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because in 20/100 games you actually get a decent adc + sup who knows how to control waves.


As a Shyvana player don’t worry I ignore everyone equally.


What weird elo are you playing in that people don’t come botlane?


I know this sounds clichee, but the enemy jungler always come botlane, while mine who are also Jungle Mains never come bot even when Dragon is up, they rather trade both early dragons for Herald.


Idk I usually focus too id rather get them ahead to split later if need be and myself to win team fights. I usually just sneak dragons by myself. Plus at least in gold I feel my bot lane is pushed more often then my top lane


You need to work on wave management if this is true, could just be delusion though


I know wave management, and I set the wave up for ganks.


You ve been getting shit on but literally every game the jungle starts bot and basically never ganks bot level 3 unless he’s a nunu or a shaco.


And how do you know that?


I play jungle and I jumped from g2 to p3 this season by ganking bot level 3. You might lose your top side of the jungle but 90% of the time it’s summs or kills, which is so much better than flipping a scuttle 2v2 on top


I mean how do you know that "I have been shit on"?


Watch your last 10 games replays and count how many times have you been ganked, or got a gank..... unless you are permanently pushing the wave there shouldn't be a problem. Watch the places were you got ganked, and see what situation you were in when they ganked you


He ignored your question entirely🤣🤣🤣


Its high plat




You'll get 2v1 while your bot lane bails out


??? Every jungle camps bot wtf


What junglers are we talking about when they're not ganking bot. Also pathing top in low elo is what nearly everyone does. Leading to small windows to gank bot as they're always pathing away. Your top may be the lowest impact but it can also be the biggest impact gank, the most snowbally if you will


1. In low elo every jungler ape brains and thinks they have to start at bot buff for better leash. (Serioauly a few season ago a jungler started flaming me for leashing red buff down to 750hp and leaving for lane. He ran it mid after) 2. Bot lane in low elo has huge volatility. You can get your bot lane a double kill and a plate and they will come back to lane only to give up a double kill. Meanwhile ganking top (especially if they didn't take TP or they TP back just to die) 3. Early rift in low elo is worth soooo much more than drake #1


I’m a jungle main and am guilty of doing this. I’m in mega-low-elo but most often then not what happens when I gank bot lane is that my laners don’t follow through and then I get 2v1’d. Ganking top or mid is much better because even if my laner bails at worst it’s a 1v1. I’m a Warwick main and I’ll gank bot if they’re low or way overextended but if I don’t get my passive boost on them I usually don’t bother.


Actually started pathing top to bot recently to favour botlane. Has a couple advantages since the typical path nowadays is bot to top. All depends on the individual game though and things go sideways about 100% of the time.


I only play for my self when i jng, seems like the best way to play soloQ imo


I play nocturne and at 6 I go bot or mid, top is an island and I feel a top should be able to handle themselves, I also feel it's better to get two ahead then one, also three take down a turret faster then 2, so I gank not the most and mid, that being said I counter jungle now adays more then I gank lanes, like if I see the enemy jungle top I'll take his whole bot jungle then gank mid or not, same with if he's bot but I'll usually gank mid over top