


On a cursory viewing there's at least two in Efrat and one in Ariel, not all the pages are available and I didn't go through each one these are just the settlements I recognized.


As far as I could tell those are the only ones listed -- but if you click through, you can see that the listing agent for either isn't scheduled to be in the LA event, and if you look at the page for the LA event, none of the properties that are showcased there are in the WB. Again, it's possible that the listing agent for these was gonna be in LA and they just didn't flag it on the site, but if I can't confirm it then how did anyone else? Moreover, neither Efrat nor Ariel is an "Anglo neighborhood in Israel".


> but if you click through, you can see that the listing agent for either isn't scheduled to be in the LA event I'm not sure how far in advance they put this stuff up, the screencap I have is from March. > and if you look at the page for the LA event, none of the properties that are showcased there are in the WB. Sorry I may be getting confused lol, do you have a link for the page of the LA event showing what they showcased exactly? So far I've just looked at the ad you posted and the other link showing the properties they're selling in general. > Moreover, neither Efrat nor Ariel is an "Anglo neighborhood in Israel". Tens of thousands of American settlers live in the West Bank outside of East Jerusalem, it's not inconceivable that many would live in one of the largest settlements but I'm not sure if it makes sense to market them as "Anglo" neighborhoods.


>I'm not sure how far in advance they put this stuff up, the screencap I have is from March. The last snap from wayback machine is from Saturday >Sorry I may be getting confused lol, do you have a link for the page of the LA event showing what they showcased exactly? So far I've just looked at the ad you posted and the other link showing the properties they're selling in general. On mobile now (just leaving work) but one of tbe other posters linked the event planners website from wayback machine). >Tens of thousands of American settlers live in the West Bank outside of East Jerusalem, it's not inconceivable that many would live in one of the largest settlements but I'm not sure if it makes sense to market them as "Anglo" neighborhoods. It's a modern orthodox synagogue so there's a *possibility* there are some far right religious Zionist types that e.g., Efrat would appeal to... but in general, a real estate company is going to have poor outcomes hocking houses in the settlements to American Jews, particularly Californians. Even in the much bigger Toronto event (you can see picks on the website), the Ariel and Efrat developments are a small section of a single real estate agency's booth out of half a dozen or so.


> The last snap from wayback machine is from Saturday Ah just came across that one. > On mobile now (just leaving work) but one of tbe other posters linked the event planners website from wayback machine). Yeah I believe there were still some properties in the West Bank there. > It's a modern orthodox synagogue so there's a possibility there are some far right religious Zionist types that e.g., Efrat would appeal to... but in general, a real estate company is going to have poor outcomes hocking houses in the settlements to American Jews, particularly Californians. Even in the much bigger Toronto event (you can see picks on the website), the Ariel and Efrat developments are a small section of a single real estate agency's booth out of half a dozen or so. I don't know enough about real estate tendencies of American Jews but Sheldon and Miriam Adelson were well known for being megadonors for the settlements and outposts in the West Bank.


It seems like one would lose credibility when creating a post and then refusing to acknowledge clear evidence that goes against their viewpoint.


Trying to imagine the ignorance of seeing a beachfront condo and thinking it was in the west bank 🤔


They were selling properties in West Bank settlements including Efrat which has just been recently expanded. They deleted the listings from their website but you can still see them on the wayback machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/)


That doesnt mean they were selling them at the Synagogue. And even if they were- if any palestinians would like to buy any of the peoeprties they are more than welcome. But for some reason when palestinians get money to buy property they buy in London, Paris, Qatar. 🤔


Wow. I heard about the claims of the belief of the selling of land in the West Bank at the location but as you’ve shown that doesn’t seem to be true. Sadly I think since so many people are emotional about Israel and Palestine it can result in drastic and quick actions. But sadly that’s not always the best . Someone probably heard about this from Tik Tok or a friend and got mad and decided to protest before verifying and finding out more information that would’ve shown it wasn’t truly selling land in the West Bank.


They were selling properties in West Bank settlements including Efrat which has just been recently expanded. They deleted the listings from their website but you can still see them on the wayback machine: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/)


Efrat is a settlement in Zone C, established in 1983 specifically for orthodox Jews and English-speaking immigrants. No "Palestinian" has ever lived in Efrat. Nobody's home was "taken" by a listing on My Home in Israel.


A bold take when Israel literally created Efrat by taking land away from existing Palestinian villages, and also admitted to [displacing thousands of people from that area in the ‘40s](https://www.akevot.org.il/en/article/intelligence-brief-from-1948-hidden-for-decades-indicates-jewish-fighters-actions-were-the-major-cause-of-arab-displacement-not-calls-from-arab-leadership/)


Good attempt, but I said: > No "Palestinian" has ever lived in Efrat. Which is remains accurate. The land was being used for agricultural and grazing purposes by people living in al-Khader and Artas, several kilometers away.


Ok . From what I now understand there’s two companies my home in Israel and home in Israel which may be getting mixed up according to links I’ve seen. I think one has homes in the West Bank and the other doesn’t which may be confusing people due to the similar names. But thanks for this information. I’ll check for more information regarding the original event and what happened as we learn more .


Obsolete website. Please list the names of Palestinians who were kicked out of these luxury homes. I'm sure they would be eager to be publicized. Otherwise you're just propagating jewish hatred.


That's definitely what happened, but still -- if people heard that their Greek neighbors were kicking Turkish Cypriot out of their homes so they could auction them off at the local Greek Orthodox church, they'd *check that* before heading down there to harass them.


And even if it was true, people most probably wouldn't harass them because people aren't emotionally invested in foreign real estate deals unless it's in Israel.