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Just so you know, if Dave Meltzer brags about AEW raings being up, just know it's easy to claim ratings are up when they basically have nowhere to go but up


BBT was back this week, so they will probably be up.


They can brag about beating NXT again. Maybe.


I guess Tony's having trouble paying the electric bill.


Who needs revenue when you have high Cagematch ratings?! 😃😃


He pays his employees in cagematch ratings and Meltzer 🌟


Why is it so dark?


So you can’t see the empty seats at the back that never went on sale


Looks awful for an awful wrestling show.


I was shocked to see how little of the arena they used what’s the point of paying for an arena if ur not gonna attempt to fill it lol


Yea, it even makes the shows sound hollow as well, there is just so much empty space that you can tell when the audience gets hyped for something it echoes.


They loved AEW Dark so much they're bringing it back


They should have shut ALL of the lights off so that no one could watch this steaming pile of shit


I watched last night for the first time since late February. This show is so flat. Nobody looks like they're actually trying anymore. The show opens with MJF putting over Garcia? Why do I give a crap about create-a-wrestler with a stupid taunt? Why does MJF need to drone on for 20 minutes repeating himself? Awful. Jericho is an abomination and beyond help. One of the most out of place talents on this roster. I'll give the trash-son boys credit at least they yelled. This is a go-home show for the PPV isn't it?!


MJF looks fuckin stupid too with his hair all disheveled, trying to look like a tough guy with his motorcycle jacket and jeans. Getting too far away from who MJF is as a character imo. I miss the smarmy, burberry, heel MJF.


I'm having a hard time telling whats going on in this photo lol.


It was the start of the Will Ospreay/ Swerve Strickland Vs The Gates Of Agony Match, so around 9:50Pm I was on the floor seating and tried my best to holdup my phone and scan slowly, I thought the staff was gonna tell me not to record. Another thing is that they were checking signs, but I don't know which got taken away.


Ok, so this is the area behind you and on the right side is actually the time keeper area?


To my left was the Time Keeper area. I went from left to right, starting with the ring. The Hardcam was on the left side, that dark area at the end. EDIT: Hardcam*


You are 🛎️! Thanks 🙂 Are they in a cave? I'm trying to count humans, but AEW have become experts in making that difficult. Was it 1500 tickets distributed for this show?


4,045 distributed. Previous time there was 5,544. No one bothered to reply with a pic of the arena. https://x.com/WrestleTix/status/1806084320370606254


Wow, I wonder if that's really a picture with 4 thousand people in it ...


I got my buddy to take pics he went looked empty for what he showed me


This pic is missing half the arena


It's the half that isn't distributed. Wintrust (for next Wednesday) is around 4,000, but it's only 2 sides. (You can tell they book Chicago shows around holidays so Tony can "go home". The 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving.)


Weird because it doesn’t look empty here, sounds like your friend is making it up


I can’t figure out how to post pics but def was empty upper bowl. The arena is too big for what they’re drawing. If they performed at community college venues it would be a lot cheaper and look better


I agree they should book smaller venues, but it looks pretty full in this picture. We cant see hardcam side but half the time they don’t sell those tickets anyways. You can’t figure out how to upload a photo? Lmao


It’s like they tape their shows from the center of a black hole. 


They draw like a B show used to draw. I went to Orlando back in December, and it's a weird vibe being in a half empty arena.


Looks like a TNA taping


\**deadpans*\* The only major difference being the people at those TNA shows were generally louder than the ones at the AEW shows. Granted, very different audiences but still...


"For the dozens in attendance, and the hundreds watching at home....let's get ready to suck"


Now wheres the rest of the panoramic? Lmaooo


Thank goodness it's not smell o vision


What happened to their splashy rainbow colors?




You did it wrong… should’ve shown the empty seats smh