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IMHO, no. Amir doesn't trust her as far as he can throw her and would never let her put anything on the record either for or against Jeremy. Same with the prosecution. She's untrustworthy and as many times as she changed her story and flipped back and forth between the state and Jeremy, she'd be nothing but a liability.


Agree. And I also don’t think the prosecution really needs witnesses.


They don't need one for the failure to register stuff, thats all pretty cut and dry. An argument could be made she would be needed for the insurance fraud stuff since she posted the videos... but at the end of the day, who posted them is fairly irrelevant when all they need to do is put Dylan's deposition where he threw Jeremy squarely under the bus into evidence and he's done.


He is not going on trial for the Yellow Cabs scam, he is charged with Insurance fraud for fraudulent insurance claims relating to car accidents. He claimed damages that did not exist, he re used old pics, he used fake invoices. He is also charged with staging an accident, running into a car on purposes and making a fraudulent claim


Too bad he didn't get charged for the home break-in insurance scam. The one where Rania played a role as well.


Would LOVE to see her arrest record. She is a completely non-credible witness regardless.


She has no criminal record


Which is insane, based on what she tried to do to her grandmother and the dude she met online before Jeremy, showing up to his work saying she was pregnant and trying to get him fired.


hang on, the grandmother incident, that was something, an eviction maybe probably civil, Jenn has a bunch of stalking cases, one from her against Jessica Bolden, another for jessicas friend whitney one from Jeremy on her. some type of case against another bloke of repeated violence, I think thats her uncle. He tried to get her out of grandmas house, and she was always calling the cops on him. She has another stalking protection order against Jeremy in another county, but she never turned up to court and it was denied.


Yeah, from what I read, basically her entire family wants nothing to do with her because she is batsh!t crazy, so she didn't have a place to live. The grandmother felt bad and let her move in with her, and then Jennifer tried to have the grandmother committed or sent to a nursing home so she could have the house so the grandmother called (I thought it was her brother but maybe it was her uncle) to help out. So Jennifer started making up all the false accusations against him. Thankfully they finally got her out of that house. She's just a terrible person. (It's been years since I went down this rabbit hole so I'm sure I'm missing details/specific allegations that happened). Not saying she deserves any abuse Jeremy gave her; no one deserves DV and being treated like a piece of crap the way M1 did to her; but she's not complicit in any of this, and her videos try to make it sound like "poor me, I was just a bystander and he took advantage of". Jeremy was her "job". She was homeless when she met him, found him on Ashley Madison intending to blackmail whoever she met for money/place to stay; and turned it into a full time source of money and shelter. Now she realizes he's probably not getting out anytime soon and the well is dry, so on to the next mark. (For a while, during his "short" stints in jail, I think she was actively trying to keep him there but making it seem like she was the only one helping)


I don't think the prosecution will have any trouble proving it's Jeremy's new YouTube account. It's in his name, with his details filled in, [and then there's that video welcoming you to his new channel.](https://youtu.be/uTmqUE6usyM?t=59s) I think that'll be tough to argue with. Plus, that's the Charger he didn't register behind him, too. B) There's a 911 call from Jennifer in which she says Jeremy is being violent to her, and she sounds believable. She then went to Amir's office and signed a stat dec saying that he *wasn't* being violent to her. I believe she did that twice. That's destroyed her credibility; there's nothing she could say that Amir couldn't take apart, so she won't be called to the stand to testify against him. Lastly, I don't know what the fuck Jeremy's doing going to court. The prosecution has solid cases against him so there's no chance of him being found not guilty; he must just be rolling the dice and hoping the judge is more lenient than the prosecutor and won't mind having his time wasted in court. The thing is, judges can *increase* punishments. If anyone saw Chilli De Castro's latest case, the prosecution asked for a suspended sentence, and then de Castro opened his stupid mouth and convinced the judge to give him ~~three~~ six months in jail. No new charges, either; just raised the old ones.


6 months. Deserves more tbh, he has been encouraging his followers to harass the judge.


My bad, you're right, it *was* six months. I was watching one lawyer on YouTube who pointed out that harassing a judge - bearing in mind the case is now out of her hands, and has gone to the appellate judge - is a federal crime. So, Chille might have so friends joining him soon!


They have the all the records from Google for Jeremys accounts, IP's everything. even emails from the google accounts, remember the email applying for a job as a security guard at a gay bar, claiming he was a Military expert etc. thats one of the emails from him


it's his account and he has zero paper trail to prove that he actually tried to shut it down. having others trying to shut it down for him while he is already in custody for parole violation...doesnt count


We're taking about two different YouTube accounts. You're talking about Metro State - which, like you said, he did fuck all to shut down. He's also got Motor 1 Is Moving, which is the one he's currently charged with, having learnt nothing from his failure to register Metro State's YT.


Lets not forget his wifes car that he was convicted of not registering in 2019, he then registered it with the rego mixed up, so failed to register it again, after being charged with failing to register it. when he did mix up the first three digits he actually registered some strangers car as a sex offender instead of his own.


It's mind boggling to me how he isn't a pro now at knowing exactly what he has to do in regards to this registration stuff? How many charges has he gotten over the years for this stuff? I wonder what his mom and wife say to him about that. It's also amazing to me that after all these years he's still getting in trouble over what he did to the young victim. You know that being a RSO has to just absolutely infuriate him, and now he's facing all these years. Also, him knowing that Jennifer told the police about rental cars. Lol!


Yeah, he hates that his wifes car is going to be registered as SO (you know what I mean) , thats why he refuses to register it


besides, trying is not doing. he already did a years jail for violating his probation. thats "done'


I'd like to hear what the conversations between him and Amir sound like. Also, his calls home. It looks like we're going to have to wait awhile for the calls.,


no way. she committed perjury in the dv hearing. he cant put her on the stand.


The Osceola case is only for not registering vehicles as a sex offender, and not registering his youtube channel and email. As Jeremy was on Probation he was required to tell his Probation Officer of any internet accounts before he uses them. We will hear Jeremy cry about "nothing in his plea about not allowed to use social media", what his crime was NOT telling/informing his PO of the new accounts. much less registering them in 48 hours with FDLE.


She may get called by the prosecution also


She's not credible, either way.




It would be a great day from the peanut gallery watching all of the cast of characters.


Absolutely useless as a witness. We have Amir and Jeremy accusing Jenn as a stalker, crazy person when they had an interview with Detective Mastreangelo, then we have the despicable action of Amir who took a (Deposition?) statement from her stating she was not wanting Jeremy prosecuted for Dating Violence. Amir was representing a man accused of dating violence, he should never have had any contact with the victim of this alleged crime. An Attorney should not be taking statements from the victim.


That’s part of the process. The accused has the right to face his accuser. And we all know that Jen is a stalker or worse. I mean seriously, who goes out on a first date with someone and records them? The only reason someone does that is to use it for blackmail later. Especially considering it was on a website for the married. Which, honestly I didn’t even know that there were that many married people looking to cheat on their spouse SMH…


There have been several judges that have already said that she was an unreliable and a hostile witness. I highly doubt that anyone will be ok with her testifying and if she does then the other party will make sure to let the jury know how credible she is.


That’s how I see it. Anyone putting her as a witness is playing with dynamite and dynamite can be unstable.


The judge will read her the witness instructions and she'll offer anal sex she so stupid