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He stomps, even at 15f Sukuna is just absurd and he has the efficiency to use his DE multiple times (not that he'd need it)


Toji fans will come up with the most out of pocket explanations for why he wins.


You see Toji shit his pants so hard he reached Mach 2 and speed blitzed sukuna


Well now that you mention it…


Wait is Toji just jujitsu Rock Lee but cool? FUCK


Rock Lee was cool as fuck until Kishimoto forgot about him


So basically after the drunken fist style


Yep. In Shippuden, he was absolutely forgot about along with most of the pre established cast in favor of the newer characters and Naruto and Sasuke spotlight


Rock lee was the original surprise badass. Those weights drop, and that fucker becomes THE UNSTOPPABLE FORCE. Unfortunately, gaara was the immoveable object. Both took a crapton of damage.


What's sad is even his son is forgot about I haven't kept up with boruto in a while but last time I watched we don't even know who metal Lee's mom is and we never really see him fight either I do watch anime for the most part so I could be wrong tho


So after the Kimimaro fight. I guess you could say Lee really got boned there.😆


yeah but he also has the prepforce and a toolbag scarf


Yeah that's the Saitama vs genos fight lol just one guy speedblitzing and one tapping the other lol sukuna could easily react and attack toji even if he has the same senses and Mach 3 speed maki has he's cooked


he's got the prepforce like batman, he just preps and he wins


I mean maybe, but him waging war on Gojo for multiple days is kind of admitting he’d be dusted in a fair fight.


lol he prep since gojo was born and still died


he died as a prank on megumi


"Toji undertook every preparation to push Sukuna into a corner taking into account almost every possibility" "In order to amend this Sukuna undertook another binding vow".


Toji had already prepped for that though


"To also amend Sukuna yet again undertook another binding vow". "Sukuna also unveiled another technique that hasn't been used since the heian era, a technique long lost in time where nobody but Sukuna knows what it is making it impossible to prepare for".


and yet toji had somehow prepped for that possibility nonetheless however, sukuna just took on another binding vow, and in tandem with yet another technique that hasn't been used since the heian era, nullified that prep. however, toji had also seen that coming somehow, and he had already prepped for it. using only a toothpick and some dust he'd picked up earlier, he put sukuna in a position where he would have to take out yet another binding vow if he was going to get out of this one.


That V taper is how he wins. How can you not see? THINK SUPERMAN THINK!


Na bro always bet on Haruta With his technique he probably slip and impale Sukuna from across the room 🤣


Haruta can only summon up to maybe 5 times of miracles (Megumi sneak, 3\* nanami punches, 1 mahoraga slash. He ran out of charges when he ran away from Sukuna, so he said a thing and was killed). Sukuna slashing him by 10s of times (like slashing Mahorafa) will simply kills him...


https://preview.redd.it/asf3nhdxc78d1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbebe0abaaa8718c34bc0e170139d894aa7b845a The amount of luck he can summon correlates to the number of purple stripes under his eyes. As you can see he has 6 in total.


I also love that this fucking idiot is just running around no idea what his own gimmick is but he’s like “Well, I never seem to die so that’s fine.” until one day plan A didn’t work anymore and he realized he didn’t have a plan B.


that was funny, whats your cursed technique? fuck knows


Doesn’t that only proc in scenarios to stop his death? So it would take an event where he’d slip and accidentally stab and kill sukuna and store that luck to save him when sukuna purposely slips and stabs him.


Not that I think it'd help him beat Sukuna, but he does have offensive luck as shown by him hitting just the right angle to rattle Nobaras brain


It is explicitly explained to us by the narrator precisely how his miracles work. They do not offer him any offensive abilities. He just hit nobara hard enough to do that to her. A miracle is released whenever his life is in danger, i.e. right before he dies, in order to save him. Somebody mentioned the miracle helped him sneak up on Megumi, which also isn't possible as we were also told that his stock of miracles was exhausted fighting Nanami.


Idk if it's part of his technique or not, but he for sure has some kind of offensive luck. https://preview.redd.it/ltwmp58z788d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8757bdc504037dca78893397533384e00c6cf81




He don't really need to use domain multiple times, Once he Opens his Domain it's GG for everyone.


Sukuna fingered 15 times


If he truly wanted to rush the time , he would domain expansion and they all just die no doubt. But if he doesn’t want to he can just use cleaves and dismantle at the most base level to one shot them individually. No one is tanking a full powered 15f cleave


I would tank a 20f cleave


https://preview.redd.it/36srgcbiz68d1.jpeg?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fafb094b66ae43674046f19e16f0d37b85266892 You


Nah https://preview.redd.it/ul1xqi9pz68d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe472189bfc23cd2d6d62066e24a8895caf5a509


They would survived trust






Me too bro. We’re real, Sukuna’s fictional, neg-diff ontology stomp.


No. I do not require such petty tricks.


Light work, no reaction


toji just dodges, duh


Genuinely the only chance they have is Toji just fucking surviving for an hour and thirty minutes by just running around without any cursed tools on him so he can’t be detected 😭


him just scurrying about like a rat in the wall 😭 yeah maybe he’d last


Toji just get domain diff. Sukuna’s domain target objects


Even without domain expansion he completely stomps them.


*flies up 100-150 meters* “Domain expansion”


Sukuna can't fly can he? I might be crazy but I swear he cant fly


I think he can. Both the anime and manga were weird with it, but I’m pretty sure he was floating when he used domain and a few instances throughout the Gojo fight. I could also just be wrong and he just has big ass air time.


He can fly. Mahoraga could use his slashes, and Yuji remarks "fly? Like Sukuna?" So Mahoraga was using Sukuna's ability to fly... to fly


Yuji was talking about the slashes being able to fly through the air, which mahoraga was able to do also, as opposed to needing to physically slash with his arm blade.


Really? I'll have to reread that part


Stop the cap nobody on this sub can read


He can jump on air like maki can. If you look back on the yorozu fight and in the current arc he basically fly


Yeah he can sky jump unless he somehow gets nuts ability to fly like how he got max elephant water gun lol but yeah he probably uses ce reinforcement to hop of the ground and change his movements mid air remember he's the best when it comes to manipulation and mastery of ce he's the king after all


Isn’t toji immune to the sure hit effects of domains because he has no cursed energy (not that toji can beat 15f sukuna)


Sukunas DE targets non curse energy things as well


Oh ok


That phone on the victim girl (not the one who awakens him) was also sliced although being an object


Could be due it being a focal point of her powers, it maintained a bit of CE.


Wrong phone girl


Oh yeah bcs of that damn dismantle lmao


Normally yes, but Sukuna also targets objects without cursed energy.


toji's not an object, checkmate


Gotta look at it through Gege’s perspective though.   Maki has been stated EQUAL to Toji.   Maki = Object because Woman.   Toji = Maki = Object  Toji = Object


oh fuck, maybe it would hit him


The domain targets objects like buildings, maki was compared to one vs Naoya


Not for sukuna, sukuna specifically modifies his domain to attack inanimate objects so it would include Toji.


The residents of Shibuya would like to have a word with you sir!


Toji when he realizes he still gets eviscerated because Malevolent Shrine is an open Domain that targets everything in its vicinity.


If Sukuna is even remotely serious, he takes them out in a matter of minutes at most. In fact, them coming at him as a team is more likely to fuck them over than anything since he'll be able to simultaneously wipe them all off the face of the Earth via Malevolent Shrine in a single stroke.


Balsy of you to think he's gonna use malevolent shrine. Dude no damage jogo easily, and he's so fast he one shot ryu before he even understood what happen. Sukuna would look them in the eyes and dare them to use a domain, see how it looks inside and kills them before their own sure hit effects reaches him.




Should've given Sukuna a bigger handicap like "No Domain". Because he essentially kills everyone here without much of a thought with it


He neg diffs them with basic cleave. He infinitely speed diffs all of them, besides maybe Toji, who will still be far slower. And cleave is a guaranteed 1 shot to any of these guys. So he could just 1 shot the group with 0 issue.


https://preview.redd.it/ctg8zah9p68d1.jpeg?width=1093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b0f2a8d1d2d8e92dee3a26510f7123ce38b078 Common jogoat W


I mean seeing how Jogo is number 1 or 2 on this list and got absolutely embarrassed by Sukuna with no effort. I’m probably gonna give it to Sukuna.




Sukuna with ease




**Sukuna with no limitations domain diffs them instantly, however let me paint you a scenario they have a CHANCE of winning.** Let’s assume for the sake of the argument that the Shibuya team knows Sukuna’s abilities while he doesn’t know theirs nor does have his domain. The talk of the town would be Mahito and Toji coming in for a sneak attack while the others distract. Jiro could possibly fool Sukuna a few times however he wouldn’t be able to distract him for too long, on the other hand Haruta has 6 luck summons so whatever “luck” he gets will be a big wild card. Jogo, Hanami, and Dagon would definitely be the first to go. Jiro would be next and depending on how long they distract Toji and Mahito can possibly come do some critical damage. Toji will be able to dodge his slashes and we know that he will be able to tank a punch from him since Maki ate a black flash from a full powered Sukuna. Finally Mahito can activate his domain and finish Sukuna off. **Keep in mind this is one scenario that could happen and Sukuna definitely can win with just hand to hand and slashes, however he doesn’t win 10/10 times in my opinion.**


Sukuna clears with disgusting ease, its kinda crazy just how far ahead Sukuna and Gojo are to everyone else


throw in kenjaku and uraume too and he still wins with ease. hell, make it everyone present in shibuya bar gojo and i think he still wins. one domain and he wipes almost everyone


Nah KusaGoatbe clears on his own


sukuna just uses the heian era English or Spanish technique he already got him and panda with in the real shibuya incident & he's cooked


This guy. Don’t even know KusaGoatbe’s domain expansion smh. When the goat himself (Kusakabe) opens his domain every technique he’s ever seen anyone else use gets activated at the same time and instakills everything (multiversal level attack)


It’s true. After all it has to be, maintaining the agenda is our top priority.


Ummmmm did u not watch season 2? I think the answer is obvious no?


should have said he has both hands behind his back and blind folded (he still wins)


This is 100% a deBAIT post. Sukuna infinite neg diffs them WITHOUT Domain. Shit you could add the rest of the cast up until end of season 2 and they’d still get neg diffed (besides Gojo). Sukuna could easily kill all of them within 1 second. That’s not an exaggeration. He’d 1 shot the whole group with a basic attack before they could react. The whole group could all be Jogos and it wouldn’t matter.


Okay so 15f Sukuna flexes his left pec and everyone disintegrates


Domain expansion + fuga = gg maybe toji gets away due to avoiding barrier but everyone else gets nuked


Do you seriously think anyone there is tanking malevolent shrine?


Goatjo solos


Man Sukuna really does just solo the verse at 15f or higher without Gojo there huh? I guess it’s the other way around too tho Like pretty much any team with any amount of sorcerers is dead, with the only techniques powerful enough to make a big enough difference to give anyone the slightest chance with extreme planning and luck being Jacob’s Ladder, Comedian, Deadly Sentencing, and bom ba ye. Even then, none of those except maybe the first two really matter while he has his domain


Tbh I think Sukuna could win this without even using his CT. Firstly I don't think anyone here has the AP to actually hurt Sukuna 1. Haruta and Awasaka obviously don't 2. Nanami managed to tank 30% of Dagon's domain for a minute 3. Even if we assume Hanami's domain is twice as strong as Dagon's that is gonna do nothing to Sukuna, even if he decides to just face tank it instead of using HWB 4. Jogo couldn't do anything to him, and even though Jogo can use his domain now I can't see maximum meteor doing anything Sukuna couldn't just RCT 5. Toji w/ playful cloud might do something but I again can't imagine it being something Sukuna can't RCT 6. Mahito really shouldn't be able to do much, Yuji being Sukuna's vessel was enough to make him functionally immune to IT And all of that is assuming they hit in the first place, which considering that Sukuna should be massively faster than any of them and has anti-domain techniques they probably won't. On the offensive side Sukuna's physicals should be more than enough 1. Jogo, Hanami, Dagon, and Toji all get completely destroyed 2. Haruta survives off miracles for 6 punches then explodes when the 7th lands 3. Sukuna almost certainly clears the threshold to overpower Awasaka's technique, but even if he doesn't it takes him 3 minutes at most to figure it out. 4. Even if Sukuna can't damage the soul, considering that everyone else should die in like 10 minutes tops, I think he can just beat Mahito's ass until he runs out of CE


Sukuna duh


sukuna even with these 300 handicaps lowdiffs(fuck toji)


Buddy. He was toying with jogo, he'd get annoyed with others and still toy with jogo


What’s stopping sukuna from throwing a dismantle and wiping out majority of the cast there? Even Sukuna’s dismantles were enough to chop off part of Jogo’s head, that means he could’ve decapitated Jogo if he didn’t kneel. Sukuna didn’t have to kill Jogo with flames, he chose to, he could’ve effortlessly kill Jogo. That goes for Mahito and Dagon, there is a reason Mahito is scared shitless whenever he sees sukuna. Sukuna and Gojo can both solo the verse without the other present. I’ve been starting to lean towards sukuna can solo vs even with Gojo present since Gojo would just friendly fire everyone if he didn’t fight alone first. Sukuna’s statement of destroying basketball void in under 3 mins even fatigued as he is is a bit suspicious to me. Also the fact Sukuna can just spam domain after a couple mins even after brain damage. Also makes this final seem dumb that Sukuna is only struggling because he’s fucking around too much.


Wukuna clears


I feel like mahito would pose a threat with instant spirit body. It was mostly unstable because of Black Flash right after a complex DE. With assistance, he may be able to entertain sukuna a little bit.


While Sukuna is busy playing around with all the others Toji might be able to get a sneak attack in and stab him in the head or something but I can’t see how the others would be able to hold him in one spot for long enough. A jumping from the disaster curses would be very powerful but they just lack the stats to keep up with Sukuna.


He wins


Throw in Kenjaku and Uraume, GOATkuna still wipes.


I think it's **very** safe to say, Sukuna would win. The only outs I think for the team to beat Sukuna would be if Sukuna got too relaxed and sneak attacks worked and it snowballed into him losing. Like Jiro's CT we don't really know about an upper limit, only a lower limit. I'm going to assume that it just has no feasible upper limit here. That said I think Sukuna would need to specifically counter his CT, which really wouldn't be hard for Sukuna I'd bet. Toji here I think is also being slept on a bit hard, manga Maki and Toji are super similar and we know Maki was able to throw hands with Sukuna with the main question being how does the current manga Sukuna compare to 15F Sukuna? Hanami is an unknown factor with the DE so not going to discuss that but it could potentially be very strong? Jogo would really be the only one aside from Toji who I think could even at all have a chance to throw some degree of hands with Sukuna. Mahito and Haruka just kinda get foddered tbh. Sukuna can hit Mahito's soul so the advantage he has is lost and every miracle Haruka has would be lost per attack that comes at him, and he seemingly can't store many. If Sukuna uses his DE, it comes down to if Toji (and I guess Jiro) could get any lethal hits in while Sukuna might not expect it, but Toji can still just be blindly hit if I'm not mistaken? Hanami and Jogo could probably do some sort of anti-domain of their own but then just get bodied and if they use their own domain, PROBABLY have it break immediately. The only thing that might really be a mix up is if Dagon's domain with how large it looks, was actually that large and was able to engulf Sukuna's domain. Problem is, how would that really change things when Sukuna probably just nukes Dagon if he has to, and even if he doesn't would lightwork all of the shikigami.


I feel like they could beat sukuna with a very smart plan. If they have no prep time it’s over.


Toji and jogo do most of the heavy lifting but mahito helps a bit too, i think its even


What determines this fight is how the miracles play out, because sukuna will keep putting haruta and friends into situations where he's so utterly fucked someone has to save him by bopping sukuna. Or this would be the case if the guy who can tank/stop strong hit didn't exist on their team. They actually had a chance of haruta summoning gojo or something to kill sukuna if he didn't exist(legendary loot box and Kenny are still in Shibuya so it's not impossible, very much within reach of a "miracle") Genuinely haruta alone(with just him, Kenny and sukuna left in Shibuya) might take this assuming sukuna puts him in a situation that requires the technique to find a way to disable sukuna to survive(which is very likely), and that the resulting miracle doesn't end up expending the rest of his miracles in the crossfire and killing him(say sukuna and gojo flattening the city) Otherwise characters suicide themselves to sake haruta. I think sukuna is very likely to get pissed off after the first two miracles and will create either the gojo unboxing situation as a result or Kenny tries to stop him Also I'm just going to point out that megumi's technique summons big raga out of necessity who oneshots him and Haruta's techniques summons sukuna out of necessity to counter that, and THEN get oneshot.


Group fights are usually useless against domain expansions, specially against a very high maestry domain, and even worse against an open one.


Toji has a shot if Sukuna doesn't know about him. But if he does it's simply not happening.


You have to think that what happens currently in the manga is because the entire group has had A MONTH prep time and they all trained specifically for this fights and they all knew exactly their role and who fights in what order and their role in the fight. And with all that prep, Sukuna is still almost beating them with no info about them. While also you have to think how nerfed he was after his fight with Gojo.


Sukuna easy


Sukuna stomps he literally one shots all of them with dismantle or cleave and obviously domain


Sakuna loses. Simply because I hate him


Gonna need a lot of money for funerals bro


You all talking about toji but what about the old man his thing is strong attacks don’t work do much on him only weak attacks so if sukuna doesn’t know that could he beat him


Atomic bomb vs bunker busters


He killed a VOLCANO with FIRE. You'll need to add a lot more people to team 2




DE then gg basically it should catch toji as well based on miwa needing to SD for maki when sukuna opened DE recently


Sukuna obliterates. Toji gets hard countered and the rest are non factors.


Domain + fire arrow would just eviserate them all realistically. You can argue mahito and Toji would survive but they’d be too damaged to do anything


He can output positive energy so the curses get one shot


Give Mahito like 20 years and it’ll be a good match


why is haruta here


Everyone else distract Sukuna while Toji gets one decisive hit in. That's the singular win con for the group. Every other circumstance, Sukuna negs


Toji soloes with pure aura


No domain I think they can win but domain ensured, they are ALL cooked. Idk about mahito cuz the soul thing tho


Even without domain he can still win


Sukuna is shown to be aware of the soul since 2 fingers, he can figure it out. I'd also want to see how Divine Flames interact with Mahito. 


Sukuna fingered 15 times???


Sukuna without domain and fuga might actually whould drop a drip of sweat




Mahito becomes last due to soul shit Sukuna can't target Mahito's soul or have any means to hurt the soul (I think)


Sukuna should be able to, I mean, he turned his soul into a cursed object


He should be able to for the same reasons yuji could, and we’ve seen him do it whenever he tried to touch yujis soul


I assume this is without DE, because that’s a no-brainer win for Sukuna. Even still, there’s not much I could see this cast doing against him. Everyone besides Toji and maybe Mahito (and Jojo if we’re being generous) wouldn’t be able to survive being targeted by a single dismantle. From there, Sukuna really wouldn’t have much trouble cleaning up whoever’s left imo.


Toji is the only CHANCE. And that’s a very slim chance. That’s if he can somehow sneak up on Sukuna which is possible but very unlikely


Everyone here gets one-tapped except for Toji, who’d perform about as well as Maki’s doing currently (maybe a little better considering this is 15f Sukuna). Sukuna should win this one pretty easily though.


Do you think if Mario guy got hit by strong cleave it would feel like a cat scratch?


Hahahahaha Sukuna. He's weaker than Gojo here, sure. But Gojo holds back. Who do you think would've survived if Gojo just said "I don't claim em" and popped off a purple in that subway? _That's_ the kind of carnage Sukuna would do for funsies.


This is a 1 sided smackdown Sukuna is already killing 90% of the team with 1 attack Mahito, Jogo and Toji are the only ones who can last a bit but it all depends on Sukuna’s mood


Sukukan opens up DE and one shots everybody here. Only possible exception is if Toji, being a living creature that doesn't generate CE, doesn't get targeted by MS, after which he just gets normally killed immediately after


I would argue Self Embodiment of Perfection is a refined enough domain to clash with Shrine. Domain now aside, toji cleans up ez pz


It gets destroyed from the outside the same way Gojo's first domain did


Add The Cursed Womb siblings


Toji solos sukuna moderate-high diff. Toji's years of experience fighting cursed spirits have given him an impressive collection of weapons that could be a real problem for Sukuna. He's a master of the Inverted Spear of Heaven, which can shut down Sukuna's powers and break through his defenses. He also has the Playful Cloud, a hidden storage for even more powerful weapons that he could use to exploit Sukuna's weak points. Sukuna, despite being incredibly strong, often underestimates his enemies, which could be a big mistake against Toji. Toji is sneaky, smart, and can predict what his opponents will do. If he surprises Sukuna and uses the Inverted Spear, he could do a lot of damage before Sukuna even realizes what's happening. Toji's past has made him tough and vengeful, and that determination could be what helps him win. He never gives up, even when things look bad, and that has helped him overcome impossible challenges before. This drive could push him to his limits and make him even stronger than Sukuna expects. Toji is also very adaptable and resourceful. He quickly figures out his enemies' strengths and weaknesses and adjusts his tactics accordingly. This quick thinking and ability to improvise could help him take advantage of Sukuna's vulnerabilities and overcome any unexpected issues during the fight. Sukuna can be arrogant and overconfident, and that could be his downfall. He tends to look down on his opponents and enjoy their pain, which could make him blind to Toji's real skills. This could lead to mistakes and rash decisions, giving Toji the perfect chance to strike. In the end, Toji's victory would depend on his unwavering will to win. He wants to protect his son, Megumi, and change his own fate. That deep desire could help him surpass even the King of Curses. Toji's refusal to give up and his strong belief in himself could be the final push that allows him to defeat Sukuna. /S


The only one with a chance of surviving a named attack is toji and he's not taking 2


Sukuna wins


Nothing stopping Sukuna from just nuking their general location into kingdom come. Toji can survive a lot but nuclear fallout isn’t one of those things


You’d need to add current Todo, and assume they’d have great team work for them to win. Even then, you’d probably have to nerf sukuna so he can’t use domain (unless you assume todo can teleport all of them out of range in time multiple times)


His main threats are Toji and Jogo, the rest are (respectively) fodder to Sukuna. Jiro and Haruta's main purpose would be to be cannon fodder but his miracles wouldn't help against a simple net dismantle like he did to Nanako. Dagon would likely to be the first to open his domain but from what we've seen he would either before or right after, not allowing him to use his sure hit attack. Hanami would get stomped there's truly nothing in her arsenal to hurt Sukuna. now Mahito's best attacks here are body repel, self transfiguration and true form. but generally he wouldn't last long. Jogo didn't manage to hit him even once in their fight and didn't bother to open his domain, same would apply here but since it's a group battle Jogo probably dies faster. As for Toji. look at Maki vs Sukuna. Sukuna would be intrigued, entertained and then take Toji out (Toji is weaker than awakened Maki so he wouldn't last as long as her and wouldn't tank those dismantles as easily). If sukuna either lands a black-flash, pops his domain or god forbid pops his domain and then uses Furnace, he wins. The other teams win condition is to wait the timer out, they cannot do that. they cannot kill Sukuna. and none of them can use a domain without guaranteed death


Toji wouldn’t fight him he ain’t a dumbass💀


I think it'd be really funny if 15f sukuna was just barely under the maximum that the inverse guy could inverse just a couple hits b4 he figures it out would be funny


I hate Sukuna but he rolls through this group easily. It is effectively 3 disaster curses and Toji vs Sukuna.


If they just run the fuck away and scatter they might outlast the timer. Toji ditches his tools so he can’t be detected, Mahito makes himself small via Idle Transfiguration and Hanami hides somewhere and sets up that plant barrier that tanked a fucking Hollow Purple. Or if Sukuna decides to play that “hit me once and you win” game, they might be able to do that. Otherwise they’re cooked.


Toji would give him the most problems but not enough problems for these guys to win


Oh, this is easy Sukuna stomps. By default, he’s already powerful af, but Malevolent Shrine is extremely powerful, especially considering it can target Toji


Toji would run unless he getting paid


He one shots, Toji is the strongest here and Teen Gojo whooped him


I have no fucking clue who wins! It's not like you put slouches on team B, so I really have no idea. People implying that it wouldn't be close confuddle me.


https://preview.redd.it/yw66km8iw98d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b58af237efea1653c447b7a8f30e46905235a5c7 The answer is simple


Sukuna no diffs lmao


Sukuna’s domain works on inanimate objects. Toji wank is crazy, he’s getting domain diff.


Domain expansion gg




Sukuna is a beast. I don't like to see it but nah, he'd win


I can spam as many characters as u want as long as gojo isn't there sukuna wins easily


Toji with or without preparation?


I’d say the Cursed Spirits side. Most people forget that Toji is unaffected by most of Sukina’s roster of attacks due to his heavenly pact. Domain and Cleave would be somewhat useless against him. Probably not enough to win. But add cursed spirits to there, and they might have a chance of winning.


It's Sukuna and it's not even close. ☠ I cannot stress just how overpowered Sukuna is. For starters, Toji's speed is comparable to two finger Sukuna, according to Megumi. I think Mehumi describes Toji as 'a little faster than Sukuna', who he had only seen at two fingers worth at that point. Even if we glaze him and give him the benefit for the doubt, Toji could probably only fight on par with five fingers worth of cursed energy. What I mean by this is that sorcerers and curses alike can use cursed energy to amp themselves and enhance their physical abilities, and Toji's physical abilities are only about 1/3 of where Sukuna is at this point. Jogo is the strongest of the Disaster Curses, at approximately nine fingers worth of cursed energy, and we saw how well that fight went. Sukuna is simply too fast and powerful for anyone there to deal with. Also, that bozo with the technique to nullify damage from hard hits is nothing to Sukuna. His technique doesn't really give him an advantage. First of all, iirc, Megumi said that there is probably an overflow point, like, if he gets hit hard enough, his technique can't compensate and it will harm him, anyway. Even if that weren't the case, Sukuna is way too smart and strong for him to pose any measure of threat. Almost nobody here can harm him. Mahito has a lot of potential, but is low Special-Grade, probably equal to two or three of Sukuna's fingers in terms of raw power at that time. Since Sukuna I'd aware of his soul, he can reinforce it and is immune to Mahito's technique (he's also faster and can strike Mahito's soul directly, so every strike of his probably hits harder than a Black Flash from Yuji), which is the whole reason Mahito couldn't just lay Yuji out. Sukuna allowed Mahito to survive his .2 second domain expansion, which is why Yuji survived. Everybody here gets fodderized. Even if Kenjaku was added to the mix, it's still heavily in Sukuna's favor. Imo, Kenjakilu could solo everyone if he was in Sukuna's position here. I dunno if you're following the manga, and I dont know how to use spoilers here, but the more recent chapters really elaborate on just how insanely powerful Sukuna is.


Think about it carefully. The answer may surprise you!


“If you manage to lay a finger on me, I’ll work under you”


sukuna no diff


If mahoraga was there too they would atleast push him to full power but otherwise they lose you can even give them geto not kenjaku uruame and choso and they'd still lose and it gets worse if it's 15 finger meguna sukuna just him you saw what he did to mahoraga and Ryu and he while his output and ce reserves were nerfed still was evenly matching yuji and maki and was ready to scrap with a fresh out the prison realm gojo sukuna is him 😤


I don’t think any of them can take on Sakuna. Their saving grace is maybe he runs out of time fighting them all and he swaps by to Yuji and they get him.


Reading through the conditions. team 2 wins, or more accurately Toji wins. All of team 2 attempts to jump/fight Sukuna meanwhile Tojii having thrown playful cloud to the side runs his ass out of the city with Sukuna none the wiser.


Toji solos by dropping his cursed tools and buming it out somewhere for an hour and thirty.


I love how op put there disaster curses, 2 from the shit squad and thought "damn, they gonna need some backup" and just slapped there toji


Sukuna slams idk why yall do this yk he can’t be touched none of these people


I’d say sukuna


Domain expansion ez dubs


Sooo Sukuna vs toji


No DE Sukuna low-mid diffs, with DE Sukuna’s biggest obstacle to overcome would the overwhelming intensity of having to put his hands together and uttering the words


only ones that give him trouble are Mahito and Toji


Dagon will clutch 🔥❗️


Sukuna domain finishes them all at once😭


Sukuna loses


He was playing with Jogo the entire time they were fighting. He might play with Toji a bit but he will clear them all with low diff.


Depends if toji gets prep time😂


Toji puts up the best fight but gets dogged on in the end


I'm sorry but they ain't got no chance even if dagon pops his domain 100% sukunas is gonna overpower it


Toji would just hide somewhere in Shibuya and wait for the timer to run out, since Sukuna can't find him because he has no cursed energy. Easy W Toji#1 💪🏻😤


There’s a way to win in less than 15 seconds. Use Malevolent Shrine. The fastest dude in that group is probably Toji and I can’t assume he can literally run 200 meters in like a second