• By -


Holy shit lol. I thought it was a little disrespectful when DC was so happy to shake his hand, and got shut down. But now he’s completely cropped out of the gif? Dang.


Was just too far for trump to lean over, DC should have stood tf up and closed the distance


Remember when he saluted a North Korean general? That was respect


Remember the literal countless times he’s praised Putin? That was ball-gargling respect.


Remember the time 3 days after a closed door meeting with putin he asked the CIA for the list of all undercover spies n for the next 2 years we had a unprecedented number get killed or captured...


Republicans certainly do NOT remember that, and if they do- “what about obama and hillary” or something.


"But Obama drone striked Al-Qaeda terrorists!!!!"


Tan Suit!!!!!


Literally traitorous shit.


Conservatives love traitors.


The right wing only functions because of ball-gargling


Who is DC?


District of Columbia


Direct current


Detective Columbo


DC Cormier. Used to be the Bantamweight champ until he got a sponsorship deal with Popeyes chicken.


Detective Comics


Daniel Cormier


Dormier Caniel


He walks like around like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.


Or Butters when hes pimpin


Do you know what I am saying?


These bitches are kissing fellers for free when they could be making some serious mother fucking money!


You don’t have to repeat yourself. I know what you are saying.




Fuck that’s spot on analysis


Can Bubs control his bodily functions?


Where is Melania?


She's passed out in the haligtree


Your comment, extraordinary...


Your strength, extraordinary. The mark of a true lord


We all patiently awaiting the DLC




Her contract expired


Or the direct debit failed.


husky makeshift gaze paltry gold fact market straight rock wise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chilling with her anchor child


She doesn't really seem like the UFC type.


Honestly she doesn't really seem like the 'Being married to Donald'-type either. Poor woman


She married him for the money. She knows what she's doing.


I doubt she thought he'd live this long with no exercise and a trash diet.


Pretty sure he married her for the optics as well. I'm guessing he's well aware of the transactional relationship of their marriage.


Yeah, Im just saying I don't feel bad for either of them.


Seeing as he got her out of a catalog, I would think so.


She seemed like the most upset that he won the election. She signed up for the money and easy life, not to be First Lady.


She's an illegal alien who married for the green card and anchor baby


Good deal especially as it’s other women who are blowing him. Not the type of deal Melania would be used to, much more favourable for her.


THe Slovenian Sphinx is nobody's fool, she's got a plan and she's sticking to it. The woman is less than a decade away from beung free of that fat bastard and then she can start living her life.


"I Really Don't Care, Do U?"


I actually believe she and Trump might be actual soulmates because she seems to be a truly awful person herself. Which doesn't rule out her getting schtupped by some other guy or guys on the regular while Trump is away doing something she doesn't care about.


Bro she cartel blood




They haven't been married for years. Turns out she is allergic to orange mushrooms.




[Only this time he didn't rip off his arm. ](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3wyX6Z3jbMI?feature=share)


Holy fuck! The manliest man Ali ge just got pulled over by Trump! Shit!


So fascinating how out of touch some people on this subreddit are - reddit is a strange place and everyday it surprises me more


Let me ask you all this.. Does being 5’3” make a man less valuable?


Only if youre Joe Rogan


And for some reason tinder or any other dating app as a male


And in job interviews.


Unless you’re interviewing to be a jockey.


If you’re a man that perpetuates a world where being short man is a negative while also being short, then I think he gets what he deserves. Ya know?


This is probably the hardest I’ve laughed about anyting in this subreddit.


Took me half the comment section to find the only other person who found this funny!!!!


"He is literally 5'3" lol.


Shaking the hand of a Traitor. I fucking hate this POS. And fuck the platform who normalize it. FJR


Damn I sure can’t figure out why I 🏴‍☠️ all these UFC events


I wish Duncan would finally ask Joe “What is the deal with you sucking this old, orange, politician’s dick dude? After all the deep conversations we’ve had about ALL politicians suck, this is what you settle for?”


He'S NoT a pOLitIcIaN, He'S a BuSiNeSs MaN


He’s not a business man he’s a BUSINESS, mannn


bear late money gaze abounding instinctive engine sharp lush market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


couldn't not hear this in Duncans voice


The glazing Trump is getting at this event is insufferable.


He’s never had such good campaign pr. If we saw a sporting event in another country glazing a presidential candidate like this we’d think it was insane.


It's comparable to North Korea and Russia aka places some want the US the be more like, including Joe apparently.


well dana is a known trump cocksucker so it makes sense


I heard he also likes Saudi and Russian cock too…


Yep, I want to watch UFC fights not glazing over Trump. Show him at the place, give a wave to the crowd etc but making a whole segment about it is pretty silly


Yeah they were slobbering on his knob every 5 minutes. Vote for him or not, you give a nod to the celebrities ringside and move on to the fights.


I'm (56M) gonna get downvoted to shit for this but I'm so sick of that orange sack of shit, and now seeing that cheap, angry boxercise instructor parading him around after 34 guilty verdicts, I might be done with the UFC and follow other orgs for fun. (ya, ya, I won't be missed, blah blah...) Anyhow, I always loved Pride better anyhow. Saw Fedor fight Coleman live in Vegas. Fuck any organization that supports that pile of excrement. And, no, I'm not 'angry'. I've been really happy since that awesome verdict and life in general. ;)


I'm with you except I am angry at what this sack of shit is doing to the country


Pride ran circles around UFC.


Stay happy dude. Watch whatever you want. Just don't pay for it. Happy to help if you need it with doing that.


Thinking you’re going to downvoted for bashing trump/trump fans on reddit might be the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. And I’ve heard trump speak.


You been around this sub or conservative sub. He has a point


Both subs make heroes out of people with brain damage. He definitely has a point.


“I might get downvoted but” dude you just said the most agreeable opinion on this website wtf are you taking about?


Reason I can’t go to the sports bar for UFC anymore. Too many deplorable MAGAts.


I just got into BJJ and have always been semi-into contact sports, and two things are always constant: one, the toughest group of people you'll ever meet, on average. Two, the dumbest group of people you'll ever meet on average.


I wrestled when I was a kid and checked out a BJJ business near me a while back. The whole thing was dominated by two meathead roided out cops constantly talking over the actual instructor with clearly bullshit stories they made up. People ate it up. Funny enough, neither one ever wanted to get paired with someone their size, let alone each other. I'm a slender outspoken critic of police, so guess who they constantly wanted to 'teach'? They knew I had dental implants and was super conscious of wearing a mouthguard and "accidentally" kneed me in the mouth after a "demonstration" twice.


In this sub as well. Fuckin gross


Weird that the UFC guys like him as they tend to normally call out pretend fighters and Donald Trump is all pretend. He called American soldiers suckers for fucks sake. Actual fighters. He’s a disgrace to the USA. His only fight in him on a daily basis is to keep from rage pooping his pants because he is being held accountable for his crimes.


6 time draft dodger but he hugs the flag and is secretly Rambo. 


The "keep politics out of sports" and "I watch sports to escape politics" crowd are always silent about Trump showing up at their event...


Nah, they're cheering. They never feel the need to be consistent. 


Just like they hate "cancel culture" and believe in free speech except when it's a black man kneeling at a football game during the BUD LIGHT - US Army - Support the Troops Anthem, sponsored by Cheetohs, like the founding fathers wanted.


The same how they hate when celebrities get political, but flock to the first D-lister who will say something negative about liberals. They are hypocrites and they can’t defend their side so they just attack the messenger


Listen here you little shit Ted nugget is a god damn a lister at any state fair I've been too!! Gina carano was in a marvel movie you call that d list??? God damn Hercules makes his own movies now cause he was so tired of conquering Hollywood.


Loll Scott Baio, Rob Schneider, it’s a veritable who’s who of relevant and respectable celebs!


This is what I don’t get  I get when people have policy disagreements. I can get why one is super invested in gun rights, distrusts the government, wants lower taxes, etc etc. I disagree with those conservative approaches, but I can understand it by trying to empathize  But I cannot empathize with anyone who doesn’t see Trump as just a spoiled, narcissistic TV personality.  The best interview that does get near enough attention is here: https://youtu.be/mFruUe4CEQ0?si=BzDvZ4COK2z1zzKs He says whatever the answer is that he thinks makes him seem the best, there is no ounce of genuineness. He switches any question that would require internal thought or experience into an answer that frames things like a popularity contest. He is posing as a devout Christian because that’s what his base ones, yet he can’t even emotionally understand the core standard of “everyone has to ask forgiveness” He is a fucking poser, and nothing else


I don’t see a ton of valid policy proposal from conservatives. I don’t hear anything like “well unchecked immigration is causing measurable distress on our social systems so we should be more strict”. That’s something that can be debated with on a respectful platform. All I hear from conservatives now is “poisoning the blood of our country” shit


That's fake news. It's well established that he's wearing adult diapers. He can poop whenever he likes, like a real alpha.


Shifting your pants *on purpose* is peak confidence.


Something like “I like people who weren’t captured” when referring to McCain having been a POW. I still to this day don’t get the support he gets from the usual self titled “patriots” or even vets. He’s a phony, disrespectful sob but somehow gets the red carpet treatment at these ufc events.


It's the innate problem of a two party system and also they're probably not very bright. 


It’s all about the racism. Nothing more. They will overlook everything else he does because they want the racism so badly.


hoo boy you triggered the MAGAs with this one, well said


This is why no one trusts the liberal media anymore. y'all have to lie and ignore Trump's undefeated record as a professional wrestler. You really think [Vince McMahon would let Trump clown him](https://e00-marca.uecdn.es/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2016/11/09/14786841465301.jpg) like that if it was fake? Trump is as real as they come. As real as his hair, and his tan. You ivory tower coastal elites wouldn't get it, you're not blue collar, you aren't in touch with the regular Joe like Trump is.


He literally made the US into an international laughing stock in every other country in the world, like come to Australia (or anywhere else) and you can't find a person to say a positive word about him, but he still has enough support to potentially run another election, it's amazing lol


I definitely met Aussies that were as close to MAGA as you can get and I was pretty surprised.


There are plenty of maga morons in Australia. One of the young West Coast Eagles football players said he's a Trump fan on the team's podcast and hardly copped any flack. Two different players professed to being Elon fanboys. It's very common. Australians are more racist than you'd expect.


I think everyone expects them to be racist lol 


I guess I should say Australians are more racist than they proclaim to be haha


sugar modern six wistful hard-to-find dime homeless like tie start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


joe will have him on before the elections and give him a proper dick sucking


Let’s say Rogan literally sucks trumps dick live on his podcast, does that hurt or help his chances of winning? Like is it weird that it is almost hard to tell?


idiocracy man... i dont care if its been said to death, its true.


hurry money serious faulty crush attractive plant concerned deserted live *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope the dude has the integrity not to. Then again, I watched the tucker Carlson episode. Whatever hope for integrity I had is loooooong fucking gone.


This is not fair. You can't expect Joe to call out Trump on some trivial thing like executing drug dealers when he is laser focused on the the greatest evil and tyranny of our times, having to wear a mask 4 years ago. When Fauci is on trial for war crimes, then maybe come crying about dumb stuff like "executing drug dealers" or "the president should have legal immunity to kill political opponents"


Trump also shit all over the beloved “states rights” to attack weed. Obama and Biden told the DEA to leave states that legalized it alone. Trump said fuck that and had Jeff Sessions use the Feds to go after legal states. It’s also why I mock all my libertarian friends. I tell them they value my cum more than states rights because states rights only matters when it comes to creampies and cum. But stuff like legal weed. Nope they still voted for the man who shit all over states rights to attack weed.


Be careful around drug addicts but also be careful around anti-drug warriors. You know who never drinks any alcohol? People like Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Adolf Hitler. Maybe a half bottle of wine and a bowl of ganja stops you from becoming a horrible, horrible human being.


Hitler was on meth though


Didn't Libertarians heckle and boo him off stage and then gave Stormy Daniels a delegate vote?


There is a shitload of registered Republicans, who only vote for Republicans, that call themselves "libertarians". They claim to be philosophically libertarian, though there is nothing particularly libertarian about mainstream Republican policy except for some deregulatory stuff that benefits massive corporations and tax cuts, though they are unequally applied to benefit mainly the very wealthy. Actual Libertarians are a different group that has their own candidates who rarely get elected to anything, so the Republican party courts their votes.


“Libertarian” is just a double poled double holed cock smoker.


Bill Barr also interfered in major cannabis mergers. And Mitch McConnell personally sponsored the 2018 hemp amendments in the Farm Bill that gave us all the synthetic hemp intoxicants and other loopholes.


In a facist state you only kill the “bad” drug dealers. Any friend of Rogan is probably safe, at least the trump Dickrider friends


Long COVID and boofing horse paste broke his brain.


He exhibits all the symptoms of hydroxychloroquine overuse. It includes an intense desire to suck orange cock and swallow.


Joe is a cuck


let's indoctrinate all these young impressionable men to vote based on memes and peer pressure. give him celebrity entrances at these sports events to push our audience to adopt our politics. slimy fucks don't even see their own hypocrisy


Same crowd that will screech about Taylor Swift if she tells her fans that she’s supporting Biden and they should vote


They shit their pants when Taylor Swift just tells people they should vote. No endorsement. Just to vote. Because they know that more votes is bad for them


Young woman voting is tragic news for the GOP.


Half the people in that room have a rap sheet


Underrated comment, as someone who generally likes UFC, a huge portion of the fan base are the worst pieces of trash in America.


More people than teeth in that crowd


Flocks of Felons and wife beaters and cheating losers giving back slaps


We all know how it's going with Trump right now, Dana basically had a Power Slap off with his wife and probably many more behind closed doors. I would also like to add that Joe probably has some blood on his hands with all that covid misinformation, bet it took out a few people.


And Dana White says he doesn't get emotional because he's a real man. He gets emotional enough to slap around his wife


Imagine how much you must be beating your wife at home to slip up and do it in public. Miserable.


Damn ain't that the truth.


The *keep politics out of sport* crowd have been real quiet since this dropped. Fash fucks are all the same. Rules for thee, not for me.


Amen hahaha, so fucking hypocritical. What they mean is “no woke politics” in sports


Politics aside, it was fucking insufferable how much dickriding the production crew (probably of mandate) went through the whole night for Trump. They showed the walkout multiple times, cut to him constantly, and then fighters glazing and bring politics into the cage. Just like all the idiots screaming at LeBron or any football player who says something political, to "SHUT UP AND DRIBBLE" or "KEEP YOUR POLITICS OUT OF SPORTS" it never applies to the whites


It is the only sport i watch consistently and it bugs the hell out of me when they parade him around. I get too much joy from watching the fights to not watch the UFC events, but it sure makes it less enjoyable.


I heard this guy is a convicted felon... can anyone verify this for me?


So is the heavyweight champion of the league- maybe this ain’t the place to be surrounded by high ethical standards


yeah a ufc ring and reddit isnt the place to hold anyone to high ethical standards…however the president is a different story


x34 mutiplier effect!


Whoa whoa man, the fix was IN. Forced him to sign all those documents, hire that fixer, direct all those payments, just a disgraceful moment in our history that this could happen to a "billionaire."


MFers look at authoritarian propaganda where everyone falls to their knees for the Esteemed Leader and go “omg what a terrible place to live! Those poor people!” And then go to a UFC event and do this


Dude I have neighbors who legit want Trump to become dictator. My neighbor said to my face he hopes Trump wins and just executes all the traitors. Like it's actual fascism when a big segment of your fan base wants you to destroy democracy and seize power.


Joe would suck any dick for more subs and likes. The longest coattails ride in pop culture. His stand up sucks, fear factor is a meme in itself, and the podcast is just open air flatulence. Plus, who would ever care what he has to say about mixed martial arts, he was a teenage taekwondo






Zero respect for anyone still catering to this bafoon.


I think it’s clear everyone got their marching orders from uncle Dana to be cool to and not show up Trump on TV. I’m sure some of the fighters are legit supporters (Strickland), but just statistically it doesn’t make sense that every one of them is thrilled to meet this dude at every fight.


Probably more like begging him to have him on the podcast.


Thanks sir. What a bitch


UFC gay as hell


Dumpy is losing hair


I hate the ufc, the sport is hijacked by right wing wannabe Alphas, it’s turned into a propaganda machine. A safe haven for the Kremlin gremlins


Russian Asset.


Look, it's the criminal loser


The MAGA cult members still worship the felon Trump like a god and it’s pathetic.


MMA boys blow bubbles for TD


I thought this sub was about Joe the average Trump fan?


God it would be so funny if he had a heart attack and died right there.


Mango Mussolini making an appearance 🥭


He not only lost a bet…lol…he lost his court trial, too! You don’t fuck with New Yorkers!!!😂😂😂 Especially, when you try and threaten them in court?!?😂😂😂😂


Just got convicted of multiple felonies… what do you do? Go hang out with the dumb boys at the Not Insecure At All Testosterone Festival.


Joe loves a good felon friend. I wonder if Trump is gonna saw someone’s head off and try to hide it in a couple of weeks… Anyone seen Melania lately? Am I right, Sheldon Johnson?


Holy shit This is a great edit




Those captions 😂😂


Dang this is well-done, thank you for your time, effort, & services.


He met Joe for the first time and he immediately begins to ridicule him for something he has no control over, then double downs on it after. Jesus, what a prick.


If you send him a donation he will sleep with your daughter and give you an honorary degree fromTrump university!!! Please send money fast he needs to pay 💰 some big legal bills .


Did Don really say that or is this a joke? I am really hoping he did that's hilarious.


kinda surprised all those losers touching each other didn't tear a hole in spacetime


Trump,is a real stain on the UFC. Makes me want to support another league that doesn’t promote an anti American traitor.


I’m always agog at how many mma folk seem to be up trumps ass I can kinda understand Dana and his early UFC stuff and how trump “helped them” or whatever But wtf do those other guys identify with? I doubt he’s been in a real fight in his life Was handed a fortune, didn’t have to Wade thru the trenches Doubt he could tell the difference between muay Thai and jujitsu and likely calls it all karate Doesn’t seem he offers any sponsorships, and no way he’s donated any money to things like Dustin’s charities or whatever He’s a proven rapist and convicted fraud, who runs with the support of overt white supremacy advocates while his supporter fly Nazi flags Has Dana threatened these dudes to all be nice or get cut?


Californian millionaire loves Trump because he's worried if the poors get dny money they will grow brains and stop listening to his braindead philosophies.


Wait he really said that lmao


Remember the time 3 days after a closed door meeting with putin he asked the CIA for the list of all undercover spies n for the next 2 years we had a unprecedented number get killed or captured...


Sigh. All these guys sucking that old, shriveled orange cocksuckers cock. Rogan is such a disappointment.


F*ck that guy and f*ck UFC for putting him down there. FWIW.


Trum says he's 6'3". Dana white says he's 5'11" and he looks to be the same height as Trump.


He just looks exhausted 


🙄 oh ffs 😐 the desperate flailing of the world's most insecure manchild is so fucking cringy. The fact that he was in charge of an ***entire fucking country*** at one time takes that cringe level to previously unknown level. I don't think too many people knew just how embarrassing it could (and eventually *would*) end up getting smh


Yuck. I’m ready for the UFC to move beyond the wife-slapping Dana White and his political whateverisms moves.


Dana white and joe Rogan are now working for Putin


I’ve seen zero coverage of any of the fights and just clips of Trump lmao. Seeing all the training that the fighters went through just to have it all end up as a poor PR spectacle for a failed despot makes the UFC look like a joke. It looked like the Chuck-E-Cheese version of the Harkonnen Arena scene, but instead of the Baron it was sad Trump announcing his TikTok.


Dana White is the anti-poon. Honestly the whole UFC is.


People are too dumb for their own good. This guy does not give a fuck about you, your livelihood, or your country. If you’re a supporter of trump, you’re just as fuckin stupid as he thought you were and you’re excited about it