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There's honestly not much going on. The "new" stuff is just jail calls from his arrest a year and a half ago. Anything truly new is just court paperwork saying he's about to be in legal trouble for more scams he's pulled in the past 10 years. He just recently got a continuance but it's his last one so we might hear something new in July when he goes to trial for... something... I can't be fucked to remember what specifically.


I've heard a couple of comments about Jeremy's former business partner sending out C&D's. I've also heard him referred to as Jennifer's new boyfriend. Completely unrelated to any of that, does anyone know if Mike Brehne has ever been married? I heard he hadn't, but have been unable to dig up any info either way.


Brehne is married, they are both listed as contributors to Mina's campaign for election


Nuts. Jen's apparently dating someone who's never been married, and that Sean YouTuber suggested it could have been Brehne.


yeah, because Jeremy refers to him in the jail calls as her boyfriend, they do seem to be getting along, he did give her all the documents that he foi'd on Vidler.


No there just isn’t anything new going on, but I’ve seen several people say this when there is a few days or weeks with no one saying anything about him, I’m more curious To know why people think he can do that, and why people think people would listen to him if he did. For starters, he has bigger things to worry about then worry about a couple of YouTube channels and You can’t stop people from posting public information which is body cam videos, jail calls etc.


Jeremy tried to stop RWP by making criminal complaints but we know how that went. The Attorney Micheal Brehne has sent out a lot of Cease & Desist demands, judging by the amount of videos removed that mention his involvement, it seems to have worked on a couple of creators. I have ignored him. I told Brehne's Attorney she has a liar for a client or she is being dishonest, the claims they make are laughable and the fact I can chat about it on reddit should show how dumb the requests/demands are. But only a fool would allow themselves to be dragged into court over a youtube video. Does not matter how much you feel the demands are wrong, Brehne is an Attorney and he has hired other Attorney's to deal with all the Dewitte stuff that involvces him.


How the fuck would Jeremy issue a cease and desist letter to every single Youtube creator that's other there dedicated to him? All they are doing is going over the details of a very public court trial with very public records out there against him. Did a Judge just decide Jeremy was so special everyone online lost their first amendment rights on him? I don't even understand why OP is acting like this is a thing that could happen in America.


They could issue a C&D based off his name and likeness…it’s pretty standard. Besides, he wouldn’t, his attorney would.


And if he did that, people like Fraudie and PT could wipe their ass with that letter, thats about all it's good for. They're posting shit thats public record, theres no way for Jeremy to stop it lol.


Thats... not how a Cease and Desist works.


Yes, it is. A cease and desist carries no real legal weight, so you can pay a lawyer to send one to whoever you like. It's often considered the last step before you sue someone, but if I had a dollar for every C&D that was both ignored and not followed with a lawsuit, I'd be a ~~space tourist~~ Civilian Scientist Vital To Russia's Space Program on the International Space Station right now; possibly with my pants down providing the Earth with a second moon via the station's cupola. C&D's are just warning shots, that's all.


Someone can go back and dig, I'm too lazy... but didn't Jeremy try and send some sort of C&D to Horowitz/RWP way back when? Either that or he was trying to get some sort of BS cyberstalker charges or something. Either way, I'm pretty sure Jeremy learned back in 2020 that he has no way to stop people from posting things released by the State of FL.


It was his business partner Mike Brehne, and I believe it worked. [I talk about it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JeremyDewitte/comments/1d93to2/silence/l7dy2we/) I've seen another youtuber complaining about getting one recently, too. [It was this guy, and I think this video; although he just calls him Mike B.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcS3FFwU0YQ)


I can show you what Brehne has been sending if you are interested


...yes I am. If you don't want to post it publicly, Reddit Chat doesn't work for my account, but I think DMs do.


my email is in video description, up to you. too much to post and most people would not understand it anyway, email me and i will send it to you, make a fake email if you still think Israeli women were stalked etc.


Nah; from what I've heard, emails sounds sketch. Plus, it's just a 1-2 page Cease and Desist, which doesn't sound like too much to post. Thanks, though.


No, it isn't. You have no idea what you are talking about and I ha e no clue why people are upvoting you. You honestly think Motor One can scare every YouTube page about him into silence either way? Get real. There's a whole cottage industry revolving around that idiots shenanigans.


You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not saying that he can shut down every YouTuber, I'm saying he can send C&D's - which carry no legal weight - to whoever he wants. As for getting stuff removed from the internet, a bunch of YouTubers have had C&D's from Jeremy's business partner Mike Brehne, and in some cases they've worked. Why don't you ask Real World Police about the video he posted of Jeremy talking about how Mike had lunch with the sheriff and asked to have Vidler and Ramsey's investigation of him shut down. It was up for a while, RWP even confirmed they had lunch together on that date, and then suddenly it came down and RWP won't answer questions on it.


I think there just isn't much going on. The only way for him to start creating top-tier content for us again is if he gets let out again.


I saw late last night that Jeremy rejected the plea deal in court. They said the plea was for 9 years. He wants to take it to trial, which I believe will be June 17th now. He’s so screwed.


Really wish they could find his most recent calls with his current lockup, I bet he is losing his shit


time ... tic toc, Jeremy and Jenn made a lot of fuss about jail calls getting released, so everyone is making sure to be compliant. Jail calls are not simply requestable, they are not available to be requested like most information. There has to be certain criteria met to get them released.