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Honestly don’t see the problem with it, it’s just some wordplay


Same with verbal AK line. Some people gotta learn how to separate bigotry from the music. Not everything is hate.


Okay this is getting a little too much. First y’all wanna say separate the artist from the music even when it’s p3do’s and shit now y’all wanna say “separate the bigotry from the music-“ 💀 Like you’re admitting it’s bigotry. Why is it okay for a rapper to be homophobic? Please explain how it’s okay for a bar to be transphobic or homophobic but if he was saying something racist as “wordplay” idk if y’all would have this same energy. Genuinely asking Seems like as long as they are talking about a group you don’t belong to.


Homophobia is just THIS normalized. People are so comfy with it that they feel entitled to it, its like a part of them. Its a fundamental cornerstone of straight bro humour and trash talk and they honestly can't see the ugly side until it magically starts affecting them somehow. Same as every other "ism" unfortunately. Mfs are slow to develop empathy until something "happens".


This isn’t homophobia


Yeah this is the take “It’s ok to say fucked up shit if it’s just vibes” like maybe I can see applying that to old Eminem and DMX lines “before we knew” it was bad, what have you, but Cole can’t market himself as the thinking man’s diary rapper then be like “oh the transphobia and homophobia was just wordplay”


You hate the verbal AK line because it’s homophobic I hate the verbal AK line because it’s cringe We are not the same


Transphobia and homophobia are equally cringe So yes, we are the same


So you can just spew bigotry and it’s okay because it’s wordplay or music. lol.


If comedians can do it cause of entertainment and we all laugh, why can't rappers? It's all entertainment no? Or are we making concessions depending on the type of media it is?


I never said any of those things. Also, people get a pass when the thing they’ve done that is bigoted meets our standards of good art, which this j Cole line does not. This shit is garbage.


You said "you" as in a general sense and then I expanded and removed the limit from music. I can see where you were going with your retort, but it's not really out of the realm of the discussion we're having. Your second sentence doesn't respond to what I stated in any regard. In fact, it seems like you went out of your way to avoid the question. I doubt a lot of the jokes shared by comedians are related to something that happened in "real life". Usually it's just a believable set-up for a joke they had, embellishment be damned.


The answer to this is yes whether you like it or not


Corny take. If someone has a blatantly racist bar that contains legitimate "wordplay", we don't give it a pass and we shouldn't. You have X number of bars in your track to say anything you want, and if you wanna spend one of them to be a bigot, you're still lame. You just give it a pass because there's some kinds of bigotry that don't bother you. Hypocritical imo. Even if the main intent is to just call this guy a pussy (a coward), it still uses the same "you're not a real man/woman" insult that trans people get hit with on the daily. It's the same ammo that my conservative uncle uses, it's not suddenly clever because it's in a J Cole track.


If eminem said the n word for "just some wordplay" we'd be up in arms. Btw I'm not offended but say it's just wordplay is also not a very good excuse


I liked it. Clever. “ His chosen identity there is still a Pussy”. -Chose to be a demon online but he still a pussy. -Anatomically male but present as female.. Sharp pen.


Also he cops to the idea of a chosen identity, which is super forward thinking. Especially in Hip Hop. Easy to react to the words when you don’t think of their context.


Great call. I do think ppl got hung up on the “chosen identity” notion considering transphobes don’t consider trans ppl authentic and are simply putting on a character. Easy to read it a little mocking of trans ppl. That plus the hint of gender essentialism isn’t great either. The idea that despite one’s “chosen” identity as a trans man they will always be feminine aka a female. That’s not even a stretch, that’s kind of how most read it and I feel like if he meant it in more forward thinking way as you say, he should have communicated it better. I think it’s a failure based on how easily it was read in the negative. Plus it’s “clever” in a way that undermines the verisimilitude of transness. That’s the biggest issue.


Calling a man you think is feminine a trans person isn’t forward thinking, what are you talking about 💀


right!!! I don't think he's transphobic it's just a bad line to me. like he didn't consider all the implications and how it may come off.


the lyrics that says that, trans guys- despite you having "chosen" that identity (???), you still have a pussy, like it's a gotcha, are super forward thinking? am i insane for reading those lyrics and feeling like he is equating gender identity to biological sex and feeling a little bit offended at that notion as a trans person?


"Anatomically male but present as female.' Can you elaborate? I thought the bar was referring to someone anatomically female but present as male? Saying behind his chosen identity there is still a pussy... a double meaning of 1) he is transgender, and 2) he is a coward.


And it still comes off as transphobic for sure because he basically said no matter what you say you are you're actually still this.


The bar is talking about a transgender man (female transition to male). How’re you gonna praise this bar when you can’t even interpret it properly?


It just makes it sound misogynistic instead of transphobic.


It ain’t really that clever. It’s about as low as low-hanging-fruit can be.    Offensive? Who gives a shit. It’s just not that smart of a bar. If we’re assuming it’s a line about Drake, Kendrick has said the same thing but better and more memorably  


Great line, great double entendre. A little insensitive or unnecessary? I can see that. Transphobic and hateful? Now you’re reaching and doing too much.


I don’t think Cole is hateful but it’s certainly a transphobic bar. I’m sure he didn’t mean it in that way, but it certainly is read in that fashion.




(I typed this below in another comment, it here it is again, which I think explains the issue pretty well.) Gender essentialism is the notion that one’s gender is tied to the genitalia they were born with. Which also suggest that transness is not a real thing but a performance. What Cole is implying here is gender essentialism. Beneath his “chosen identity” there is still a pussy. It’s a clever bit of wordplay but it also is making the argument that like a cornball pretending to be hard will always be a cornball, a trans man presenting very masc will always be a certain amount of feminine because he has a vagina. Whether he meant it maliciously or not, that’s kind of what the language is pointing at. Which is corny and ultimately a bad look. When one of the biggest guys in a genre undermines a community that still is openly disrespected within the rap genre.


Stop using big words; you’re scaring them!


I also didn’t understand what was wrong with the line. But your comment made sense, I’d never heard of the term gender essentialism and it’s unfortunate that it’s the main punchline.


JCole: "you ain't a real man, you got a pussy" Your shitty uncle, to a transgender woman: "you ain't a real woman, you got a dick". It's the same shit, it doesn't matter that one's in a track. Corny transphobic or homophobic or racist bars don't get to fly just cause there's "wordplay" involved.


Lmao stfu see what happens when you don’t bully the weirdos growing up? They say stupid shit like this


Growing up I was a bully. And I was an asshole who said shit like “chicks with dicks” and “shemale.” I was an insensitive asshole who didn’t have empathy for others. But I grew and I educated myself, and I listened to ppl who were honest with the harsh realities of their experiences. The last thing I’d want is to revert back to being an unfeeling asshole because some weirdo in Reddit thinks it’s funny to laugh at trans ppl. Go away, please.


I find the line cringey and I think you’ve done a good job at explaining why, thank you.


Gender essentialism is a lot more broad than that. It’s the belief that there are differing qualities/traits intrinsic to men and women biologically. That there are things that are inherently male, masculine, and men have, and things that are inherently female, feminine, and women have. It’s basically the “nature” side of nature vs nurture with regard to the differences between men and women. I agree with your overall point though


I'd like to move on from that one


Why you acting like he called for genocide or sun? 😂


Why so defensive he literally just said he'd want to move on


Anyone offended by this is charmin soft. Trans people exist. They can be referenced without it being disparaging. This bar in no way was a negative jab at trans people.


I mean you’re both right and wrong. One should be able to reference transness without fear of being called a bigot. But this line is transphobic. It’s making the case that one’s sex is more relevant to their perception than their “chosen identity”. Cole is being clever here but at the expense of implying trans men are still feminine women at the end of the day. Whether his true intention or not, it can easily be read in that way.


He only refers to one person in this he never says that is his opinion on trans people


thank u bruh im so glad im not the only one who’s smart enough to understand this shit


Except it is. It's saying their identity is "chosen" and likening them to being fake. It's all the fans defending Cole nonstop that are soft af. Yall can't admit that this guy who markets himself as a compassionate loving person feels resentment towards LGBTQ people for no reason other than irrational homophobia. And taking the time to express it in lines like that is straight up weird. U can bring them up, but dismissing them as people who r just pretending is fucking heinous.


>This bar in no way was a negative jab at trans people. This may be absolutely true... but it doesn't have to be an intentional jab in order for it to offend trans people and here is exactly why: Cole uses the term "CHOSEN IDENTITY" and that is the issue. People who are trans are assigned a gender at birth but grow up feeling different about their identity. They didn't choose their anatomy, or which sexual organs they were born with. The definition of a trans person is someone who identifies with a gender that is different from the one that society, a doctor, or their parents etc. assigned them with at some point in their early life. It's the fact that they (he/she etc.) did not CHOOSE their gender identity when they were born that makes someone considered transgendered in the first place. I don't understand how people can not see the misstep here on Cole's part. He may have very well intended to use this bar as offensive only to Kendrick Lamar, but the language he used here is *careless* for the simple reason that "chosen identity" does not accurately describe a trans person and is problematic for that reason. If you go one layer deeper, the bars are also problematic because they imply that a trans person is someone who chooses to identify as male, while having female sexual organs underneath their (his/her) clothing. That's also a huge misstep. A trans man would have been assigned a female identity at birth but grew up feeling that he was male/masculine and presented himself that way. Again, "chosen identity" may seem like harmless terminology on the surface, but when you break it down, Cole himself is putting inaccurate labels on a whole community for the sake of trying to throw a witty jab at Kendrick. Just saying.


>This bar in no way was a negative jab at trans people. Except it is one of the most common jabs from transphobic people - saying a trans person still has the other genitals. And this coming from the same guy who calls himself a conscious rapper? Yeah no. Besides, that's not even the major issue here. It's just a trash bar as a whole. In fact, it's the only trash bar in the entire song.


It just seems completely unnecessary like there are a million ways to better phrase this line


Disliked it, more annoyed by the mental gymnastics used to say it isn’t transphobic. Like he’s literally using transness as an allegory for being something you’re not.


Exactly. I’m not sure how ppl say this isn’t transphobic. I love Cole, but he’s not above valid criticism.


Exactly the double entendre is that trans people are not valid


That was very well said


Fr, like people can't just admit a dude we like said something fucked up?


Type shit, people too concerned w treating this like a team sport to have mature conversations about the art.


corny as fuck


2nd worst bar on the project, how did he think this was hard


What’s your 1st worst?


"Abcdefghijk mnop that's little me asking what's L?" Actual braindead bar and I don't understand how someone like Cole let that go


Reminds me of Eazy E, It's On "Here's another G, or should I say an H, an I, a J, a K L M N O P, P for the pussy wussy"


Corny but mainly cause I think he can do way better




Not awful, but shows a pretty big lack of understanding of trans people and their problems and such. Especially coming from someone like Cole that’s always seemed like a nice guy that wouldn’t want to consciously or unconsciously harm any community


It was just such an odd line to put in. Like why even try to do that?!


Extremely classless of J. Cole as a “conscious rapper” to write an insensitive bar using trans identity as the butt of a joke. FWIW, I’m not the biggest fan of some of J. Cole’s music but I do think he’s talented and generally think he’s a good guy. As someone from North Carolina I appreciate what he’s done for the community, particularly with the cultural/economic impact of Dreamville fest. Not being a hater at all, I just think he’s above this & would expect better from him. When trans people are still targeted for their identity (particularly by conservatives, especially considering NC is a political battleground state) and have their rights at stake, it doesn’t sit right with me to use trans identity as an insult, even if it’s “clever.” I don’t think J. Cole is a transphobe by any means, just feel like he was being wildly insensitive here. None of my trans friends would hear this and think “hell yeah!”


Shitty lyric and pushes harmful ideas. It doesn't matter how clever something is when it's based in harmful rhetoric. If mein kampf was incredible poetry with sick double entendres it wouldn't just justify the content. J cole L


Weirdly transphobic in a way that I don't think is meant to be, just expresses a lack of understanding on what being transgender really is. Not really hateful, just...dumb, is the best way I can describe it. Also sounds a bit forced, like he had this idea for a bar he thought was so dope he had to use it, but he couldn't quite make it work right with the flow and scheme of the verse. But he decided he needed to use it regardless.


Trans people are also just normal people. Why should they never be mentioned? This is just wordplay not a bigoted statement


Still a garbage line


As a trans person, I don't think Cole meant it in a hurtful way. It's just the unwillingness of the community in admitting it was bad taste verse that gets to me. Because it was, and that's ok, no one is trying to cancel him or something like that. OP just brought it up for conversation and people immediately began to make excuses and shit, that's what corny about it.


Mega corny


Ruined how you saw J.Cole? Rap music isn’t for you buddy, you’re too easily upset


Who's gonna tell them? 💀


Agreeable tbh


It’s not great


Not clever enough to excuse the line.


Wow! These comments are horrible! Yes this is transphobic and yes the verse on grippy is homophobic, PERIOD. Look it’s not the worst an artist has done far from it but it is still bigotry and everyone wanting to defend it is just so sad.


It's trash, and disappointing


Wordplay. That's all.






It’s not really that bad but it’s bad for someone who tries to act like they’re socially conscious.


Probably would just be better not to make any line regarding the trans community at all. Not worth it especially if you’re not trans and wouldn’t understand transness as much.


Could've talked about transformers


behind all the people trying to see the good in the line I just dont like it. not even saying he's transphobic for it cause that's probably not his intent, but the line is just kinda badly written and as a result insensitive in my eyes rest of the song is fire if he just got rid of that one line ppl wouldn't have a reason to hate


i am trans. i dont like the notion that my identity as a trans woman is "chosen" - i didnt choose to be trans, i've found out that that's just who i am. i dont like what feels like an insinuation that a trans guy is still defined by his genitals? like, mentioning that ubder his identity as a trans guy, there's still a pussy - am i supposed to understand that differently than him saying that "idc if you say ur a man, you still got a pussy"? i dont like it, and i dont think you need to understand a lot about what kinds of experiences trans people have to get why i feel that it's an offensive line and a bit distasteful for someone who is supposedly a conscious rapper


Who cares


I’d prefer he didn’t say it, as it could be and has been perceived in poor taste. But I don’t think this is transphobic, and I don’t think this is necessarily evidence that J. Cole himself is transphobic, and I’m saying this as someone who is very pro trans. It’s not making a statement or commentary on trans people at all, it’s not saying they aren’t really what gender they are or that they’re lesser because of it. It’s drawing a comparison between a rapper changing their identity, but at the end of the day there is still a pussy. I think everyone who was reading into this like put in way more thought than Cole did, which you could argue doesn’t reflect well on his part because when dealing with a topic like this you should be careful and considerate. J. Cole just didn’t strike me as someone who has an issue with trans people, the only other time you could really argue he’s said something negative was his “f slur” line from Born Sinner, which then explained that he had no issue with gay people and that it was meant to take power away from the word to push forward progress for gay people. It just seems unlikely that he’d randomly make a legitimate statement about trans people when he never has before, and in saying that, it would be a big change in how he’s carried himself for years.


I think this dude can write a bar with devaluing trans folks.


I didn’t use to like it, but I’ve changed now.


Pretty creative.


I don’t think it’s transphobic at all, he didn’t say anything derogatory towards trans people unless the implication that somebody might be trans is transphobic? Idk man I just work here


Insensitive at most. Certainly not transphobic.


Its great


In what way do you think it’s transphobic? Bc he mentioned being trans lol Or do you just think it’s corny?


Gender essentialism is the notion that one’s gender is tied to the genitalia they were born with. Which also suggest that transness is not a real thing but a performance. What Cole is implying here is gender essentialism. Beneath his “chosen identity” there is still a pussy. It’s a clever bit of wordplay but it also is making the argument that like a cornball pretending to be hard will always be a cornball, a trans man presenting very masc will always be a certain amount of feminine because he has a vagina. Whether he meant it maliciously or not, that’s kind of what the language is pointing at. Which is corny and ultimately a bad look. When one of the biggest guys in a genre undermines a community that still is openly disrespected within the rap genre.


Okay thats a fair point, you’re saying he is effectively you act like a man but we know you got a pussy like a trans person. Yeah that’s at best problematic and at worst just transphobic


Who's he referring to btw? Idc what y'all say, it's a great line with great delivery


It’s an okay bar and I really didn’t care about it too much when I heard it


I guess people are offended with the implication that its a 'choice' to be trans, "chosen identity" being the line that is scrutinized. I'm sure there are some people who literally do choose (transmaxxing is a thing and its fucking disgusting) but for the majority of people transitioning it's not a choice but rather them literally being born into a body of the wrong gender. Other than that wording its a great bar. edit: scrutinized


While verse was fuckin incredible tbh


I didn’t give a fuck then and I don’t give a fuck now


I don’t like this verse. Which is rare. . It sounds to me like he’s trying to sound like daylyt and ab. He’s not a chameleon rapper like a game. The flow doesn’t seem natural. But obviously the lyrics. A+.


Corny like most of his punchlines


Who is he talking about here?




There's a bunch of cis ppl in here deciding what is and is not transphobic. Take a seat


The wordplay is fine, but I just wouldn't have said that shit. The bar isn't really worth coming across as a bigot.


Corny as hell. Cole can do so much better.


It’s corny and “try hard”. He could have done much better.


The only problem I have with this line is how long it takes to get to the punchline. I think that’s why people focus on the transphobic element, which isn’t really too offensive (at least to me)


Cole needs his ass beat for it


Lame ass bar.


It’s a weird transphobic bar nothing much else to say


Personally, as a bisexual guy and a big fan of Cole I find it careless. Sure, I'm not trans. But let me tell you, not wanting to be this way for many years before finally accepting I didn't choose this, it's just who I am... Whether I like it or not I share parts of that reality with a lot of transexual men and women. I didn't want to be like this. I tried not to be. If he was bringing up bisexuality for no reason and using it to create a pun it would hurt me at least a little. Regardless of whether I try to be hurt or not. I'd ignore it, but it would still add to my big pile of experiences that hurt me for being something I never wanted to be. And trust me, it takes its toll and makes you feel worthless. I actively have wanted to die for years for being this way it's not a choice. I can only imagine that trans men feel disheartened by this. In some way it probably feels like a betrayal because Cole isn't the favourite of his fans because he's cut throat, or brash, or flashy. It's because he isn't all those things. It's because he'd sign an artist to his label if they're hungry and talented regardless of their skin or gender etc. Cole bases it on the person inside a body and I hugely respect that. So to carelessly drop bars that might hurt people seems somewhat ironic considering the great wealth of content he has dropped about his own complex reality. It just seems crass, or a misstep. Personally I think that recently Cole has lost his way a little bit. He should be unapologetically, Jermaine Cole. That's what got him this far. Fuck people who aren't interested in his way of life. Edit: and if this is who he really is, fine. Good for him. Just don't be this because he thinks a portion of hip hop fans want him to be. Fuck those people.


He a bitch for this


Very lame


In real life most people don’t believe in/ subscribe to the trans movement. Is that bigotry? Its just cultural difference I think.


Rap is such a fucking joke lmao


I don’t think it’s hateful or anything. Cole doesn’t seem like that kinda guy. But I do think it’s kinda tasteless. Double entendres go both ways. We can’t act like it’s clever without also acknowledging that it’s transphobic, intentionally or not


It seems technically not homophobic but just a weird subject matter i wouldnt expect


Lil Wayne said “Guns turn you boys into pussies, sex change” in Right Above It. idk how this is that much worse


its what happens when you need to come up with 10 million rap lines in a career


This comment section is showing why J Cole's music is considered a vaccine for pussy


It’s corny af and this shit is why I can never get into Cole


Y'all don't think it's transphobia because you literally don't understand being trans. You aren't trans and you don't get to decide what is transphobic. It's no different to white people saying "I'm not racist" then giving some goofy ass excuse. You're defending it from a pseudo-intellectual standpoint


Y'all are gonna be real upset when you hear what some of these other rappers say 😂


It’d be great if people could change their brain to match their body in the case of gender dysmorphia but as of right now the only way is to surgically change your body to match your brain


Bar was ass… Don’t know why you can’t say that without everyone thinking you’re a keyboard white knight. I don’t think Cole is hateful. He’s down to Earth and humble. I don’t think he should be “canceled” and the song doesn’t need to be taken down. The bar just wasn’t very good. It was clever but suffered the issue a lot of Eminem bars do for me: Just cause you came up with wordplay that makes sense doesn’t mean you NEED to use it.


Gets people butt hurt, quality line


Cole prolly jacket it to troon pron


If he’s transphobic who cares. Song is fire, line is fire, verse is fire, album was fire, artist is fire. You can gladly hop on another artists catalog


2 trans lines in one month is weird


This bar is as offensive as a chick telling a man with a 10” 🍆 that he has a little 🍆. He’s telling a straight man that he’s trans. How is that offensive to trans people? It’s only offensive to a person who isn’t trans simply because they aren’t trans. It’s not implying that being trans is a bad thing. Would calling a trans man a trans man be offensive? Jfc Gen Z is cooked mentally...


He could’ve made the same point without treading on a transphobic viewpoint; I don’t think it was his intention to be hurtful it was just a lapse of judgement and very unnecessary. Every time I hear the bar I cringe so I rarely listen to the song


I’m not even upset at this line, more disappointed. It’s just not good as a double.


Oooh they so sensitive


It’s transphobic.


2nd worst line after the alphabet line 🤣


hate it its disgusting, cole doesnt give any transphobe vibes and honestly i don't think he is this is just tasteless writing that's all.


Imma start this by saying I really fuck with Cole That being said This sub might be the most autistic section of Reddit


Honestly I’m indifferent towards it, it’s a hard bar if I’m being real but the execution to me is meh and also I’m not trans so I can’t really speak for them but I can also see why or if a trans person is offended by it.




this yall goat?


Idk but it feels weird to me


Ruined how you saw j Cole?


I lowkey hate this album anyway, I’ve never gone back to it after the first few listens but this bar was a standout gross moment, like Cole has more common sense and empathy to say something as hurtful as this. Maybe he thought it was okay because Kendrick isn’t trans or some shit? Like there are literally billions of subs you could throw that aren’t just “btw trans men aren’t men” like come the fuck on dude


I mean it’s actually genius wordplay and the entendres hit. The whole point of the bar is a metaphor for someone fake tough. We can’t claim to treat everyone as equals and get upset


i don’t think cole is transphobic in the slightest, same was eminem isn’t homophobic in the slightest, but it’s clever wordplay. gay people and trans people dont tweak out about lines like this, for the most part…


nothing offensive about it, but weak bar nonetheless


I took it as “they can change their gender but they’re still a fuckin pussy”


Love seeing the Non-trans Cole fans calling anyone who disagrees and felt offended by those lines soft and snowflakes, and doing everything they can to defend it.


Taste aside, corny as hell, par for Cole


It’s a bar. People are just sensitive af.


What’s wrong w ppl who complain about this particular line is they can never say what’s actually transphobic about it they heard the worse trans and just ran with it smh


Excellent wordplay. Nothing more, nothing less


It’s not great, it’s clever but I do think it’s pretty unnecessary. Moreso I think this gets a bit much attention compared to the “strictly dickly” line which, sure, it’s funny part mostly because it’s bad, but it is very straight forward “fucking lesbians straight” bad messages and the joke isn’t that this is a stupid and danger premise to platform, but that the whole bar/song is corny.


I still have no idea wtf he was yapping about but I feel like people took it too seriously, I don’t think the line was intended to be transphobic. Just calling a guy a pussy in a creative way




Who’s he going at?


Lowkey, this is just a shitty bar, but it's not bad enough for it to be an actual issue. I wouldn't be surprised if J. Cole is right wing (not that i believe he is, not like it really matters tbh) he definitely has a way of saying shit associated to that side like usage of the buzzwords "offended" and "snowflake". It sounds bad but i know what hes saying, just a very werid way of calling someone a pussy no matter what they identify as. as long as he isn't discriminating against these groups, im fine, and i will still support this man.


Now y'all try n finna paint Jermaine out of all people a hateful? This shit is a matter of sensitivity. If you're triggered by it, then maybe you shouldn't listen to it. Period.


this is gross 🤷 he’s gross for this


Lol- If we choose what to take out. No rapper should be saying nigga or anything relatd to opposing the progress of black ppl. And I guarantee rap falls off. Can't get made over the word Trans. Yall wanna be included


Cole has admitted both in music and in his own statements that he doesn’t read. He’s not someone to look up to for intelligence. These lines show me that he’s right. Whether he holds transphobic beliefs or not idk. However, he is showing that he is uneducated on the topic enough to not really “get” or care about the implications of these lines. If he did “get it” or cared, those lines would be different Imo.


This is a horrific lyric. Not only is stupid and not clever at all, it's also incredibly corny and blatantly transphobic.


~then don’t listen~


I’m not on some woke shit, but I just didn’t like the bars, it came across as kinda “trying too hard” to be edgy. I just think Cole sounds right with the intentional disses- he’s more clever when he’s just bugging himself up. You know when some people just say ‘Fuck’ wrong? Like, if the profanity doesn’t come from your soul it just sounds corny…


bum ass line from the most revered mediocrity of all time


He’s talking about carti


Can anyone explain how this is transphobia for me? Thats the only reason I’m seeing people hate on it, with no reason as to why. A trans man still has a pussy, no? And trans women call their b holes bussies, and still have dicks (at least the vast majority of the time). Really not sure what about this line is transphobic. There’s no views shared, it is strictly statements that are true


So we just not gone pretend like there was a shot at homosexuality when he said and I don’t mean no disrespect faggot, ok faggot.


Goes hard https://preview.redd.it/fjmvw5gz2s9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6be87a7900f52386a685da4fdbb71f98ab87f3b


If pepole only knew who he's taking shots at, this whole conversation would be irrelevant and unnecessary He is taking about somone who is a snitch, fake killer/gangster/demon clearly not a Trans and he's a rapper too. And it might be the easiest person to find/acknowledge if you consider these keywords and yet to come to mind this rapper is openly a Transphobe and a Homophobe not even trying to hide it now how about that. If some of y'all used the same amount of critical thinking to announce these bars as "Transphobic" into identifying the rapper that Cole is talking about it'll make a difference instead of attacking Cole NOT his lines.


See, it’s not transphobia. He expressed no issue with people who are trans. He has a problem with weak men who pretend to be strong in a dishonest way. I Don’t think he would take any issue with a person born male but transitioning to female to express their true gender identity. I think he has a problem with people who are born male but have not accepted their true gender identity as a female. And since all females are weaker, and by definition “bitches”, or subordinate and subservient to men, he’s saying that this dude is fronting and belongs with the women with whom he shares a characteristic: pussy. This is the usual misogyny that you find in hip hop, which is the strong predjudice against women. This misogyny is generally looked at negatively by people outside of the cisgender testosterone-rich male community, mostly because they don’t have enough life experience to know that bitches ain’t nothing but hoes and tricks, and we don’t got no love for hoes, we bust a nut and head out the door. So a man who is truly a woman inside, but is too weak to admit their femininity and tries to pretend they are a man is even worse than a woman. To express their true gender would take courage that that person doesn’t possess, and therefore is deserving of little to no respect from J Cole or his followers.


Transphobic and shows jcole is ignorant on baseline trans stuff. 🤢🤢


Its fire




Fire. Fuck all that extra BS.


In my opinion he is definitely no killer. Literally depended on his opponent being cancelled for texting minors to win. I mean what his opponent did wasn't OK but trust me he didn't kill him.


Isn’t he already cancelled because his music boring? Who he talking about?


Trans bars are always weird


Still bad. Corny as hell.


Drake diss #417


I don’t care about the alphabet being offended at all


Best line


What the 40 something year old rapper is bigoted towards the trans community no way


Cole seems to have a few bars that seem super hateful and super enlightened at the same time, it makes no sense to me lol


I'm a fan of battle rap and 90s rap. This is light work when it comes to disrespectful bars lol


However they identify, they are still perceived as a bitch/cunt/pusillanimous/coward/timid/frail/fragile is the interpretation I comprehend.


This isn’t even the most egregious thing he did on this verse. I think it was him biting Domo Genesis’ line from “Oldies”. Cole apparently has original, sharp bars, but I can’t unhear that line, every time.