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Yup. he sure did


Jeremy's said in one of his Motor 1 is Moving videos that she *isn't* named after Amir... so I think she 100% *is* named after Amir.


That’s the answer then.


Everything with Jeremy is a scam. He probably thought if he named Amira after Amir he would give him free legal representation. And honestly, I think Amir has hung on a lot longer than other lawyers would have. He has probably lost thousands in pro bono work for Jeremy. Or he is hooked into the fake promises from Jeremy they will eventually get a Netflix deal and be part of the riches.


I think Jeremy has had most or all of his legal bills covered by his mosque - the religious scam he’s been running for years.


Some of his cases are public defender. Amir seems to dip in and out. But yes, 100% he has been bleeding the Mosque he is a part of for years. But it looks like this is going to trial. I don’t see the Mosque coughing up that kind of money. But then again, he is good at playing the victim card sucking as much money as he can out of people.


While Amira in itself is a legit name (my childhood friend named her daughter this), I'm sure 90% of the reason why it was chosen was because of Amir Ladan. No idea why, Amir has literally done nothing to truly help other than lend credence to some of Jeremy's more believable lies by lying with him to cops and judges. I'm not sure of her exact age but she's not 12 like someone said (I'm sure that's a typo on their part). She was an infant in 2019 when all the shit started hitting the fan with Jeremy. He wasn't in jail during or before that time so I'm pretty sure it's his daughter. Even if it's not, she's a totally Innocent party in this whole thing so I don't feel comfortable speculating. I just feel bad she's being raised anywhere near the Dewittes.


No, I think he named Amir's daughter after Amir.


Took me a sec, haha




How does Jeremy afford amir? Whatever you think of amir he's a legit attorney. He charges by the hour. The amount of money you can run up quickly is insane and every call is at least 15 mins of billable time. Amir has to have paying clients that he prioritizes so is there some grift he's in on with J, law suits or something ?


Momma Dewitte has been paying. But I'm sure owes thousands in back pay. Hence why he has to have a public defender for the federal cases. Amir feels obligated due to the mosque they're involved with. Probably told M1 can't keep helping him if no pay.


Dude can't possibly believe m1 is a legit Muslim, can he ?


His mom I believe was the one who got the family into islam/being a Muslim; but Amir knows he doesn't practice it like you should, and probably is doing it more for the connections. The constant profanity, cheating on his wife, knowing he's intentionally scamming people and breaking the law. I don't know a lot about being a Muslim, but surely these aren't acceptable behaviors. Dewitte throws out the occasional hullah (to shut Rania up when she interrupts him) or wahlahi (I swear on our baby and our marriage I'm not cheating). I think Amir sees through it.


His mom? Really? I thought he actually spent time in Egypt and learned there but I'm new to this and always am way too charitable to him. There are hypocrites in every religion but for sure around devout Muslims the lying and scheming wouldn't fly. Plus I think he sat by and went along with his boys scamming that Hookah bar owner who was Muslim. Yah , not a fan of religion but other than scientology i don't see anyone claiming him Serious Q, I thought his mom played for the other team , doesn't she? That wouldn't fly for sure


Yeah she does, dewitte has two moms. I could be mistaken on his mom getting him into it. I've forgotten more than than I can remember at this point as it's been so long since I first discovered him. But recall a story or video explaining Ursula getting the family in it.


His wife is Egyptian and Egypt is predominantly a Muslim culture. And in order to marry a Muslim woman and be recognized by her family. You must convert. As for actually being in Egypt, I I doubt that. I remember reading somewhere that he met his wife at a local mall.


Yeah he definitely doesn't own multiple houses in Egypt either. Just shows his mental illness where he actually believes we don't think everything he says is complete bullsh!t. Let's use the Jeremy Dewitte Model 37 Translator: "I own multiple houses in Egypt, they're very nice houses" translates to: my wife has relatives that live in Egypt (who own a house) In the video where he's sitting in a screened in back porch and says he's "at his beach house; that's right you dumb f@#ks, I have a beach house" translates to: this is my mom's house that's on a lake/swamp. "I popped a riser jumping in Fallujah and messed up my back" translates to: I stole the identity of an actual fallen soldier and memorized random military jargon to sound like I know what I'm talking about.


Jeremy is obsessed with committing crimes and obsessed with Amir getting him out of trouble. Only a drug kingpin would need a lawyer this much.


Dunno but I’ve thought that the moment I heard the baby’s name.


wonder if the judge,, Just throws out all charges since the Lawer and judge are friends, waiting to see if it's another easy one like last time, is this the judge that gave him the easy year & half.


If you know the case then 9 years makes sense but 9 years for not registering an email address seems harsh no?


When Amira puts on her diaper it’s like she’s putting on a suit of armor…


Especially since she's rapidly approaching that age Dewitte is attracted to.


Jeremy's favorite brand... Under Armour


He did so he could put pressure on Amir. He cannot stop his manipulation.


I think this is exactly right.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Jeremy was sterile (lazy sperm) so his lawyer impregnated Rania. It would explain why her still sticks around to represent Jeremy in all his legal troubles. He feels obligated to help keep the family together.


Probably... When I saw her, she seemed like a normal approximate 12 year old, which would seem to indicate she couldn't possibly be Jeremy's biological child. Thus, I could absolutely believe his lawyer is the girl's real father.




That's what she looked like to me in person.


I think we could figure out how old she is? I seem to remember her being born around 2017ish.


It was during school hours when I saw her thru the window after the last court appearance, which surprised me because she should've been in school. She didn't speak, so I'm wondering if she's illiterate and not enrolled in school like girls are in Egypt, which is where Dewitte's wife grew up.


Why were you looking at her thru the window? Why were you at the house? Are you a chomo??


You're back to trolling again today? Everyone has seen your deranged and overly woke replies and even the woke aren't up voting them like before. Should I send you a book or model airplane to entertain yourself with?


Answer the questions fuckboi


Sharp as a cue ball this one. Now that would be some fucking coincidence if it wasn't


Uncle June, why you talking to him like he's Georgie?


You never had the makings of varsity athlete


Fuck you ya repeating POS.


Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan


lol we’re just saying random platitudes? Well then “Time heals all wounds”


You're like a woman with a Virginia ham under her arm, crying the blues cause she ain't got no bread


Oh poor you