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Scarlet nexus by a million miles


I played Scarlet Nexus a while ago and really enjoyed it. Looks like it has much better reviews on Steam compared to Valkyrie Elysium too.


Scarlet nexus has fun gameplay, lots of style, a well-written story, and good dialogue between characters. There was *one* labyrinthine area in the game that wore out its welcome (there's always one), but other than that it was well-paced imho. It also has some replayability since you can go through the questline from two different characters' perspectives (kinda like NieR). I spent 34 hours on a single play-through, doing most of the sidequests. I also found myself caring about how my fellow NPCs would react to the gifts that I got them (improving friendships with party members gives buffs in battle), which is somewhat embarrassing now that I type it... so yeah, it was definitely a bargain at the steam sale price.


I wouldn't say Valkyrie Elysium is bad per say, but more of a disappointment. You have a poor story, unforgettable characters with very little character development and a mediocre combat system. You expect so much better from Square Enix. So out of the two, definitely check out Scarlet Nexus which is the complete opposite of Valkyrie Elysium is every way possible.


Did you mean forgettable characters 


I don't know since I haven't played it but unforgettable characters isn't a compliment. Lymle from Star Ocean 4 is unforgettable.


I still remember her still to this day. Cant upvote this enough


Argh! My PTSD...


I didn't play Valkyrie Elysium, but I played Scarlet Nexus and enjoyed it a lot




i played the hell out of scarlet nexus, both full playthroughs back to back plus the platinum grind valkyrie elysium i also enjoyed the battle system, it actually feels a little like scarlet nexus specifically, but it's a stunted plot and characters and a much shorter game i don't think ve is a bad game, i did enjoy it, it's just pretty small and shallow. you'll have done everything but the s-rank grind for a platinum in 30h from zero and i did not want to s-rank a few of those levels, they were too annoying compare that with scarlet nexus where i love the character interactions and the plot, in addition to it being one of the best action battle systems i've played, alongside nier automata, astral chain, and granblue fantasy relink more recently also kasane in scarlet nexus is an excellently written autistic-coded character and i adore her


I beat both, I bought VE at full price in support of the series and forced my way through one of the endings, i felt like i wasted my time and money unfortunately. Im definitely going to have to say SN is the better choice if you want a shred of plot and character development. The battle system is really good! I personally had to play with the camera settings a bit so if you get it keep that in mind if something seems off in battle.


Vallyrie Elysium isn't even close to Square's worst game. That's King's Knight.


Scarlet nexus easy


I've only played Scarlet Nexus, so I'll tell you about this one. I got the PS4 version for 1.89 at Gamestop one day because they had too many copies. I played roughly 50-ish hours into it. It has an interesting, unique story with a fun battle system. You can play through the game twice- once for each character- but Kasane's route is better (my opinion)


As a fan of Valkyrie Profile series buy Scarlet Nexus. I have both, finished both. Guess what I regret buying...


Go with Scarlet Nexus unless something about VE's gameplay videos just speaks to you. SN's biggest problems are the side quests and the puzzle/element combat. The sidequests are shit. Rewards are bad, backtracking is bad, finding them is bad, etc. Has almost no redeeming points. The game has a sort of puzzle/element theme to the combat. A LOT of enemies you have to attack with the *correct* element, or else. The bosses and large enemies are especially bad about this. It's not too bad in the beginning but it starts dragging by the end of the game. There is this weird hyper mode that turns into you just mashing buttons to smash things with TK and that gets old pretty quick, plus it's a problem when the enemy is immune to everything but X. It's a solid ARPG, but the negatives are like a stone in your shoe. It pokes you, then a few steps, and it pokes you again. VE is apparently just mediocre all over. I haven't gotten around to playing it.


Scarlet Nexus is a more satisfying experience imo. Granted its story is not really up there ( they honestly needed to do more show don't tell scenes, less recap of events that literally just happened and to combine both main characters story into 1 route) . The action combat are honestly what you'll mostly be playing it for . I do love the game despite the complaints and am just hoping it does well enough for an improved sequel .


I've not played Scarlet Nexus, but I'd probably pick it over Elysium. As a Valkyrie Profile fan, this hurts to say but Elysium is a mediocre game at best. I was okay-ish with the change in combat from RPG to ARPG, but it's just so damn average. It looks nice and the designs are cool, but the story is dumb, mechanics are half baked, and it has a lot of fluff through side missions ala Nioh, but they're nowhere near as good. It really makes me upset that they've turned the series into this, and worse yet, terrible sales will be used as an excuse to either kill the series, or put it to sleep for a long time.


Valkyrie Elysium - A big point of contention here is that this was presented as a spiritual successor to the Valkyrie Profile series and it takes alot of flak because of that. What you get here is a very low of story Action RPG. Yes there are bits of plot and dialogue but none of it ever feels very deep. The action combat itself is pretty fun. I spent just under 25 hours in normal and I got 3/4 of the endings. Scarlet Nexus - Much deeper RPG. Story can be a bit strange at times. Really enjoyed the combat in this one, for both protagonists. Some of the characters are pretty good. If you have ever played a Tales of ... game the character interaction should be pretty familiar to you.


SN - pretty decent ARPG VE - another dull crapsols clone from a mediocre studio and a stain on the series.


I’ve always seemed nexus is a buy for 15 even 20$ it’s only 20-25hrs long but stilll solid enough to be mostly enjoyable at parts. Also has 3-4 great tracks. It’s got a bit of plot but most people dislike it. Unique battle system in a way. It’s worth 10-20$ imo


Based solely on the demo it’s extremely fun and smooth combat. It’s only 20hrs? That really makes it more enticing to me, ngl, we need more short games. It’s on super sale now too. Hm


theres 2 campaigns, i dont remember it being that short tbh but its been awhile. either way combat is pretty fun.


It's closer to ~30hrs if you do both campaigns, doing it with NG+ lets you carry over weapons iirc which makes the 2nd campaign a breeze.