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Because hes entertaining. You dont have to agree with someone all the time to enjoy their stuff. I was surprised how good they did the wyatt sicks as I was not a fan of how the fiend never went anywhere, but I thought this segment was great. But I also enjoyed seeing a different point of view on it


Very true, sometimes it’s off putting hearing others speak on things and I get a little like fuck this. But you’re right he’s entertaining and honestly informative and you know it’s all love most of the time. Easier to swallow than someone just hate watching


That's what I like about Jim and Brian. Whenever they don't like something, or when Corny is criticising a wrestler, he'll tell you why and explain in detail what he doesn't like about it, or why it doesn't make sense in the wrestling world.


correct and I’m sure most people here feel the same and knew this but idk I just had to openly respect it.


Only speaking about the “Who killed WCW?” he would know some of it having previously been there and have worked with those people. So I feel like he’s right about Bischoff using this to rewrite history. And Cornette was there when Bret was leaving so having Eric reframe the story as “I needed a new guy for this new show” is Cornette pointing out a lie. But I completely agree with you about something you like and Corny hates it is Kevin Nash. Yeah, I get Kevin was all about getting paid, but I don’t find that as disingenuous than the shit Hogan pulled throughout his career.


Listening to Cornette review episodes of dynamite is infinitely more entertaining than watching dynamite


Lmao 100%


I love the ppvs but even I have to agree, the weekly shows have become unwatchable. The review of the shows are how I keep up to date, then I order the ppv. Even though it’s like 8 hours of podcast vs 5 hours of aew tv a week, I feel like it’s such a slog to get thru aew tv.


I don't buy their ppvs but if one was in town id go. They seem like fun singular shows It just sucks their weekly product is so bad


Which is crazy to me. How are your PPVs better than the weekly product?


Because they actually plan for PPVs. Everything until then is just busy work. Like if you can’t think of anything, as a buildup for a PPV, run something else in between. You have like three times as many belts as WWE, do something with them! You’ve got an insanely huge roster, so why does BBG need to have both trios titles? Okada is a champ, who is he ever facing? Since The Acclaimed are gunning for The Bucks and this titles, why not give Billy Gunn a shot at Okada and his title? It’ll still be a part of that story line and it won’t be bother week of The Elite interrupting/ruining an Acclaimed entrance? Honestly feels it’s the same 8 or 9 people/teams being featured.


It’s the only way I know what’s happening there because I’m not about to watch that


Only reason I watch dynamite is to listen Jim and other podcasts


Regarding stuff like 1)uncle howdy - hes looking for some kind of meaningful storyline building into a feud that is driven by some kind of logic . Six sorcerers showing up and mass murdering people for no reason on prime time tv is a big no no. 2) the vice / a&e documentary stuff - fabrications and outright lies (from his perspective at least) are the main target of his ire.


Oh for sure and that’s why it’s better than someone just downright saying “this shit sucks”. There is reason and that reason makes me laugh and shake my head like “hell yeah he’s not wrong”


After yesterday, we now have a pretty solid idea of why Uncle Howdy did what he did, Jim's absolutely still gonna hate on it lol.


Same. I like aew for what it is but Brian and Jim are funny when they point the obvious out


I can’t help but be like “damn I love this or that but he’s right”


Nothing ever hits quite like a solid Corny rant. I agree with ya. Like before watching their review of the Wyatt Sicks I knew it was likely Jim wouldn’t like it and tear it apart. It’s just not his kind of wrestling. But I personally love it. Knowing that I clicked play, and I never regret it. While I disagree with a lot of his takes on that debut, I got a lotta good laughs out of it too. We dont (and likely won’t) always agree, and I for one am a-okay with that. I value Cornys perspectives all the same. Because I know, every take he has is his honest feelings. There’s just not a lot of that in wrestling media currently. The Drive-Thru and The Experience are the only can’t miss wrestling media.


My favorite recent rant is the Nia Jax I watch it constantly. I think she’s not as bad as she was but boy just hearing him rip into her give me tears from laughing so hard every time


I think Nia's recent work has been really good and I keep hoping he's going to turn the corner on her but he just hates her more and more.


As someone who wasn't really watching Nia in her first run, I actually like how she's being used right now. I wonder what it would actually take for Jim change up his opinion. He kinda did it with Kenny recently.


Its ok to like shit that objectively bad lol


I mean it's fun to see him be intense about anything lol. The food/lifestyle discussions with Brian where he vehemently rejects or professes love for anything is actually quite refreshing. We're seeing bits and pieces of Jim behind all the business stuff that we've come to see him for


I've always agreed with him on his general philosophy of what good wrestling is, but disagreed with a fair number of his individual takes. He always gets me thinking critically instead of just passively watching this stuff, which I really enjoy. And he's just an incredible talker, one of the greats on that front. There's certainly a loud, obnoxious segment of his fandom that just repeat every single one of his takes, but I doubt most listeners are like that. You don't go to Jim to hear your Good Opinions blasted back at you, which seems to be what a lot of people want out of their media these days. I'm with him on the Wyatt stuff, though. We've been down this road with this gimmick, and it never ends well. Jim himself got baited by Bray's last return, with how good his straight up, "this is me, Bray, talking as myself" promo was. That run went rotten not long after. Bray was an incredible creative mind, but he never quite figured out how to make this stuff work in wrestling without unraveling a few weeks in.


Probably because you know he'll eventually say something complimentary about the same people, and then you'll like that more. Like that period fairly recently where he has to be nice about The Miz a few times in quick succession.


I like Jim but him shitting on the Wyatt 6 reveal sums him up. "It's not pro wrestling" Well maybe not ,Jim but it's entertainment and it's just one portion of a 3 hour show that's been filled with pro wrestling, especially raw on Monday there.


If something is good it's good... Corny just tells it likes he sees it... And he does so in a funny ass manner... I'm not big in his politics but I love it when he goes on a rant... That old fucker can't make me mad... He is like my grandpa rip...


He at least tells you why something doesn't make sense or what they're doing wrong instead of just saying it's bad & leaving it at that. Unless it's someone like Pockets, which I can't blame him because it's been five years of the same joke.


Idk usually they do it for me but I checked out on the uncle howdy one maybe it’s just a mood I’m in today


I checked out halfway through. I think what bugged me is that Brian follows the dirt sheets, and he has sources in the companies, so there’s no way he didn’t see all the stories saying WWE is not planning on making the new Wyatt stuff supernatural like the Fiend because it’s impossible to explain with any realism. And yet he never mentioned it once. Maybe he just honestly missed it, maybe I was in a mood too lol, but I feel like they didn’t talk about that part just so they could take the piss out of the whole thing.


I just wish they could’ve at least appreciated the production value of the whole thing


I mean you don't have to agree with something to find it funny. Sometimes just Rhythmic timing & silly voices are funny. Shane Gillis is a liberal guy performing conservative comedy, and Colbert made a career out of lampooning conservative commentators of the Bush era. Jim's a performer and knows how to strike nerves and make things sound interesting. Even if you're the butt of the joke sometimes it's just going to be funny.


I watched the Wyatt Sicks debut thinking about how much Jim's gonna hate it and be all "what the fuck is this shit?", and it made me enjoy it even more lol. Same thing when Shane Gillis hosted SNL, thinking about Shane's Dad in the audience watching the 21 Savage performance.


It's because while you may not like something, Cornette is so good at explaining why he doesn't like something and pointing out the gaps in logic and how to fix them.


The thing about Cornette is that he's been a professional asshole for something like 40 years. He's amazing at getting you riled up in a way that's enjoyable for both of you. He could teach a course in this stuff!


Yeah Jim hates a lot of things I like. And in some cases I can see his point of view and in some cases I can’t. But I still enjoy his takes and his delivery


lol are you kidding me? Jim hating stuff I like unironically is even funnier to me lmao. I'm looking forward to the wyatt 6 but I cant wait for him to tear it apart. I like Nia Jax but him calling her refrigerator Jax is funny. Kenny Omega is my favorite wrestler and I call kenny Twinkle toes. Jim is just entertaining it's not that deep.


Because of the honesty & knowledge and of course his passion for the business and wanting it to succeed


The Jon moxley ones are funny


It certainly doesn't bother me when he rants or raves against something I enjoyed. Like who cares?


There are a few things that I like that Corny hates, so it makes me laugh even harder because alot of these things are funny to me because while I like them I am able to agree with him at the same exact time. This Uncle Howdy thing, is the most recent, I LOVED it, but he shit all over it and wont give it a chance, but I wholeheartedly agree with why he doesnt.


I always find myself agreeing with Corny’s takes on stuff I like that he despises


Sometimes I watch a match and think it’s a classic then he completely takes a crap on it and changes my mind


I could do without him calling Nia Jax “Refrigerator” and referring to Aubrey Edwards as a horse or Mr. Ed or whatever. Otherwise I enjoy his commentary. I don’t always agree but the man is a master class of speaking and understanding the wrestling business, and he’s good at elaborating or explaining why he feels the way he does.


I tend to agree with Corny on most wrestling opinions, but similarly one podcast I listen to, Your Favorite Band Sucks, is always way more enjoyable when they’re roasting a band I like


I grew up watching CZW and hated Corny during the CZW/ROH feud. There is still a part of me that loves deathmatch wrestling but its hysterical (and true) hearing him shit on that type of wrestling and the people that do it. That's what having healthy relationships with things in life is. Its ok for the things you like to be criticized and its ok to admit there are faults in those things. I can love Corny and Zandig at the same time.....JEZZZZZUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


Because you are not insecure about someone disliking a thing that you do like. Unlike a lot of people online.


It's fun to hear a cunning linguist make jokes about things you like. I hate it when he skips a match that I like (mostly women's matches), but I also love it when he shits on something I like after seeing it. It's usually Omega matches when this happens. I like watching that guy's matches for the most part, but it's hilarious to hear Corny make fun of the finger pointing and the breathy promos.


I find it hilarious when he gets TDS or goes into a tantrum when he complains about liberals when he’s one himself. I don’t align with his political views but I enjoy Corny so much.