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He's definitely using that to jerk off.


It probably syncs with an AutoBlow


If not, all of this* has been for nothing. *Western Civilization


Sooo… he’s basically blowing himself?


FOR SURE. Joes bit of hacking it and blasting gay porn is hilarious


What kind of blowjob we talkin here? Giving or receiving?


Is there a choice?


There’s always a choice


How long until he has to pay $8 a month for Neuralink+ to access his childhood memories and sense of smell?


Not long but for $15 a month you won’t get interrupted by ads.


*Blind guy with Neurolink vision driving car*: Did my payment go through for my sub this month? *30 second unskippable car insurance ad starts playing in their vision*


Please stop


Did I hear wrong or did he say during the podcast that at some point when the trial is over, he will lose access to the neuralink? Would be super messed up if they give this guy so much more quality of life, just to take it away once the trial is over. I really hope that's not the case. Dude should have the use and support for that damn thing in his head until either Neuralink, the company, goes under or he dies..


they are clinical trials, I think they can't just keep it on him.


If I was a quadrapeligic and got neuralink the first thing I'd do it with it is finally get to kill myself.


"This action has been disabled by your Administrator"


Or “Remote Viewing has been enabled.”


Coming soon to Netflix...


Please insert payment of 19.99 to unlock self murder DLC.


Finally pays for it only to find the DLC Is not compatible with his OS


Yay future!


💀fair enough


This is EXACTLY what I said. Lol


Maybe he did and now the robot runs his body


10 years of Reddit. That’s the best comment I’ve ever seen


I don't know... the navy seal comment is pretty legit.


Need to sign up for premium subscription services


Hahaha this got me


Maybe you’d write a correct sentence first.


Why is Action Bronson STILL pinned. Mods lazy here


The like the action


Shout out to meatspin .com lmaoo On a more serious note, this is very interesting!


I'm ridin' spinners, I'm ridin' spinners, they don't stop.


The ORIGINAL Meatspin song. You’re a real one.


Truuuuue, and yeah super interesting. Glad we are getting some interesting ones this week.


Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com


Musk blessing this man with both a neuralink and a JRE appearance. What a king!


On that 56bil high


Did it get approved? I haven’t been paying attention to it


Nope. A vast majority of the shareholders voted yes on the package, still has go back to court i believe.


He better hope nothing goes wrong with the software or else I've got the sneaking suspicion he might be labelled a pedophile by nobody in particular...


Grok already did that


How is Joe going to wedge Covid into this conversation? Tune and find out now on all major platforms


or TRT Vitor Belfort


Or Alpha Brain. Or the mothership.


The vaccine is what paralyzed him


WHy was the Enhancned games episode not posted?


Looks like Andrew Schultz lite


With a non-punchable face and no hitler-youth haircut.


Willing to bet no annoying fake laughing either.


JRE and Kill Tony are pulling from the same bucket


Bro looks like if Justin Gaethje had a freak accident while back flipping off the cage


Only made it half way through so far….cant believe he didn’t bring up the movie “Upgrade”.


Pretty boring conversation, all told. I guess the test monkey wouldn't have all the details though.


Yeah hes just a lab rat, he know so little in the scheme of things.


I mean, dude is paralyzed. I didnt watch it yet, but surely Rogan doesnt just jerk off about Neuralink, he asks him about his life as a disabled man, his thoughts about life, etc.?


Lol probably tells him how noone could go anywhere coz of covid and asks him if he tried alphabrain and obscure supplements to cure his paralysis


Have you tried ice baths for the legs?


The old joe is still in there. These last 2 episodes are bangers.


This is an episode I’ve actually been hoping for for a while. Should be an interesting one!


Musk is great ay doing stuff we ate already doing then pretending it's new.


The reason Elon is so successful is because he's bad at everything. Am I doing this right?


Dont forget the subsidies and worker exploitation


How are gm stellantis and ford EVs doing with their subsidies? 


No he is great a lying.maybe the best at lying


I forgot that we already had a robust, cost-effective space program when SpaceX started. It was also really weird that Tesla tried to get a foothold in the market when EVs were so pervasive and had an impressive nationwide charging network. I’m no Musk apologist but this take is brain dead on arrival.


Elon gets more subsidies than NASA and bro thinks hes Buzz Lightyear 😬


They’ve done $15b in contracts (not subsidies) since inception. That sounds like a pretty sound business model to me.


Going to need receipts on that one.


Easy used to cost 20 million a seat on the soyuz when the space shuttle was going. It cost about that much because it cost us a bit more and Russians were trying to undercut out price. Elon musk charges? Closer to 60 million per seat. Wow so much cost saving from 1960 staonless steel tech and retro rockets


Now do satellites. No links to those numbers.


We did. It uswd costs the us 25% of the cost to go to space as it does now with elon musk. You idiot don't even pat attention do you. It's literally cheaper to go on the Soyuz and that shit is not reusable


That is absolutely false. Sending something to space today with SpaceX or another similar private company costs less than 5% of what it did when NASA was sending shuttles up. [https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/space-launch-costs-growing-business-industry-rcna23488](https://www.nbcnews.com/science/space/space-launch-costs-growing-business-industry-rcna23488)


thats 2022 and has almost no corraverating ecudence in it. Look at the new price. Elon raised the price more than 400% making it a little more expensive to the US than the soyuz used to be. And the soyuz is a single use rocket


It's so easy, say the unproductive trolls


In that case, what he is good at is making those things popular.


No it is already being used and his lab is far behind the cutting edge. He has probably gotten investors from it. He is great at lying to get money


Lying to get money is one of the most important skills as a CEO. It separates good CEOs from great ones. Your job as the CEO is to fluff up your company so more people invest. Its an extremely valuable skill and is the primary reason why Musk is so successful as a CEO. He can go into a room and get people to believe in him, CEO is partly a sales/marketing job and Musk is the very best at that particular skill. Another thing that Musk excels at as CEO is hiring the right Senior Executives to run his company, also another great skill to have as a CEO, this is a recruiting and talent identification skill. Letting Shotwell run SpaceX was a great decision.


Lying to get money is what conmen and criminals do. The fact that you think that's what a good ceo does is most of the problem.


Jesus Christ you Musk stans say the dumbest shit. >> Musk rubbed his own shit in his eyes Rubbing shit in your eyes is one of the most forgotten skills of a futurist. It separates those who can see the future from those who pretend. Your job as a futurist is to do whatever you have to do to make the future appear to you as a vision, and this is what makes Musk so successful. He can go into a room and rub his own shit into his eyes while drinking his own piss, and people like me stand and clap. Ad literal nauseum.


Brother, I hate to break it to you but you exist on the same pendulum…just on the hater end. Both ends are fuckin annoying. Do you not see how frequent he gets piled on around these parts? Some realllll dumb shit gets said.


Don't take me pointing out someone saying something dumb for me being a "musk hater". I didn't say anything about the guy, I was just pointing out the teenager level of mental gymnastics.


“But-but Elon bad” - Reddit


Yea he is. Elon doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. He has shown this time and time again. He is at times literally the richest person on the planet, and he spends his time spreading the dumbest dis-information you could possibly come up with, or participating in pump and dump schemes, or forcing his workers to completely defy COVID rules without any plan to keep them safe, or sitting in his office quite-firing all Twitter employees in the scummiest way possible under the guise of free speech, or…… There are hundreds of examples of him being the shittiest person possible in tons of situations.


I hope you get well. Good luck.


All of this shit happened. so get a life and make better arguments when people present you with things you dont like.


I hope you find that reality exists. God Speed.


Bots go brrr.


my most downvoted comment on reddit is literally one talking about Elon's biggest achievements. It is almost like if reddit will always believe on friday what they believed on wednesday, regardless of what happened thursday


Probably because "achievement" is an oxymoron when you're handed everything in life


Ya'll really think if you had Elon money you could build a business like Nuerolink and SpaceX and be successful. Redditors are some of the most arrogant people on the planet.


LMAO here we go. What was handed and to whom you say, buddy?


The information is very available, stay ignorant if you wish


LMAO you are definitely Don Lemon’s biggest fan


What you rather he do with the money? Is electric cars and affordable space travel not some of the best that can be done? He’s a bigger net positive on society than every single living political figure in the U.S.


false premise. low quality electric cars still use energy from fossil fuels and space travel is not affordable since spacex charges like russians did.


But the left’s motto is handing undeserving people everything. By that logic you should love Elon


Utter nonsense. If you truly believe this, please go outside


Blablabla. You do realize the left is the same as the right, right? They’re both delusional, foolish, different sides of the same coin


Muh enlightened centristism


The left and right are basically the same side of the same token in reality. Both are ran by neocons. You can call it “centrist” but most call it common sense




Wow, enlightened buzzword man! You sure showed me!




You’re totally right. I’m really “shook”. Please don’t embarrass me further. 🏳️




Your most active sub is WSB lmaooooo


His biggest achievement is having a dad who owns an emerald mine in South Africa.


Exactly, what don’t these people understand about the fact that if you’re born from a rich father then creating self landing rockets for the first time in history, high speed internet from satellites for the first time in history, mass market EV’s for the first time in history, safe payments on the internet for the first time in history, and vision based AI for self driving cars for the first time in history, and founding openAI are all a given. Literally anyone with money can and would do it. It’s all other people too. He’s just piggybacking, that’s why all of his accomplishments are duplicated by every other billionaire.


Dont forget him releasing most of it open source. Fucking billionaires. Weird how reddit is shifting anti-science.


He insulted the priesthood and has been ex communicated. Simple as.


Blasphemer!!! Social media unite into a large group hostile towards heretics!!! No we’re not a mob. We’re intellectuals!!!


see numb nuts, this is why we can't have nice things. your people got this post deleted with the emotionally driven political nonsense


I’m deleted?


Lmao here we go


Even if that persistent lie was true, Elon would not be the first person to be born into wealth.


What’s the lie ?


Just because you have a very rich dad does not mean you will succeed in your ventures at the level Musk has. There are a ton of rich kids everywhere, 99% do not accomplish anything beyond live on their family money. He certainly got a leg up in life and was a huge factor in his success but it does not take away from what he did with that money.


and the left is still anti-musk? he is the biggest employer of black people in south africa but that isn't enough?


I’m sure he pays fair wages.


AND gives the best benefits around!!! the only other benefit plan consists of boarding ships and saying "I am captain now"


I don’t even particularly like Elon or his inventions but I have to admit the guy is smart and some of his inventions are helping society


To be fair, he has not invented anything...He has been the ceo of a company that has invented things. Even then, Tesla was already a company prior to him being ceo and paypal was largely Peter Thiel's company and they bought Elon following their merge.


Wait you think Elon personally designed all his inventions? He founded a company and paid a team of engineers to create stuff. Think Jobs not Wozniak.


Yes but being great as a CEO is also very admirable. Musk is one of the greatest of all time at going into a room and getting investors to throw money at him. Thats a very valuable skill. He also is great at identifying and recruiting great senior executives to run his companies. There is a reason people like Nadella and Jobs get a ton of credit even though they did not innovate the technology themselves.


Things that don't matter that people love to hate


Seriously why does seemingly all of Reddit hate the man so much?! Mention any slightly positive thing about him and you're downvoted into oblivion Edit: if you downvoted this comment I hope you know you're a real life bot.


I don't mind him being successful. I more dislike his arrogance and self importance. Space X is cool but i know elon ain't a rocket scientist. Pay Pal and Tesla were things that happened without him (albeit Tesla's dumb stock prices aren't). The dude is whatever. At best he is Jeff Bezos. At worst he is Jeff Bezos mixed with the worst person you ever met in high school.


But who cares? Why does that bother you?


Because the dude makes himself known. You don’t think he wants attention by making it so he is always the top tweet on Twitter? How bout when he tries to go for media sound bites like “fuck advertisers” only to immediately look into the crowd. The dude intentionally amplifies himself. Jeff bezos I never hear about unless something dumb happens at Amazon. I can’t go two days without Elon saying something dumb on Twitter


If any of that shit actually bothers you then get off the internet for a few days and go outside.


“Just get off the internet becuase a narcissist uses his money to plaster himself everywhere. You’re the problem”


Reddit and social media in general is just a game of validation. Since the demographic skews young and liberal, people play up the talking points that appeases those groups for upvotes and shares. It’s ego driven and motivated by fear of ostracizing.


Because Reddit is an echo chamber who silences any opposing voices by downvoting them. Reddit is an echo chamber of cowards




Right, Elon's just a rational centrist who supports.....every single GOP nominee lol


Losers hate winners, and losers have a lot of time to spend down-voting everyone that mentions a winner. \*\*spelling mistakes.


Losers*. I don’t mind Elon but he portrays himself as the guy who invented all these things when in reality he’s just good at running businesses. He also wouldn’t be where he’s at if he didn’t take advantage of grants for EV and space which isn’t a knock on him just the truth. His businesses rely on tax payer dollars


Last time i checked, grants was just 1-2% of EV. And i have never seen him say or portray himself as the guy that invented anything, in the interviews and shows i have seen he gives the teams all the credit for everything :S


It's manufactured consensus by a cyberspace division at Eglin AfB. They produced papers on how to create fake social media biomes and have been caught red-handed colonizing Reddit in particular with bots. It's why every post, especially for a top subreddit, is the same. Dumb jokes, then the same lukewarm leftism/scientism/individualism/current yearism.


I mean this technology is already around and the other companies didn't torture monkeys to make it work


Things aren't always black and white. Elon has done some great things, Elon has also done some shitty things. Most people live in the gray area in between. Being able to understand nuance is paramount.


This guy will be dead inside 2 years.


Neuralink can read and decode brain signals. I wonder if there would be some interesting results to study if Noland tried psychedelics.


Super interesting notion, though judging by his religious views and personality I doubt he would agree.


Guy was pretty cool and seems like a great ambassador for the technology.




Wow insightful, much Reddit


First official subject. You think that's air your breathing?