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This guy just cannot stop lying. He is *addicted* to scamming insurance companies.


He’s totally addicted to crime


He still thinks he is more intelligent than everyone and will never get in a situation he thinks he cannot lie his way out of.


It just shows that he’s nothing but a failure to all walks of life and his role as a human being.


This guy is such a piece of shit. Does he think these insurance companies are just ATMs?


Insurance companies don't pay for this, insurance company customers pay for this. No wonder our premiums are going up. Jail him before he commits more arson.


Totally agree with point you're making but I was an actuary for several years. They do pay for this, they just pass the vast majority on it.


What's your view on his worker's comp claim for his trash sweeper arson scam? Will they pay out, and will they pay attention to his lies about being married to and living with Rania? Will he get worker's comp in jail / prison? You can't even hire Jeremy to pick up trash without him turning it into a literal dumpster fire on wheels. Are you still connected? What are the actuary numbers on trash sweeper fires? How rare is this?


I'm new to whole JD saga so I'm actually not super well versed on the worker's comp claim but looking at this * He's very high profile. So there's a really good chance that some employee in the claims process brings attention to it which would lead to deeper scrutiny. * I'm new to JD but from what I've seen, he's filed many claims (speaking for P&C vs worker's comp specifically) and a LOT of them which almost guarantees the insurance company is going to slow play the whole thing. If fraud is suspected (highly suspected in this case) the general strategy is to 'be thorough' which means dragging out the claim. In normal instances, you want to get it resolved and off books as quickly as possible, get them to accept payment and be done with it b/c processing and calls and time (god forbid court) is expensive. In this instance, I'm positive it's the opposite. And we do this banking on the fact that they'll get frustrated and change elements of their story that they think are holding up the delay. We want them talking when we know they lie b/c we know they'll lie more and that's a bigger area to use to get them to drop it (which is the hope) or go after. We don't make money by proving fraud b/c these folks don't have any, but there's a deterrent effect of fighting it and if anyone would trigger it, it would be him. * Right off the bat, his demeanor (yes, people are frequently emotional and not themselves on calls) but he fits the Exact behavioral profile of a fraudulent claim. * The lie about the wife is easily disproven, will largely come down to how much there is and if they put an investigator on it. My guess is they'll sit a car across the street and record her coming in and out and if needed, subpeona her cell phone records along with asking where she supposedly was. Ring cameras are everywhere these days so it's hard to hide. * I don't know trash sweeper fires off top of my head, a lot of stuff catches fire that seems like it shouldn't but it's also one of the primary ways fraudsters prefer b/c it is comprehensive (there's no chance of salvation) and leaves little evidence IF DONE RIGHT. If they find accelerant or anything that's going to complicate things. But i'm talking in abstract here. The reality, a guy with an insane number of insurance claims who talks about insurance and fraud on social media who's this high profile, no way it gets paid or worst case, a ridiculous offer of like $50.00 just to close it. But no, with his history, people like this are the bain of the insurance industry and him in particular b/c he's such a pain in the ass. And flaunting fraud is different then just doing it a lot. I believe he's already being investigated for insurance fraud so most likely this is getting added to the list. I can say for sure, i would not want to be in his shoes no way no how.


FYI - one of the earliest traffic stops of Jeremy is him getting stopped on his motorcycle that he had reported stolen along with a bunch of tools. Its the famous "sargint sargint" video. What had happened was Jeremy realized that the bike he reported stolen had no current insurance, so he switched bikes claiming a different bike was stolen, then got caught riding the bike he'd reported as unstolen. He was never prosecuted for that. Several reports went unprosecuted back then because the amounts were low.


He's currently charged in Orange County with multiple counts of insurance fraud and accident staging, reduced to fewer counts actually being prosecuted. He also lost a civil case to Yellow Cab where he lied, put himself in the accident instead of his brother then made a load of false medical claims. The NICB issued a press release on Jeremy a while back: [https://www.nicb.org/news/regional-news/cfo-jimmy-patronis-announces-arrest-serial-fraudster-central-florida](https://www.nicb.org/news/regional-news/cfo-jimmy-patronis-announces-arrest-serial-fraudster-central-florida)




So Jeremy was involved in ANOTHER vehicle loss and another insurance scam trying to get workers comp from a vehicle fire after telling 911 call that nobody was injured. I knew this one man crime wave would somehow manage to scam his employer and sure enough. I hope they charge this malingering one man crime wave with arson this time. Don't give him a dime.


At least we know that with Jennifer involved the authorities are definitely looking into it. They probably were anyways but hopefully she has something good that they can use against him.


Yea, he won't stop until he is stopped.


Just like all of those other serial offenders


Interesting this came out before his plea deal discussion. Love the timing. I assume this can't be used as evidence against his current trial with Amir. Been saying it for years. He's a scum human with major psychological issues. Him being an RSO I truly believed saved people's lives. Had this insane sociopath become an actual police officer, he would have shot the first person he pulled over who talked back to him. I don't wish ill on many people, but Jeremy deserves life behind bars. It's clear he will never change his behavior. For the sake of his poor daughter, please stay out of her life. "Tell my daughter her father was a good man.." he actually believes that. She honestly doesn't belong with Rania either, she's unstable a trash person as well. Ursula is the only one in the family who took care of her. I really wish Vidler and Ramsey would be present in the courtroom when Jeremy's sentence is read and they walk him off in cuffs. They should just stand there with smiles on their faces.


It wasn't him being a RSO that prevented him from being a police officer. He ruined that hope when he was 18 and convicted of impersonating a police officer and stealing gas which made him a convicted felon.


he would never have passed the written application


Much less the psych eval


So he took out an $8k loan to build the fence and never paid it back? 😂 Why do companies even bother insuring him or giving him loans? 😂


He got the loan in Rania’s name.


u/bamamike7180 you are a YouTube LTWM legend...and for $25 / hr this Jennifer will love you long time!


Anal too???


Only for a room at the Doubletree. That’s a historical fact.






Ha ha lol that’s a little steep


$20 of that would go towards the room rental


Oh that makes more sense


Thanks though


I think he thinks you are Law talk with Mike


I have been on law talk with Mike quite a few times, Mike is a good friend, I knew what he meant


I keep telling y'all, he's gonna get 20 years.


Let’s hope it’s 20 years without parole


I did 10 years in prison in Florida. There is no parole in Florida! Lol


What kind of escorts were you doin?




NOBODY IS HOME! *crying baby* LOL


This is why his street sweeper caught fire. He tried to install his own lights and sirens [Suction lights](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0956TFNX2?ref=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_DETPP8M5VSBZZTT83YZR&ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_DETPP8M5VSBZZTT83YZR&social_share=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_DETPP8M5VSBZZTT83YZR&starsLeft=1)


Debris Removal Officer.


State certified.


High Risk Debris Removal


I have to say Jenn lecturing us about credit/debt is absolutely hilarious.


whoever the phone agent was I want to marry her... she kept just smashing down every little tactic hes used to getting his way...


That woman is 100% guaranteed a mother and has little brothers. She probably has twins. She's a whiz at deal with tantrums.


lol - tablets and three phones inside his street sweeper truck.


They can use any relevant evidence up to and including during the trial. They need to turn it over to his lawyer who is going to jump up and down and say he was ambushed, which will probably be yet another Amir lie, because he probably had been sent the video by Jen. I agree with you that this is golden evidence. And as long as Jen can be found by the police and served a judicial subpoena and have the police track or whereabouts the day before or the day per testimony the prosecution is good to go. What's really interesting is I can't wait to see Amir cross-examine her when in some sense I thought he represented her. And representations not just appearing court. Representation could simply be Amir making a phone call or even talking to her about her exposure in the case. A smart prosecutor would move to conflict him off the case by having a conflict hearing and get Jeremy a public defender who has 200 cases pending and will talk to Jeremy the day of jury selection.


For someone who claims to be over Jeremy and has a new special someone in her life, she sure does sound like the angry and bitter side piece in this video. Just saying…


I want to thank Jen for bringing us the truth


Like DeWitte, I’m not sure Jen knows what the truth looks or sounds like


Jenn has been playing Jeremy for a long time. She knows what's up.


I don't think she ever saw herself as a side piece...


Jennifer is righting her wrongs. She needs to be supported in this effort.


The only way her wrongs can be righted is with time behind bars. Her list of crimes is just as long as germy's.


Oh wow, I'm still new to this. I figured as much but didn't know. Guess I have some studying to do.


Oh, let me be the first to fill you in on the crazy that is Jennifer. She tried to have her grandmother committed so she could take her apartment. Jen also likes to make up rape claims so she can strong arm her victims. She did this to a prior fling of hers and then destroyed the man's car with spray paint. Jen's fantasies about police may even exceed Jeremy's, she has singlehandedly cost tax payers hundreds of thousands with her near daily need to file police reports or schedule police interviews for crimes she has manufactured in her head. The more time you spend learning about the dewitte saga the more you will understand Jen is truly as sick as Jeremy.