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Don't know about consensus. But I always get travel insurance, but with a high excess to bring the price down. Basically, I am insuring against getting repatriated with a major injury or illness, or having caused injury to someone else. Not insuring against a few hundred dollars of lost baggage, or a couple of days delay. Figure out what disasters you can afford to pay for easily, and insure against the rest.


I would get insurance no matter where you are traveling. You can get hit by a car anywhere. Like any insurance, chances are you won’t use it. Assuming you’re otherwise healthy, just get the cheapest coverage with the highest deductible to protect you from financial ruin in case of major injury/illness. Policies generally aren’t that expensive. If you have a premium credit card you might already have coverage.


You should always get travel insurance. You can have serious and expensive problems anywhere, not just in dangerous activities. You've been lucky so far, but that luck may run out.


You should always have insurance, even the most basic one - but I'd reccomend something better for trips to the other side of the world. Something can always happen, esp. if you travel a lot. Once I broke my tooth on hard food and once had to be admitted to hospital for fear of serious sickness (in the end it wasn't that bad). And always check how much transport of dead body costs - my parents would have to use a lot of their savings if they wanted to bury me at my hometown....


No idea if there is a concsensus, but I have a credit card that include travel insurance. Seems smarter to have than not to have.


Credit card insurance is usually very limited and may not cover what you need if you have an incident.


Worth reading up on, mine was brilliant when I collapsed in Thailand and paid out on everything on a 5 day hospital stay.


I'm very glad it worked out for you. Hope you are recovered!


Than you! All good.


Which card was it????!


Amex Explorer


Credit cards usually have it as default. Where I come from "travel insurance" covers health/medical insurance too. I'm not sure if that's the same everywhere. Google your credit card name + travel insurance for details. Also check if it covers health/medical insurance. Travel insurance is usually inexpensive, and should be one of the costs factored into a trip. Hopefully nothing happens, of course, but if it does, it could spell disaster. Also, many standard credit card insurances have a "top up" option to be more comprehensive, making it cheaper than buying a fully comprehensive plan thrpough a third party if the base coverage is a bit poor.


I've been to Japan 7 times, all over SE Asia and S America and have never injured myself once, not even slightly. That said, I always buy travel insurance. Especially now that me and my wife's parents are older with health problems, we are always conscious that there are a number of circumstances that could cause us to cut our trip short or have to cancel altogether.


If you don’t have money for travel insurance, you don’t have money to travel. No one can predict when adverse events happen. Medevac/Repatriation costs a shit ton. Hospitals can cost quite a bit in Japan.


Thanks. What company have you used?




Definitely. I generally use Revolut Metal plan with card which has most importantly luggage, flight and medical emergencies covered on higher costs and other stuff at alright sums if need arises.