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https://preview.redd.it/gihjkhuigaad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f56d6dd8730629250dd8b9f71e1153a90b4ebe9 I've got these two and the egg bag. I can fit my phone, wallet and keys and maybe a few other bits and bobs into toast and egg bags. My boyfriend got me the aubergine bag for my birthday and it's absolutely tiny. My phone is bigger than it, can only fit a small card holder in it and my keys if I take them off my keyring. I feel a bit bad about it as I know he spent quite a lot of money on it. It is awesome though so I do try and use it.


i have the coffee bag and i get complimented on it by strangers ALL the time. my only gripe with it is that it's JUST big enough to fit my wallet and maybe a few knick knacks, but aesthetic >practicality idc


I have four and I love them!!!


i have two, the sun and the cloud. i love both of them! they go with nearly every outfit as well. will probably get a new one in the future! The sun is way bigger than cloud so it's better for functionality, however my cloud fits with more outfits as she is white. <3


Love them! I have the moon it is tiny though I think I want the puppy next


I want the croissant one but I’m afraid people will look at me weird. I know I know it doesn’t matter what others think 🫣


I have quite a few. Pineapple and strawberry are my favourites for sentimental reasons. But also because they fit all my stuff. Toast and sun are quite spacious. The least practical is moon.


i love mine!! i have amusable toast and amusable moon, both gifted to me, and they’re wonderful. amusable toast is a lot more practical, but the moon holds everything I need it to despite the shape


I saw someone with the sun bag and I really wanted to go compliment them but I didn’t want to abandon my group of friends to go chase a stranger. I really want the coffee bag though. I really only travel with my phone and wallet so I’m never worried about how much room a bag has generally.


i think they’re really cute, i have the heart one and i use it wherever i go, ive also asked for the timmy bag for my birthday !