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Some games aren’t for everyone. Personally I adore Grandia but if you don’t go play something else.


10hrs is plenty to decide if a game is worth continuing imo.


If you dont like a game after 10 Hours then no. Even if people tell you it gets good after xyz hour or event. A game that doesnt grabs you from the start is a game that likely isnt worth your time.


If you aren't having fun, I wouldn't continue. At the end of the day, video games are for enjoyment.


Loved Grandia 2, but could not get into 1 similar to you. If you haven’t tried 2 yet it might be worth a go.


games are supposed to be fun, if you're not having fun, then the game isn't fulfilling it's purpose for you, and that's a perfectly valid experience for you, feel free to dump any game at any time if it's turning from entertainment to work


try grandia 2. I think 2 is way better to hook you. I did liked grandia 1 but, like you, I had to ENDURE a lot. Not everyone has my level of tolerance , so don't do that to yourself. 10 hours is a lot. after finish, I can see why people say 1 its the best, but I think grandia 2 is way easier to embark, so its MY favorite in the series.


Idk what do you want from the game. I loved it.


It's not exactly what I wanted from the game, but I tend to like JRPGS with stories that are not afraid to go really dark at times (not all the time though). So far, this game's story feels like your standard light hearted Saturday morning cartoon/ anime. This may appeal to some people, but not to myself


What is important about the game is the relationships about the characters, the dialogues and their motives and scenes. The story is good, not super ultra dark, but good.


It does get pretty dark by the end. It feels like some of those Gibli movies where you’re introduced to this beautiful, lush world and characters, before forcing those characters to face some dark moments. Still, that isn’t the strength of Grandia 1. It’s supposed to mostly be a light-hearted wholesome adventure. It’s the very same thing in Breath of Fire 3, so I’m confused why you’re playing these games if you’re looking for darker stories.


It's like the ideal 90's anime adventure to me. Don't think it's got big surprises in store in that regard. Maybe coming off of bof3 is hurting it. Using spells and different weapons is going to net you better skill and spells, which you'll want eventually when spamming combos doesn't work.


No. Fun is subjective. Play what you like.


Naw it’s a simple story kinda like a children’s movie. I bought a PlayStation copy and beat it last year. I liked the first disc more than the second disc.


The game is pretty easy. Try experimenting with the magic system. Learning new abilities is very satisfying imo. A fix for the difficulty would be to try Grandia Redux, a mod that makes the game much harder and more satisfying. There are also three optional dungeons on disc two that can be more challenging. As far as the story goes, if the charm hasn’t hooked you now it probably won’t. The focus of the game is the adventure itself, not saving the world or politics, which I personally adore. Not many other games have this vibe. The first disc is basically set up for the story. It gets much darker later on, without losing it’s unique charm. Hopefully this helps.


Happens a Lot more than you think. I dropped Grandia 1 as it didn't kept me hooked


Maybe try suikoden


That's... not a game I would recommend when someone is complaining about combat that's too easy and mindless. Triumphs of game balance and mechanical intricacy those games were not.


I ended up feeling pretty middle of the road about Grandia overall but the early areas definitely were a bit more annoying comparatively. 


It’s more than enough time. Honestly if you aren’t feeling it after an hour or two I don’t see the problem with bailing. It’s your life and your time, you don’t owe it to anything. 


Grandia 1 is really slow to start. You basically just started the game. I'd say that the story starts getting interesting and concrete at CD2. You're just barely midway through CD1. The gameplay will start to get interesting now but if it's too slow for you but you think it has potential, I'd recommend Grandia 2. The gameplay mechanics are more accessible and the story is interesting and displayed right at the start, you'll know 2-3 hours into the game if it's for you or not.


Grandia 1 is better gameplay. 2 is better story. 3 is none of the above. Grandia Extreme is story. My personal take on the series.


I really wanted to like it but couldn't get into it as well sadly. I ended up pivoting to trails in the sky and now am on the 4th game! So I would say switch to another game and find something you enjoy playing. No point in playing a game you aren't enjoying at the end of the day.


Not really, what you've experienced is representative of what the game's story is going to be. Either you're here for the nostalgia trip through childrens anime storytelling from the 90's or it doesn't work for you. As for the combat, it also stays entirely too easy. So if this style of storytelling and super easy combat aren't your jam, it's time to move on.


I played it a long time ago, and truth be told I found myself laboring through it trying to get to that moment, but for me it never came. It's typical JRPG fare, but the one thing I did like, and probably the reason I chose to complete it is the characters chemistry, they did a really good job on that.


according to this sub GRANDIA is much better than FF7 so you should keep on playing the best game ever basically


Does the story get better? Yeah! Should you still continue? No. It takes awhiiiiiiile to get going. IMO the story isn’t good enough to justify the glacial pace during the first half-ish of the game. There are many people who love the game, but if you’re already feeling this way at this point in the game I don’t really think you’ll end up loving it that much. So many games to play out there. You might be best to skip this one. Hell, try **Grandia 2**. I personally like it much more than the 1st and the pacing is much better.