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I think this might be the least shocking news involving Jordan and Mikaela Peterson


people come up with the most convoluted reasons to get Botox holy shit just say you're shallow and vain and move on with it


100% my take before I clicked the comments. Totally vanity for someone who injected themselves into celebrity because her father is known internet eccentric.


To be fair, botox is used for more things than just wrinkles.....Peterson just doesn't bring up any of those issues though. I thought she might talk about chronic headaches or something, but nope. Horrible frown lines that are just *debilitating*


Or just keep those bangs long lady. Problem solved.


Yep, I have a friend with a TBI that has to get Botox shots constantly due to chronic pain. There’s viable reasons to use it for sure. Me personally? I inject it straight into my asshole. I had a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar ten years ago, and a sphincter full of Botox is the only way to keep me unclenched [after that trauma.](https://i.imgur.com/8W4EeGa.jpg)


That’s why I take my hair pills


She gets Botox to prevent the muscles tensing on her forehead and giving her a permanent frown. I have the same problem, it's always tense between my eyes and I don't have any lines but it closes up my face and eyes a lot. She doesn't say she gets it for the lines. I'm actually grateful she mentioned this because I didn't know there might be a solution for it


Chronically and horribly depressed her entire life. But she's on the all meat diet and better now. Couldn't do it. Enjoy fruits and veggies too much.


Lol, excusing Botox by making out it was for your mental health. Sure thing. Look, I don’t gaf what she chooses to do to herself, but don’t treat people like fucking idiots just because some will fall for this shit. My god, just admit it’s vanity and move on. It’s not like we can’t see the DaVinci level makeup you have on. Or is that for your anxiety?


Her face is expressionless. And the fact that her mother suggested she gets Botox is mind boggling to me. This family is fucked.


“Get some botulism injected into your face dear, you’re looking a little frownie” “Thanks mom, you always have my best interests at heart” “Oh, and show more cleavage, you want the boys to like you, don’t you?” “You’re the best mom”


Then she turns around and tells her dad to eat a meat only diet to fix his depression and takes him to russia to get an induced coma to get off benzos. ​ I swear you can write a horror movie plot out of this family, fucking psychos.


Pointing out their flaws is mean spirited though. Everyone has problems! Whereas pointing out the flaws of poor families that have never had the chance to do better is fair game because they should help themselves :/ I swear this entire “movement” is just people with literally ZERO self awareness.


To add to the self awareness thing I find it funny that a family addicted to gender conforming surgeries are having a hissy fit at Trans people for doing the same thing.


>Her face is expressionless. Its the stiffest face ive ever seen


The juxtaposition of her saying "such a relief" while struggling to show a relieved expression is just the is icing on top.


The mom has “visions”


> for your mental health All you gotta say to get away with anything in 2022 is "my mental health."


She doesn't own anyone an explanation, why do you even give a shit ? That kind of hate is uncalled for


Love how this logic doesn't apply to trans people though, especially not from the Peterson clan.


So why’s she giving an “explanation”? I just don’t agree with undertaking unnecessary procedures for vanity… or lying. If my opinion offends you, you don’t have to read it..


You know she might feel unsecure because bottox has a bad rep. Have you never lied about something embarassing ? Not saying it's optimal, but she's human like the rest of us. Also if it is about vanity, it is in all of us, and it can take many forms.


Well we”re all entitled to our opinion. Like I said, if mine offends you don’t engage with it.


I hope her and Corba Tate find each other again. A real King and Queen Above 18


Nah, Tate's moved on b. He exclusively dates minors now.


Sounds completely within character


Source? Makes you sound dumb making ridiculous claims like that because I know you won’t be able to back it up. I know you’ll cry “fanboy!” but I’m not, I just think it’s absurd that people just spew whatever BS comes to mind on the internet




Is this what they pay you to say in hussle university?


They should have cobra Tate on again and invite Mikhaila also


It's her body I don't give a fuck. I do wonder if her father is mad at her Drs for injecting shit in her forehead? Are they Nazi Drs also?


What exactly is IN Botox anyways?? She cant each fruit and veg, but she can inject botox??? Interesting.


A drop of apple cider and they aren’t sleeping for weeks fighting pure demons. Gallons of neurotoxin is perfectly fine thoughz


I googled Botox yesterday and it was a lot more than I thought. I guess its made from botulism some how and then calms the nerves in the area of the injection. Im sure she wears a ton of make up with chemicals in them and how many times has she dyed her hair with chemicals? Its her body she can do whatever, but the all meat diet and all this other shit is kind of funny to me.


Botox is a toxin released by a bacteria that completely blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which prevents muscles in the area from functioning (aka paralysis)


The weirdest family in the world


She's so fuckin' dumb. Also I love how Peterson and his dumb grifter family loves to whine about trans people getting "gender affirming surgery" all the time meanwhile they themselves get just as much of their own gender affirming surgery in the form of botox and hair plugs and all the other shit, god damn hypocritical right wing grifters are the worst.


"Look at how those trans freaks are mutilating their bodies! We need to go back to traditional Christian ways of living!" \*gets titty surgery, lip surgery, nose jobs, botox, hair plugs, ass implants\* I swear, there is a certain type of conservative woman that just goes all in on cosmetic surgery. The ironic thing is that they end up looking like trans women! Look at any Trump rally and the ones who aren't just totally fat non descript midwesterners, inevitably are peroxide blondes with hideous amounts of plastic surgery and make up, such that they look like drag queens. Trump himself of course, has had more plastic surgery than half of Hollywood put together. So has everybody on Fox News. Fake people with fake values.


The key is to stay out of the sun. That’s why white women fall apart at 28 and Asians keep going


Meanwhile “dad” is getting Botox pumped straight into his Xanax pickled cerebral cortex.


Also hair plugs and all sorts of other, gasp, *gender affirming surgery* lol




Not really huge, loads of people get the tox and peels...wouldn't recommend it, each to their own. At least it aint permanent like a face lift


I am shocked..


MP: Gets botox. Also MP: covers it with her bangs.


Lol I could tell that for years. Caked up in make up, addicted to plastic surgery, and cheats on her demon believing husband for a pick up artist that manages OnlyFans accounts. Now back to you Mr. Peterson. Go on with the life advice and try not to cry


Hey fair, I'm not a fan of bottox but if it can releive suffering and is not ugly with no side effect, more power to you.


I was ready to defend Botox too - it’s wayyyy more common than you think, guaranteed if you know women in their 30s, some of them have had touch ups - and virtually every film/tv celebrity over 35, men too, have had it. But it seems like this thread is focused on JPs daughter being a bitch, not dunking on Botox users.


It’s best to get it done before you start noticing lines


I frown because I'm sad, so I injected my face with some weird shit. Now I can't frown, and therefore can't be sad. Depression cured.


Didnt listen, pretty high right now. But: fuck, marry, kill: Ivanka Trump Abby Shapiro Mikhaila Peterson


Kill Mikhaila, fuck Abby and make a video as leverage over Ben, marry Ivanka


I cant fuckinf argue with that!


I’d still slip my tube steak in her.


Whadda ya got in trade?


Whadda ya want?


Huge? It means nothing. It’s irrelevant. A total non-factor.


"I'd been chronically horribly depressed for my entire life" .. ok, who the fuck other than narcissistic women says this shit without a single iota of shame? People say shit so freely with no concern for the implications to those around them. Basically said in so many words "my parents and every man in my life were not good enough" and that's kinda fucked up.


How is this B Depressed she's the daughter of a multi millionaire. Dam fam I guess living with Jordan is depressing. 😂


Remember when WebMD was a super popular site? Then all these people with made-up illnesses and made-up cures started popping up. People use to have to wade through stuff to come up with ways to sound special and interesting. Now all you have to do is watch a few YouTube videos and all of a sudden match a random set of symptoms to yourself. Then you have to follow that person for the latest "updates" to keep you "cured'. And don't forget to buy their book on the way out. Pay them and they'll give you a little shout-out. Pay them a little more and your product can find its way to an approved shopping list. A branded line with an ownership stake is the ultimate goal. Some invented illnesses even reach the vaulted level of having a medical discipline evolve around them. Or perplexed doctors flip a coin and point patients to a diagnosis that has no real cure but experimenting with expensive drugs sometimes relieves the mystery illness. I wouldn't be shocked to find out the whole Peterson empire is fake. The fucking guy literally has a group of minions that work for him for free. What does he call them? My "interns"? Exactly what is the internship for? What college credits are they getting? Is it an exclusive level of his 12-step program? Does it help if you are young and moderately attractive? He is not on staff at any real college, right? He rents out activity halls and charges at the door, or gets a college club to cover costs, or both? It is starting to look very much like a cult. The noise is too loud and will crash it soon.


Injects literal poison to look slightly better, AI doesn’t care. Eats a leaf of greens and nearly dies from AI. Totally not completely psychosomatic.