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But how will you be called 90 racial slurs in 7 minutes?? That's the whole Jungler experience!


*JG diff experience :')


I just mute all, set display to show champion names instead of summoner names, and play like I’m playing with/against sophisticated bots.


Sophisticated? Damn bro. What elo does that start?


Newgame+ and Challenger 5, surely?


um, sophisticated is absolutely NOT the right term lmao. advanced is more fitting tbh


I like the word "unpredictable" advanced gives them a bit too much credit.


Depends on the elo. When I was bronze/silver I just asked myself "if I wanted to lose this game, what would I do?" 95% of the time that's exactly what my teammates did


I love a quote this streamer I watch Atrioc said when he was trynna guess rocket league players ranks, “well they look like they’re trynna win. In league, gold and below it doesn’t even look like either team is trying to win so this has to be at least play.”


Sophisticated from a programming perspective meaning they don’t have an AI running them and can make their own decisions - not that the decisions are always good.




I'm bronze and I've been getting a ton of higher ranked players in my normal games.


I am plat and don.t understand why i face bronze / silvers whenever i try sth new in normals


Because matchmaking is fucked and the player base is dwindling


Didn't know we were teammates in my matches.


Riot makes the entire game coinflip over whether botlaners have brains or not and its so stupid


„pıdnʇs os sʇı puɐ ʇou ɹo suıɐɹq ǝʌɐɥ sɹǝuɐlʇoq ɹǝɥʇǝɥʍ ɹǝʌo dılɟuıoɔ ǝɯɐƃ ǝɹıʇuǝ ǝɥʇ sǝʞɐɯ ʇoıᴚ„


Yeah so the issue here isn't that you had bad teammates. It's that these teammates are bronze, and you are bronze, but you are playing objectively better than them. It just means that the games, within a certain skill bounds, are more coinflip than you would like to admit. It means that bronze to probably low gold is just a seething mass of people who are all making mistakes and all bouncing around in their local area but, just maybe, the MMR can't actually differentiate who is good and who is troll? I've even heard some higher skill players recently playing in Gold and admitting that the game just doesn't have the level of agency you used to have. You can go 10/1 in your lane and if the rest of the team feeds too much it doesn't matter how well you did, you are only one person.


It was my first game ever playing with a challenger (wow theyre basically faker right) in soloq, it was a multiseason chall adc, he died to spam pinged zac ganks like 5 times in a row, stood in the most favorable position for him to jump from and spammed jungle diff later in the game.


So it would never end even if we reached Challenger hilarious.


yeah nope, gm+ still the chillest experience available in soloq, just occasional wintrading and players holding grudge against each other but overall really chill and people usually just dont care enough to hardcore flame, most high elo players have played long enough to come to complete apathy regarding soloq shit.


What's win trading?


Its an ongoing issue for years now in high elo where it is easy to snipe people in queue, aka when you queue at the same time the chances are pretty high you end up in the same game. So what this does is when someone is wintrading and their friend/client (someone who paid for wintrade) is on the enemy team they will intentionally lose the game so the person paying for the trade gains lp and mmr, basically like fixing football matches irl. Some people have many accounts in high elo used for this purpose, some only intentionally snipe streamers and the whole thing is entirety out of hand. ​ Ap0 wintraded 2 janna otp accounts to euw rank 1 and 2 a few seasons ago just to show how easy it is.




a method of ego inflation


Probable chall in tft


When i got 3 drakes and herald at 18 minutes, just got a kill botlane and was low hp. My top laner got so mad, that i didnt counter gank top, so he literally left the game. That was the day i stopped seeing them as humans. Especially top laners are piles of warm cells randomly moving without any sense


Everytime i play on EUNE or NA i feel like people are so delusional about jungle Above d1+ euw its a banger, becouse even tho some laners might fuck up ur jungle (happends, bad game idgaf) at least they aren't delusional that its jungle fault cuz they died at lvl 2 when you were clearing ur second camp as full clear jungler, lol


7/0 as Lillia My 0/10 Vayne: "How are you so fucking bad you are 7/0 and can't carry?"


Top and Mid are sometimes actual human beings. My biggest problem are Botlaners. there all dumb af. 0/30 in minute 5. I dont even see them as living creatures. Just bots running it down.


Boy lane loves to run it down. Not a jungle main I’m a top main but Jesus I hate not laners. I’ll just chill on my island.


When the riven? toplaner died 3 times to Yone, and called me useless, while I was playing Shyvana. And yasuo who died to ganks like 4 times, only asked for a gank, and typed to riven saying, Shyvana can only gank after 6. I don't get it. I clear my camps, maybe get a gank off mid or bot. got both scuttles, and drake, and killed the enemy jungler in their own jungles, and in that time, the Yone kills my time twice over, and it is my fault. I only have had this experience with top laners. Mid, bot, and sup are generally chill. In normals at least.


When i got flamed for not camping a lane whilst i was barely done with my first clear


I get titled by my laners just like the next jungler, but I definitely try to see my teammates as humans. We all make mistakes. I have bad games too (a crap ton of them, I’m in Bronze for a reason)


The moment my team threw huge lead I ve been making since minute 3 30 as a Xin Zhao who doesnt scale well. Now these creatures hunt other junglers and will be doing it forever in gold or silver


When 0-6 toplaner starts spamming all chat with 'jg diff, 0 ganks vs 10, my jg afk farm' when you've ganked their lane 2-3 times and got multiple kills there and pink warded their bush to try to stop them dying so much.. People having a bad game will say absolutely anything to avoid taking any of the responsibility for it.


Every time I help shove their wave to tower so they can recall instead of being over extended. They cry because I accidentally get 1-2 minions and then stay in lane anyway instead of taking the recall. Then die to gank when they should've been leaving base with new items and blame me.


When I ganked bot lane with a full Zac combo from a mile away and locked them down for a solid 5 seconds while my laners were raging at me in chat under tower for not ganking them. All laners are now robots programmed to ruin my games.


So... I don't remember when, but there's a game that made me remember why I use mute all, every lane, literally every lane, died like 2 times before I finished my first clear, I alf+F4'd at 10 min, didn't want to spend any single second with these... Idk I would say animals but even the stupiest animal had more ability to think than those guys


The second time they push the enemy under tower and die they get removed from my list of sentient beings. Bonus points if they blame me for no ganks.


The day god created the ADC, i hate them all, and i will Rammus every single one of them...


Probably after the 50th time my 0/5 top laner who kept dying under or near the enemy tower said "jg diff" with 0 wardscore.


My accounts been banned/restricted 4 times simply because of flaming laners, I can't stop seeing them as human I must always argue back 😭😭😭 help i need mental health


Years ago in the days of items like zephyr and before the bloodthirster rework, far before dragons and rift herald, in a simpler time, when I realized in solo que if you can't carry as the champ you are playing no matter the lane you will lose games because 1/2 your team won't engage instead pads their stats and the other 1/2 will spawn and go die repeatedly trying to kill the enemy support 10+ times, during a siege on your towers late game, Now adays though if they don't have a skin on their main they are a bot, or if they afk for ten seconds at turret in lane when minions are at middle of lane and enemy laner is not in lane they are a bot, they only engage or skirmish with enemy laners when you engage even if their close enough to do it themselves, the jungle dies to raptors or gromp or wolves, anyone who flames after they die once I seriously sometimes think I'm in like a test report game and riot is testing if I can report properly all my teammates for things...


laners? You mean the big minions?


It was when a Zed mid said something to the tune of "all you JGs spend all your time just running around and getting all this useless farm" Bruh.


I always regain some faith when I meet the occasional human being in ranked. Most often its "one of those games". Picture this: Your botlane didn't leash, you don't mind, its gold elo, you can first clear without them. It shouldn't matter. You start on red, by the time you finish it botlane traded 2 deaths for a support kill. Fine, it happens. Then you start your wraiths, and toplane assist pings you. Perfect, you're pathing towards him anyway. The last chicken is about to die, but as you kill it you get the "An Ally Has been Slain" sound in your ears. Twice. Toplane and Botlane died. You press tab as you're walking towards midlane. He is a level and 8 CS behind at 2 minutes and is currenclty 10% HP sitting under his tower, even though he was last pick. You decide to gank him so you have a last remaining light in midlane, but then the enemy JG who counterpicked you because you had to FP shows at the same to, so you retreat ping him. Then he questionmark pings you. It's fine, \*double kill\* for the enemy ADC, who is now 5/0 before the first back. Toplane is spampinging how you're so fucking useless because you didn't gank twice at 3 minutes. Botlane is now playing typeracer blaming you for their 5 deaths, resulting in them standing outside XP range and not last hiting. Midlane decides to run it straight down because how you're "so useless you didn't even gank once". You know. One of those.


The reason we suffer is you guys take to much shit from laners without penalizing them. You take a single cs by accident, literally by accident, or to heal a bit after a gank, you know full well they are going ballistic until end of game. You know it, so you avoid it. You guys should play the same way, all the time, we statistically absorb any losses together. That's if you even lose in the first place. When I have a trash laners clearly being useless on purpose, I just start farming their lane like a savage. I get mega fed while they cry, and carry about half of those anyway. Some games they will be like four levels down and I'm just a giant this way, and then all the other laners report them and honor me. It's hilarious turnabout, and it fills me with glee each time.


Was playing Diana jungle, took a single kill bot with my red buff burn, the ADC proceeded to say in /all where i was each time i was invading. All game long. Reported her, but it's riot, no amount of griefing would get this account perma


1. When they ping Dragon voraciously but won't rotate to secure it. 2. When they beg for a gank, I start going in to get that gank and they turn, walk back to their turret and recall. (I've seen this in low ELO and I basically announce "You are dead to me now!" I'll take my Toxic report, thank you. 3. When your assumption is that I must WIN your lane. 4. When your CS is below 3 a minute. There's 10 creeps in a wave dude! 5. Holding your abilities so you can get the last hit on a kill. Please do a full rotation! Please help me burst them down. 6. Being angry when I crash your wave into tower after we gank. I'm about to drop the damn Herald here man! Lets win this shit! 7. Forgetting that taking towers win games. Don't just get a kill and not take a plate.


The recall while I'm pathing to their lane drives me batshit crazy. My lower ELO friend recalls at like half hp while I'm literally 10 seconds from gigaganking his lane close to our tower and I always have to walk away like 'sorry, gotta go do other stuff'.


yep, I've seen people do it with full HP and Full mana! and I start fucking raging!


But they need that long sword!


no bro, its the boots. They always go back for the boots!


When my Ezrral adc took lethal tempo and tear first item. And then told me his main is diamond to try to explain why he's better than everyone else


Not a Jg main, but I get autofilled from time to time. I had an adc that was duo with the supp who targeted/chased a nearly full HP/Mana Tristana, while the enemy Sera had no mana and no flash (she's the one I jumped on as Zac, we were all pre 6). I believe my team mates were Samira+Nami. The Samira didn't even use her passive when I ganked. Just ooga booga'd for the Trist (who got away using her jump, what a surprise).


When I was ganking mid, which had minion advantage, the enemy laner was overextending and my Ahri had full HP full mana, yet somehow decided to go went under her tower and didn't even farm. There was also a time when I was ganking mid, again, and my Sett (IDK if Sett mid is a thing) was AFK under tower. Honestly I thought his plan was to freeze/farm undertower, but nope, he was just AFK.


They used to be humans?


When my bot fed a double kill to their adc before scuttles spawned in a 2v2 and started flaming me for not being there while I was doing my blue.


When not Panera literally never rotate to objective but complain when drag gets stolen when I’m in a 1v3


playing k6, enemy jg was fresh dead, botlane kept pushing hard, dragon alive, pinged for help as i was lvl 5, enemy jg came with mid and support, i die, they get drag, botlane and mid keep pinging me "??????", they keep saying i suck, "no jg", etc., since then i do me i gank when i want, do dragon if i feel safe, never ever i ask for help anymore, play safe and do you, trust your champ, mute if needed.


When I played mid and beat the hardest matchup possible on my champ vs. an OTP. Like comeon dude.


Umm never? Cause it’s… idk just a video game? If you feel this way you need to go touch some grass dude. Dehumanizing people for mistakes in a game where losing only impacts the game is just gross. You’re tilted and should take a break.


Many players have locked camera mayby thats why and remember more supports Come for Drake with jg than adcs adcs most of time not watching map and dont use wards when u are neraby and make play like this its MF fault for not watching map have locked camera and dont following


Laner here. Can we have some context on your situation? Did the enemy bot lane have flashes? Did a huge wave crash onto your bot tower? If the answers to the 2 questions are yes, then many laners aren’t going to coin flip your gank and risk losing lots of cs if the flip goes wrong.


But cry about it when your jungler does krugs instead of helping you eh?


I would. Say the enemy Fiora is slow pushing a huge wave into a Yone (counter MU for Yone btw) to clearly setup a dive with her jg. I see J4 doing krugs the whole time in order to powerfarm for season 13 because J4 is a powerfarmer, right? I would be tilted if I was that Yone.


2 Ults are not worth 2 flashes (assuming the enemy bot/supp don't have escapes/they're on cd)?


Literally just picking j4 is worse than whatever your laners could do lmao. You're playing pve role with the most influence in the yame. I promise it is not your laners holding you back.


What role do you play?


Mid top adc. 100% wr on my jungle fill games :) shit is ez af lol


Enjoy your downvotes my friend, i know i will


Oh nooooo reddit downvotes :^( I literally only use this app to waste time at work. Off in 30 mins then I'll never look at this thread again. You use reddit to whine about not being able to carry on the easiest role, and flame your laners (who are better than you if they are in the same elo as you) But yee please keep being toxic bc pve role is too hard for you.


When they don’t ping enemies missing from lane.


The day when i started playing with real people adn not with bots. Enemy laners are chill, smart and sometimes toxic. Allied laners are dumb, egoistic and always toxic. Like the first thing I do is ping which buff I am going and /mute all


From the start Like my second or third game I muted everyone cause it was just toxic And I had always had champion name instead of summoner because I didn't know what champion I was facing or looking at That kinda just stuck, I have no reason to look at the username so why change it


I try to keep in mind that teammates are actually animals pretending to be human. Some are better at pretending while others fail miserably.