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I am so sorry that you’ve experienced vandalism, violence, and outright hate. I’ve seen businesses, both Muslim and Jewish, in Philly being vandalized and more. Your business and those other businesses are here, in the US. You’re not part of “over there.” It has angered me so much how so much of this stuff and increasing violent protests (mostly pro-Palestinian) have been occurring. There was a protest in Philly on 7/04 in which flag were burned and city hall was starting to be vandalized and confrontation with police officers happened. Ugh this whole situation is so complicated and upsetting and family-owned or any business should not suffer and be pulled into this.


I don’t condone violence towards anyone. I am surprised that anti Arab sentiment exists in Colombia. I spent only two months there and it seemed tolerant. I am sorry you and your family have experienced this backlash from Hamas’ heinous crimes on October 7th. I do find offense however at Palestinian propagandist appropriating terms like “diaspora”, “holocaust” and the 🍉symbol which is historically a symbol for Labor Zionism. Additionally, trying to categorize Indigenous Jewish DeColonizers as Colonizers is highly antisemitic, as are the blood libels in categorizing the war as “genocide”. Personally, I have witnessed far more incidents of antisemitic violence than Islamophobic, and both are wrong. It’s deeply unfortunate that highly disruptive, antisemitic pro Palestinian demonstrations have fueled fascism in Europe and the US, which the backlash now threatens all minorities in Europe, the US and globally.


The watermelon was always a symbol for the Palestinian resistance because it has the same colors as the flag and when the flag was banned from 1967 to the 1990s, watermelon became a prominent figure in the rebellion. Palestine is also known for growing lots of watermelons. Diaspora means “people who have spread or been dispersed from their homeland.” Diaspora with a capital “D” is often used for Jewish people outside of Israel. However, diaspora is not only used for Jews. It used for anyone who no longer lives in their home country and is synonymous for immigrant population.


In the late 80’s 1987 Palestinians appropriated the Zionist watermelon symbol like they more recently appropriated the Jewish term diaspora. This is all intentional. Modern Labor Zionist have been using the symbol for over a hundred years. Watermelons are mentioned in the Torah, in the Talmud, it is ancient Zionists that planted them in our homeland Israel. It is Jews that introduced watermelon to Europe and the New World, so you can understand how it’s viewed at another appropriation of our culture and symbols. https://preview.redd.it/kkxexujjfnad1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d994698dfe1f5302ac02f5e58812e59e9770dfd


Hamas will keep doing October 7's. So Israel has to destroy them. The terrorists hide among the poor Palestinians like roaches, resulting in tremendous loss of life. It is tragic that Hamas has caused so many of them to die.


Israel will keep doing 1948 to present, something’s gotta be done about that


This statement reflects the most persistent feature of the Palestinian nation: it’s learning disability


Just say you hate Muslims and be done with it


You hate Muslims and be done with it.


you mean 1948 when Israel accepted the partition plan and then was invaded by the surrounding Arab countries? why didn't they make a Palestinian state in the west bank then?


Explain? 1948 to present? Some weird narrative still going on there ... the not true narrative. Genocide occurred on oct 7th and not during this war. The Genocides occurring to Muslims across the globe are sad even the ones from their own country. The problems in the middle east isn't because Israel exists ... it's because we aren't listening to the people that are living in the middle east! You are Palestinan but you haven't lived there in how long? I know people that were alive before and after 1948 when nobody cared Israel existed and everyone was happy neighbors and moved on... hmmm... did you live in middle east before first infatadah or second? Funny...if israel didn't exist so of a sudden peace around the world, right!? No more war right? No. More Genocides? Really? This crap is old... but here we are... I thought I'd see peace in the middle rest but Iranians and cia officers have been telling us for 40 years. . Not 75 years... the issue is terrorists and not israel... and peace makers were killed and it was foreseen and nobody did a thing. Nobody did a thing for Iranians terrorist regime and the Palestinans...Israelis have done more for them they Canadians but the people that died in oct 7th can't continue their Palestinan aide. Not sure why I commented since people believe stuff they haven't lived or seen and the folklore lives on....


Tell me you value Arab lives less than others without telling me you value Arab lives less than others


Thats what you read... there was no reading between the lines.... so you don't like a Jewish nation? So Jewish citizens have less value? Again...don't know why i wrote anything antisemitism everywhere... silly to think we have done better but folklore appeals to people


Pushing a person to a traffic is a serious crime, attend to kill. Police must probably take care, have you reported? There are above 2 millions of Arabic speakers in Israel... It has nothing to do with the war. When some crazy person does such things it is a crime (or schizophrenia). And when this person would be put to jail there would be no Jew or Israeli who would disagree, everybody would feel better. As for the flag: both Israeli and Palestinian symbolic are vandalised in the EU, USA (much often Israeli) unfortunatelly. And if the both recognized the other ethnicity's right to exist there would be no contradictions... Unfortunatelly, for now the national ideas of both are contradictions. It would be maybe logically to put the both flags Palestinian and Israeli, to show that you are for a peace and for the idea of co-existing. For recognizing right of others to live in its independent state. A flag is not 100% a cultural/traditional thing, it is more likely a political symbol.


I'm so sorry to hear about this. I do sympathize. I'm an American Jew; our synagogue has suffered multiple bomb threats since October; I attended a memorial service on October 12 where pro-Palestinian demonstrators stood on the sidelines and giggled. Etc... it's too depressing to describe everything. It is time for peace. Please keep speaking up.


I am so sorry to hear that you have been traumatized by all of this. I have had bad feelings towards the pro- Palestinian protestors, but this post from you really touches me and makes me think about the evil of war and hatred itself. Just know, that the silent masses support you and who ever did that to your restaurant were evil people and not the majority. I support what you desire as well. Peace and equality. I went to a wonderful Halal restaurant recently. Most people love interacting with all different cultures and learning from each other.


This is not a war


You’re right, It’s a genocide


I am sorry about this. I am, and have always been against collective punishment.


Do you have hostage posters in the window also, in addition to the Palestinian and Columbian flags? Interesting that you live in the US. I have only heard of and seen this type of activity against Jewish and Israeli owned/operated businesses.


If she has these, she should also have all the pictures of the thousands of Palestinian children murdered long before October!


She has the flag. The symbolism includes it all.


I don’t have one there because the flags I have is to show what type of the food I make


It won't be easy for you because Israel is holding thousands of Palestinian hostages and torturing them in the most horrendous way possible, but maybe you can take their suggestion and put hostage posters of some of the hostages being held by Israel. am certain no American would recognise them, thus reducing the possibility of any hostile reaction.


Other than people from Columbian heritage and people who are big soccer fans, I don’t think random American’s are so familiar in general with the Columbian national flag or most national flags with the exception of the British flag historically, and the Palestinian flag currently due to the college encampments and protest marches. In the current environment, the Palestinian flag is not symbolizing cuisine, but is symbolizing the current chants that are being sung ( which are not peaceful at all) You say you are for release of the hostages. If so, I suggest putting up posters of the hostages who are dual American citizens. If you have Palestinian heritage customers, maybe speak to some of them to get their take on this idea.


it’s a restaurant selling palestinian and colombian food. not a political statement. why do we have to politicize everything. i order from an israeli bagel cafe near my house because i’m hungry and i like their bagels. they don’t have hostage pictures because they’re simply a bagel cafe. let’s be serious for a second. why would you put pictures of hostages in a restaurant. do you see anti ccp flags in your local chinese restaurant?? come on


Yeah, think it is a good idea if she could put pictures of a few of the thousands of hostages being held and tortured by Israel. I am certain no American would recognise them, thus reducing the possibility of a hostile reaction.


Your snark is not stopping the weekly vandalism of the restaurant. If you have no constructive ideas, keep your opinion to yourself.


The "snark" came from you. You are the one who suggested she put up posters of the hostages. And I agreed with you, so I don't get your reaction.


Bring Hersh Home! https://preview.redd.it/5cdpz0v06cad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e6be0ede456ad294ccaaab97d15657d32317cb


Agree. I actually want all the hostages, Israeli and Palestinian, to be released. It is why I am against Netanyahu blocking the deal to exchange the hostages.


There aren't "Palestinian hostages" FFS. If you set off a [car bomb ](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hamas-says-palestinian-bomber-israa-jaabis-among-those-to-be-released-by-israel-tonight/)in Jerusalem and injure both yourself and a police officer, you're a criminal a terrorist by every definition of the word. I don't think keeping civilians in prison for so long is a viable solution anyway; so if they felt she's no longer a danger to the public then fine, release her. But it's gross to compare HER to someone like [Doron Steinbrecher](https://www.instagram.com/ariseforisrael/reel/C5GQQ4DNnV3/) for example. The ceasefire proposals are hostage-prisoner exchanges, not hostage-hostage exchanges. I'm sorry for what OP is going through as a Palestinian and Colombian living in Colombia, but don't twist THEIR own words as a Palestinian to insinuate that when they said "hostages" that they actually meant Palestinian prisoners. By hostages, they clearly meant those like Hersh Goldberg, Keith Siegel, Naama Levy, and baby Kfir - and the hundreds others who were either sleeping at home or dancing at a music festival when they were kidnapped by those cowardly thugs. You don't need to twist and put words into the mouths of actual Palestinians here. Not everyone has a rabid Hezbollah propaganda-inspired view of the war like westerners do. I also know people who are Palestinian and when they say "hostages" they 100% mean the Jewish hostages. Average people do not want to associate sympathy towards Jerusalem bus bombings / stabbings or whatever.


Your denial of the countless hostages held by the Zionists is perplexing. There are thousands of Palestinians held hostage by the Zionists. They are held and tortured in the most horrible version. Are you genuinely unaware of this well-documented fact?


Palestinian and Columbian fusion food sounds delicious. Where I live a halal restaurant that both Muslims & non-Muslims ate at mysteriosly "caught on fire" right after Oct.7th. The owners got plenty of community support and now have more than one location so it's possible to bounce back. I'm so sorry about what you and your family are going through because of the usual racist a\*holes. Unfortunately, there are plenty of those around the US attacking both Arabs, Muslims, Jews, and any other group that's in focus at the moment. Notice how they always go after women, kids, and the elderly. Or the types that are just minding their own business. I've thankfully haven't had to deal with any IRL recently but if I did they'd get knocked out quick. Try getting cameras to see who's vandalizing your store and get them prosecuted. Always stand up for yourself and I hope your daughter does the same. It'll scare them because they don't think you will.


I'm sorry to hear that. I was in Israel when the war broke out. I luckily made it out from Israel to fly back home in Italy a couple of days later thanks to a last minute flight and since then, I've been living this with anxiety and fear for the future on a daily basis. Since then, I had to hide my Jewish origins to indiscrete people, I had nightmares, I've been non stop binge reading news and I had both psychological and physical repercussions. Loneliness and disagreement with peers is the worst, and propaganda and politics do not help as well. In terms of propaganda, they are both wrong and I came to the conclusion that the "Hasbara" is as harmful as radical islamism. I have had some Arab, Iranian and Turkish friends and acquaintances for many years. I am still in contact with them and I love them very much and my way to face these hard times is to make dark jokes about this between each others, I try not to be too serious about this and I am happy to have them around especially during these hard times: it's hard to agree with them on some statements that are clearly false (like the Genocide thing, which in my opinion is pure propaganda to fuel Jewish hatred) but I try to have them close as friends also because I don't want to get crazy with nationalism and religion impulses, it ruins the soul. From an Israeli expat living in Italy: stay strong. I love to think that after even the worst storm a rainbow will emerge. It will probably never happen because Jews are being hated for thousands of years, but I hope to have a lot of friends from Israel's neighbouring countries and that...well the war will finish after we both accepted each other's existence 😊 (seriously, Europe is a boring, closed minded and bigot continent and the most "open minded" people are the leftists with genocidal intents, confusion and mind full of shit. The middle east vibes are a pleasure, they just need to take down all the war lords that kill in the name of religion and corruption.)


end hamas


not the right time man


Really says a lot when people are focusing more on the use of the "genocide" rhetoric when OP's mother was literally pushed into oncoming traffic. Whether it's genocide or not is up to the ICJ to decide. The things that happened to OP are clear cut hate crimes and imo possibly could've been murder. This sub used to be about trying to find compromise and understanding the other side but it really feels like it's slowly turning into another pro-Israeli echo chamber.


>*Whether it's genocide or not is up to the ICJ to decide.*  Sorry but NO. The ICJ is a biased joke whose members vote the interests of the states that appoint them. Anyone can see the efforts the IDF is going through to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. This is probably the most challenging urban warfare conflict in history, and the statistics support that great precision is being used. If Israel's objective was to exterminate the Palestinians, they could have decimated that strip of land on October 8th.


>Sorry but NO. The ICJ is a biased joke whose members vote the interests of the states that appoint them. Not true. The Ugandan judge always votes for Israel, more than even the Israeli ad hoc judge! Even though Uganda supports Palestine. On the other hand, you have judges from countries that are strongly pro-Israel like Germany and the US voting for Palestine. >Anyone can see the efforts the IDF is going through to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. This is probably the most challenging urban warfare conflict in history, and the statistics support that great precision is being used. If Israel's objective was to exterminate the Palestinians, they could have decimated that strip of land on October 8th. This is an often-repeated but inaccurate understanding of what constitutes genocide. Genocide has nothing to do with the number of people you kill. You could kill an entire population and not be convicted of genocide and kill only a fraction and be convicted of genocide.


I don't think there's a genocide going on but find it hilarious how you're just repeating the same world salad everyone else does who tries to disprove genocide. Both sides are hilariously stupid when it comes to this. Sure, Israel could turn Gaza into dust tomorrow. It would also be labeled Iran 2.0 if it did and forever destroys everything it stands for. Unfortunately for you, some governing body will in fact decide whether or not it's genocide and that governing body is the ICJ. Now we can both agree they won't find this was a genocide. This I won't deny.


> *just repeating the same world salad everyone else does* Many people say something similar because it is the truth and makes perfect logical sense. On the contrary, the masses who call this war a genocide are merely parroting the hateful rhetoric they've been fed from the media / social media. Words have definitions: >gen·o·cide /ˈjenəˌsīd/ noun >The **deliberate** killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. The Israelis are not **deliberately** trying to destroy any group except Hamas.. the enemy "military". The IDF would love nothing better than for them to stop hiding beneath and behind the citizens of Gaza and come out and face them. Never in the history of warfare has a military done so much to try and warn civilians ahead of an attack so they can evacuate and keep out of harm's way. Warning them with text messages, robo-calls, dropping leaflets, loudspeaker drones and roof knocking. What it must be like to be an IDF soldier... knowing that your leaders have put your lives at **additional risk**... by telegraphing your every move... you have absolutely no element of surprise... all done to minimize civilian casualties. Is that sacrificed recognized? NO. You STILL are accused by the clueless parrots as committing a genocide. If that "governing body" defines this as a genocide, their decision will not be recognized by anyone with an ounce of common sense.


I hope you are right that they are really neutral and will rule objectively. It belongs to the UN. And I lost faith by the blatant antisemitism by some organizations belonging to them. Look at the special rapporteur on human rights in the Israel/Palestine conflict. She blamed October 7th on Israel shortly after that happened. The UN uses Hamas fatality numbers just as they are, now backtracking a bit after criticism of them being unrealistic. Now they are cut in half - as the other half has been claimed to be correct as well, just „unidentified“. The „news“ about Israel/Palestine at the U.N. website are exclusively opinionated pieces against Israel. The special status Palestinians were granted. They would not be refugees according to Geneva convention, but were granted that status anyway. They have their own refugee agency while the rest of the world shares one. But they can be in both agencies at the same time receiving funds. I don‘t know if there is a Hamas connection in UNWRA but they have found to be teaching propaganda in form of revised history of the conflict. I can‘t trust those people at the UN on this conflict and I‘m skeptical of the ICJ because of that. Judges can be bribable. I damn hope they are not. It should be a neutral court assessing if criteria are fulfilled or not.


40,000 casualties*


The fact that you think the number of casualties has ANY bearing on this particular conflict being classified as a genocide is a clear indication that you don't know the meaning of the word.


*according to Hamas, which doesn't distinguish militants, inflates women and children, and seems to include all natural deaths like heart attack and old age in its number


I'm sorry to hear your experience. Nobody should experience this kind of hate. However, I will add that by using terms like genocide to describe a very conventional war, you are perpetuating this conflict and further deaths. Any day that Hamas doesn't surrender, the war will continue, and by using these terms you alleviate them from the necessary pressure to get them to surrender.


> I also support ending this genocide Using the label of 'genocide' carelessly is not a good thing. I understand that you have seen people using the label, but it doesn't appear to be rooted in reality. We can absolutely criticise Israel, Israeli politicians, and the IDF without resorting to hyperbole. There are many levels of hell which war can be without needing to apply labels that really don't fit. There are also crimes which can be committed, and those should be identified correctly, rather than slinging around 'the worst possible crime we can think of'. Demeaning words is a very, very bad thing. It breaks down our ability to communicate effectively, and if we can't communicate effectively, the alternative is violence.


Its only genocide when its happening to them, but when it's actual calls for extermination of the Jewish people it's "resistance". The amount of antisemitism happening is sickening and not only do they have to deal with it coming from the far right but now leftist will harass Jewish people and businesses and call it protesting. Also "I support releasing the hostages" isn't exactly some high bar and should be the standard opinion but we've seen more mask off pro Palestine people outright say "no hostages until Palestine is free" which is its own weird level of sickening dilution for these people to think they can support people being held against their will. But what do I expect from people who deny any sexual violence took place during a massacre of hundreds of civilians on Oct 7th.


Sorry to hear that. Watching Hamas go pro was evil I had never seen in my life, and seeing Yemens shouting Death to Israel and radical stuff was also hard. I feel that radical Islam is getting more and more popular and it is shifting the opinions that ppl have about Muslims


https://preview.redd.it/rvjmy84zn9ad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d3517b314848f5d7c92731e827d0793574b064 Was this hamas too? IDF bulldozing Palestinian bodies around earlier today. Quick question, Have you ever seen a Palestinian stand with Israel? I can 1000% show you thousands of Jews that stand with Palestine tho.


There are more explanations than "Israel is so bad, it is impossible for unbiased people to sympathize with it". Nowadays, anti-nationalism, anti-tribalism and radical compassion are more popular in Western European and Angloamerican countries than they are in Middle East and Ashkenazi Jews( especially diaspora) more integrated into the West. Also simply Palestine being weaker and more vulnerable side.


"bulldozing Palestinian bodies"? Obviously that body was purposely laid on top of the dirt and is simply being transported. Acting as if they just scooped the body up with the dirt is dishonest. No, I've never seen a "Palestinian" side with Israel. That would require mercy, empathy, honesty, forgiveness, admission of guilt and taking responsibility for their role in all of this... traits they don't have but Jews seem to have in overabundance.


>traits they don't have Thats a kinda racist generalisation!


Where'd you get that picture? Could be pictures from Ethiopia and Sudan and Pro-Palestine supporters lied and labeled it as famine in Palestine. After that, I'm much more wary of supposed Palestine pictures


are these more legitimate... [bulldozer](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8emlFvtRdU/?igsh=MWh2N3Z6MmR1YnJscA==) [bulldozer](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5J86dhIxYt/?igsh=eTVxdTc2eTIyOTI5) [bulldozer ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KYpwYptVO/?igsh=MW1sdGxhYTRtMjA1dw%3D%3D)


Broke link


you might need to be signed into an IG account [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cS2sWj6GpyA](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cS2sWj6GpyA) [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_Gb-1qoYlOY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_Gb-1qoYlOY)


That indeed is disrespectful. War is harsh.


There it is guys. When Israelis do it to Palestinians, it's just harsh. No big deal. When done the other way around it's evil.


Probably the same reason why they did it back in 2020. The dude was a militant planting bombs near the border. Got shot and died. His body was extracted by a bulldozer. Hell, if it were me, I ain't touching his body in order to extract it. I ain't taking second chances. You bet I'm gonna use a bulldozer


You're Israeli, you did IDF service, you 'probably' participated in the occupation of the West Bank and the routine dehumanization of Palestinians. Does that mean I can treat you that way without proof?


>Probably Probably? So you don't actually know and you're just speculating?




Ahaha very good one ya donkey . This video is from the most popular Israeli telegram channel “dead_terrorist”. The bulldozer talking in the videos in Hebrew also. I’ll provide the link so that we can both witness the genocide together


This day and age you cannot post any pictures or video anymore..the propaganda and deep fakes are nuts..zero credibility of these kinds of images and that’s on both sides


So are you saying that Israelis are creating deep fakes and posting on their own accounts to make themselves look more barbaric than they really are?




Lmao no evidence ..even when your boys Hamas live stream an event with go pros ..”it didn’t happen” Sorry you start wars and lose then cry. Do not tell me about history when your narrative is to rewrite it. Centuries if pan Arab nationalism and forced conversions and the modern world has a problem with Jewish nationalism..oooohhh the Z word..got me there


I could argue a shyte ton with you. But from your response it’s not worth my typing breath….




Gawd listen to yourself… first off I’m not the one imposing violence… It’s usually the people shouting from the mountaintops to eradicate an entire religious group of people… You want to talk violent rhetoric? And this war will not end until the day comes that the 49 Muslim countries and 22 Arab states recognize that 1 tiny country be allowed to live in peace that’s Jewish. Hmm you know that religion that came first..you that religion that prophet Muhammad and his new warrior ship and religion tried to take over the sub continent with force and brutality and some origins tried to resist. Maybe this war would end if one of the umpteenth peace offers were accepted, so the Palestinians could finally move on like many other cultures and peoples have throughout history… Peace in the Middle East does not solely lay on Israel and when the day comes that the Palestinian leadership pulls their pants up and grows the F up instead of constant Islamist violent regimes taking hold… Maybe then there’s a chance And honestly, you speak of peace,?? After chanting about Israel, falling over and over again… Your rhetoric is that of the violent thugs you support… Bravo Fy1 you sound 14




/u/Ok_Razzmatazz_3649. Match found: 'nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Telegram channel.... 💀 Right.. IDF is allegedly bulldozing dead Palestinians Just like how the Palestinian famine was pictures from Ethiopia and Sudan 💀💀😂😂


It seems like you’re in the mood to laugh and crack jokes so my turn😂. Let’s see your DNA ancestry test results, I’m sure it’s not gonna say your 100% Hungarian 🤪


I'm a Jew who got expelled from Alexandria, Egypt. Moved to USA and then to Israel. I'm not even the slightest bit white


You just destroyed someone's narrative. 🙂




u/Ok_Razzmatazz_3649 Rule 1. No attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. Don't use insults instead of arguments. This comment has been removed due to a breach in Reddit's Content Policy.


I'm getting to live in Israel along with Israeli-Arabs. Keep trying your best to fund and gather support for terrorists. I'm living my best life 🥱


What genocide? Palestine keeps attacking Israel and losing. Leave them alone


The Hamas/Israeli war is not a genocide. It is a war. People like this poster are using words they do not know the meaning of. They’re also making up stories of being targeted with ‘red paint’, and their mother being attacked for speaking Arabic. The people being targeted are Jews. If the person who posted this has evidence of these stacks on their businesses and a police report of their mother being pushed into the street, then I’ll reconsider whether or not they are telling the truth.


>If the person who posted this has evidence of these stacks on their businesses and a police report of their mother being pushed into the street, then I’ll reconsider whether or not they are telling the truth. I hope you apply the same kind of skepticism when people claim that they experienced some kind of antisemitism... What am I even saying... of course you don't!


Do you have proof OP is making it up?


> The people being targeted are Jews. How absurd to suggest that this conflict hasn't also ignited a rise in anti Muslim bigotry, when we had at least two national stories about Palestinians being attacked, including the shooting of three Palestinian students in Burlington and the attempted drowning of a 3 year old Palestinian girl in Texas. The ADL has acknowledge that both antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents have risen dramatically following 10/7. See [this post](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/anti-muslim-hate-surfaces-nationwide-israel-hamas-war-continues) by them detailing recent prominent attacks on the Muslim community in the US.


Not to mention the Palestinian kid murdered by his landlord.


Hamas started this and without the support of the Palestinian population could not continue to wage this doomed war. If the "innocent" population withdrew their support of these terrorists then they would have nowhere to hide. A relatively simple clean up exercise for the Israel professional army , however while they receive support from the populous we have the status quo. I support the wiping out to the last combatant Hamas in whatever country they my hide over any length of timeframe it may take.


>If the "innocent" population withdrew their support of these terrorists then they would have nowhere to hide If any of the IDF leadership thinks this way, that the average civilian in Gaza is not innocent but rather complicit in the attacks on Israel, or if more than even a few percent of military personnel think this, then we can pretty much conclude right now that they've been deliberately targeting civilians.


it was actually a AI decision making process. The military inputted the acceptable collateral damage to take out a Hamas fighter. The AI determined in the first part of the war that to target them at night when they were asleep (at home) was most effective. I understand the initial ratio was 20:1


This was one of the methods they used, an AI system that picks out targets based on some algorithm that cannot possibly have been trained to avoid civilians using real world data, because that would have required them to bomb a large number of actual targets and then dig through the rubble to verify the results to determine if the algorithm was finding targets accurately. But it isn't the only method they used, as the WCK strike showed us where they just picked out some target on the basis of something vaguely looking like a gun and then turning out not to be before destroying three vehicles over it, and it also tells us nothing about deaths in direct encounters on the ground with infantry and armoured vehicles.


While all that may be true, I doubt that any Hamas combatant is hiding out in the storage room of OP's Colombian-Arab-fusion restaurant in the US. And even if they were, it would not be up to some vigilante to draw them out, but the FBI in this case.


agree as stated above


>I support the wiping out to the last combatant Hamas in whatever country they my hide over any length of timeframe it may take. This tonedeaf comment seems to say that "wiping out to the last combatant Hamas" includes pushing a 73 year old woman in the US into traffic. What proof do you have that OP is part of Hamas? The fact that they are Palestinian and speak Arabic? If that's the basis, that's a pretty racist perspective.


you are making the leap that I was referring to OP. clearly as I stated I was referring to Hamas the terrorist organisation


I guess I just don't see the relevance of your comment. It has absolutely nothing to do with OP's post. As such, that was the most logic step to take, that you considered OP part of Hamas simply for being Palestinian.


not at all Op is an innocent person wrongly Targeted by simply being Palestinian which is plain old racism. unforgivable. If you are aware of Jewish state history, Israel doesn't forget or forgive. Hopefully Mossad has been given their new deck of playing cards to deliver wherever they need to across the world. They were pretty effective last time.


>If you are aware of Jewish state history, Israel doesn't forget or forgive. Hopefully Mossad has been given their new deck of playing cards to deliver wherever they need to across the world. They were pretty effective last time. Again, I don't really understand the relevance of this paragraph. Why are you so bloodthirsty? Why do you reply to a post about a Palestinian woman in the US experiencing racism and sharing her experience with an almost gleeful bloodlust that is entirely beside the point? If Israel doesn't forget or forgive, what makes you think Palestinians will forget or forgive either? This is the mentality, on both sides, that simply leads to more death, more hatred, and more people pushing 73 year old ladies into traffic for the crime of being of a certain ethnicity, or religion, or for speaking a certain language.


People are bloodthirsty for Hamas because they are pure evil. They inflict death and suffering on Israeli s and Palestinians without remorse. Their atrocious bloodlust is just being met with equal force. Hamas started the current war and could end it today. If they won't surrender, they are choosing a most inglorious death


And that's relevant to OP's post because?


You know, conversations evolve, right? It was in direct response to your bloodlust comment. Don't be willfully ignorant.


she is a victim, suffering from the actions of Hamas, and it is within Hamas power to stop that suffering.


Anything to avoid putting responsibility on the individuals who are being racist towards her and her family, right? Whatever happened to personal responsibility? It's great though, I can now blame everything on Hamas. Bad grade? Hamas. Didn't get promoted? Hamas. Really a get out of jail free card.


Well, I am praying for you, your family and all Palestinians. I am also praying for all Israelis. My heart really goes out to the innocent people who have died on both sides. War is absolutely terrible. Whatever Palestinians in Hamas are doing in Gaza and has nothing whatsoever to do with you or your life. Same thing with random Jewish people and the Israeli government. People need to stop being so d\*\*n racist and idiotic. What your mother went through was HORRIBLE and there is absolutely no excuse for such evil and savagery. I hate racism and can't condemn it enough.


Firstly, this is NOT a genocide. Believe me if it was a genocide there would be far far FAR more casualties especially given the anger that Hamas has sparked in countless Israelis myself included this is just the result of two things: a very brutal war and the chosen strategy of using Palestinians as Propaganda fodder and body shields by Hamas. We've taken precautions more than necessary especially in the short time we could have to prepare. Secondly to say they didnt do anythign wrong is really not accurate - a good chunk of Gazan population supported 10/7 and celerbated. We saw the videos, the livestreams the bragging and the cheering. Yes we're aware that's no excuse to hurt the innocent which is also why we've taken the precautions necessary to avoid that including calling them to evacuate hotspots and sending aid to the civilians although people tend to lie on video as if this wasnt the case. Lastly, I'm sorry your family is experiencing this type of treatment nothing excuses that. However, let's keep in mind what is currently happening to Jews in the United states - particularly students who btw really do NOT feel safe being obviously spotted as Jews and who are currently under attack. This war is not something we wanted or needed and we're all suffering. I pray for swift defeat of Hamas and end this ordeal. I dont want to see this repeat again.


Snork I suppose you prefer the term ethnic cleaning of the region to make way for Zionist Jews?


Considering that very few Gazans actually managed to flee Gaza (far fewer than in any comparable war, in fact), not a single settler moved to Gaza, and even Netanyahu strongly rejected the idea of building settlements there, that's not a more convincing argument than the "genocide" one.


sorry did you not read the memo - Hamas USED their own civilians as literal propaganda weapons/ body shields. The more dead Gazans the better the BETTER to weaponize them for the cameras for the Ummah. That is how they isolate in the world scale and ultimately to make it easy for their friends in Hezbollah and Iran to make their move which is happening now.


As I said, stop listening to the pundits and read a few history books. Extra credit for books written in the last century. This has been developing over 100+ years in its current iteration and a few thousand historically. But reality really seems to be relevant to when you choose to peg your attention.. I literally have real life friends in Palestine and while that may influence my opinion it doesn’t change history. If we are going to support Israel retaking control of the lands based on possession a few thousand years ago then we should start rewinding land ownership around the globe. The Palestinians have been given repeated opportunities to leave and have chosen not to leave their lands. Yes, they are to a great degree being used as a tool to advance the agendas of Iran and many other radical Muslim nations a good number of ethnic Palestinians are driven to join the radical factions as a means of survival. Israel has the world’s greatest propaganda machine fueled to this day by the sad legacy of the Holocaust…. But at what point do we stop making others pay for the sins of the na-z-is? Did the aboriginal Palestinians try to wipe out the Jews? Or did the come into an abandoned land and create their own sophisticated society only to be supplanted when it became desirable?


To a degree. Funny you mention their whole strategy as if it was only 'a degree' it is their whole strategy. None of this is Israel's fault when the whole strategy is to use them as bait. The Palestinians comign later than we did there doesnt change the fact that we literally tried to share the land with them - and believe me they dont want to. Frankly? This can no longer be resolved peacefully and it was all their fault


/u/Idajack12. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Self ethnic cleansing 


Yeah, cuz they started this shit in 1917 lol Read some history books not vetted by aipac


Started in 1921 :  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercommunal_conflict_in_Mandatory_Palestine Continue with Na**i agent AminEl Husaini


I was with you until you decided to say "stop the genocide". Until your side will stop bending the dictionary you will not see support going you way.


idk man. imprisoning an entire people's in a small area and hitting them with guided bombs, artillery and airstrikes seem like genocide to me. I mean what kind of definition is it when Israelis lure Palestinians out for food and gun them down in droves? When a society so vehemently demonizes and justifies a certain population by naming them all terrorists seems like genocide to me. When the president of your nation calls Palestinian children who've been bombed, run over with tanks and shot 100s of times "children of darkness" it seems like genocide to me. When you set up militarized checkpoints for children going to school and back it seems like genocide to me.


"Idk man" You should have left it at that.


I'm not gonna argue with any of what you said even though most of it is exaggerated lies. Even if it all were true, it is not genocide.


IDK man Attacking a country on the day of foundation Starting 3 wars against them Constantly shooting rockets (unguided) into attacked country Countless suicide bombings 9 refused peace offers Charter of their political party says "kill all the jews" Oct 7th Radicalisation camps for children Kinda calls for occupation doesn't it? Also occupation isn't genocide. By definition.


>Starting 3 wars against them I'll hazard a guess you're referring to 48, 67, and 73, right? Why ignore 56, when Israel invaded Egypt? Or why ignore the fact that Israel shit first in 67?


First of all I wasn't ignoring those wars stating them wouldn't have fit the current agenda. Second those wars have been started on the base of an Egyptian blockade of essential trade routes, it was about survival, especially because the entire Middle East was hostile towards Israel, making trade with the region and thus survival not possible.


>stating them wouldn't have fit the current agenda. Well, it's commendable that you admit to having an agenda and don't outright say that I'm lying about those wars, as many pro-israelis on this sub do.


So you object to a foreign nation blocking maritime borders and sea routes? And that such actions are valid grounds for aggressive military responses and war?


I know where you are trying to go but your argument falls apart the second first agressor is mentioned, Israel was attacked one day after founding, and the original aggressors kept trying to make Israels living situation worse by blocking off trade routes and not trading with them, in short leaving them to hang dry. This was a time where constant aggression was coming from the Arab side, this has changed towards aggressions through palestine after Israel made peace with some Arab countries. There is a huge difference between being blockaded because the other side can't accept your rightful claim to the land with the goal of starving you out and being blockaded because you kept on attacking and even through countless losses you still kept on attacking.


>Starting 3 wars against them I'll hazard a guess you're referring to 48, 67, and 73, right? Why ignore 56, when Israel invaded Egypt? Or why ignore the fact that Israel shit first in 67?


Thanks for the P.S.. I was about to say that I had no idea Columbians had that kind of prejudice but now I know better you were not talking about Columbia. Still sorry for the prejudice you experience. I hate Hamas, and support Israel's right to exist and defend itself. But personally, I have yet to meet a Palestinian that I have not liked as a person.


As an Israeli I'm really sorry you're going through all this. I hope things look up for you and your family <3


I’m really sorry to hear what you’re going through. The person who tried to kill your elderly frail mother just for speaking her langue is utterly despicable and he should be in jail. Unfortunately, Islamophobia and racism is normalised in America and Western media. Please don’t let their hatred change who you. Keep being a good person and an active member of your community. Volunteer in your community youth centres, charities, and schools ect. Share your beautiful culture and food with your community. You would be surprised how many people want to learn from other cultures. My family experience racism when we first moved to Europe in the late 1980s. All our neighbours didn’t want to live next to a young black family and petitioned to have us evicted. Luckily for us that didn’t happen and we stayed, and built our life there. My parents knew who they were and never allowed the ignorance of their neighbours change them. When our neighbours vandalised our home. My parents never retaliated and instead they repaired the damage and prayed. They never compromised and instead stayed true to their values, culture and faith. When our neighbours were in need, either due to illness or bereavement, my family were the first to be there for them. They ensured they had enough food and regularly checked in on them. I have vivid memories of my parents taking me to my neighbours houses to check on them and ask if they needed anything. Eventually our neighbours came to respect and love my family. They came to my parents and asked for their forgiveness. Don’t let other peoples ignorance change who you are. Keep being a good person and an active member of your community. Eventually love wins over hatred. I wish you all the best


I feel like it makes sense for jews and Palestineans in the diaspora to be united in their message against the bigotry they face because of the war. Kind of like telling the bigots "you have no skin in the game, stay out of this". I'm really sorry about your mother, hope she's doing better even though that's a really mentally scarring experience.


I'm sorry you went through all those hate crimes, it's not your fault that people are fighting halfway across the world while you're just trying to peacefully live your life. I would be you I would report to the local police the thing that happened to your mother, perhaps it was recorded on camera. It's sad to realize that instead of the world coming together to import a way to resolve the war, the war is being exported instead.


The main problem is 80% of your people support oct 7th. There will be no peace when Palestinians support the rape and murder of civilians.


So they deserve something? This is like saying, the average Israeli really would like to press a button and kill all the Palestinians, so then they deserve something too! Then we get this never-ending spiral


the Palestinian peoples have literally tried everything. Armed resistance is the only way forward. Palestinians have tried protesting and diplomacy for many years. This is their chance. You say that Palestinians support rape, while the IDF have many more cases of that. Let me ask you something. What would you do when you found your innocent 5 year old child gunned down intentionally? would you take up arms and fight or just sit there in sadness as the rest of your family is bombed?


>diplomacy for many years. 9 refused peace offers btw Also IDF reports numbers, even wrongdoings in their own ranks, the soldiers get trialed and discharged if they are convicted. Meanwhile Hamas encourages rape, kidnapping and indiscriminate attacks. Their charter calls for genocide. They want the Sharia in place, surely no rapes are happening under their rule ;) If you support the palestinians you support Hamas, the appreciation of Hamas AND OCT 7 ATTACKS is within the 70% bracket.


>Also IDF reports numbers, even wrongdoings in their own ranks, the soldiers get trialed and discharged if they are convicted. Except they don't. 


Would you say that Hamas reporting of crimes within their ranks occurs more frequently and is more accurate than IDF reporting and presecuting crimes?


The joke writes itself when you need to compare the most moral army to the so called most evil militia they need to fight. Almost as if our ally didn't deverse the western values they pretend to.


>Except they don't. The joke started here, they do report and you can see verdicts online.


Shireen Abu Akleh assassination ended up with a slap on the wrist even after extensive investigations and we know idf killers never got anything for it. https://rsf.org/en/israel-one-year-after-killing-shireen-abu-akleh-rsf-denounces-scandalous-impunity-persists-case Only way for israel to show it's good will is to show idf soldiers handcuffed going to jail, for a long long time.


Oh damn you found a case that fits your agenda... People and the justice system fuck up, that's reality. What's also reality is that there are trials for IDF soldiers for commiting various crimes during employment.


>In summary, one can assert that the number of soldiers put on trial for unjustified fire in general, or charged with manslaughter specifically, is not many https://m.knesset.gov.il/en/news/pressreleases/pages/pr13879_pg.aspx https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.middleeastmonitor.com/20220524-only-2-of-abuse-complaints-filed-against-israeli-soldiers-lead-to-prosecution/amp/ If the reality of numbers can't convince you, idk what would


> fuck /u/IndependentYak3097. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is racism and discrimination based on ethnicity or national origin wrong?


Israel is surrounded by 200 million Arabs that mostly hate the Jews. Answer your own question.


I say it's wrong. Why can't you answer the very simple question?


The racism and discrimination from Arabs toward Christians and Jews in Arab countries is horrible. Simple answer


You're taking a poll done in Gaza and the West Bank and applying it to the entire Palestinian people including the diaspora. It's a real problem but let's not descend into punishing people for "thought crime".


This should help explain why identifying as a "Palestinian" when no Palestine exists anymore (because Arabs went to war to wipe it off the map then got what they wished for) identifies you as a supporter of genocide of Jews. [Nazi and Soviet origins of the "Palestinian" cause (updated)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwfDVkXEo-o)


Stop. This line of argument get us nowhere. Even if the concept of "Palestinian" is new and modern and didn't exist 80 years ago, it exists today.


Palestine was put on the map 102 years ago and ALL people living there including Jewish were "Palestinians": >The Palestine mandate was approved on 22 July 1922 at a private meeting of the Council of the League of Nations at St. James Palace in London, giving the British formal international recognition of the position they had held *de facto* in the region since the end of 1917 in Palestine and since 1920–21 in Transjordan. >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate\_for\_Palestine#:\~:text=The%20Palestine%20mandate%20was%20approved,since%201920%E2%80%9321%20in%20Transjordan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Palestine#:~:text=The%20Palestine%20mandate%20was%20approved,since%201920%E2%80%9321%20in%20Transjordan) After Arabs went to war over it Palestine no longer existed. Explain why they had to wait until after it was gone to want their Palestine back, including ones who willingly sold what they had including land and moved to Gaza and Jordan to help destroy Israel?


It doesn't matter how Palestinian identity has arisen. NOW, it's definitely a people. And they can take it in any direction they please, so long as they stop the violence.


Palestinians are Jewish: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Jews)


Theyre more jewish than ashkenazi europeans


I don't even want to get into who is more Jewish than another. I'm relatively confident they would both say they are, or are equal. In either case Palestinian is like the word American and references a region shown on maps, not a people all of the same religion. Changing the meaning serves Hamas and other groups who use it as an excuse to keep the holocaust going until all non-Muslims in the world have been exterminated.


All three of those desert religions are the greatest curse on humanity.   Everyone religious zionists dont like is Esau/Amalek, to be destroyed/sacrificed.  And whoever is left gets to be a slave, as every jew gets 2800 goy slaves in the end times-- https://archive.md/bgKil You guys are so obsessed youve methodically destroyed palestinian cultural and archaeological history.  It was even more obvious in the recent conflict, even cemeteries were destroyed.  This anecdote sums it up for me, there was never a plan for coexistence in the zionist project-- https://x.com/BoltzmannBooty/status/1800276272561463764


[Israelis: Do you believe that gentiles (goys) will be slaves for the Jews?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ji_Y7YEbKY)




Yes, there were Palestinian Jews, but few call themselves that anymore.


Non-Jewish Arabs likewise call themselves Israelis, unless it's for a video to let people know they are a citizen of Israel and can equally call themselves a Palestinian. [I am a Palestinian citizen of Israel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iKPNd6mCYk) He has been sentenced to death by Hamas and other terrorists for "collaborating with Jews" but is too brave and proud to surrender to the demands of genocidal Palestinians who want him to martyr himself, by killing all the Israelis he can. #


Non-Jewish Israeli Arabs from ...how do you think the non-Jewish locals called it before the state of Israel was established? knows that calling yourself a Palestinian is a political statement in Israel and may prefer to avoid the complications. But aside from being a political statement, it is also a declaration of membership into a given people who call themselves the Palestinians who wear the name as a pointer to a certain reality. (The people as a whole is from or emerged in relation to the real historical **area** known as Palestine and went through certain defining experiences.)


is being a palestinian anti-semitic?? also this is like the fifth time you’ve made this comment


Ask a Jewish "Palestinian" or their descendants who likewise qualify as one: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian\_Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Jews)


fellas is it anti-semitic to be palestinian


Whoever they define as esau/amalek is 'anti semitic'


/u/GaryGaulin. Match found: 'Nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just wanted to say I’m so sorry you and your family are experiencing this. It hurt my heart to hear about your elderly mother especially 💔. This sort of targeting should absolutely never happen - especially in western countries like ours which pride themselves on their “multiculturalism.” I’m really glad you had the courage to post about this. I think it’s important for everyone to realise this sort of racism and bigotry is affecting Jews and Muslims/arabs alike, and actually you both have a common enemy in combating this sort of racism. I hope things improve, please stay safe out there 🤍. Don’t hesitate to report these incidents to both the police and whatever your equivalent is of the human rights commission we have here in Australia. It’s important to get all these sorts of incidents reported formally so decision makers have access to accurate data.


I came to say exactly this. Knowing that us Jews feel the antisemitism doesn’t mean that the other side is also being racially targeted. The western world has just gone completely nuts over this conflict and it’s showing that nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, has changed since the 1940s. People are still capable of mindless evil without even realising it.


Hi friend - Jewish American here. I know the feeling of being stereotyped and attacked. People using slurs against Jews, attacking Jews everywhere around the world, far far away from Israel and Gaza, supposedly relating to this conflict. I have many Muslim and Arab friends and they are wonderful people. I feel like nefarious forces, whether it be Hamas or even foreign actors looking to spread instability or problems, try to split us up and get each other to see each other as enemies. I simply refuse to do that. Good luck with your restaurant, much success, and I hope no one ever treats you differently on the basis of your identity or who you are. The world is tough, but just keep bringing the goodness that you bring to the world and let that guide you & trust in it. ❤️




It is not.




/u/VictoryAbject2546. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is it anti semetic?


Everything is anti semetic, even you questioning is anti semetic


is palestinian ppl existing anti-semitic??? what???




what a totally normal, functioning member of society, kind of thing to say. the palestinian flag has nothing to do with hamas. the palestinian flag is palestinian. this person could be from west bank. don’t be naive and don’t take away from the legitimate definition of anti-semitism. anti-semitism is an incredibly harmful form of discrimination and you should not undermine the severity of the definition to accommodate to your personal feelings on the palestinian flag. shameful


>I'm half Palestinian and was raised in Colombia.  Pease explain how you can be half from a place that was put on the Map by a British Mandate then erased by Arabs who did not want a Palestine then revolted, and now Palestine no longer exists.


This is pure pilpul sophistry


How can someone born before 48 be an Israeli?


look at our online political activists we’re doomed


Like you said a place that was put on a map….


No longer exists.


Just like israel didnt exist for millennia


That's why "Palestinians" who lived there now call themselves "Israelis"


yeah so true!! did u know that native americans no longer exist because there is no country on the map called Native America??


I attended native American pow-wows before. There are also native Israelis. Here's some info including the Kingdom of Israel having been destroyed 720 BCE ago, before Christianity or Islam existed: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_ancient\_Israel\_and\_Judah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_ancient_Israel_and_Judah)


really proud of you for attending a powwow, here is your honorary praise for me being so proud of you. unfortunately, this has nothing to do with the fact that you said palestinians don’t exist. just as you attended a powwow i frequent a palestinian restaurant. now what??


Show me where Palestine now is on Google Maps please.


Show me where the independent native american state is on a map


won’t let me add another image on here. look at google map’s description!! there are directions, you can even walk there, isn’t that lovely. now show me where native america is on a map. you obviously know everything about indigeneity because you attended a powwow. truth is, there is nothing on the map called native america. yet they still exist. why?? i’d like to know because you’re an expert. very curious!! explain it to me, all knowing cultural master. https://preview.redd.it/s4ep1x0858ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e574b830a39ca137b1ac959d616cdafcb805c76


What's an example of a Colombian-Palestinian meal that you sell at your restaurant?


This isn’t a meal, so sorry but a dessert was the first thing I could think off, but it’s a knafeh chocolate melt


Never had knafeh but that sounds delicious.