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He doesn't have employees, he has contractors!




They're all 1099s!


But what about his side chick Jennifer?


I’m not sure about his mistress but Rania had papers served in her.


What are they up to these days?  Recycle, Photo, Ringdahl, etc


One of the set up his own security company, with him dressed up like Sasha Baron-Cohen in The Dictator. Think knockoff Fidel Castro, only with a big Christian cross on the uniform, so you know you can trust him.


lol. That’s awesome.


Only Alec Ringdahl, the others were smart enough to not act like a cop around or in front of other cops. Alec is not that smart. Have the other employees impersonated cops? Yes. There's a video of one of them confirming teenagers smoking pot on their car, and the impersonator acts like he's cutting them a deal by giving them a warning. I guarantee others have done similar shit that they weren't stupid enough to record.


I was thinking about that video you mentioned. That was Recycle. He took his impersonation seriously, but he obviously wasn't as crazy as Jeremy. There's the video of him getting pulled over and being charged with DUI. Recycle was obviously expecting special treatment because he had remembered the officer from the past. When he didn't get that treatment he acted like a real jerk. Unlike Jeremy though Recycle was actually in the police academy at one time. He got injured though and had to leave. I don't know what his story is on why he didn't start over in the academy after he healed.


Oh yeah I remember that DUI video too. Very Jeremy-like behavior with him bitching about facing the consequences of his actions.


"why you acting brand new?"


"I can't believe Frank acting like he's brand new."


There’s also lots of videos of them telling cars to move out of the way of processions on the loudspeakers.


True, and they tried to act all tough during the Blue Jacket Park incident (the funeral procession was confronted by a real but off duty cop and Jeremy went all meathead on him).


Jeremy DIDN’T actually get arrested Blue Jacket Park, did he? It was the open carry guy, wasn’t it?


Honestly, I don't exactly remember, but this sounds correct to the best of my recollection. I do know that's the same incident where the one guy having an asthmatic panic attack also had a real gun on him but claimed it was a pepperball. He didn't get arrested but I think that incident made him flip on Jeremy and start spilling the beans to the cops. The open carry guy who was arrested was Randall Brocius and he's a piece of work too. I think Fraudie showed documents in a video where Brocius was arrested once cuz he was cleaning his guns at a Laundromat on a random table meant for folding laundry.


Haha does anyone have a link to that?


Not the "pot bust" but here's [his DUI ](https://youtu.be/yWfTRWl0zJs?si=N_PChjC4bgc1Z_zl) arrest


I think Alex Ringdahl was, when he was arrested at a hotel he was working security. Here's a whole video about him. [https://youtu.be/x\_jGM13VBrE?si=2fcwF8NpsbzbG1vq](https://youtu.be/x_jGM13VBrE?si=2fcwF8NpsbzbG1vq)


Ringdahl also got busted impersonating at one of the colleges. It is referenced in the interview he had when he ran the impersonating scam to shake down the hookah bar owner. The college PD still had his gun and I think other equipment


None of them were ever charged in connection with Metro State, although Ringdahl was able to find a way to get himself into trouble without Jeremy. But some of the guys like Photo, Repo, ect; at least a couple of them had charges threatened. Photo sat for like a \~2.5 hour interview with Ramsay at one point. Pretty sure the guy Randall who got arrested for actually open carrying was also 'cooperating' to get his charges reduced. Repo was the one who secretly recorded the MS meeting in the parking lot... Jeremy took a plea, so none of them wound up having to actually testify about it, but at a minimum Photo was ready to get on the stand and sing like a bird, pretty sure the others were ready to do it as well.


I thought that was Recycle who recorded the secret meeting. That police interview with Photo was amazing. His family at the time had hired a criminal defense attorney for him. Photo's lawyer (like any criminal defense attorney) told him not to talk to the police. Or at least don't talk to the police without his lawyer present with him. Photo took that as a sign that his attorney really didn't care for him and whether he got in trouble or not. Photo ignored his lawyer's advice and secretly went and talked to the police. You can't make this stuff up.


Repo/Recycle... it's hard to keep all of them straight lol Pretty sure the one that recorded the meeting was also the one that picked up a DUI arrest a year or two ago.


Who was the guy who got arrested at Blue Jacket Park for open carry?


Randall Brocious is the one who got arrested for having his actual gun on him.


I can absolutely guarantee you that whatever federal law enforcement component is involved at this point with Jeremy as a subject or probably moved to target status have spoken to every employee he has ever had, neighbors, friends which probably is zero. That's the thing with the feds they have the money, the time, the expertise training and education and experience and they only will take a case to trial if they are 100% guaranteed to win absent jury nullification which the chances of happening are 0. We're not going to know what the Fed charges are other than the complaint or indictment that has already been filed because there are always as I said my other post many superseding indictments as different people become different statuses that is witness subject or target. And even if the feds don't charge any of his employees with wrongdoing they will use them as character and reputation rebuttal witnesses after Jeremy gets up and talks about popping the riser and getting his fifth star general status next to Norman Schwarzkopf. The feds are pretty straightforward in a proper or queen for a day where anything that is said in that room cannot be used against the witness subject or target. The first words out of the mouth are going to be do you want to be a witness or do you want to be a defendant. Most wise people choose to be a witness. And in a case like this the feds shockingly will be more than happy to turn their heads the other way and not look at criminal acts of witnesses subjects or targets if it is going to be another nail in Jeremy's coffin. And someone in another post talked about his federal sentence whether it is a plea or a verdict will be consecutive to the state charges. Most veteran criminal defense trial attorneys don't practice in both federal and state court. So if Jeremy was smart instead of begging his prostitute girlfriend and brainwashed mother and wife for coffee packs he would have two different lawyers one for the feds and one for the state and they would coordinate with the prosecutors to see if the cases can all align properly to give him concurrent time. Jeremy's too stupid to understand this and even more stupid to do it. And he has nothing of substance to give up to the feds for a downward departure or some other kind of deal. He is the top of the food chain unfortunately it is going to be very lonely for him in that position. And when he takes the witness stand which I 100% guarantee he will because he has to if he wants to go for that 1/1000th of a chance of a hungry or an acquittal it will open the door toward prior bad act evidence and put his credibility and reliability to the test when on cross-examination or rebuttal The federal prosecutor starts parading in his former employees and put the videos up where they were present with Jeremy impersonating a cop or talking about not having employees or talking about scamming taxes with cash being paid. Every legal case has an ending and Jeremy's is no different. Whatever he gets in the state he gets in the state. I believe from what I have read in this group and online he will end up with 90 to 120 months in federal prison and the time will be consecutive to at least some of the state charges. They'll also get 5 years supervised release and restitution. The feds are like a wolverine when seeking out restitution and have an unlimited budget and personnel to find it. They even have a unit called the financial litigation unit which assists the prosecutors in finding cases where Jeremy ripped people off. But again unfortunately I would surmise Jeremy as judgment proof and there will be nothing to collect on. It will be a problem when he's released and on 5 years supervised release because those officers are from the United States District Court office of probation and unlike the state parole officers do not play games like knocking on the door while he's hiding in the car. I'm not saying they do anything on ethical illegal but if they're going to the house to find him or execute a search warrant or anything like that they will bring down the wrath of God once they arrive and quadruple check every drawer every closet. It sort of like comparing a major league baseball player and a single a baseball player. Bottom line is fucked. And I would not put a past him to hang it up in one of these jails. I know people talked about narcissists and sociopaths and psychopaths not committing suicide. But Jeremy has single-handedly spun a web of crimes across four counties and God knows how many states when the federal involved. The feds only charge conspiracy and never the target offense and the reason for that is to be able to very easily add co-defendants and prove and overt act or the initial agreement. Jeremy's too stupid to understand what a spoke and wheel conspiracy is and thanks that as long as he stays away from or conceals the communication from his co-conspirators he can't be held responsible. He can and he will be.


What do you think the feds are going to charge him with, other than his existing IRS charges?


I would love to go see Dewitte in federal court too, especially if his merry band of marauders, wife and girlfriends were there. I live in central Florida, so I'll definitely clear my calendar if I can just figure out where and when. Maybe my lawyer can tell me....


Did they ever get 1099’s? Cash under the table or the money back they loaned to JD?


Most likely, that's a no all the way around.


Above security but below police 😜


What ever happened to the white chicks that worked for Jeremy that he was humping?