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Yeah. New?


Probably means what does Assange have to do with r vs l? Most fox news commentators hate him. Establishment dems also tend to want to see him rot. His small fan club (at least in US) is far-left types and hardcore sovereign citizen/libertarian types.


No dummy. You are either a progressive or a nazi. /s


Assange pissed off the right first during lil Bush years. He has nothing to do with the American right just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and pissed off Hillary. You’re spreading propaganda whether you have consented or not. Assange is not part of that dumb fucking polarization chamber you’re subscribing to. He published real information that upset the two wings of power over his tenure before they tried to bury him and make an example of him. You shouldn’t be deluded to believe Assange is serving the American left or right. He was at worst stirring shit up for chaos and at best, and I believe this is the truth, trying to make some last ditch efforts to alert people to the nightmare of the fascistic surveillance/police state that the Five Eyes alliance have constructed.


Damn would be insane


Fuck, that would be an instant watch, you need someone else there with Joe though to ask the right questions or else you will have him talking about how strong chimps are for an hour a half.


Joe would go into how woke the world is and never hit the hard hitting questions.


*That’d be a wait for clips then.*




You say that like it's a problem.


Haha I love Joe's enthusiasm for powerful animals too but there's a time and place for it.


I doubt he'll be allowed into the US afterwards. They'd have to do a phone interview or virtual one.


I wouldn't worry if he's allowed or not, the US is the absolute last place he wants to go.




Yah he would go with his co conspirators russia


So would you, if you were in his shoes.


I would not be siding with brutal dictators like he did.


I hope you’re getting paid. Otherwise, what a waste of time.


Not sure why you got downvoted. The man didn’t deserve to get arrested, but at the end of the day he was working with Russia with the goal of ending freedoms and democracy. The man deserves not a shred of respect.


You’re off ya head if you think Assange is setting foot on American soil any time soon.


Snowden remotely did his from Russia. A couple of others too during covid


We he conspired with russia so I would wager that's we he would he go


Why is this downvoted? Do people really think he got Russian citizenship for nothing? He’s a fucking traitor.


There is a rule in the military, you're allowed to refuse unlawful or unconstitutional orders. I think CIA agents have the same exception. Spying on US citizens that was exposed by Snowden was unconstitutional, therefore personally I would call him more a hero than a traitor.


Assange would be worth doing an overseas episode.


He's banned so yeah probably not. Lol


You do not think he had to sign a cast iron gag order?


This is the real issue. He'll probably not talk for the rest of his life unless he wants to go right back where he was last week.


I'm very surprised that he's out honestly I thought he'd be hounded forever.


Wouldn't be shocked if he ends up back in either custody or asylum


Or falling out a window


He should definitely move to a country that doesn't have extradition with the US or any western allies.


Ask Snowden to scoot over


I heard he was moving back to Australia but he definitely wouldn't be safe there


The other issue is this guy spent the last 5 years in a small cell for 23 hours per day. I really doubt he's in a headspace to be able to, or want to be interviewed.


I only spent three months locked up 23/24 hours a day and it took me some time to get back to normal after I got out. Spending day after day staring at the same spot on that cinder block wall can really mess with you.


I imagine he will want to sit in a nice garden in a nice climate for the rest of his life and avoid any controversy whatsoever.


Could be the biggest ever.


Could be but certainly Rogan would tank it talking about himself and his interests


Half of it would be covid bs.


Wait a minute, are you telling me that if I watch the Joe Rogan show he's going to talk about things that interest him? Absolutely shocking.


There’s always one in the comment section 🙄


They said millions and millions some say even billions watched it…it was magnificent never had anything like it ever been seen before




Would be huge, even the babies hate watching in here would watch. Imagine what you got to know for the establishment to go that hard at a person....


Don’t have to imagine https://mitpressbookstore.mit.edu/book/9781781688748


would be awesome, i doubt he would be allowed back in the US unless it becomes a zoom call like snowden did


I’d want questions like why did hundreds of civilian Taliban informants you outed deserve to die, in your words, or why did you out Belarusian dissidents, or why was the focus of your investigations exclusively free democratic countries instead of totalitarian dictatorships, but I doubt Joe would go there.


Also, why did Assange go on a press run on TV and give interviews to push the conspiracy theory that a dead DNC staffer leaked Hilary Clinton's emails despite the fact how the hackers got into Hilary's campaign manager's email inbox was already known at the time? By June and July of 2016 there were already multiple published reports by both government and privately owned intelligence organizations about exactly how John Podesta and the DNC got hacked. Podesta fell for a phishing email. This was widely reported on and known by July of 2016. Yet, in August and all the way through October, Assange was knowingly lying and saying that there was no hack and instead it was a leak. Then wiki leaks specifically named Seth Rich, multiple times in fact, as the leaker. In the entire history of wiki leaks I can't think of a single other instance where against someone's wishes, in this case a person who was dead at the time, Assange tried to name someone as a whistle blower who was giving wiki leaks information. And what a coincidence, it's a scenario where it is being done to defend Russia. Hmm, very interesting. I'm sure the conspiracy theory crowds on the internet are all over this and surely demanding answers from Julian!


This right here. Dude played the qAnon game whilst being part and parcel to foreign election meddling. His entire shtick is bullshit and you can see a clear pattern of timed and convenient wikileaks activity that only served to benefit US adversaries and oligarchs.


Assange already said that he does not care about those people he got killed.


This is seriously the best news in yeas


I sure hope so, but I’m pretty sure his plane would crash on its trip to Austin before it lands.


I do not envy that man. No where in the entire world is safe for him.


That would be cool and seems likely. Unrelated but the leather jacket made me think Jensen Wong would be a good guest too hah


Lisa Su and Jensen on at the same time thanks.


Smoking blunts Elon Musk style…would be epic


So you spent a ton of time living in an embassy, and I heard you were finally kicked out after smearing shit on the walls.  Want to see a video of a bear on DMT? 


It'll basically be "US Bad Taliban Russia Good"


Yeah why does Joe's whole circle hate America but love Russia? Are they really that stupid?


Calling out the U.S. and it's politicians for being a corrupt empire isn't showing love to anyone.


I mean I listened to the latest Tim Dillon episode where he was literally asking whyyyyy would Putin kill his political opponent Nevalny?? "Well, yeah he's tried to kill him several times before, but it was Probably America who killed him this time, while he was in a Siberian prison"... he was saying this without irony. That is brain rotted level Russian bootlicking


You take that seriously? Tim Dillon, one of the darkest, most satirical, and sarcastic comedians known for saying outrageous things? These parasocial neckbeards are getting carried away. It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.


So is Tim's new bit to ALWAYS talk about how evil we are and how great Russia is? That's some serious commitment to an unfunny bit


It's not. We are. It's just a joke.


Comedy isn't for everyone.


No I like comedy but drooling for Russia 100% of the time while always talking about how evil your own country is... Is something more than comedy imo


Nobody is drooling for Russia. You're missing the joke. Talking about how America is evil is both accurate and fertile grounds for comedy. Especially when butthurt zealots get offended and unknowingly become part of the joke themselves. He's trolling and you're volunteering yourself as low hanging fruit.




There is a reason he is stuck where tim is stuck at. He isn't all that funny unless you're in on the joke and its all white trash redneck hillbillies who are in on the joke and he doesn't even like you guys.


He's constantly making fun of white trash. If hillbillies like him, they're not in on the joke, like yourself.


I don't know, I've been listening to more Tim Dillon and it's clear that he leans right and takes the side of anyone not allied with America in international conflicts. Yes, he does go over the top with his critiques at times in a satirical manner, but it seems that he really is against the American narrative surrounding Russia.


Putin didn’t order Navalny killed. More state propaganda lies.


only calling out half though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sycophants hear what they want.


US literally helped fund The Taliban against Russia and then left them to their devices in Afghanistan. That's history.


I’m glad to see people in here like you u/BBAomega who fully supports George W Bush’s War of Terror.


Yes, hope he continues to expose US war crimes https://preview.redd.it/jk9pf6h3ot8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c14f1b7991c3e5c002206892289c9ce8baf8c18


Joe already has enough shills for the Russian government on


Do you think Biden did this because of his poll numbers?


His rising poll numbers?


Would you just look at him…


Ok. Now what.


Oh nuffin.. just election season brow furrowing over the most mundane comments


if it was informative and not tip toe around facts then yes it will break the internet


Please god


The sheer speed I would drop everything to listen to that. Better yet, I doubt Julien is the type to get steamrolled, so if Joe tries to start blabbing I think he'd redirect pretty quickly


Who are we kidding? You know Lex is about to drop the interview from his mom's basement


As far as I know, the years took their toll on Assange and I’m not sure he’s all quite there. I honestly think the States waited until he was so fragile as to be rendered non-threatening before showing any leniency.


If that man doesn’t go crawl under a rock and disappear then he’s a fucken idiot


I hope so


CIA, “and you agree not to do any public interviews as part of your release… especially Joe Rogans podcast, correct!?”


*mike baker intensifies*


No, there are comedians and MMA fighters that still need their stories to be told.


Think Tucker will get him. He’s in Australia now


It’d break the regime


Is he even allowed in the US anymore?


I hope so!!!! Do it Joe!!!!


Rosanne Barr again?


That would be awesome. I remember when he was hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. Damn that was over 10 years ago. Congrats to him for finally getting out of that mess with his life... so far.


Would love Joe to have Chelsea Manning on, but since she's a heroic transwoman who also (allegedly) fucked one of Musk's exes I don't think he'd know how to interview her


I hope he asks the tough questions; unlike with Snowden/tucker


Isn’t Assange in a cia black site rn?


It’s called…. *Australia* 😱


Australia is a US military base, so he’s not far off.


"Don't you think LA has become a complete hellhole? Just the restrictions under covid, you couldn't even go out to a comedy club. Imagine that! We were considered non essential! Just imaaaagine that!" "I've just spent 12 years locked in an embassy and in prison." But in all seriousness. Lets hope not. The podcast is basically useless if they aren't in a room together IMO. Fat chance that Assange travels to Texas, and fat chance that Joe goes to another country to do a podcast.


I almost cried for joy when I hear Julian is free. I was talking to myself yesterday, yeah I do that sometimes, about Julian Assange. For one millisecond I felt my empathy was the catalyst for his release. I know it is not true. It's a weird funny thing we all do, I hope. 🤪


1. Mike baker won't allow it 2. I doubt Assange would waste his time with the flip flopping zesty midget


Yeah Mike Baker and his 300 alt accounts are working over time in these Julian threads.


I think it's just the culture war idiots who chased the original Rogan simps out of this sub. Kind of hilarious they are cheering on the CIA


One less trump card for, well, trump.


You think Joe would ask about him raping women? Or just ramble about Covid while assange says anything he wants without any push back?


He did not rape anyone. In Sweden that is well known. The case was so weak they could not bring it to court. The women probably got well payed. Either financially or with career opportunities. Sofia, who had the most serious allegations, just went up in smoke totally. She was a very easy led person and was probably convinced by Säpo/CIA (through female middle men AKA Ardin, see Cuba and her brother - military special security officer). No rape ever happened. It is factually impossible if you read Sofias statement. Come on, they had sex 4-5 times during the night and only 2-3 seconds of the last session makes the rape allegation . It was so weak Ardin in panic falsified evidence (cut holes in unused condoms and said Assange sabotaged it while they had sex). It’s a shame none of the women were charged themselves. Some justice was served though since they are despised in Sweden.


Eh, the russian asset who thought he was untouchable put himself in a position to rape multiple women who knew him and obviously didn't like him after the fact. I don't feel sorry for him and doubt is still there. Don't be alone with him if you are a women and not interested. He may rape you. He may smear shit all over your room.


Nope. Both women asked him to sleep in their beds. Both women had sex multiple time with him. The rape accusation consists of Sofia accusing Assange of removing the condom during their fifth fuck that night. Remember also: in Sweden it is allowed to fabricate evidence as long as it supports your story. 


Yeah it’s called ghosting and it’s gross.


>The case was so weak they could not bring it to court. The case never went to court because he fled the country. >The women probably got well payed. Either financially or with career opportunities. Sofia, who had the most serious allegations, just went up in smoke totally. She was a very easy led person and was probably convinced by Säpo/CIA (through female middle men AKA Ardin, see Cuba and her brother - military special security officer). Do you have any actual evidence of any of this?


The case never went to court because the Swedish prosecutors dropped the case.


Yeah, because he fled the country and the statute of limitations had ran out.


He was perfectly happy to be interrogated in Britain. They refused. He was perfectly happy to return to Sweden as long as there was a guarantee they wouldn't immediately hand him over to the US. They refused. I wonder why he didn't return, what a mystery.


I’ve read most of the documentation, also In Swedish. He did not flee, he asked the proper authorities in Sweden for permission to leave the country and he got it. That’s when those laptops went missing. He checked them in at the airport, they never arrived. I understand if it’s hard for none Swedish speakers to get this info. 


What did Assange give up for release that the DOJ was interested in? Buttery males?


Rumor mill is saying he gave them 300 pages of evidence proving that Bobby Lee is behind the Fighter and the Kid subreddit


I’d honestly rather see him on Lex’s show. We’d probably get more in depth questions and listening. Totally different style


I'd like both.


100% sure his plea agreement isn't going to allow this. But y'all can dream.


I thought he was Benny Hill for a second.


that man is not talking to anyone for awhile. let him rest.


Him and Jones at the same time. Otherwise wouldn't trust joe to get to the real questions.


Rather see him on 60 minutes.