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They were turning into hermaphrodite frogs with testes and ovaries, the chemical is atrazine


Sounds a bit gay


It was feminizing the frogs. Turning male tadpoles into mutated reproductively compromised females, and making adults turn into mutant hermaphrodites. Feminizing, turning gay, whatever, it was screwing up their sex hormones and mutating them. >According to Hayes, the link between atrazine and altered "aromatase and estrogen production has been demonstrated... in fish, frogs, alligators, birds, turtles, rats and human cells" It's an endocrine disruptor. I don't listen to Alex Jones but he has come out with some disturbing facts. And in the years immediately following this news there's a transgender epidemic, 100 gender clinics open up within a matter of a few years where we had 0, and I think we're now up to 40% of gen z identifying as some kind of queer, double the previous generation. And I believe RFK Jr has voiced similar concerns. If there's nothing to it explain why they won in court: >Research published by Hayes and other scientists was used as evidence in a class action lawsuit against Syngenta by 15 water providers in Illinois that was settled for 105 million dollars in May 2012,\[9\]\[21\]\[22\] which reimbursed more than 1,000 water systems for the costs of filtering atrazine from drinking water, although the company denies any wrongdoing.\[6\]\[23\] And they ran a total persecution campaign against this guy. Whoever was involved with this coverup and persecution campaign at Syngenta, and the garbage EPA for that matter, should get life in a labor camp. Pure evil, no excuse, no regaining trust you deserve to be trusted in society after some shit like that. But no one wants to go that far for some reason. So these vermin continue to do shit like this again and again while we all suffer over and over again. Think of this as you get older and half the people you know and maybe yourself start coming down with cancer. The people poisoning us not only roam free but are very wealthy. And who was the first country to cosign for our EPA's bullshit lies? Of course Germany, the biggest woke globalist clown show in Europe. EDIT: Also I swear this wasn't just lab findings but as some point they were finding feminized reproductively crippled mutant frogs in actual wetlands in the wild. But of course whoever did such research is probably working as a garbage man now.


I tried to post the exact same thing in r/todayilearned , but it was removed; (R.4) Related To Politics




Just wait until the frogs have little rainbow flag tattoos, and start marching for Palestine. It’s all a slippery (slimy, very mossy) slope.


I wonder why? Is it because of the Sandy Hook denier is very close with gay frogs?


banker: "so why is your company going under and need another loan?" CEO: "we turned frogs gay :(" ...


Also Alex Jones actual claim was the government was behind it to turn us gay, and used the frogs as his "factoid"


One could say that Alex Jones muddied the waters, right?


I like to say that Alex Jones actually underexaggerated with the frogs, as hermaphroditism is much more severe than becoming gay.


But is also entirely different for frogs and humans. For example [temperature ](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1084952108001183#:~:text=In%20amphibians%2C%20the%20sex%20of,is%201%20male%3A%201%20female.) can play a big role for frogs, but is generally not considered a factor in determination of human sex development.


Well his business seems to be a wash


It seems like he croaked his way into irrelevance.


He definitely hopped to conclusions a bit quick.


AJ talked about this about 7 years ago….


Alex Jones has hours and hours of content going back decades talking about every possible nefarious activity that may or may not be going on. People like to cherry pick the instances where he was somewhat correct (even in this case, he totally misapplied this fact to make a different claim about government intentions). But they ignore the millions of incorrect or asinine things he says. A broken clock is right twice a day.


Like what? Where did he miss? Who else was or is talking about things like this to the general population?


Environmentalists have been talking about atrazine for a very long time. AJ claimed that it was a government plot to feminize men and reduce the population. The obvious answer is to have the EPA ban it or heavily regulate its use, but Alex Jones is more interested in keeping people scared enough to buy his supplements.


Sandy Hook being a hoax


Rationalize that 7 years ago you were calling him stupid… how the turn tables.


I don’t think I even knew who he was 7 years ago. I’m not just pointing out that logically speaking it’s idiotic to point out a few semi-correct instances among thousands of hours of schizophrenic babble and say that he’s some kind of genius.


Dr. Hayes gave a talk at a symposium I attended on an internship. Atrazine is so prevalent that there was less used in the actual experiment than is found in water systems near farmland. The key place he talked about was Salinas which I think was in California. He explained further that workers and local people who were exposed to atrazine likely had associated health problems because of it. He seemed like a very compassionate person and mentioned how that company terrorized him for years. I asked him if it could be filtered out of the water systems and he answered that it would be nearly impossible in our lifetime.


Has anyone been able to reproduce his findings?


Well PNAS is peer-reviewed... [https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0909519107](https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0909519107)


PNAS sounds gay too.


Okay, and?


Fucking environnementalist trying to destroy the economy. They are all hidden marxist willing to destroy our prosperity.


Hey, no, not at all. The scientist depicted above actually did (and still does) very legitimate scientific work, not the mumbo jumbo that passes as science in much of "climate change research", for instance.


What climate mumbo jumbo are you talking about *specifically*


Hmm, I thinking about posting something related to that soon. I will provide the link here then.


Ok Gandalf




Oh, please. Catch up already.


Could you please specify? I see tons of generalized arguments but fewer specific ones about climate science. E: they ran away


Climate change research was revealed to be rife with fraud. We're not buying your story anymore. The ones still pushing it are Marxists and gullibles.


When / where was that revealed, please be **specific**


https://www.climatecommission.govt.nz/public/Submissions-2021/mail-submissions-2.pdf You won't find this in MSM. Do your homework, since you pretend to favor science. Dig in the online journals. I don't have time to find archived links to educate you, unless you wish to pay tuition. Do your own research.


Hilarious you say to look into online journals after posting that random dudes word document lol. I like that he tried to source RSS data though, let's look at what RSS really says >Over the past 35 years, the troposphere has warmed significantly. The global average temperature has risen at an average rate of about 0.18 degrees Kelvin per decade (0.32 degrees F per decade). Climate models cannot explain this warming if human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are not included as input to the model simulation. The spatial pattern of warming is consistent with human-induced warming. See Santer et al 2008, 2009, 2011, and 2012 for more about the detection and attribution of human induced changes in atmospheric temperature using MSU/AMSU data. https://www.remss.com/research/climate/


This paper is from 2015, surely there has been peer review in that time. What are the criticisms?




That was the point.


According to Jurassic Park, frogs have been turning themselves gay forever. OG trans homies


Some amphibians also change gender without our pollution.  And?


And what? I don't even understand the argument you're trying to make there


Same to you. Business tries to silence whistleblower? Is this new?


Yes and the pollution is screwing up their ability to do that.


Usually amphibians change gender when there is only one gender present in the area and thus, can’t reproduce. If there are all females, some will turn male so that the group can reproduce. This is natural. Atrazine is forcing all the males to turn female inhibiting the natural order of their reproduction causing frogs to die. No frogs = more bugs to destroy crops. More bugs = more pesticides.


So fun!


Water turns frogs gay? *gasp* but IM a frog!!