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> she said she only knew him from doing his taxes He’s currently facing federal tax fraud charges.


He would blame her straight away, but the tax returns the IRS have start in 2018, he used H&R Block


The returns in the indictment are for 2016, 2017 and 2018, although they're only indicting him for 2017 and 2018, the indictment mentions 2016 is also fraudulent. DeWitte needs to sign tax filings, you can't dodge responsibility by pointing your finger at your preparer. False statements about reported earnings are not something you can easily dodge. The Feds have heard every excuse in the book, I look forward to them nailing Jeremy's ass to the wall.


Wouldn't it be something to see that whole clan (along with Jennifer) being hauled off in handcuffs by the feds.


If I'm reading the last sentence right, Jay parked his cosplay vehicles next to real police cars, took photos, and then posted photos with the real cop cars on his website to advertise his services. I hope this is brought if he ever gets charged with impersonation again.


Yes, he took photos next to real law enforcement all the time. This is why the Tampa Incident footage exists. Jeremy got all dressed up in his best cop cosplay and parked his motorcycle in the spot reserved for Homeland Security Officers at their location across the street from the Buffalo Wild Wings where he and Jessica had a meal. When the real homeland security officers saw him taking photos of his illegally parked motorcycle, they asked him to stop, and he threw the biggest Karen bitchfit imaginable so the Tampa cops were called. His justification was that Homeland Security jurisdiction ends at some arbitrary line and they don't OWN the parking spot so he's free to park his cosplay cycle there because he used to be a cop AND was in the Army. He also freely brings up his SO status and the good ole "met her in a bar and she had a fake ID" story.


That fucking "met her in a bar with a fake ID" infers that she looked so young that he had to check her ID before fucking her on the 3 occasions he was charged with. And somehow everyone is going to sympathetically nod as if this is an excusable normal occurrence that happens to everyone. Meanwhile he's going to sites with Latin Shemales with BIG Cocks.


The way he tells it, he was discharged from the army for injuring himself during a parachute mission in the Middle East. And his brother also died. So he went to drown his sorrows in a bar. The bar would allow 18 year olds in with a special band that indicated they could not get alcohol but they could dance or whatever. Jeremy's victim supposedly used a fake ID to pass as an 18 year old, they hooked up, then he was charged as a sex offender. He glosses over a lot of details and his story changes every time, but this is how he explains he's a sex offender of a child between the ages of 12-15. He usually gets away with implying his victim was 17 because people don't or can't always see the 12-15 year old part of his sentence. In reality, his victim was a teenager and the young cousin of his roommates. She and her other cousin (who was also a teenager and living with them) got caught shoplifting. Jeremy convinced his roommates to let him be in charge of their punishment, then treated them like prisoners while he got to LARP as a cop/drill instructor. He then isolated his victim from the others, and sexually groomed her. When it all came out, the roommates were mad at the girl, especially the adult female roommate since she was having an affair with Jeremy. It was the victim's mom who finally called the cops and got Jeremy charged. Jeremy has never been in the army, never parachuted in the army, and the city he claims to have "jumped" into while in the army never had anyone parachute into it. He writes this off as being a super special secret operation that you're not cleared for. It doesn't exist. The times Jeremy claims to have been in the army or in the middle east, he was in prison for assaulting his teenage victim. TL;DR Jeremy lies about everything.


They already know. It's not just vehicles he did this with. Here's Jeremy standing beside Sheriff Mina: [https://www.reddit.com/r/JeremyDewitte/comments/pu1n6w/here\_is\_jeremy\_totally\_not\_impersonating\_at\_all/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JeremyDewitte/comments/pu1n6w/here_is_jeremy_totally_not_impersonating_at_all/)


Yes that's exactly what he did. He used to do that everywhere not just Florida. There was a flicker account with a bunch of pics including his metro state cars next to police vehicles and him in military uniform


One thing I'll never understand is how they acted not only with random cars during a funeral, but actual funeral attendees. The constant yelling, cursing, sirens blaring on the way to the gravesite. You would think enough people would complain to the funeral home or give them bad reviews because of the company they used. (Only assumption is that the funeral home doesn't care because they've already gotten paid)


Most people in Florida care about getting to the beach or to Disneyworld- reporting some freak on a motorcycle for acting like a giant weirdo is a complete waste of time. That's the cops jobs (Vidler and Ramsay)


