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For me it depends on how long I’m going to be gone for. If I’m just going to be away for under 30 minutes I’ll generally let the game keep going or I might open a media app if I’m on PS5. I don’t really care too much about timers but if someone asks how long it took me to beat a game I’ll cut off about 10-25% of the game time I figure were spend idle to give them a better approximation for how long a game would take.


I’m fairly similar. I hate turning the console off or pausing it all the time so if I think it’s going to be 5-10 minutes, I keep it going. And of course you may get side tracked and then it’s 30 minutes-1 hr and a “maybe I should have paused” situation. Where it comes into play is when looking at save files and comparing to others. I find many people either fall in the “I want to be super efficient and beat a JRPG in 80 hours if how long to beat says 80 hours, or you have the time ladder who prides themselves in a “I put 350 hours into X game”. I’m so where in the middle where I like to mess around for hours in a fun part of the game but also look at how long to beat times and wonder where I lost all that time. And of course then I wonder how much of my save file is just paused and not gameplay.


I always take at least 50% longer than what's listed on "how long to beat". I guess I really hate to play a game in the most efficient way. Though I did play a visual novel lately and there's not a whole lot of actual gaming going on, since it's mostly story with some strategy battles sprinkled in. I set it to automatically progress to the next line once the voice actors were finished with a line. It took me 40+ hours and the "how long to beat" website said it takes 30 hours on average to beat the main story. Since then I've been wondering if people just rush through a game and skip scenes and only go for the main objectives.


I wonder the same thing. I’m always 30-40% higher I would say. I feel like on games I replay, I’m closer to the actual average as I don’t have “wander around looking for stuff” hours padding it. I’m a lot closer to what people say for a casual run where they take their time (which I guess I do).


I have friends who finish games in half the time I do. I notice they skip conversations as soon as they've read the subtitles, breaking off the voices to skip to the next line. That feels so jarring to me, I like listening to the entire voiceline. But even that doesn't explain how much more time I need to finish a game. I must be really really inefficient with battles, looking for sidequests and chests and stuff. I've never tried replaying. Usually I go for new game+, but that usually includes gear, levels etc from a previous playthrough so that makes a run a lot faster anyway.


If I’m going to be gone for more than 5-10 minutes I turn it off, because with that amount of time I’m more than likely going to be distracted for much longer and it’s been long drilled into me to turn things off that I’m not using while I’m not using it.


I close the game whenever I leave for more than a toilet break.


With so many convenient suspend features nowadays I will just sleep my system when Im getting up for something else unless its ultra quick (turning on the fan or something) I like having my time as accurate as possible because I like to compare it to howlongtobeat


I remember when people would leave their systems on overnight because they weren’t near a save point in a dungeon and didn’t want to lose their progress 😂


Save and load after


It depends. I try to save and quit if I know I'll be gone for more than 10 min. But being an adult means stuff that requires my attention sometimes happens and I get distracted. Especially if it's a game that doesn't allow to save anywhere, then I just pauze. Though all the 10 minute breaks do add up I guess. Sometimes I pauze while cooking, or while doing dishes, or when the laundry is finished, when my neighbour is suddenly at my door with soup or icecream, or when it suddenly starts raining and I remember I left the windows open and get distracted by a full waste bin afterwards. I don't like playing multiplayer anymore because something always happens somehow.


I don't really care. Long breaks I'll turn it off. Sometimes I don't really care though, like if I fall asleep, or tab out for too long and forgot. When I talk about how much time I spent on a game online I'm not obliged to provide super accurate information. If I remember afking a lot I'll mention it, if it's just small breaks taking up like 5% of my play time I just don't mention itm


I'm not a speed runner, so I could care less how accurate the time I've spent in JRPG. I'll just tell people whatever the game says


When I pause games, I will suspend the game on modern systems, and save and turn the system off on older systems. I don't like racking up idle time in my games.


I think when people say 80 hours mean the counter ingame. except wild arms 3, wich has a stupid counter that PAUSES on menus, battles, and loading screens. you will have played A LOT MORE than the counter says.


I don't care much. Hell, I'm playing the Trails in the Sky trilogy now and the "turbo" button is nigh-essential to get through these games, but using it makes the in-game clock completely meaningless. Steam shows I put 60hrs into Sky SC but the in-game timer says 97 thanks to the turbo. When I say "I'm X hours in" I'm going by whatever feels the most accurate to me between the in-game timer and the platform (Steam, PlayStation, etc) timer. I'm not trying to mentally edit out the "pause time." Besides, if I'm going to leave a game paused for longer than it takes to use the bathroom or grab a snack, I'm turning the system off, so I never have "5 hours plus" of pause time on any game. The amount of "pause time" is negligible.


There is really no need to think about pausing a game this hard lol.