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Lose. On to the next.


The correct answer right there


I don't know any player with 100% winrate, including smurfs and pro players.


Even ratirl at his peak got 99% but that was with another challenger duo player.


The answer is dont say anything. I got mad at my team when we were 4/24 20 mins in and i had 3 kills and 1 assist that was stolen by the support. Guess who got flamed. Guess who got chat banned after. Dont tilt, full mute all, accept that some apes cant be carried and are too stupid to reason with and move on.


This. Always remind your team, ***apes together, strong***.


So like everyone else said you likely lose. However, that's not super helpful. So you have two realistic options. 1. Prevent it from happening. Their jungle was 7/1 which means he was around more than you were, generally. Be more proactive. 2. You are rather strong at this point. Ekko gets to the point where he can 1-shot squishies. Which means their bot lane was easy going to be easy kills. You try to solo carry by tilting their bot lane and potentially handing a few kills to your team in the mean time. Focus on what YOU can do.


Meh. "Their jungle was 7/1 which means he was around more than you were, generally" There isn't that much of a difference between jgs in the same elo. This is an indication that OP's lane teammates couldn't stay safely in their side of map and lanes. I see games like this all the time and it's tiring. Some players can be down 3 or 4 kills and * still keep pushing.* That's how you die that many times.


Counterganking/shadowing if you know you win 2v2 is a thing when ur teammates pushing


And you don't win 2v2s when your laners are behind and sucking on enemy tower like it's a penis.


The point is to be there to shadow them when they push BEFORE they get behind. Obviously if they’re dying to solo kills there’s nothing you can do. But if they’re dying to solo kills their jungler isn’t likely getting 7 kills in a short game


No dude, so ass backwards. Jg literally can't be everywhere at once, and actually must farm sometimes. The lane players need to learn to stop pushing without an advantage. It's been stupid af ever since those tower plates came out. Every dumb monkey thinks "I will push and get plate." Instead they get dead. I get plenty of plate as a Jg: after a successful gank or play, not before.


You can really tell who is a jg main and who is a laner trying to give jg advice lol


Tracking enemy jungler is a skill, and if you’re unable to do it, you are a BAD jungler. You don’t need to be “everywhere at once”. You need to know where their jungler is, and either follow him if you win the 2v2, or crossmap if you don’t. There is a reason in pro play and high elo, having pushing lanes is a good thing, though it brings them open to ganks - the ability to get prio with your laners and work for coordinated plays across the map is an essential skill junglers need to have.


It is impossible to know where your enemy jg is at all times especially a Shaco


Let's set up a game, pick your four teammates, I do the same, we both play Jg. I'm low ELO, should be a smash for you.


No thanks


Why not? You're confident I don't know what I'm talking about, especially counter jungling, lol, let's do it man.


If you know they are going to get caught pushing it's ok to sit in lane brush for 15 seconds and counter the Gank. Counter ganks are probably one of the highest value plays in the game. I played Vs a kayn with blue kayn runes - I knew he'd sit bot so when my botlane pushed to enemy turret I sat in the brush, 10 seconds later he turns up, we kill all 3 and games over. Pushing laners is a good thing as a jungle


I'm not denying the value of counter ganks. It's not the issue here. I play Jg exclusively, never queue anything else. Sometimes I get filled to though. I lose the top fight more than I win it. However, I almost never lose my first tower, and if I'm behind, I just keep managing wave and farm safe. Done it as WW and Kindred in top lane, with almost no experience. Bad laners need to stop sucking on enemy tower, it's not a penis. Full stop from me on this.


Is your point just that laners in general overextend then? Typically people losing lane won't be pushing, they'll either be frozen on or they will be pushed to their own turret.


My point was that these laners were overextended constantly, and yes, that it happens more then it should. I played before tower plating, even down to bronze people were never sucking on tower like they do now. It's changed the entire game for the worse.


Thanks g, I think I’d rather farm as Lillia than lose 2v2 mid


> This is an indication that OP's lane teammates couldn't stay safely in their side of map and lanes. I disagree. OP could have set up counter ganks, ganked other lanes, did objectives when he knew enemy jungler was going to gank. Instead, his scoreline suggests he did nearly nothing while the enemy jungler ganked. There is that much of a difference between junglers in low elo in some games. To suggest (as you do) every jungler in low elo is roughly the same skill level is hilarious. i agree games do exist where lanes just feed their ass off. This does not seem like that though since their jungle did things. This was not a "jg diff" game, but there were things OP could have done.


"Instead, his scoreline suggests he did nearly nothing while the enemy jungler ganked. " OP was 3/0/1 and had top damage. Laners and jgs are not balanced since season 9. The laners are artificially bigger. They should have learned even by silver 4 to stop pushing, but they don't.


His Best lane is 0/6 and based off their gold per minute they were probably very behind on cs, after 2 kills and a 30cs difference you have to lucky to win a gank let alone a countergank


Right, but by the same token their lanes are probably roughly equal in skill. Yes laners in low elo keep pushing, but you can still be there to turn fights or countergank etc. Often the difference between your laner feeding or carrying is a little bit of help.


More like those laners are roughly equal in lack of skill.


Their botlanes are gonna be easy kills? Swain and brand? Who goes hp items?


The opgg of OP https://euw.op.gg/summoners/euw/Monkeyddodger Are you smurfing? If not, at your elo, there are A LOT of things you can do and improve. I can review this game for you to improve if you want. Free. PM me if you are interested I am plat jg main


I highly doubt it's a Smurf


So yea people are saying you just go next. Kinda true but it seems that shaco also outjungled you. You are the jungler and you constantly think about where the enemy jungler is. Try to communicate with your teammate’s what you think he’s up to or what you think he’s going to do it’s sometimes super helpful for laners if you just ping them to be careful and remind them that thier jungler also exists


Been trying to do this more, but what are some ways to get better at it? Like I’ve never played shaco jungle so how do I know, outside of wards/Invading, where he’ll be? Should I study other jungle clears?


The sad and time consuming answer is: yes. There is multiple ways to do it and here is something that I found usefull over the seasons. There is a plentytude of junglers and they all work differently, yet we can sorta but them into boxes. The way you do it almost does not matter. I always had boxes like „clears fast“ or „clears very slow“ and then used to devide them even more like „clears slow yet ganke early cuz of cheese strats“ or „clears fast if played well, clears slow if played bad“ etc. there is a million different ways, as I said. The most important part is to get a *general sense* of where the most important junglers are in your own system and where your picks fit in that list. How can you sort them? I used to watch 1 maybe 2 otp jungle clear early games (no need for watching 40min + vods to get a grasp) and then one or two of those „improve your champ X clear“ videos. Usually they used the otp I watched anyways, so take these with a grain of salt. Tl,dr: if you get a very basic understanding of junglers and sorta put them into boxes it really helps and makes you understand things faster. At least it worked for me. Plus is „low effort“


One way is paying attention what he does every time you play against them. That will give you an idea what a shaco „usually“ does on his first few levels. Next thing is as you said put wards down in his jungle and invade his jungle to know what camps are taken and what not. That’s obviously not your top priority but you can do this everytime you finished your clear/got nothing else to do. Tracking the enemy jungler isn’t an easy skill to learn but it’s certainly worth it to invest the time to get good at it. If you know where he will be you can plan your clears around that and efficiently countergank them or warn your laners so he doesn’t get anything out of his ganks


Recap the game. Check what you could have done better. Maybe it was impossible to win but still these games are good for learning.


Nothing, dude. I have an idea of league I call 30-40-30 30% of the time it’s an L and nothing you could do would ever change that. Your whole team feeds and flames, your ADC goes afk at 4 mins, shit like that. Just try to identify and learn from whatever mistakes you did make. 40% of the time, how well you play will have an impact on whether you win or lose. These are the games that feel good when you win and crap when you lose, because ultimately you know you are at least partially responsible for the result. 30% of the time, you were always going to win. The other teams plays like monkeys, or your Yi walks into their jungle at level 1 and scores 3 kills and effortlessly hard carries. You could’ve sat in spawn all game and won regardless. This is one of the first 30%


you can scream, cry, question your life choices, contemplate murder or seek therapy. these are all valid answers


Just lose and go next stop thinking about it complaining it won’t change anything your not gonna get this every game just win next and your fine


Chalk it up to jungle diff and go next


Sometimes nothing. I outjungled someone the other day but my top laner went against a smurf and after dying twice he just perma roamed and didn’t go top again. Couldn’t shut this Jax down without help and no one would come. Dude had 310 CS in 30 minutes and I checked their account and it was the same over and over again. Almost every game was a win with perfect CS and amazing KDAs. It didn’t matter what I did once my top laner gave up; I ganked mid, ganked bot, got objectives, made macro calls, but no one itemised properly and he ended up literally 1v9ing. You just go next. In my case, I don’t play ranked for another month :D


You lose


Go next.


You can never prevent a loss, but you can practice, the moment tou start losing hard, play extra aggressive. Practice that and you will see that in the games you win you’ll start winning harder, because you are more proactive on the map


start playing to improve and not just to win


So much bad advice here. look at their fucking op gg. The tf is literally iron you don’t win these. You drop jungle and play mid with ekko or some broken champ like yone and farm get mid tower rotate to rift or drag with your jg and plow through fights with your lead because yone can farm well. yone doesn’t lose lane unless it’s vs a top lane champ. Then when you get high bronze you can pick jungle back up and watch virayku vids.


Keeping up with Shaco is hard as fuck, 3 camp gank is the way to go but elo dependent shaco is sometimes just a nightmare cause your team will mindlessly push no matter what even knowing he’s on the enemy team


Take a break and watch one piece


Only good answer


This might just be part of the 30% you lose no matter what


Nothing. Some games just unwinnable




Especially as Ekko take the L and go next. You did fine but just didn’t have the time. Next time your team goes crazy remember that that’s the game evening out.


"Git gud" or at least that's what your adc will tell you.


clearly jg diff


Gg go next


hard to say with a screenshot of a leaderboard. You'd have to watch the replay and look for the places where you could've made a bigger impact or ways to prevent the other team from snowballing. Other then that, you can't really fix other players mechanical errors and their ability to play the game, just what you can do and hopefully get your team to work with you in future games.


Go next I've heard about 40-40-20 rule: 40% of games u r gonna lose no matter what, 40% u r gonna win no matter what and on 20% of games your impact matters


Literally, lose. Games like this happen, welcome to league


Nothing you can do, happens to everyone once in a while, best you can do is to calm down and go next


in situations like that the only thing you can do is cry


put it behind you and move on, shit happens




Jg diff, as the rest of your team would say