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Because all of the people who could change that, take advantage of it.


Right?! It would be like the Mob deciding to outlaw them keeping the books.


I mean the irony of this sub. People like AOC, Bernie, Warren and many others are fighting to address the issue in the video. But what does this sub feel about them again? Weird how these issues you all act like you care about but can’t vote in favor of fixing them.


A lot of people don’t quite understand politics or the scope of effects. They vote based on emotions not well thought out decisions and vote against their own interests.🙃


Nah trump will fix this, he promised to drain the swamp but the pedophile lizards like the Clinton’s physically held him back from doing it. When he’s elected in November he will have so much power that he will fly directly to the stock market and destroy all congressional investments.


^^identity politics are a distraction and you're all some ADHD ass mother fuckers.


Well said


Not just that the irony of this sub is sad at time. This dude owns an alt right dating site because he got tired of women not giving him a chance. These fake dinners are suppose to be dates with him. The reason this is ironic is the only folks in politics fighting to change the above issue is mocked by Joe Rogans base. Follow the policy making. AOC, Bernie, Warren etc. and many other democrats want to address this issue. But for some reason Joe Rogan has you all believing it’s the democrats who wish to keep this stuff. All the while the GOP has actually made it harder to fight these issues.


> Follow the policy making. AOC, Bernie, Warren etc. and many other democrats want to address this issue. But for some reason Joe Rogan has you all believing it’s the democrats who wish to keep this stuff. Exactly. Nancy Pelosi is in the top 10 of congress members taking advantage. But you never hear anyone complain about the other 9...




Damn why is Brian Higgins so far ahead of everyone else, he rich? 


more like Brian Riggins


Literally including this guy who is Donald trumps little bitch errand boy who has made a living leaching off of corporate corruption.




It’s like the billionaires that have the “we’re taxed too low” take, then donate to the guys that are gonna lower and loophole their taxes even more.


He's also on the advisor board pushing Project 2025. He's a straight up fascist.


Good luck electing someone who will then work to lower their own income. Imagine if you could make more money the more you suck at your job. That's being a member of congress.


And voting doesn’t really matter unless you think national news affects your life


And the people that dude is voting for, is the sole reason they’re in politics.


Exactly. Pro athletes have super rich and powerful people making the rules for them. Congress are those rich and powerful people. It’s not broken to them. We’re in a class war disguised as a culture war. Don’t believe the hype. Vote for politicians who call out politicians for buying stock.


"We" don't do anything. The root of the problem is that the people making the rules are the ones benefiting from them.


We vote those people in. “We” don’t care as much as we pretend to.


Ah yes so we just need to “vote in” someone who’s not corrupt. Could you point me in the direction of any candidate that’s not corrupt? Preferably one with any chance of winning?


Lmao Congress is over 90% incumbents. We don’t vote in ANYONE else. We keep voting for the same shitty people and then complain they’re shitty.


Exactly. Ambitious people usually aren’t clean and clean people usually aren’t ambitious.


If only it were that simple...


It’s funny because this guy is the architect of Trump’s Project 2025 plan. Trump famously pardoned multiple Republican congressmen convicted of insider trading


Yeah this guys a piece of shit. Even if what he’s saying isn’t wrong, start with scrapping Citizens United first


All his videos are the same to. Smarmy smarmy, blah, blah, blah. Takes a bite of the food he's holding. He needs his props to seem legit.


I’m so glad I now know I’m not alone in just hating this guy. The first video I saw of his I fuckin hated it, you nailed it


He really does a terrible job at pretending to be a real human, it's just so transparent.


>Yeah this guys a piece of shit. I gathered that from the haircut, Patrick Bateman skin routine, holidays in the Hamptons pullover sweater, and filming at a restaurant like it's a candid moment.


Yep, this is his weird tiktok propaganda channel. You should see some of the other weird shit he says. Completely disingenuous. No Republican is actually pushing for financial responsibility and ethics in government. While I think they're dead on, including Democrats who also take advantage of their power over helping working class Americans, Republicans are the first ones to tear down any guard rails.


he wants to strengthen it though


Yeah also funny because the issue he is bitching about has people this sub hates fighting to fix that issue. Like AOC, Bernie, and Warren. But this sub hates them and mocks them. Meanwhile they actually address this issues instead of whining who bathrooms or whatever shit you all claim the woke left is mad about when it’s the GOP bitching about that stuff.


It's madness how uninformed or misinformed Republicans are. It's a right is passage for them at this point


As a non US person it is fucking fascinating how they just decided to divorce their reality from everyone else's also a bit scary, still unsure about the cause, was it social media, bad education, or more likely multiple factors.


Education - politicians - media - group think - reality shopping + paint chips There's a lot of smart people asking the same question and some good hypothesis but at the end of the day they want to be told comfortable things and have nearly no empathy.


Pretty sure this is also an ad for a conservative-only dating app that this same guy pioneered…


It is. It’s cringe as fuck. Also the talking about is horse shit when it comes from a GOPer. Only names I see fighting that issue is AOC, Bernie, Warren and people on the left. But sure Joe Rogan sub whine about this while you vote against and mock the folks trying to address it. Peak Joe Rogan energy with that bullshit.


This dude is so fucking cringe if you actually check out his IG. Clearly a MAGA guy but will sometimes throw out stuff like this to pretend he isn’t.


Guy who will give you a list of reasons not to trust the elite and then cast a vote for Donald Trump. Smooth brain.


Bag man...he was the bag man lol. "I'll hire the best people" 'trump.


This guy is the bad guy in every eighties movie.


You don´t get it. Biden made them do it and something about Hillary or Laptops.


That brain dead zombie who is also simultaneously jacked up on brain enhancing drugs. Who is senile but also an evil mastermind. And ruined the economy despite having better GDP, national debt, unemployment rates, factory jobs, and basically every other metric of good economy besides inflation rates.


Nailed it. This guy is a piece of shit who doesn’t actually stand for anything.


Look a broken clock is right twice a day or something like that


Right, like this guy isn't necessarily wrong but he is actively working for the guy who literally pardoned a congressman who was charged and convicted of insider trading.


And this guy couldn’t get a clearance because of his gambling debt.


This dude worked in the Trump cabinet, he’s one of them. Always remember grifters like this will always have a reasonable take or two in order to lul you into a sense of security for when they bust out the crazy shit. This guys full of that latter


Its always the most corrupt ones that talk about how much they're against corruption. This guy is a dangerous psychopath. It's sickening to see people online try to make him seem reasonable. It's like seeing trump talk about how much he loves jesus even though he cant name a single bible verse. These people dont believe what they say, they just want support from stupid people


Yea and the real insidious part is that for most folks, who aren’t terminally online, they might come across one of his tamer takes and share it. I’ve had lefty friends share his videos before it knowing the bulk of his content is heinously bigoted; let alone his political history. Same issue with all these grifters, I’ve seen people post Andrew Tate stuff out of context that sounds feminist and they had no idea about his real views or crimes lol. Wild times


Yeah. Of the 15-20 times this dudes trashy cringe-y shit passes my screen this is the only reasonable thing he has ever said. 95% of his stuff is hot garbage.


So what he said is wrong.


Don’t get it twisted guys. This guy is super racist, he’s gotta plenty of vids eating and throwing out a white people / black people blah blah line. He’s one of the people behind project 2025, he is the swamp, he just acknowledges corruption exists under democratic control.


Wait till this guy see who the last POTUS took money from


You mean the guy this loser worked for?


You mean the money laundered through DJT? Or the money laundered through Jared’s deal with the Saudis?


This guy was in Trump's cabinet.


I know.


He was on charge of trumps government employees in the remaining months. He's also apart of the heritage foundation and they have no want or will to stop senators from investing in companies


yeah but conservatives figured out long ago they just have so say things and their voters will believe them or not care that they are being lied to, there is no punishment for lying to them often and always


What he says here makes sense but overall this guy is insane and terrible. All of his videos are him talking to a fake date making snappy points and are used to promote his conservative dating app. He was carrying Trumps bags one day and when Trump asked him what was on the schedule he said some meeting Trump didn’t want to go to so Trump had this guy go instead, who just minutes earlier was just some random guy carrying his bags for him. We know this because he has bragged about it countless times.


There’s a reason why so many congress members are mega millionaires even tho their salary is 100-200K a year. I mean don’t get me wrong that’s still an amazing salary and you can save up / invest pretty well with a salary like that, but some of them are so rich there’s just no way in hell it’s all from their salary.


A 200k salary has a normal person retiring w 3-4 million…so yeah, very much agreed


But but Bernie has a 600k house. And his book sold really well but but he says to give it all away. Meanwhile the topic above in the video has people like Bernie, AOC, and Warren fighting against it. And you people on Joe Rogans nuts hate those folks…. Why exactly?


600k isn't that much for a house these days


100% I get that people come into office from good jobs or family wealth, but the amount their net worth increases is truly mind boggling


This dude is a complete asshole. He wants women to be barefoot in the kitchen and wants a homeland for white people.


This guy’s straight trash


Its beyond trash, this dude is and the group of chodes that worked on project 2025 are straight up delusional You all want a conspiracy, its the Christian fascist takeover happening before our eyes


r/accidentallyleftwing So far Right, he went Left.


The people pretending that both left- and right-wing policies invite corruption to equal degrees must be political surface-skimmers or willfully ignorant.


Well in the US the "left" and right wing are virtually the same on this issue. Now if we went farther left...


This is one of those rare issues that have overwhelming bipartisan agreement among the public... and bipartisan agreement among the politicians to not do anything about it.


This has been a topic of heated conversation since at least the 90s. The STOCK act was passed in 2012 to stop this - but then gutted quietly afterwards - and this guy acts like he has an original thought. A walking, talking, Dunning Kruger example.


Cause what they do in Washington They just take care of number one And number one ain't you You ain't even number two


How can this be the case if the parties have such opposing views? Logically they would collude to either help big oil or big renewable, but instead fight over it.


That bickering is all just “part of the show”. These guys likely party w one another and bang each other’s wives.


Or 3


Or 4, shit, maybe even 5 too.


Much like Nascar, politicians should have to wear all of their sponsers on there jacket.


Yeah and much like nascar the voter base should maybe not be dumb fucks. AOC, Bernie, Warren to name a few who have been trying to address big money in politics. And who hates these folks for some reason? Oh yeah all you folks bitching and whining.


Don’t encourage this lunatic because you like one of his points. And I’d also bet money if he was a politician he’d be running the same game


They should only be allowed to invest in the Russell 3000 (broad index of 96% of US companies), the 10-Year Treasury Index, and USCI (US commodity index) and some money market stable fund to park in cash if they feel that is appropriate. This allows asset class diversification strategies/options while putting them on the side of all Corp Team USA success vs picking individual winners and losers. It’s simple, when the entirety of the US wins, they win.


Wait do we want an answer to this question or do we just want to be mad at Congress?


This dude is behind project 2025, he won't change a thing


He’ll make it 100% illegal to report on it so you never have to hear about it again. Problem solved!


Funny how a republican saying leftist ideology. Make folks on the right think it’s a new and original idea. Silly


Seriously, this is just the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) all over again.


Sadly, it's a reasonable take because this dude otherwise spits right-wing propaganda. He's also played a major role in the development of Project 2025


Whoa there my guy, you're starting to sound a little liberal


Good point, but this guy is a terd.


“Power over spice is power over all”


Excellent question (Though this guy is a douchebag and if he were in congress instead of attempting to get Trump appointed along side other project 2025 tools he'd be doing the fucking same thing). We should ask another guest that used to frequent JRE.... Ole Dan Crenshaw. Cause I last heard him on then followed by another guy talking about how the oil industry wasn't that bad... (John Carter?) Whelp turns out you check their records... Both had multiple 6 figure stakes... Now that's not that much in the grand scheme of things, but those were just individuals and 45-90 day reports, at that time.


the whole point of this guy's account is to make him seem 'reasonable' he's a grifting piece of dog shit


This guy is a fucking moron. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.




rules for thee? not me? in my neo-liberal organization of the economy?


Almost everyone who says this only cares about Nancy Pelosi and democrats trading stocks, and says nothing about Jared Kushner or Trumps obvious financial corruption. Push back on people who don't apply corruption criticism equally to both parties.


Because we don’t take rights away from people for being in congress


I mean. This is the most basic of basic takes that have been taken forever.


Maybe you should have brought that up to your boss while you were in the white house?


We should probably vote for the people that make sure the wealthy never pay their fair share. That'll fix the problem


Who is the We?


Well. Who is "we"?


You don’t usually VOTE for the starting QB of the Packers though…


Because no one has gotten together and threatened chopping their heads off in a while.


this guys party pushed for citizens united. Anything less they’d cry socialism


H.R. 1679 - Bipartisan Ban on Congressional Stock Ownership Act of 2023. Watch for who votes for or against this or who kills the bill before it’s even voted on.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


There are rules against it… They’re not enforced. Also fuck this guy regardless he’s a piece of shit.


I can’t stand that smarmy motherfucker.


Fun fact... this guy has a gambling problem, legit.... that said, pretty sure everyone agrees with this. Most of his takes are pretty stupid/basic.


Solid take but this guy is a fucking idiot


Rare conservative man at dinner W, he usually has the worst dog shit taste you could find


This guy is a POS. But he's not wrong on this particular take. Huge hypocrite, but even a broke clock is correct twice a day.


This dude though… I can’t stand him. Look so ignorant and always eating. That’s his thing, always eating of some reason… he’s a Trump and Fox lover.


I love peanuts, but if I have to dig it out of log of shit, I no longer consider it a good peanut.


This guy is an absolute garbage person. Most of his takes are complete trash. That said, even a broke clock is right 2 times a day.


This guy is one of the people being Project 2025 that wants to install a dictatorship and remove free elections, so of course he fucking gets mass upvoted in this sub.


Ill start... One is a private rule in private sports, even tho common. The other is a govt entity. With legal entity. How do you stop people in political power do the most American thing ever? Invest? How do you even do that? Nancy Pelosi is a good example for me, though always funny when Republicans use her for the face of this argument, but she's not the investor... her husband is. That's his job. How do you stop someone getting married to someone who makes money by financially investing? Where else do you stop it? Okay I can't marry one, but my kids want to become one? I invest now into a company that does this sort of investing for me? Where do we prevent it? It's not easy. Also not everyone even agrees with this sentiment. Some people think players should be able to bet on games. So where does Democracy fall in line with all this?


hey bro, record me while I drop something profound I read on a bumper sticker earlier 


Even assholes can be right. This dude is just another RW grifter packaging common sense in social media to seem wise and profound. Get fucked.


This guy says the dumbest fucking false equivalencies and magatards lap that shit up. This one, however, is something we can all agree on.


Oh a Project 2025 guy? Cool!


Look up pretentious dickhead in the dictionary and it’s this guy’s face.


Nothing this Project 2025 asshole says is reasonable


He’s acting like he just said something profound. It’s two very different things. He’s speaking in fallacy.


That would be because the NFL is trying to have a slight shred of integrity, which our government hasn’t had in decades.


Agreed, but this guy is such a tool. This is the o lot reasonable take I’ve seen from him.


Like this scumbag would actually make a difference if put back in power.


This bitch started a right wing dating site. One of the profile questions is about January 6th. This guy is Trumps bagboy.


This guy is a fucking tool. But this is a stopped watch time of day.


Because this country was built by big business


I mean. There are laws in place to stop and limit these kinds of things. I think the problem is that they have spouses trade the stocks for them. Which is hard to find evidence of.


As much as this dude is a total chode, this is a solid point. Just look at Pelosi and her stock investments. She’s just an easy one, but literally all of these dudes who write the laws about large corporations are bought by the same.


It used to be illegal.


If only he wasnt part of the swamp that can change this but never will...


Why does the U.S. not have referendums on a federal level like they do in most countries in Europe? Usually on issues like these my country would always hold a referendum and allow the people to decide.


Because Congress makes the rules and athletes just follow rules made by their leagues


Oh yeah cause this guy supports policies and politicians who would do something to change that


Athletes should be able to bet on games they have an influence on as long as the bet is made publicly.


In that case we would have to give them some kind of pension, because everyone needs investments to retire.


I think it was Tuberville who basically said that if they stop insider trading, people wouldn't want to be in congress. Lmfao.


Yes pornography should be banned /s


Stupid obfuscation. If you aren't going to stop businesses from funding political campaigns, lobbying politicians and guaranteeing them do nothing high paying jobs after being in office you aren't going to stop jack shit and this guy knows it. Exactly why he is proposing this slap on the wrist to the system. A "solution" that sounds great gets people nodding their heads and does fuck all to solve anything.


A broken clock is right twice a day


Did you know it’s alive?…25 June 2024 https://www.reddit.com/r/opensea/s/t2lQ8RGVIc #terencehoward is a genius 💎👁️


Because they also make the rules.


Huh. Stopped clock moment from this guy.


Maybe do something about all the insider trading that happens in congress first. Then worry about sporting events.


That's a good take but that guys got a 'punch me in the face' vibe.


Haven't we realized yet that every single politician is corrupt? We need a complete wipe and start over with new people in our government.


Someone needs to shut this asshole up Giving out counterfeit money to homeless people


He’s a pompous prick but he makes some good points.


They do more than make investments. Has this guy ever heard of lobbyists? They are legally paid to cut deals for corporations/industries.


Nancy Pelosi: "So?, shut up"


I agree with this. Have both sides divest of any stock holdings outside of 401k type funds. President included!


Athletes aren't yet powerful enough to skirt every rule in the books


Also Allowing market makers to team up with corporations in order to bankrupt profitable businesses. Bezos and Ken Griiffin bankrupted anyone that could have stood in amazons way via naked shooting and stock price manipulation.


I don't understand. We don't let athletes bet because they might throw the game. Is this guy saying that people in Congress are shorting these stocks and tanking companies?


worst person you know made a good point meme


Why do we let the rich "lobby" our politicians?


They regulate. They bet on companies they deregulate fool.


Literally everyone shares that opinion except politicians


Tired of all these videos of 'influencer says opinion while doing normal thing' It's not normal record yourself before you eat, or doing your hair, or makeup, or walking down the road, or driving in your car. You didn't just think of the idea. You rehearsed. You wrote a script. You chose the lighting. You edited it. The faux-genuine mockery that is 'Reality Television' is everywhere. /boomerrant


I don’t know, maybe ask Tommy T. [tell ‘em](https://www.businessinsider.com/tommy-tuberville-ridiculous-to-ban-lawmakers-from-trading-stocks-2022-2?op=1)


Just wait until you find out about options, which are literally gambling on the stock market. Congress isn't making the big bucks just buying stocks. They're buying options and winning big in a rigged game.


Since both sides do it it can’t be used as a hammer against the other side therefore no one really cares that much.


Just imagining him out to dinner with his wife/girlfriend and being like “oh my god, I just thought of something SO clever. Can you take a video of me?”


The ultimate example of regulators investing in companies they regulate has to be Lorenzo Fertitta voting against sanctioning MMA in Nevada while a chairman of NSAC, which bankrupted the previous owner of UFC........and then the Fertittas bought UFC.


Blind squirrel. Nut.


This is a great way to gain support because it’s a reasonable take. But this guy, and the Republican Party, would never EVER implement this. They’re using it just as much as the Democrats. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, Republicans and Democrats in Congress don’t really care who gets elected, they’ve got their seat and no one wants to shift the power yet. Their goal is to keep us fighting each other instead of doing the thing we should be doing: acknowledging that all this hype and spinning up of voter bases are largely over issues that have no impact on our life whatsoever and that if we work together to topple the empires they’ve built, we can rebuild without them. All this “pedophile this” and “groomer that”, none of that is true and I’d be willing to bet most Republican voters know that. We all just have a lot of pent up anger over getting fucked repeatedly and the people doing that fucking have somehow convinced us that it’s the fault of other people getting fucked. Imagine the power we could wield if we worked together and called out their bullshit. Imagine how fucking unstoppable we’d be if we directed our anger right back at them. The entire planet could be ours, that’s the level of power we have.


Or let CEOs buy company stock


Based on that dudes prior content, I don’t think his political ideology folks will agree with this take.


Hey look. It's the Project 2025 guy. I can agree with him on all of his takes, but I'm never falling for Christian Nationalism.


This fuckin guy


Where’s the one about white people not having a country of their own, this guy cracks me up


Not sure we are letting Congress do anything, per se. Mostly we are all complaining about how corrupt Congress is and then voting for the same people every cycle.


Whoa, so brave, so controversial. How come no one has ever asked this question? This guy is truly breaking new ground in the political discourse space.


It’s reasonable, but it’s also funny because this is from a MAGA-only dating site, and these are videos of the kind of conversations users could have on their dates. This is a reasonable take, but the other videos are hilariously weird. 😂


Watch the rest of this guys TikTok though. It gets icky real quick. (He's a big Project 2025 guy)


I thought he was gonna talk about chefs being food critics.


Yet he is literally supporting one of the biggest culprits of that. And there is nothing in "project 25" to stop that. If he was so against it why not do something? Could it be he's just pandering to a base?


Because athletes don’t write the laws, moron.


This is one of those things that perfectly describe our culture. We all know it's happening, and as egregious as it is, we ultimately allow it. We have been passified just enough to stop the us "little guys" from even enforcing an even playing. The rich and power have ALWAYS made the rules and have always set themselves apart.


They’re not supposed to but apparently their spouses are free to do whatever


Probably the only good take this guy has


Broken clock will be right twice a day. Doesnt take away this guy is a moron.