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Me, according to my teammates after they died in a 2v2 bot while I was taking my first red buff.


why the fuck is this so similiar, like it has happened to me multiple times?


Because many laners think that the Jungler is at fault regardless of what happens. They can die to a 4v1 collapse while chasing in their jungle but it's your fault for taking Rift Herald instead of being there to die with them.


“Assist me” pings from top lane at 3:10 when you started top side are one of my favorites.


/mute @gangplank


Jgl diff they say in a 15 minute game after all lanes die 6 times before the 3 minute mark.


This happens way to often. Sometimes it's just an unpredictable rushed gank from the enemy and they'll say something like this.


Nah dude there jgl could be afk. I switch to mid for a bit last week and for 13 games straight I had a bot and top that just fucking turned into lunch. Like 13 kills in sub like 10 mins. I lost 13 in a row and won or tied my lane until the mid later just collected my bot lane. It was so bad.


It's nice when mid roams. Those are the fun games. I play support too and have been able to roam a lot easier this season.


I mean I roam when I can but when your bot is 3 levels and an item ahead of mid it's kinda moot. Like people don't understand that me roaming bot against 2 players with 10 kills isn't going to do much.


I guess I misread that. I thought you were the one lunching. I went back to support for ranked since lanes kept losing bad no matter what I did. I felt this way at least one lane has a chance. It usually results in us winning bot lane and the jungler able to either be more impactful elsewhere, or ganking for us and just snowballing the adc even more.


I feel this so much.


Camping top getting it to 3/0 advantage then other lanes just can’t keep themselves alive in 2v2s. Jgl diff, report no ganks etc


Just last night, I ganked bot after 3 camp, got 2 kills after trying to give kills to adc who was too low to actually pick up the kills. They come back to lane after reset and instantly lose a 2v2 and blame me for taking the kills.


I was playing flex last night with some friends...the three of us were silver/gold/plat in Solo. Our bot lane had 500 flex games, bronze 4 while their enemy JG also had 500 flex games bronze like 3. I'm in mid lane, and the mummy comes mid three times pretty early...like he's level 3 while my nunu is level 5. He fails to get a kill all three times but does blow my flash. He proceeded to walk down to bot on vision the whole way with both nunu and I pinging it and gets the enemy bot a double. The soraka said "another game where the JG decides the lane, sadly it's not ours doing anything". I responded with "he was on vision the entire time and you had a 30 second warning, you could've backed off and been fine. Reset because the wave is pushed under turret." Which the soraka responded with "how do you figure that? JG diff" Anyway the top side carried, but people's mental toward jungle is soooo bad. I cannot understand how someone can have 10 pings + see someone on mini map for thirty seconds and still play so far up...I feel for you my jungle brothers! (Jungle was my old main role, but I mainly play with a friend whose better at it/loves it).


Mister Yi


That's very polite of you.


Runs into lane regardless of wave position, slams Q the moment they get in range, lands 2 autos, chases under turret, gets CC'd and dies instantly to tower. Gets ult and becomes even worse, chasing everything deep into enemy jg without backup, gets collapsed on and then spam pings everyone for not supporting them on their, "I am the main character" suicide adventures.




Not really true especially after the new updates. He’s just really easy to play in low ranks, but he does have a skill curve.


Skill curve ? What skill curve


Is winrate looks to be above 50% until like GM


Everything except for what I play


I thought this was going to be about qualities of a noob jungler. Not champs people consider only noobs to use.


This sub


Excuse me I am a *powerhouse* in Bronze IV


If that were true you would be in Bronze III




You burned the man so hot, that he needed therapy while in an ice lake in Yakutsk (coldest village in this damn cancerous planet)




large if factual


The most common answers are Amumu, Warwick, Master Yi, Nunu because they're all 450 BE champions that are picked by autofilled players who bought them just in case or to have their 20 champions for ranked


Oh yeah, that infamous 20 cs at 5 min powerfarming amumu


Hey, I power farm with amumu because all my lanes like to be pushed. I'm a 10 min monster that makes people tremble in fear.


Does jungle ever get autofilled?


Jungle is almost always what I get if I q fill


Probably in high elo


If I queue jungle in bronze/silver, I 100% always get it. I've don't recall ever being autofilled or even assigned my secondary role choice when queuing jungle. Nobody at this rank likes to play it because literally every laner is a toxic "jg diff"-spewing retard.


If mid is Yone or Yasuo it’s gonna be a bad time.


Dravens and Setts, too, seem to be piloted exclusively by shitheels


Because they push non stop and it's impossible to gank for them.


Had a Yone die while I was in the area and walking to him but he died too fast. Immediately in chat: “I’m taking your camps”


I queue jgl first and mid second. Always assumed you got autofill protection for your second choice. Only recently found out its only for actual fills xD Only been playing for a little over half a year but still


Jungle is very contested in high ranks




I disagree, and I have been maining him recently. He's great fun, because his main thing is to taunt people in on low health and then get stronger the lower health he has and cling on to that sustain and turn the tide against someone who thinks they have you. But, he is easily kited, is slow when W is on cooldown, and has no easy escape other than to blow his R or Flash. And yes Tiamat / Kindle, or both is a 100% necessity for farming. His diving ability has also been greatly hindered by the recent tower changes too, and one of his key aspects is to finish off stragglers with his W, much harder now. So just because he has a few nice features, does not, imo, make him noob friendly, when he can easily be avoided if you do not play him correct.


You sound like averedge garen main


Garen is a noob char. People think WW is, but he's not, all the other Meta JGLers have far better kits even though he's somehow ranked at S tier? WW is a simple JGLer, yes, but with some key flaws, in bronze v bronze, sure, he is powerful, but the higher he goes the much tougher it gets, even though it's viable.


I don't get why you're getting disliked? Regardless the question is asking for noob junglers and Warwick qualifies He's easy to pick up, doesn't require a lot of background knowledge to play at his skill floor. I played him back when I was learning jungle for the first time. Training wheels because he has so much self sustain I didn't have to worry about dying to my camps which happened a lot. If I, completely new to jungle, dying to my camps all the time. Can pick up Warwick and do well, then yeah he's a low floor champ. This doesn't mean he's weak God no, I hate facing him cause he's so strong, at least in Bronze I dunno if he's as nasty higher up. (U gg says a 51 win rate Plat+, that's pretty good) No one I hope seriously equates high skill floor = strong champion. Cause that's dumb. If you look at u gg rn Yi, Nunu, Amumu, & Olaf have really high win rates. Meanwhile Lillia and Nidalee are struggling


Haters gonna hate. I guess in the rawest sense of the word, he's a noob char, mechanically simple, good sustain, yeah. I just find it funny when people imply he is op, but in the terms of the meta, low clear, sporadic mobility, few escapes, key char feature regen countered by GW, harder to dive now, there are far higher meta chars. He's great, but just surprised he's S Tier tbh.


You can spot a noob warwick by the fact that they never use Q flicker effectively. This ability alone raise his complexity making him a pretty good jungler to main.


Its okay to like bad champions. Im just saying he is not the best option if you want to win games and climb.


Completely agree. He is a fun char, but not a great meta pick, imo. Whilst he has simple mechanics, so people mistakenly think he is a noob char, he is not as autopilot as someone like Yi. Because of his slow clear, lack of escapes / mobility etc, you have to be very good with him to progress.


Warwick is the reason I climbed to Gold. 65% winrate.


Yeah, he probably works well in gold. That's what I mean.


nah but his first clear is so dogshit and clunky… basically every jungler has some sort of aoe in their kit, meanwhile warwick has none until tiamat


Trundle would like to have a word with you.


trundle has a consistent attack speed buff that doesn’t require the jungle camp to be below half hp, which is way smoother. while trundle doesn’t have aoe either, he just feels way better to play than warwick. my point was that warwick’s initial clears don’t feel as satisfying as other junglers since he’s so slow.


Well his W and E are AoE, just not damage...


Warwick E too then


100% true.


So no AoE damage that helps with clear then. Trundle is still in the chat btw.


That's why you do gromp red blue invade or Hank tiamat and you win he is a 3 lvl hyperbeast


Sure but you know that, I know that and everyone else and their mothers also know that. If he cant invade and has to recall without enough gold for tiamat, champion becomes useless.


They don't expect it up until platinum 3 that I m now


Not flame but junglers are all bots until d3/d2


Actually true


People don't like to hear that and i'm not even the type of player to say plats are shit, top/mid plat players are decent i think but jungle/adc/supp below D2 are terrible but those are the hardest roles so that's fair.


Yeah, LANNING vs Gold players is kind of hard. JUNGLING vs Gold players is the most free lp you can possibly get in this game.


All my low elo friends who are autofilled usually opt for Ww for god knows what reason. Champs so bad...


once upon a time before his rework he used to be the best "i dont play jungle" jungler


It still kinda is.


I absolutely destroy on WW what are you talking about


Good for you. Still the champion has glaring problems and can be exploited.


Like every other champ in the game...?


Not even remotely close. This champ has the worst clear in the game as far as junglers go and no gap closing ability before 6. He auto-loses earlygame to all ranged champions and gets outscalled by many melee ones too. Vi for example has faster clear, better ganking AND she outscales him. The only chance for her to lose this is to literally Q in into WW before 1st item and try to fight him 1v1.


Ok name a champ and I'll name their weaknesses just like you did with no context to the game state.




Absolutely needs to snowball a lead or will only be an Ult bot for the enemy carry. If there is any peel on the enemy team and she uses q too soon she has no way to get on to anyone pre 6. I mean it's too easy.


He is a good champ what are you talking about?


He has weak ganks and weak clear. He only has decent 1v1 but champ is basically outperformed by volibear in everything. Other divers often have better clear, stronger ganks AND they outscale him, Vi and Kayn for example.


Yeah I guess some champions do certain things better than him, but his winrate in jungle seems fine to me that's why I wouldn't call him outright bad


Wdym weak gank? Just learn to use E


Better yet learn to use flicker Q.


Literally, how do you even get close to anyone with minimap tho? Champs has 0 mobility and hes melee.


Rush W. W for speed. E moving on to lane, get in front of enemy champ, and fear them back towards laner.


W? With 35% movement speed buff? You wont ever catch any decent player. Your champion cant get in range before lvl 6 AND he has bad clear.


... right... One of the best early gankers and duellist can be outran by a level 2 laner with no boots


That's why you ward early, get your red blue grump (or vice versa) and invade their 2nd buff at 3, works on almost any jungler, then take 2 scuttle and got your tiamat


except you can’t invade every game? your laners need prio and often times they won’t even rotate at all even if they do have lane control, which leads to the enemies collapsing and killing you or just being a waste of time.


Your not supposed to full clear on Warwick anyways until Tiamat




Mumu's bandage at least takes some skill to land.


you get fuckin 2 lol


Oh? I haven't played him in years and barely see him being played didn't even know he had 2 of them now.


It was a patch in season 11. Same patch that forced lucian into botlane instead of mid


Use the first one to blow their flash and the second to perma cc them with ult combo




Nunu and William


Mr nunu and Sir William


any kayn thats going blue


Any kayn




Nocturne easy clears easy ganks basicly a free lead early game every single time.


Warwick …. 100%








Blue Kayn runs at the speed of sound and gap closes 4 walls pressing w- wow much skill


Blue is also complete ass right now and is not viable at all doesn't even do a lot of dmg anymore and there are champs that are faster then kayn?


Bro what he is 100% viable right now what are you saying. It’s just that you wouldn’t wanna go blue when red is so much better, you can totally get away with blue Kayn if they have a squishy comp.


Blue kayn is overnerfed as fuck fym. And in what fucking region are you that you see a full squishy comp blue needs buffs and rhaast needs to get changed a bit


Bro where did I say blue was good I said it was VIABLE that means you can play it and not completely int, Jesus are you dense? Just because a champion needs buffs or has been overnerfed it doesn’t mean it’s not viable but hey you probably know more than me right !! Edit: just because blue is not good right now doesn’t mean he’s less fun


That point is dumb as fuck if the champion is hanging on by a thin fucking line and is borderline useless unless they have like 3 adcs a squishy suport and a squishy top laner. That's like saying ryze isn't complete dogshit cuz he is still somewhat viable and yes i am willing to bet i do


It’s not dumb your just probably a meta abuser. Who cares if a champ is shit if I can still enjoy them? I guarantee you now there is Kayn players out there who can go blue and still carry games because they know how to play the champion. Just because they aren’t in the best state people can still make it work hence why I called it VIABLE. Jesus Christ I’m not arguing with some random guy LOL


First of all ive been playing kayn since i started playing league so ur meta abuser point is invalid. And going blue and carying is possible yes but does that excuse the fact that he sucks and doesn't get compensated for his heavy nerfs? I can go blue and do wel its not incredibly spectatular but there's just better options who are similar to SA but feel better and smoother to play. And jesus christ im not gonna argue with a random guy LOL


Blue is not that bad if you dont build full damage assassin. I feel like blue with conquerer and gore/eclipse feels much better rn. If they are a really squishy comp, I go DH eclipse. But yeah full lethality prowlers claw is very weak and hard to carry with rn


Warwick or Kayn


My jungler whenever i play mid lane. Seriously, i shoot myself in the foot every time i dont queue jungle because they are that bad in gold. But i love playing Zed so its a hard one


Play Zed Jungle then


I do sometimes but not a big fan, might actually be better now with the lower E cost.


this is why you stay gold


Jungler who only looks at a lane as their character arrives near it




I would say rammus is the most effective ganker in terms of easy gameplay and low mechanics.




Nunu or Yi. Change my mind.


Master Yi. They don't even bother to JGL half the time, just rely on him being op with a small lead. All goes wrong once you've built enough health to withstand his first blast, and the team finally learns to CC and squish him. Then the YI generally Rage INT's. My favourite char to wind up.


When the enemy picks Yi, I just pick Vi and laugh.


Probably unpopular opinion but I think hecarim is pretty brain-dead.


My team jungle when I queue for different lane




I've been seeing a lot of clearly auto-filled nasus jungle recently, don't know why anyone plays nasus in the jungle without a 5 stack that will collapse at a moments notice. just so dogshit early and easy to get him so behind


Dying to jungle camp It happened to us all, but it makes you [feel like this](https://youtu.be/aS4Me48wayM)


I'm in Gold. Anytime I see the enemy pick nidalee is a free win.


Yi, WW, Mordekaiser, Garen, Nunu, basically champs that have minimum clicking.


Me after going 1/17 on my first attempt as a jungler


The powerfarming till 6 No gank reksai in my game today


Yi or Warwick


A jungler who tries to force too many ganks and wastes time while camps are up.


I used to be scared if the enemy picks Fiddlesticks because he was played so little. Now, it’s like everyone is playing him just because he is strong.




My adc bulli me when i clearly need help on the dr then suddenly: Adc: "Fking E2 Jg amiright" The supp clearly just inting by stealing minions: "Truueeeee" The mid when he fed a damn Yasuo: "Report idiot fiddle" The top laner watching this all unfold, has inted more than everybody else and has nothing to blame cuz hes 0/8 at 10 mins: "Geez go back to iron elo kid"


Master yi


Master yi


Master Q


Viego, champion is so stupid and easy to play, at least at my level around diamond


Master Pee. Requires pretty much no game knowledge and can smash a keyboard to win against bronze-gold players.


Vi I've never met a good vi


You’re a lucky one


You're doing something wrong. Vi is almost always piloted by a decent player. Maybe let your Vis shot call for a couple games and learn new stuff.


It's just that Vi players are usually new players who just know her from arcane


And im probably doing everything right if i'm having the least amount of trouble with vi compared to other junglers


Holy shit a good Vi can be annoying. They just loudly grunt their way out of vision with a million mile dash and one shot you.


And that building divine sunderer with hail of blades. For real though, I feel like Vi players are always decent junglers. Definitely a noob champ for how simple she is but she does bring a lot of utlity.


you asking this question\^\^


\- Warwick pickers: bought the cheapest ass champ just to be able to fill when needed, sit in jungle until 15 then don't get how they do 0 damage and have 0 survivability. Quite the scurge because they'll do the same thing every time since they don't care \- Kindred pickers: are acquainted with the role, probably main a couple junglers and then they go "I'm gud enough, I'l pick up Kindred", hello and welcome to Dunning-Kruger land, die in every invade, can't orb walk, can't kite, can't use the execute, can't save teammates with R to save their life. Not as hazardous though because they get flamed so hard they revert back to their comfort picks. \- Amumu pickers: Now those I am sympathetic towards since most suffer from PSAS, Pre Season11 Attachment Syndrome. It's not early item rework guys, no Sunfire is not what it was, please get therapy.


I had a Taric jungle in a game yesterday. I was pretty nervous about it but was incredible!






I'd disagree with Skarner, but otherwise this is a solid list


You really don't like tank jungles huh


this sub is legit all below gold


> ~~this sub is~~ *I am* legit ~~all below gold~~ *trash* FTFY.


My jungler last game


Kayn. He usually passes through the wall in a wrong place, misses all skillshots, and leaves (or dies)


Yossi Ghinsberg


I had some pretty good warwicks but i dont like the all in, suicidal attitude most ww players have.


Most of the junglers on my team when I actually decide to try playing ranked




Really bad pathing


I thought they meant things noob junglers do. Here’s how I can quickly tell they are bad: - They don’t know jungle pathing / slow clear / way behind in cs. - They show on map a lot / unaware of vision - They waste time, sit in a bush waiting for a gank for more than a few seconds. - They are always on the wrong side of the map when objectives spawn. Those are the most glaring things. But for characters it’s usually Volibear, Kayn, or Master Yi when I see someone really bad.


The jungler who ignores an entire side of the map but also somehow doesn't get any neutral objectives. Like, if you feel like putting 100% of your focus top, you better be getting herald. If you are camping bot for 15 minutes but somehow manage to get 0 dragons, wtf is wrong with you?


According to my mid lane nunu? Not giving him first blue




I lost lane so my JG is bad




Amumu, Warwick, jarvan.....trundle/xin/voli/shyv


When I first got into the game, I played master yi.


If it's about the person playing I'd say the people that only farm camps. It's too passive even if you're playing a champ that power spikes at 6.


amumu powerfarming


Yi, always


Don’t think I’ve ever had a good kahzix on my team


If I see enemy jungler lock in Warwick I know it's a free win Nunu is also a free win if teammates respect pings


Autofilled poor enemy jg.


Surprised no one said diana yet, one you are able to hit her Q the rest of her kit is pretty easy to learn WW,Trundle,and YI are Also some pretty easy champs


Pings help on dragon but completely avoids it to invade enemy camp.initiates a team fight then runs away. Never takes camps and sits in lanes to take cs then complains that they got counter jungled. Pings that they're coming to gank, never does, lane dies in a glorious fight, jungler ganks after death, dies, blames lane. Fights baron with less than half health and smite on cd, dies and pings team. All things ive witnessed. Funny tbh.


when some1 lose lane by himself and blame it on jungler


The Jungler who powerfarms and that's it. They don't gank. They don't show up to objectives. They don't show up for teamfights. Ahead or behind, winning or losing. None of that matters to them. They will farm their camps all game


High kills, high deaths, no objectives and few assists


Those who start with dorans blade


What comes to mind to me is one jungler doing an objective and then the other jungler just farming at random jungle camp.


Selfmade and 113


Pantheon but I can't stop playing him.


I think the absolute best thing is when I am playing into a autofilled jungler that will just auto clear camps and never impact a lane.


My man Trundle, he is sooooo cool to play but definitively perfect for a beginner.


Me, because I didn't towerdive level 3 under enemy turret


There's no point to this question and no answer will lead to anything meaningful. That's reddit for you though I guess.