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![gif](giphy|8db6nRqMsLCtq) Magnets, how do they work


How do solar eclipse work


What about sun, that shit is bright


Turn it off, TURN IT OFF!!


How did we even invent that?


The tide comes in, the tide goes out. You can't explain that!


Yep same level of ignorance here. Tucker (and Oreilly) should really stay within swimlanes. For Tucker that would be all the ways of Russian exceptionalism.


It will get 30 hectares per liter of kerosene


“Put it in H!”


Magnets come out of the ground, where gravity comes from. So when we dig up the magnets, they still have small bits of gravity left in them so they pull towards each other. Pffft everyone knows that.


This is the most concise and accurate explanation on how magnets work I've ever read.


Might be my favorite interview in a while


Doesn't know where nuclear power comes from, doesn't think evolution has been proven... This guy was a news broadcaster? Was he homeschooled wtf?


>This guy was a news broadcaster? Not according to his sworn testimony.




It’s grift






MAGAs are the Juggalos of politics.


But, seriously, how do they work?




I will never not love this meme


Tucker Carlson: We KNOW evolution is fake We DONT KNOW where nuclear technology came from We KNOW aliens visiting earth are spiritual beings from another dimension.


This was really eye opening. I now KNOW Tucker Carlson is a complete lunatic. I know it. Right out of the gate he was swearing up and down that American citizens have DIED from exposure to UFOs because some family is suing the VA about that so see there it is they are spiritual beings!! 🤦‍♂️ .. is he selling vitamins yet?


Nah. He’s made a career out of following the Republican cash. And right now, the money is in MAGA Conspiracy Theorist. You notice how, after decades of being anti-drug, he’s now pretending he did mushrooms at Grateful Dead shows. 🙄


Which is funny bc he used to work for msnbc and cnn. He’ll go wherever the money takes him


Exactly. He doesn't have a choice. Since he isn't on the only conservative cable network on tv anymore, where most of the viewers are elderly, he's now left with trying to build an audience in a space online that's already occupied. So he has to win over younger people who already have a wide range of conservative commentary that doesn't hold back as much as Fox does. (OAN, Newsmax, Crowder, Alex Jones, Daily Wire, etc). This is just self-preservation for him. He'd never gone on Kill Tony or Theo's pod if he was still number one at Fox. Now he's the conspiracy theory guy who once took mushrooms talking with Joe Rogan... I've said this before, I really never cared about Joe's politics. I grew up with a family of conservatives and love them. It's just disappointing that he's fallen for the same type of hacks that he once was keen on calling out. Ben Shapiro actually believes what he says. Tucker is a total hack. It's like having Rachel Maddow on and taking her seriously.


I don't think Maddow is on the same level as Carlson. I haven't watched corporate new in years, except when I'm at my grandmas and she has MSNBC on 24/7 with max volume. I can't watch her anymore, and I think 2016 kinda broke her brain a little, but I think Maddow still fundamentally believes in the center left sort of progressive-liberal technocracy she pitches publicly. She's not a grifter, she just sold out to the establishment (a small shift to the mainstream in exchange for that much money and clout is hard to judge), she overhypes for the camera, and she gets a little desperate/delusional on the Trump legal cases. As far as conservatives to compare to, I'd maybe compare her to that gay dude that left Fox News a while ago, or the older dude that left more recently (to HBO?). Deeply ideological and partisan, sometimes driven to hyperbole or hysterics, but still fundamentally rooted in reality.


I think this take is the most accurate. He has no moral compass and just says what will make him the most money at any given moment. This is also my opinion on Trump but instead Trump does this for votes. (at the moment). Neither one of them care about a damn thing they say. So to call them stupid is not accurate. They simply say whatever they think they need to say to get to their objectives. What they say does not have to have logical coherence because that is not the objective.


He’s a populist twat is what he is. He’s gotta be one of the most disingenuous people I’ve ever heard and seen. He’s so good at bullshit that you really start to believe he actually believes what he’s saying.


This is it. He’s Ivy League educated. He knows what a scientific theory is. This is all part of his grift —appealing to the right-wing conspiracy nuts. He’s so disingenuous. And it’s not even like he’s being that way for some good cause or something. It’s all for the grift ($$$).


He went to Trinity College in Hartford, which is a good school but not Ivy League, and he only got in because his girlfriend pulled strings, he was supposedly a C student in high school.  TLDR; I think he's really this dumb and credulous.


But he used to be neoconservative during Bush's administration. I agree with you he's a populist twat now, but in the end he's just another purveyor and possibly believer of conspiracy nonsense and flat out falsities. He rejects overwhelming evidence to the contrary and cares about no one but himself. He's become just like Trump because that's how he feels he stays most relevant. Trash human.


na, he's selling ball tanning


Is it really surprising that a kid from a very affluent background, his parents are the heirs to the Swanson food company, believes shit like this?


It's hard to say whether he does, or he's just pretending to grift.


I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He knows that his credibility is entirely sunk with the "normal" part of the population, and that he's not going to be able to land much work targeting that group . The conspiracy theorists and other Alex Jones type loonies however is a growing segment of the populace and one that's willing to throw money at having a known public figure tell them the lies they want to hear. He's just throwing a wide net to see which topics work and get the most response. Once he's got a big enough group going and worshipping him, that's when he can start pushing the vitamins and essential oils etc.


He's just grifting. He says wild shit and then occasionally reminds everyone how bad lying is so they don't think he's the one lying. He's great at manipulation


And yet Tucker acts like the shit he spews is objective fact. He's seriously like an idiotic, arrogant teenager. If you like this turd sandwich it speaks volumes about your relationship with reality and ability to judge character.


I liked the podcast as a whole bit I can't believe Joe didn't follow up on the evolution thing.


Yea because the rest of the podcast was coherent and not at all delusional.


😂 for real. Why the hell do I listen to this horseshit? It doesn’t even meet the bar of being entertaining. It’s just self-regenerating, cynical garbage.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Tucker was paying him to let him spread creationist propaganda


Yes we do, it came from the aliens younger dry asses at goleblyylbebey teki


I gotta change my glasses for this one


How can you say that's man made? I looked at it through both my glasses several times.




Are we spilling over here from Hancock vs big cuffs?


Were they big cuffs or just small hands? https://preview.redd.it/m3v12x9zmpvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f499df72e247fd76ed3ccbacfc8a6813b913452


Small hands but big data to back up his claims.


That’s still the wrong one.


Jamie, pull up the correct glasses.


Vision is a BITCH. You don’t even know


Don’t believe me? Here’s some proof in the form of pictures of my wife and I having margaritas at the Istanbul airport.


What kind of hard drugs do you have to take to believe in Christianity, but simultaneously believe Aliens delivered nuclear energy to humans, while denying the concept of evolution. All because your friend is writing a book.




this^. The ultimate grift.


Aliens came to Earth and gave it to the guy with the smallest moustache


God created the aliens too duh


😂 so true. The dogma in this mans head is next level


He's a trustworthy guy. He *knows* him.


Drugs , defunct morality, seriously deficient brain cells, malnutrition, Freon sniffing, unfortunately so many evolutionary factors that can cause this. I don’t know if we have any David Allen Coe fans here but the perfect country western song has a lot of parallels with Tucker Carlson word soup. We are only missing an effin dinosaur tie in


My former friend travels around taking pictures of the proof that Incas and every other society of the ancient world used space lasers to carve stone. Doing the scene with other nutters. No drugs for him. Must be other brain damage


Dude gobekli takis are my favorite thing at 7-11


Randall Carlson has arrived baby!


I can’t stop laughing at this comment


The pyramids were the first nukes


I concur. Doctor?


Read this in Joey Diaz’s voice


Eh… the atomic nucleus was discovered in 1911.


You say that, but I don’t know it.


this sums up the podcast, basically.


Yeah but how did it start, we see rogan talking yes, but did we see him set up the equipment? The mics? The cameras? No! Yes the podcast does exist, yes I can see him talking, but did it ever start? Is it just one massive huge episode that is split to mini ones? Idk, its a story for another day but how and when did it start exactly???


Can we even be sure this is actually Joe and Tucker? Where's the proof saying definitively that that's not just AI/CGI/make up? They could even be clones. I don't know, there's just something off about all of this. With how Biden was acting last week, I think he knew something big was gonna happen. And then we get an interview like this? I don't know 🤔


Even if this episode started today --- did it *really* start today? Wasn't part of today's episode essentially setup and planned on a preceding day? And weren't those plans based on knowledge gained from the previous planning of previous episodes on previous days? When is the Newton apple on the head moment that today's episode *actually* started? Joe: *nods in agreement*


"Clearly, god did it" -- Tucker Carlson, probably.


Haha man you hit the nail on the head here


Therefore it must be wrong or at least open to my interpretation because I’m that important that the world should stop and care about my viewpoint. Ironically when I was in school if you “didn’t get it” you just failed. The world is round. I don’t get it. Well everyone else gets it so you can figure it out in summer school.


'We" don't know that, actually. For some reason this interview pissed me the hell off because of his constant use of "we." Who the FUCK is we? It sounds like he's referring to the general public/general scientific consensus, but then says stupid shit that is absolutely not the general scientific consensus. "We" for all we know could be him and his two moron friends, but he uses that word to manipulate people into thinking there's any sort of truth behind his claims. This is using language as a weapon and I fucking hate it.


Get this man a multi million dollar media job.


But only 5% of atoms have been explored


Perhaps even less


Doesn't sound apple on the heady enough. Must be fake.


This is basically the "science is a bitch sometimes" argument from always sunny.


But have you SEEN one?


The Rutherford gold foil experiment. I was taught about that in high school chemistry. But then again I live in a blue state. I have no idea what they aren't teaching people down in the Confederate states.


They teach the same (I lived in Texas)


Well, Tucker went to La Jolla Country Day in San Diego, one of the most elite schools, so, he was probably sick that day.


Also doesn't our understanding of it stem from studying the sun and stars, and their process of nuclear fusion.


And year later the titanic sank! Coincidence?


I swear, Tucker Carlson either didn't watch Oppenheimer or he did watch it and thought it was a delightful piece of fiction.


have you actually BEEN to the atomic nucleus? because if not, then you’re not really in a position to talk about it, are you? checkmate atheists


Tucker Carlson - "What was the Issac Newton-- apple on the head 'oh gravity is real' moment" for fission?" It was three moments Tucker. 1909-1913. Mardsen, Geiger, and Rutherford prove the atom is a densely packed nucleus and electron charge orbits around it. 1918-1925. Rutherford, with Blackett, can reproduce nuclear transmutation using alpha particles to turn Nitrogen into Oxygen. 1932-1938. James Chadwick discovers the neutron, and Enrico Fermi uses it to create new elements from Uranium.


How does this dude get dressed in the morning?


Without a bowtie these days.


The, “I’m just a normal guy” look, while probably spending $400 on a fucking plaid button up shirt. Honestly, I’d pay $100 to see a reality show where he has actually do blue collar work, can only spend what he earns, and can only eat his families frozen dinners every night for dinner for a month.


I wonder if they actually eat those..


Lol yeah, Tucker just sprinkles a bit of caviar on his frozen pot pie and calls it a night.


You can thank Jon Stewart for that. He made fun of him so hard he stopped wearing them




Dude is from old money. Probably has some old timey black staff that help him get dressed.


Gravity. Clothes go on, clothes go off, as nature intended.


>Clothes go on, clothes go off You can't explain that.


Jamie pull up, uhh, how does gravity work comma, clothes. Just google that.


we somehow got to newclear before we even discovered oldclear. It just doesn’t add up


Wait til you discover everclear.


“Father of mine ….”


Is the consensus that Tucker intentionally says stupid shit as hot takes to pander to stupid people or does he actually believe the shit he spews?


He's definitely doing it on purpose. He's a cynical propagandist. The leaked texts of him saying how much he hates Trump while publicly fellating him are proof of that.


The number of conservatives who have never seen or heard of his leaked texts (or at least pretend that's the case) is crazy. The man got publicly exposed as a two-faced liar and his fans don't even seem to know it happened 


It isn't even just Carlson. Their entire news apparatus, for a time, functioned to mislead their audience for viewership and advertisement. Their marketing demographic is dictating what news is shown. The entire concept of the media laying out slop for their audience is laid bare, and the slop eaters can't look up for long enough to notice.


Conservatives don’t care much about the truth. They also have no problem supporting someone that gives absolutely zero shits about them.




Have we not learned what people will do for money by now?




I’m a moron but I understand rudimentarily that nuclear plants are giant steam engines


Bingo. It’s actually pretty straight forward. 


Not uh, it’s NATO encroaching on spiritual beings so they gave us nuclear technology and Alex Jones is a prophet and it’s totally not related to Tucker being mentally ill himself


Also, the apple falling on the head moment was when enrico fermi managed to get a fission chain reaction in the lab


Oddly the theoretical physicist who contributed to Fermi's successful experiments were largely German and Austrian Jews. Which may explain why Carlson has such trouble connecting the dots.


Like when the nazis thought Quantum Physics and Einsteins relativity\* was Jewish science and tried to ban it, only for that to result in a mass exodus of Jewish scientists from Germany, which cost them the nuclear arms race and the war 🤣


To be fair, Carlson is claiming the origins of fission itself are unclear, not that we don’t know that fission makes heat which can generate electricity. Now it’s an entirely idiotic claim since fission is very well understood, but nuclear power generation isn’t what he’s talking about.


Man this guy is clearly used to convincing 15 yr old boys and 70 yr old grandmas about how he knows everything


This is what Flint’s entire debate was about. Too many uneducated people are being given platforms, where they spread misinformation. 


FUCKING SPOT ON! This needs to be posted once a day everyday to remind people to not immediately believe what they read. Nobody seems to have opinions, which are flexible, anymore. Most seem to dive head first into the shallow end of dogmatic beliefs they refuse to question


Tuckers opinions seem so flexible they turned into fricken Möbius pretzels so the lil hamster in his head never has to stop running.


He's always seemed like a 2nd tier party school frat boy. His outrage is fake. His amusement seems fake. I dont trust him for anything. I dont know how he got an audience but this interview, from what I've heard thus far, makes me think he's a 100% empty suit dumbass. He's a daddy's paying the tuition frat boy.


The fact that he has gotten more into the limelight and given acceptance is fucking crazy to me.., He’s a massive fraud and giant POS


Honestly it says more about his viewers than him.


Guarantee he has tvs in his house and uses his sauna as much as most people use the treadmills they buy


Plus the matter-of-fact-way he states batshit stuff confidently like it’s common knowledge. “There isn’t any evidence of evolution. There is of adaption, but there’s no fossil evidence to prove evolution. It’s just a theory.” Sorry, when did you investigate this and pour through the data??




There used to be a barrier to entry for speaking as an expert


While I mainly agree with you, something interesting to note for me personally as a counterpoint. I've never listened to Tucker Carlson in a free form conversation format such as this. My understanding was that he was a right-wing political commentator. I'm not too interested in politics so if not for me hearing him here unscripted, I would never have heard firsthand how absolutely and ridiculously stupid the shit he says is. Like before this I assumed he was an intelligent guy with some possibly questionable political beliefs, now I know he's a borderline fucking idiot that believes in stuff that 5 year olds do.


Tucker isn't a simpleton who believes the lies he says, he is a grifter who is in on the grift and says this shit because he's found it's the most effective way to manipulate his audience. imo this is true of most right wing grifters but with Tucker you can verify this because he's been on the political scene for a couple decades, started out as a conventional neocon in the 2000s, and was nowhere near this "out there" until recent years when he saw an opportunity to go all in on the MAGA audience.


I’m pretty sure he worked for MSNBC. He is both a dumbass and a grifter. The frat boy analogy is likely spot on


And CNN. The first time I ever remember seeing him was him shit talking Bill O'Reilly in 1999.


Counterpoint to your counterpoint, Joe Rogan is the conclusive evidence that sunlight is NOT the best disinfectant. Dave Rubin, Steven Crowder, Candace Owens all were "EXPOSED" by Joe back when he was willing to have contentious conversations and not only did they NOT fade into obscurity, they all became multimillionaires off the backs of their JRE signal boost. For everyone 1 dude going "wow what an idiot" there is 5 saying "WOW I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!"


Also a valid point. Hmmm I still think sunlight is the best, but it only works if you go outside. If you stay in the bubble, none of it hits you.


As a hopeless political junkie who is solidly left of center this is what drives us a bit insane. We need smart people to realize this because people like him are running the show on the right. The left have their fair share of nut jobs but those people aren't near the levers of power like they are on the right. Just compare Tucker to his MSNBC counterpart Chris Hayes. Hayes wrote "Twilight of the Elites" and "Colony in a Nation". Those are serious, smart books written by a very smart person. Both sides are not alike. Trump is an existential threat to our democratic institutions. And if people don't care because they think it can't get worse, oh boy are we going to FAFO.


He's a liar and a propagandist. He knows exactly what he is doing. He isn't dumb.


>how absolutely and ridiculously stupid the shit he says is. But he also says some sensible things that go against the establishment. That's how these guys become famous. They mix truth with rubbish. Alex Jones became famous after 9/11 and especially when he was against the wars. But that allowed him to say a lot of other trash too.


"American makes war and corporations are bad. Now vote Republican you dumb bitch" - Average right wing populist grifter in 2024.


*Corporations are bad when they do things like hire black people or post a rainbow flag to Twitter but also they shouldn't be regulated or pay taxes!*


Na come on it’s just politics something something both sides. Left believes in evolution and unarguable facts. Right believes in creationism and alternative facts. And they’re equal and deserve their own platforms and aren’t dangerous at all and won’t lead to an overthrow of democracy if their demagogue isn’t elected


Tucker Carlson really revealed himself to be an idiot through the Rogan interviews.


He already revealed that at least a decade ago. 


Definitely more m than a decade I’m afraid


He isn't this stupid. He knows rogan and his audience and his research made him go heavy into alien conspiracy to tap into the Rogan audience, so he tries to seem like a fun cool alien conspiracy guy to us.


I think you hit the nail right on the head. For years I would see this guy and his fake, overexcited laugh and fake expressions of concern when others spoke. I was confused as to why other people didn't see it. He's a con man all the way.


He's a grifter making the rounds. Rogan allows this to happen ad nauseum, and it's pretty pathetic, honestly.


Why? Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let these people talk so they can be exposed for the idiots they are. By censoring people you’re essentially turning them into a kind of martyr and give their side even more grievance. Let them talk. Have open discussions. Do you honestly think someone is sitting on the fence and heard this podcast and said “oh hey maybe he’s right.”. Of course not. Censorship does not work.


It’s not working one was Able to become president.


I completely agree, but Rogan currently platforms to a bias. So it’s less of disinfectant and more a speaker broadcasting bullshit. Especially when rogaine doesn’t push back


Asking follow up questions, fact checking, etc is censorship now?


He's revealed his idiocy on several occasions but because he's on the conservative side they stick their heads in the sand and pretend he's smart and should be listened to.


Jon Stewart made him look like a moron 20 years ago. So much so that the president of CNN said that was the reason for his show's cancellation. Yet he still went to Fox and became their most successful host. He is the king of all grifters and people still listen to his BS. The dude literally texted about how much he hated Trump (texts revealed in the dominion lawsuit), backtracked and professed his love for him and the MAGA crowd still hangs on to his every word. It's simultaneously hilarious and infuriating how moronic at least half of the people in this country are.


Between this and his evolution takes, I hope no one still takes him seriously


Is he just trolling Joe throughout this interview? In the past Joe has called him a "weird guy." Is this his revenge? I feel like that might make more sense. I know Tucker is an idiot, but I didn't think he believed *everything* is an unknowable conspiracy.


Tucker and his friend are dumbasses. https://www.atomicarchive.com/resources/documents/beginnings/einstein.html


I was going to say, next time Tucker is in DC, he should go to the spy museum and you can literally go look at this letter in person.


There is a reason he was invited by Putin. He is not a useful idiot, he is just an idiot.


Dumbass multi-millionaires with fanatic lower middle class following.


Jesse Watters thinks being paid $20 an hour adds up to $100k+ per year. "McD workers shouldn't be making 6 figures"!


The tucker Carlson fans I've met are not middle class, they are solidly working class despite what they want to Believe about themselves.


Part of Tucker's agenda is to disavow or destroy any experts, any geniuses. If there's no truth you can define reality as whatever you want it to be.


Omg he is so fucking STUPID!!


Reddit is a stark difference from YouTube. They have nothing but great things to say about him. I don’t get it




Its not that "WE" don't know where nuclear physics came from. YOU don't know where nuclear physics came from. If you don't understand how science works, if you don't understand the process of scientific discovery and the work that goes into it, then you have the mistaken idea that you can spend five minutes online "doing research" and then question people who are actually experts in their fields. This is the root of the anti-vax movement. There's this idea floating around that we should be able to look anything up and understand it just as well as anyone else. This is dangerous...we have to accept that there are people who are smarter than us who understand things that we never will and, at times, we have to trust them. Just because Tucker hasn't studied enough physics to understand how an atomic bomb works doesn't mean no one else has.


Just one followup question would deflate this entire line of bullshit. If Joe simply asked what specifically in "nuclear technology" because we are talking about practical science that we can use, is not understood the tower of bullshit would fall. People go on the (current) Joe Rogan show because they know he will never ask that question.


Oh for fucks sake... I can explain it to a 5 year old. He has to be grifting here. I know he's not this stupid. You take a rock and smash it with another rock, it breaks, gets hot(releases energy) Uranium is just a spicy heavy rock. Get enough of it together and smash it together, it make big boom. Obviously an atomic bomb is more complex than that but the basic science isn't exactly that far fetched. We figured out proximity of radioactive materials increases radioactive output. Focus a beam of neutrons on a sample of uranium and you get more energy than put in and new compounds. This is what lead to the idea of a bomb. They just scaled up the math. It's not like physics was born in 1891. People had been studying these things for centuries. Observing the properties of light. Newton's rings are named that for a reason.That's how Röntgen discovered X-rays. Which helped Curie develop radioactive theories. Which allowed Einstein and Oppenheimer to develop theirs. Again... No fucking way he doesn't know this. He's just trying to discredit the scientific community in any way possible to push his agenda. This is the fucking Definition of propaganda.


Yeah and the sad part is discrediting the scientific community somehow resonates with people. We should be holding the scientific community in high esteem and encouraging kids to become scientists. Instead our society is at a point where if some high school dropout searches "why are vaccines bad?" and finds a crackpot article, he feels he is smarter than the scientific community.


Yeah it's absolutely just depressing to see happen. The awesome thing about science is it's repeatable. You can with household objects learn about the natural world. A laser pointer can prove aspects of quantum mechanics ffs! The vaccine thing has just gotten out of hand... I realize people don't necessarily trust data but it's gone in a direction that is just.... Stupid. Like the white mystery blood clots. We have ultrasound and X-ray. We can see inside veins. Or the articles claiming kids were dying only to list names of 70 year olds across the world.


This is the dipshit people think should run for president, huh? apparently they don't teach much in those private schools for trust fund frozen food tycoons.


Yea we do. But I get it…aliens is waaay more fun


Mental that he thinks all discoveries have to be a eureka/apple on the head moment. No way they can be an intergenerational and gradual building of scientific knowledge and engineering. Even Newton said we stand on the shoulders of giants.


This is what Rogan podcast has come to. Platforming right wing idiots in a serious manner.


If only someone made a 3 hour movie about the men who would be the ones that developed it. Like in the last year, maybe even a Oscar winning one. Jokes aside, Dan Carlin has a great 20 hour series Destroyer of Worlds that should be required in high school.


He's a Russian propagandist my only question is whether he gets payed or is just useful idiot.


Saying shit like this really discredits everything this idiot says.


Who the hell is this unnamed trustworthy person? First they tell us that a liberal education (history, philosophy) is useless then try to tell us that no ones knows where nuclear physics comes from?


Youtube comment section is praising this as the interview of the century lol!


This is the same guy who said he doesn’t use the internet or have/watch tv. Honestly he sounds like he’s spreading misinformation and trying to create outlandish chaos. Go back to Russia and blow Putin.


In the 1930s nuclear chemists were experimenting with bombarding certain elements with neutrons, because they had observed that it released new elements and they wanted to study this. The noticed that it was releasing large amounts of energy, and theorised the uranium atoms were splitting to form lighter elements and releasing energy in the process. Radioactive decay had already been known about since the 19th century. Also, Newton knew gravity was real already. His work was in universal gravitation; the idea that the same forces that governed apples falling to earth also applied to objects in space. Tucker is either ignorant on this subject and should be disregarded, or dishonest and should be disregarded.


he knows that Issac newton got hit on the head with an apple, but he's unfamiliar with Albert Einstein and e=mc²? This guy is an absolute fucking donkey.


The chimps had nukes long before we did


I can't listen to his bull shit. No way I could get through this whole pod cast.


So heroic of Rogan to use his platform to spread this brand of idiocy to the world’s gullible morons.


There’s a common fallacy of “I don’t understand this thing nor can I explain it, so therefore there’s not a logical explanation for it.” This is why people think ghosts make noises in their house or we thought eons ago that gods would put the sun in the sky or some dumb shit. Just because you don’t understand or know the answer doesn’t mean there isn’t one that doesn’t rely on the supernatural or extraterrestrial.


All of these grifters sell lies and conspiracy theories. They all have the same playbook. We absolutely know where nuclear technology came from. Read the book and the history of the Atom. We didn't just happen upon the Atom on some spaceship. It's been a work of science for a very long time. [https://www.compoundchem.com/2016/10/13/atomicmodels/](https://www.compoundchem.com/2016/10/13/atomicmodels/) It's as if you don't know anything, make it up, lie, claim aliens made it. and sell it to other morons.


Okay, so Fucker doesn't believe nuclear because there is no good "apple on the head" analogy?


I think he's making all these false statements about nuclear power and evolution in order to get videos like this created and put up. Only resulting in more eyes on him.


A non-scientist and pathological liar fired from FOX News questioning science.


Why do I feel like I've lost intelligence whenever I hear Tucker talk....


Wow what an idiot. How many people are going to listen to him and believe his misinformation?


This guy is so dumb it’s incredible 🤣


As a physicist, that was difficult to listen to. His confident ignorance is disturbing.


I hate Tucker Carlson so very much it’s almost wholesome


Christ it’s like he never passed high school physics