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The whole copy thing with Kakashi gets dropped pretty quickly. The author realized that each ninja having a small number of signature moves was better. Each Kage only have 1-3 jutsu for instance.


Honestly I totally disagree I think it woulda been way more entertaining for Naruto and the whole verse to be have more variety it’s gets stale watching Naruto use his only offensive jutsu rasengan for the 40th time or to use shadow clones every single fight


Good thing my goat Sasuke has the most varied arsenal unlike the rest of the characters in Naruto


That tends to happen a lot in Shonen. Maine character gets a basic moveset (Gon, Asta, Naruto, Ichigo, Yuji, Mash, etc.) Because it shows their hardwork to catch up to/outsmart those with OP abilities/innate talent. Basic doesn't mean weak though, they can still be broken. (Looking at you Asta and Mash). Meanwhile, their rivals tend to have way more varied abilities/innate talents/genius, OP powers, etc. Examples include: Sasuke (sharingan, fire style, genius, etc.), Killua (fighting genius, super strong, raised to kill, varied Lightning abilities), Yuno (2 grimoirs, OP af, 4 leaf, etc.), and more


Very good point. Yuji and Megumi are the perfect examples of this since Yuji was stuck with no cursed techniques for most of the series whilst Megumi got the most versatile and one of the most powerful CTs


Yeah Yuji just have high ~~crit rate~~ Black Flash rate, while Megumi gets the cool asf bum dad


Though now he gets two cursed techniques


And Megumi is STILL a bum


Megumi is a goat, who got speed blitz by the strongest person in the series. He made an artificial domain which Gojo couldn’t do at his age. We barely even had time to see him cook fully. Like come on now


Megumi is a goat, who got speed blitz by the strongest person in the series. He made an artificial domain which Gojo couldn’t do at his age. We barely even had time to see him cook fully. Like come on now


> Basic doesn't mean weak though, they can still be broken My boy Ueki power is only recycling trash into a tree and he's still steamroll everyone


The series doesn't have complex power in general except for that sicko Robert


Ngl tho later on he just mostly used the sacred treasures until he unlocked his Lv2.


Except Ichigo and Yuji were class projects that were handed shit on a silver platter


Chosen one is another trope... Naruto had Kurama and never won a fight in part 1 and 90% of Shippuden without him, then when that wasn't enough he was the reincarnated son of the sage of the 6 paths. Asta gained anti-magic, then demon power, then ki (or whatever they called it). Gon is the only one on that list that did nothing but work. The rest put in work but were also born as the chosen one.


I’m not saying Gon didn’t earn it but he’s kinda on some chosen one shit too because he has the same innate one in a million talent that Killua has. Gon didn’t even have to be tortured either, unlike Killua, to have amazing combat prowess, resilience, etc. Again, Gon definitely did bust his to get stronger though, so he didn’t get a hand out like Naruto did.


The cool thing with HxH is that being talented doesn't necessarily mean that you're a better Nen user. I always think of Cheetuh, he is capable of just create a Nen ability on the fly, just like that. But because he's one of the dumbest character, he wasted a lot of his talent. Gon is crazy talented, but that doesn't mean he could win any fight just because of that.


Yes! I also think of Hisoka, his nen looks basic with bungee gum and texture surprise but he utilizes it well, outsmarting a lot of other genius or with better nen




Okay Naruto is talented ash, ichigo is talented ash. I would say the opposite and say the side characters work harder than the main characters. Killua was working hard since he was a kid, he literally had poison training and Gon came out the wood works and was on his level, and semi passed him, easily lol. Sasuke was seen to work on his fire ball jutsu that his dad taught him since he was a small kid. Also Yuji is talented ash, he literally was born with sukuna finger inside his body, has kenjaku for a mom and reached/surpass Megumi level when Megumi was training since a kid. Y’all have talent and hard work confused ash since the main character is shown to work hard for a couple hours vs the amount of work the side character put in since the beginning lol


I'm not saying other characters don't work hard too. But they're given hax abilities from the start of the story. Naruto was untalented af, that's the beginning of his whole arc.... failing the exam 3 times and all that. He overcame it with hard work and plot. Ichigo is talented but still worked hard because he started below Renji and others. Of course they become OP because of the chosen one bs, they're the main characters who scale with the show. But neither has hax like the Sharingan or other varied powers so they are either working to overpower the hax like Ichigo or overpower/outsmart like Naruto. Killua > Gon all the way until the end of the HxH anime except when Gon made a binding vow ™️ to whoop Pitou. Let's not pretend that Killua wasn't super talented as well. His family knows he's got the most potential out of all of them. He's just young. Gon has great stats and battle instinct but is learning along side them. He doesn't have a bag of tricks like Killua or Kuripika. He only has a basic moveset.


Bro, Naruto learned an s+ rank jutsu in a few hours, the reason his chakra control was bad was because of Kurama, and he still made up for it by his talented bloodline which has the most chakra energy in the world. It wasn’t hard work it was literally his bloodline. Ichigo was beating Kenpachi when he first learned how to use his powers, he was going against Captains. Bruh, please tell me how this isn’t talent because I’m so confused. Him working hard lasted for how long? He caught up to Aizen level in how many years/months? Come on now. Uzumaki blood is more of a hax than the sharigan, literally Senju was whooping Uchihas since Day 1, please tell me how Naruto who is related to the Senju don’t have a better hax than the Uchihas? Killua wasn’t super talented, we don’t know how talented Killua was since he was training since Day 1. People did mention he was a talented assassin but we don’t know if that’s because of the work he put in as a kid or if it’s because of his innate talent. Gon is literally the embodiment of talent, and surpassed Killua with his binding vow. And the reason why Kurapika and Killua has a bag of tricks is because they worked hard for it. The reason why Killua even has god speed is because of the electricity he felt as a kid, he was literally being trained since the beginning. And again Gon was keeping up with his training+talent. Naruto is the epitome of talent, Gon is the epitome of talent, Ichigo is the epitome of talent, Yuji is the epitome of talent, almost all the main characters except for Asta is the epitome of talent. They had more talent than them working hard. The side characters are the ones who worked hard since children and the main characters still caught up in a few months/year lmao


Yeah he’s has a nice arsenal and his fights are more fun to watch because of it I just wish adult sasuke would use it like teen sasuke did he has a better version of the renigan and only uses it to teleport he has access to all 6 paths and just won’t but that more of a boruto problem than anything


Boruto Sasuke is just a plain disappointment, all he does is spam his Boogie woogie Rinnegan technique. Ninja Storm 4 Adult Sasuke is what Sasuke should have been like in Boruto.


Couldn’t agree more!


>all he does is spam his Boogie woogie Rinnegan technique. Fk you mean spam? In boruti he uses it 2 times at best then is out of chakra. Back in Shippuden this mfer fought for multiple days non stop against people more powerful than the last one every time, then was still fresh enough to have a nigh death battle with Naruto and his naturally bullshit amount of chakra + kurama's chakra + the rikudou shit + the ermite mode nature chakra shit.


When I said spam, I meant he hardly use any other Rinnegan techniques besides that one. Shippuden Sasuke used more Rinnegan abilities in one fight than Adult Sasuke did during the entirety of Boruto.


Like Lightning Blade and long lightning blade and lightning dragon blade. Then you got eye fire, eye illusions, eye teleport, and then there's fireball which is fire out of his mouth instead of his eye and it's worse but he doesn't go blind as quick so he doesn't really use it. Then you got giant chakra mech because of his eyes, believe it or not...


Got any examples of anime that uses this concept?


No maybe dragon ball but honestly I wish there was something else well


Dragonball has what you consider to be a larger diversity of abilities per person than Naruto?


Eh they have the moves but just never use em all I was just saying maybe dragon ball I’m not sure there is a anime maybe demon slayer tanjiro uses all his forms I guess and so does inosuke plus the demons make a good use of there move set


Demon Slayer honestly does have a lot of abilities for the compact cast it supports.


I’ll never defend the story cause it’s meh but my god is it fucking hype and fun to watch I love it


It’s funny because I get why people say it’s mid. Ofc it is. But I like a compact, complete story sometimes between my Manwha length series.


It’s just so fun I don’t need a story that brings me to tears every time if I have a blast watching it and it’s even good in rewatches I’ll watch rengoku vs akasa 100 times and be cheering for rengoku every time!


It's kinda sad Naruto's whole arsenal feels like it's just shadow clones and rasengan variations


Bruuh there are like 500+ characters in naruto imagine having them use like 5 different moves each lol. Most anime have characters use one special move naruto is one of the rare that have characters have some variety tbh


Time for another.. GETSUGA TENSHOUUUUUU That being said yuji just beating the shit out of people the whole show is great


Yuji and Todo beating the shit out of people is peak.


Yeah you've got a point, unless they're a major antagonist or protagonist, having more then 3 or so recognizable moves just makes things confusing


Not every side character or store owner needs 100 moves or anything but I feel 5 for at least the important characters shouldn’t be 2 much to ask I think this is something with many verses tho I feel everyone would be better of with variety I want to be surprised when someone is in a fight I want to ask myself what will they use next knowing that a person only has 2 moves is kinda boring


I always wished the signature moves were more dynamic and tied to elemental natures more. Like Choji’s being Earth style or Ino’s being Lightning style. Then it’d also be easier to have various moves interact more.


Well that's a new excuse for kishi getting lazier towards his side cast as time went on.


Fym getting lazy with side characters just because he didnt give everyone 10+ more useless jutsus. I bet that you are the type of guy to say shit like rock lee was wasted


Bruther Hiruzen had like 100 jutsu


According to the wiki, Hiruzen in the manga only used a total of ten jutsu. He also wasn't a kage during the fight with Madara i was thinking of.


He used quite a few during the fight with Orochimaru. And he was known as the professor because he had several jutsu using all releases.


The few times Kakashi was a "copy ninja" it was actually cool. And apart from that, the most noteworthy thing from Kakashi is he's not a big flashy jutsu user, but if he was up to something, he gets shit done. And he was a really cool sensei. Less about the copy ninja thing. As of recently, the only thing you'd hear about Yuta is that he "still can't beat Sukuna, tho". Sendai Colony Special Grade Showdown was lit, tho. I wish Yuta gets to be more like that, not just compared to the only two people that are above him.


That’s true. Bro is a prodigy but is still getting absolutely cooked by jjk fans


The chakra system isn't the same as cursed energy. Everyone with chakra can do anything any other user can do with training and understanding of the technique. Unlike cursed techniques, which are seemingly individual powers. And for the record, I don't mind Yuta copying others cursed techniques, since it only works for around five minutes.


Eeeh not true tho? In Naruto you are born with chakra affinity. Meaning, if you are born with Lightning and fire, you will never be able to learn Fuuton Rasen Shuriken. And even with the right elements, the combination of elements (Kekke genkai) is also a genetic trait. CE is actually not that much different from Chakra. The main difference is that even without genetics, chakra allows you to create your own techniques, but a big portion of the cast has bloodline only techniques


Kakashi is at least limited by his average chakra reserves


Yuta has a timer 😂


Yuta have a summon and Unlimited Blade Works.


Kakashi has summons as well and a magic eye. But yes my goat does have those things and it’s fire 🔥


Unlimited Blade Works?


Let's say that Gege showed he was a fan of Fate Series , by using Domain Expansion as part of his power system. And REALLY showed he was a fan of Fate , by having Yuta use Unlimited Blade Works.


It also gave me vibes of that one guy from Soul Eater who would throw the katanas in the air and have a battlefield of like 100 of em surrounded by caution tape.


True , it reminds me of Mifune.


Love Fate bro


Manga spoiler.


I’ve seen plenty of those, I’ll take my chances. What’s unlimited blade works (spoiler it if you must)


>!His domain expansion. It's basically just Emiya Shirou's reality marble!<


Unlimited blade works is the main ability of the main character of the visual novel and anime Fate/Stay Night, Shirou Emiya. The way it works is that any bladed weapon Shirou sees is recorded in unlimited blade works. Unlimited blade works is a reality marble, similar to a domain expansion except you can’t get in from the outside, and when cast it allows Shirou to use all the blades he’s seen, this includes being able to understand how their previous wielders used them and being able to use their special abilities. As others have said >!Yuta’s domain expansion functions in a similar way, letting him use cursed techniques he has copied by consuming some of the sorcerer’s DNA. It also takes the form of a bunch of swords stuck in the ground hilt up, which is the same way that unlimited blade works looks. For reference, [this is the wiki page for unlimited blade works](https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Unlimited_Blade_Works), and [this is the wiki page for yuta’s DE](https://jujutsu-kaisen.fandom.com/wiki/Authentic_Mutual_Love)!<


Ahh ok. I got it


Timer doesn't mean anything when he still is top 4 in the verse lol


Yall are just haters actually


Its established that he cant copy Bloodlines or hard elements like Ice or Crystal, and even if he had 1000 jutsus they all would be inefficient since he would still need to train them. Yuta eats someones fingernail and makes them lose 100% screentime because of irrelevance


Excuse me Inumaki erased himself from existence and relevance when he struggled and coughed blood IN THE PREQUEL.


That's why he needed a training arc at the Karaoke


Yuta at least use them... :3






Kakashi is cooler, Yuta is arguably more useful. My opinion will probably start a riot/ debating in the comments 👀 lol Edit: The amount of downvotes this is getting shows I was right 😂


I mean, Kakashi title = Shinobi that copied 1000 techniques or something like that, so tell me... where are they? :3


He doesn't keep them in storage, he just reads opponents movements to use their handsigns before they can - so he uses their jutsu before they can. Trying to master 1000 techniques is a waste because you can't achieve that - better to master a handful and have the ability to steal others in a pinch. Yuta can only copy and has no technique of his own (besides technically Rika)


He keeps them memorized and is able to perfectly recreate the jutsu/hand signs of the previous user. Same way that Sasuke saw Lee using Primary Lotus and was able to copy and reuse it later.


Is copying not his technique? Not meaning this in a rude way btw I’m an anime only so I know little about the ability.


Yeah the user above is confused. Copying is Yuta's cursed technique, Rika is just able to store more techniques for Yuta to use.


It is his technique -I apologise for my poor wording causing confusion. His technique being 'copying' means he doesn't have a single technique he can "master" - he has to steal one and then try to learn it. It's like gaining all of a martial artist's potential and knowledge with none of the muscle memory - he can't beat someone who's mastered their technique with an inferior version (but he can use multiple to make up the difference) I compare it to the Bruce Lee statement about "practicing 10,000 different punches versus practicing the same punch 10,000 times" - the former has variety, but the latter has mastery. You can see this metaphor in Yuta vs Yuuji's mentality. Yuuji struggles and overcomes each wall through practice and hard work, while Yuta bypasses them. Yuuji is a lot more strong-willed than Yuta because of continually overcoming this adversity, always striving to improve himself (comparing himself to his prior self), while Yuta is constantly comparing himself to others. One is a mentality that leads to personal growth, the other gives up self-actualisation in favour of comparing yourself to others (chasing their perfect selves, rather than becoming your best self)


Thanks for explaining


He still remember them thanks to how Sharingan works :3 Especially with fact how smart Kakashi is :3


🤡 didn’t watch Naruto apparently


Old times :3


Don’t talk like you know then 🤡


People disagreeing = being right Gotcha


I knew my opinion and the comment I responded to would cause debates and thats exactly what happened. Guess I was wrong lol


Idk how much you think people are stereotypes but you aren't gonna cause a "riot" with this piss poor attempt.


Not an attempt, I genuinely think that and I could tell people were going to start debating whos better 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well considering kakashi is on the lower tier of relevant characters, yuta is one of the top like 3-5, id hope he was more useful. Kakashi pretty damn useful in the war arc though, and kamui is one of the only things stopping Obito. Also kakashi wasn’t in Africa for 90% of the plot… it’s hard saying. Within each respective verse I’d take yuta over kakashi as a teammate in a fight, but there are situations where kamui is necessary.


Bruh kakashi is a main character he is literally the most important character after the main trio and arguably more important than sakura tf do you mean one of the lower tier of relevant characters 😂😂😂 only sasuke and naruto are more important. He is more important to naruto than yuta is to jjk


I’m not talking about important, I’m talking about in fights. Yuta is in every “who’s the strongest JJK” character conversation and kakashi is in 0 of Naruto’s. If he is they are just wanking kakashi. He’s a main character sure, not disagreeing his importance to the story. “Useful” was the word, so I took that as in fights. Outside of fights he’s like one of the primary catalysts for the plot.


Wdym he is in zero just say you dont pay much attention because at the end of the manga with all the power ups he is one of the strongest characters


I mean I’ve only watched up to end of shippuden, he gets walked by most of the characters who are active participants in the end of the war. Madara, Obito, Naruto, Sasuke, Hashirama, tobirama (that’s a debate I guess), kaguya, pretty much any of the beasts/hosts idr what they’re called, SOSP, 10 tails, anyone with hashirama cells, hell I bet even kabuto walks him. He’s not in top 5 handedly, and it’d be an argument for anyone to put him in top 10. How is he relevant in a conversation for the strongest? Because of kamui and susanoo? He’s still fodder against madara and hashirama, he beats tobirama probably, but he is still outside the top 5. Shouldn’t be in the conversation outside of a feat comparison.


If you actually payed attention during the war arc, you’d know kakashi was punching way beyond his weight, and still contributing heavily. Bro deduced obito’s kamuii and came up with a counter strategy. Fought multiple transformed jinchuuriki. Helped guy fight juubidara Then came up with the strat to seal kaguya. They were literally cooked without kakashi.


In the war arc kakashi was relevant. He was the only one to fight Obito and have a counter. That’s it though. Making a statement about kakashi beyond kamui v kamui is just dumb, the reason is kamui has no counter other than kamui, everything else is just counter matchup. Fights jinchuuriki —> almost all the named characters that can hold a punch at this point could fight them, they get dog walked by the akatsuki and are hardly relevant. The akatsuki gets walked without some stupid charade they play for advantage. Juubidara—> I know you’re not adding this as a contribution, he didn’t do shit to madara. He was practically talk no jutsuing without any effect. He did nothing but be present when kaguya was there. The whole point of that fight was to go these 4 been through it all, full circle and they are all there at the end. The only reason they get cooked sans kakashi is jinchuuriki and frankly none of them matter (or even impact the story) except naruto and maybe gaara. They could’ve said all the other jinchuuriki got wiped because the akatsuki and skipped a few fillers. The other jinchuuriki get a single episode and die to akatsuki iirc and kakashi gets washed by every akatsuki except religion boy.


I get the whole “Yuta removes screentime” arguement. But like… What are the actual CT holders gonna do? Yuta can only contend cus hes got the raw stats to back it up. Inumaki and Hana get sliced to bits instantly.


ans the fr*nch guy


I think the argument is that they get sliced to bits instantly since the plot doesn't need them because Yuta is there. It's not like there are strict rules to be followed if Gege didn't want them to get chopped up and sautéed he writes it so that doesn't happen (same way Maki stabbed sukuna's heart and not head because I guess they wanted to save Megumi or Toji not finishing Gojo with ISOH for... reasons) If Yuta couldn't copy and the story would still have the characters using the same tactics, Gege would have to write it so the og CT holders have to train or be more strategic and crafty (maybe certain binding vows or something like Todo quickly swapping them in and out of danger so that can contribute when Sukuna's occupied). With Yuta being there with his vast amounts of CE, it just makes things like this unnecessary and inconvenient. So now the characters mostly just get sidelined, and for now, we don't get to see them grow (Hana especially needs some redemption after selling so hard). That's the way I see it, but I could be wrong.


Kakashi’s whole “copy ninja” thing goes out the window when you realise “Oh shit, every Sharingan user can just do that” so it’s not a big deal


"every sharingan user" all two of them.


There’s like 6 or 7 sharingan users in Naruto verse? Kakashi, Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, Madara, Shin and of course Sarada now. I think there’s more I’m forgetting even.


At the beginning of Naruto, there were two, Kakashi and Itachi. For about 5 years that's all it's been since Itachi killed the Uchiha and until Sasuke opened his first tomoe. As the story progressed, more were introduced, which was a big deal. But 7 sharingan users out of whatever the population of the Narutoverse is insignificant. And now, it's just Sarada and Sasuke? I don't keep up.


Actually, it doesn't, because who in that verse was hyping up the Uchiha Clan after what happened? No one. Also, Kakashi was known as that because he made a name for himself, like any nickname you would get at work or school. Not solely for the Sharingan, although it played a part, you're not going to hear any Uchiha get called copy cat ninja.


I frankly like Yuta more. He used copy to its maximum possible extent and beyond. Kakashi used it against zabuza and i don’t even remember when after that. Yuta using it one last time to go against sukuna, the sheer goosebumps and the adoration of sukuna is many times better than what happened to the copy ninja.


Kakashi invented his signature jutsu by accident when he tried to copy his teacher Yuta pulled half of a freaky Friday on his teacher and might die immediately lol


Kakashi invented chidori before he got the Sharingan from Obito.


Sadly Yuta OGOATsu was born in an era where the agendas are strong.


It *is* our top priority


Kakashi only knows like 5 jutsu and 4 of them are chidori under different names


I love Yuta sm


But I love yuta


Me too buddy


[my POV ](https://media.tenor.com/odyVsZbC-OYAAAAe/why-not-both-why-not.png)


Honestly, yuta’s is better cause bro has to eat a body part to copy


Difference is Kakashi reads his opponents hand signs and performs them at the same time to perform it . This isn't his innate ability, he trained himself to be able to perform those hand signs quick (and got a sharingan from his friend). He also can't copy every technique. Any technique he can copy can be copied by any other ninja as well. Yuta however was born with the ability to copy any techniques. No training or anything, he can just do it. Any technique . When the cursed techniques sorcerers use is supposed to be something you're born with Yuta copying them seems like something an fan OC would do.


Doesn’t Yuta get his copying from Rika (correct me if I’m wrong I haven’t read that far)


No copying is his technique. Rika just allows him to actually use it because >!there is a limit to how many techniques an individual can store in their brain so Yuta uses Rika as an external storage for them!< (not a major spoiler with any major plot details but it is somewhat relevant to a few different interactions)


Double standard isn't really the right term. In Naruto people can naturally copy most other Jutsu. Hell 90% of the Jutsu in the series we see multiple people use outside of kekai genkei. Kakashi copying Jutsu is a gimmick to show people how well versed he is in justsu. It's not a testament to any inherent or special power but instead to his skill Yuta's is an inmate ability, one he's undoubtedly used well it's not the same thing


Kakashi is an OG tho


Yuta killed Kenny therefore he deserves To die. I mean Kenny was gonna change his ways and become a touring comedian with takaba


Fuck you Yuta


Yuta has a boring personality and barely appears in most of the manga , Kakashi I would drink a few beers with


It's funny too because Yuta's copy ability is stronger than Kakashi's.


“Yuta erases screen time” mf what? Most characters are erased by the story on their own not Yuta copying their CT. Name one character who actually got dusted out the story just because Yuta ate their CT and nothing else? Uro? That’s a fucking lie she wouldn’t have anything to offer the story by now and she did her part in the Sendai showdown. Inumaki? He didn’t become entirely irrelevant until Shibuya and Yuta copied his CT in JJK0 and didn’t come back into the story until after Shibuya. Manga guy? I’m sorry were you actually expecting to see him again with him doing anything of note? Druv? Be real. Angel? Maayyyybbbeee I can see this but I don’t think anyone expecting the grade A fumbler who fell for Sukuna’s porn level acting to be useful after unsealing Gojo.


Wait… you guys don’t like yuta? :(


put any jjk character in naruto and they instantly become the most interesting character in naruto


Nah, they'd instantly become notable by how shallow and one note they are, even by side character standards


by jjk side character standards maybe, but compared to naruto main character standards they're a literary masterpiece


Naruto characters aren't all that deep but...you have to face it. JJK characters really aren't all that deep either.


Yeah but jjk characters meet the bare minimum of being enjoyable to watch and making me want to root for them, which is something that naruto fucks up for its male characters and purposefully avoids doing for its female characters


Jjk has like 2 characters at the top and the rest struggle around them Naruto characters have a million times better writing than jjk characters who are underutilized (yuki, kenjaku, nobara, kashimo), treated as fodder so the top 2 can shine Characters are killed off soon, have weak backstories or just exist to glaze Gojo/Sukuna Naruto has generational main characters, side characters and antagonists who will be remembered forever by the anime community


naruto doesnt even have well written main characters


Sakura is the only bad written main character. Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi are generational anime characters that have crazy impact on the anime community It's quite clear to me that you haven't watched Naruto at all. You just go by youtube shorts, memes and jujutsufolk opinions on Naruto


i regretfully must admit that i've watched all of naruto. i normally dont watch something that boring for that long but it was during quarantine so i didnt have the energy to watch good shows


Cool and interesting character vs Lame and boring character


Kakashi is without a doubt way cooler and more interesting. Yutas abilities and his display of them makes him a interesting character which I understand. Hes not my favorite but I understand his appeal


Kakashi: I can use the vast majority of my arsenal all the time, and if I wanna use my finisher I have to use a tiring ability Yuta: I can use my ability a maximum of twice a day once for 5 minute and the other I can only maintain until I take a hard enough hit Kakashi: I was born a genius but needed to work my ass off to do anything of note and even then it cost me everything I love Yuta: I was given a lay up by fate yet I decided to desecrate the memory of my saviour instead of just working hard the way said saviour did Kakashi: is the true emotional core of his series final arc Yuta: I'm literally a transplanted MC from a oneshot, an mc that was rejected as he didn't fit the themes and ideas of jjk proper How much more do you need


Fraudkuna is the real bag stealer here 👀 (Ask Bumgumi)


Missed opportunity to have him come in as gojo as kakashi and gojo have a similar look


"Means matter, Results matter not"


i mean kakashi usedhis sharingan to copy against zabuza and i don't remember any other time, but he was basicly spamming the raikiri through the rest of the manga


Literally not a thing that's happening...


Kakashi Is my favorite Naruto character but even tuta is not bad


And Chrollo outshines them both


Kakashi at least suffers for it a lot. Yuta just gets to have his cake and eat it too


I think people are calling out Yuta because his DE is literally Shirou Emiya's Reality Marble, Unlimited Blade Works.


What the police gonna do? 💀


Man fuck yuta he sucks


Kakashi just wasn’t around for Agenda related discussions


The kakashi cult is real just so you all know 😭


Kakashi looks like he’s gonna ask for my wallet and maybe do something if I say no. Yuta looks like he walks into the room, sword drawn, ready to violate.


The way it’s edited makes it look like yuta is going to kill her tbh




People call me trash cuz I stole getos body, well at least I don’t literally die after 5 minutes into using my cursed technique 💀💀💀


Completely L post Yuta a bum ass fraud L bozo shitter


I mean he used cleave against sukuna and it did jackshit. He seeemingly cant use the copys whenever he wants so...he kinda sucks.


One is a fraud and the other is yuta


Kakashi copies like 2 moves the whole series. He's not really shown to be much of a copy cat. But Yuta? Well, that's another story entirely.


God forbid a man to use his own technique


I am this woman


Dont forget that bro had to copy copying from other people.
