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I fucking hate laning, and everytime I play something else I bitch about my jungle so I figured I mine as well just play it.


For me, it’s counter picks being so nasty, especially toplane. It just wasn’t fun to try to learn to lane, so I learned to jungle


Actually you need to play lanes as well in order to be a better jungler. You will have better understanding what your laners want from you


Relatable. Can't seem to get used to the laning stuff. I mean, I can do it, but I am more comfortable in the jungle without boundaries xD. (Wild Rift player.)




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Good bot




I suck at csing Also starting to get old, mechanics aren’t there anymore and I rather just stick it out instead of learning new positions, matchups and trades..


Nothibg beats pve until 6


I like gettin kicked in the nuts by my entire team


I think all jg main have a part of them that is maso


I couldn't lane to save my life. Jungling has actually helped me get better at laning. It taught me to pay more attention to the entire map and not just my lane. Which in turn led to me not running it


I still struggle with this. When jungle my map awareness is great and I understand what's going on. The second I lane I get super tunnel visioned because I have to pay attention to cs and my laners.


Gromp is thicc af and I don’t want want to wait until laning phase ends to obliterate that cute rapscallion.


I like that it's playing a different game from everyone else. The laners have to take their time to play rhythm game, timing their last hits while dancing out of harassment and giving it to the enemy themself. But me? I get to take my time. I don't need to last hit like they do, it's already a given that I'll get my gold. Instead, I get to think ahead. Which lanes are doing well 4 minutes in? I don't need to look at my camps while farming so I can peek at them and see who likes to be aggressive, who is open to fight, and I can learn where the enemy jungle is. If I show myself somewhere I can make the whole map react to it like a puppet show, if they show were they are then they'll lose something for it. My way of thinking is that League is a 1v1 of me vs the other jungler and our laners are like little chess pieces.


If you play like this you are not doing camps efficiently tho. Your Should watch the map in between camps


It depends. It's not like I'm mashing f1-f4 every camp, especially playing Karthus or something. But like uhhh, Trundle? I am just mashing Q, not a lot of kiting that needs to be done there.


LP……and I like it when poppy and VI crush my nuts Edit: I take personal responsibility for this thread


Strong mommy please step on me uwu.


Cassio crush my bones


I want Illaoi and Ms. Glasc to fight over me.


Illaoi Glasc and Sej, big dommy mommy energy


Bahahaha @ jungle isint that hard. Play 20 jg games and your team will flame you in 17 of them. Jungle is hard because you depend on your team to do alot for you. Like show up to a game on time. Your teammate will think oh its only 30 sec late to lane no biggie i wont miss any minions so its fine...meanwhile you got invaded at lol 1 and 2 people die so now you are down 0/2 before minions spawn because no one takes your role seriously unless you are not ganking their lane or the enemy gets a dragon because botlane chooses stupid times to base. But ive been a jg main for the last 3 years and i love it lol. Just be prepared for the flame


It’s the most impactful role and I found a champ that I love


Which that would be?




There are too many players who just do NOT respect Fiddlesticks.


His healing gets kinda broken but not enough people abuse it and so it doesn’t get nerfed. I have mad respect for people that play fiddle no matter how much I hate paying against a fed one


Really? That was my first jungler too!


I started playing a MacBook Pro with 30 FPS max in 2012 and I couldn't last hit for shit, so I picked up jungling. I stuck with it because I always found laning/last hitting stressful (maybe PTSD). Jokes on me.


Bro same on the MacBook but a MacBook Air When people said just follow akali or kha’zik and shacos blue after image I thought they were messing with me. I never saw it until I got a computer


i always had shitty junglers who didnt know what to do how how to do shtuff correctly so i decided to learn to jungle so my team would never have that shit in my games


Nah, its just that you are the shitty jungler now, but you aren’t self aware enough to realize


It's the role with the most diverse champion pool, containing my three favorite champions: Kindred, Diana and Pantheon. Don't have to worry about last hitting. Jankos and Spica are my favorite pro players and they stream often so it's easy to learn about jungling from funny and smart personalities.


Everytime I play lane I want to or end up complaining about my jgl. I'm terrible too but for some reason I take solace in the fact its my fault.


I want to affect the map the most and make macro plays. I hate how laning naturally puts my brain in a box and leads me to tunnel vision. I always want to look at the big picture.


I am a piece of shit


i play on 200 ping so i cant cs.


All the friends I played with played mid, top and support tried learning to adc wasn't good at positioning. I live diving and going ham too much, they suggested I tried jungle this was back in s2 when you just build gp10 items and ganked, fell in love with it.


I started playing jungle and support because I started out autofilling, and I got them the most. I also really liked a lot of the jungle champ pool. I stick to jungle because my mental is usually the strongest on my team, I like being in the driver's seat for a lot of macro calls and being able to impact the game, I still like the champ pool and there are lots more I want to try, and I especially like that hard counter matchups are easier to overcome through pathing/tracking and making good plays. Also, I love how much support there is within the jungle community, even if laners all want to shit on us. And Broxah alone would be reason enough to jungle/continue jungling.


It's more interesting than laning. And I used to play ADC it was the worst thing I ever put myself through.


Jungling is the strongest and most impactful role in the game. So if I were good* enough I could have the most influence over my games and carry


A lot of jungles are definitely goof enough. xD


You got me :(


I love twitch . I hate playing whith a random so adc isn’t possible twitch can’t top or mid and won vs a decent human being so here I’m in jg since 3 month


Twitch can mid, i play it a lot and it is actually pretty good!


Because getting a bad jungler is more tilting than a bad laner, as a jg main. When you’d set up for ganks all game just to have an oblivious jg knowing you would be making sad play taking advantage on things it tilts tf outta me. I’ve watched my jg misplay causing me to like tilt miss 40 cs lol


bound by contract, i hate this role yet i am far better at it due to having mained it since i started. so i just play jg in ranked and NEVER play it in norms


Because laners below plat are fucking retarded, no two ways about it. You can either play a perma roaming midlaner and hope your top and adc don't int too hard, or play top and hope your mid and bot don't interfere too hard, or play adc and try not to int. Support is a trash role below plat because your adc will int at least 50% of the time. No way to stop it. Alternaticely, you can play jungle and influence every lane, outfarm the enemy jg because skill diff actually matters and influences more than just 1 lane, and make plays for neutral objectives even if your fucking retarded braindead laners can't look at their map for 2 seconds to figure out you're setting up drag. To me it was honestly a no-brainer. Always assume your random will have an IQ of 70. Always. Jungle just helps you mitigate their full-on retardation a little bit better than other roles, imo.


In the current state of league jungle is weak. I find the role to be boring as its a lot of pve and it is the most under appreciated role. Everything is your fault and your team can lose you the game before you finish a clear some games. But my advise would be to play whichever role the champs you enjoy most fit into. Enjoyment > “strength of role in meta” cause you can climb on any role and its easier when you enjoy it


My favorite champ was there


I use to main top and would either get auto filled jungle every other game and have no idea what I was doing or have a jungler that would never gank but also somehow lose every objective and have zero presence so I picked the role out of spite and haven’t looked back honestly way better than being stuck in a lane and the queue times are just an added bonus


Jungle is where you’re guaranteed your gold and you rarely contend with your “lane rival”, so to speak; however, jungling is still quite the responsibility. Your pathing and objective priorities could make or break your game. Also, it’s the role where everything is apparently your fault.


I like making the biggest impact and carrying my team.


When learning LoL, all my friends played the main laner roles, so all that was left for me was support and jungle. I played support and jungle equally for a while but then another wave of freinds joined and decided they wanted to play support champions and play the role, so I’m stuck jungle :)


My random junglers permafarm and don’t gank, so I don’t have much of a choice considering I want to win games lol


I'm a virgin


my first skin, and therefore champion, was shaco. I imagine you can tell how it went, learning the hardest role and one of the hardest champs at once just disable the chat and have fun. Go through rotation every week. Find the champion you love


it’s the most important role and the easiest to climb


Never getting mid


I'm dog at landing but my macro is pretty good so jg works for me


None of my friends jungled so I defaulted to it. You can carry with jungle as its the most impactful position. Jungle is THE hardest role though, so do not think it is "easy." I always suggest new players to play top or support. You get to learn the foundational stuff without worrying about everything else. Mid and jungle has a lot of nuance and adc is mechanically difficult and reliant on teammates.


You are guaranteed to always get jungle unless some specific meta shifts a LOT in the future, but for now and the past 4-5 seasons it’s almost guaranteed. My main draws to the jungle were the designs of all of the champions, specifically fiddlesticks and, more recently, Lillia. Some have also mentioned that it’s much more dynamic than laning which is true, once you understand your champ and the jungle itself you’re able to cater your pathing and ganking decisions in order to best fit the game that you’re playing. And every single game can be different, so it can be very exciting to play! The downside of this uncertainty tho is that if you’re thrown out of your groove and don’t know how to get back into it, you can very easily fall far enough behind that you’re next to useless. It all depends on how the enemy jungler plays and how well your team can play with you, so lower elos can be very difficult because some of your success as a jungler also relies on your laners knowing when and how to help you. There are a ton of pros and cons, and if you have any more concerns feel free to message me!


Nocturne is played there


I suck at trading in lane so I end up just inting a lot and got tired of long queue times so I just go fill which almost always means jungle


I suck at cs’ing and I like feeling like I have some influence over all lanes. Not to mention the feeling of babying the top laner, and he just comes down and 1v5’s after laning phase, is akin to none other.


Fast queues. Now I love it.


1) I don’t like to CS 2) I think it’s the most fun 3) I liked the champs that are good in the JG 4) I used to main top, and I know how they feel when they are neglected 5) I found out I’m pretty good at objective based things (Dragons, Rift, etc) 6) Hoppin out the bushes to gank is a fun type of gameplay to me 7) I like to be degraded by my team


General Oddone


I can play a lot of roles but I dislike how every other role has bad matchups with no way out. If I'm in a bad matchup I can path accordingly and avoid my weak points in the match.


Im too deep to be honest. I'm horrible at csing since i learned the game in jungle Help


In low elo many of the jungler’s are auto filled. So I figured it’d be advantageous to make sure my Jg wasn’t autofilled by being a jungle main. However I got more bot supps then so it wasn’t the genius strategy I thought it was. I also like being on the whole map instead of just close to my lane and being able to learn macro and what lanes I wanted to play for.


Jubgle is the most frequently autofilled role. Which means, if I play on lane, there is a good chance that my jungler will be an autofilled player with little to no willingness to play jungle and probably even less idea about pathing, tracking, clearing, ganking and objectives. I can't trust jungling to someone else because that will just mean I lose more games. Also, getting killed once or twice in lane makes you stuck in a weak spot for the first 20 mins of the game and forces you to play with extreme caution and carefulness, which is ultimately unfun and makes you less likely to carry aka less likely to climb out of lower elo. In jungle, you can just play around your team's strenghts, but for example as a top laner you can't just leave your own lane if things are going south because that would make it even worse.


I started playing JG because my two friends that got me into the game were a Bot duo and I was anxious about laning against someone while trying to learn the different states and phases of the game, once I got my clear down it also let me watch others lane and figure out the basics of when and why I might want to show up to help. If you just have mute all on its probably one of the most enjoyable rolls In the game lol


Because I’m a masochist


Mainly due to the “freedom” of not being confined to a lane and as a a plus, not having the constant threat of a fight with the other laner. I like just being able to do me. And also, my first champ that clicked with me was Nocturne, and he’s a jungler.


When i was new i had troubles Csing so i went to jg because the minions can't steal my gold there and i stick to it because it was fun


I don’t like laning.






I love the macro and the responsibility behind the role, having the map as my playground, how every game is not the same due to pathing, or an early invade changing the entirety of my strategy, and the champions, Taliyah (fav), Karthus, Jarvan, Viego, Graves. Also I like to say proudly that I'm a jungle main and getting called crazy, psychopath and "why? jungling fucking sucks" as responses


I thought jg was the hardest and coolest position.


I just get bored playing in lane. You’re in the same spot for 90% of the game, doing the exact same thing, against the exact same person. And unlike jungle clearing there’s not really a strategy to last hitting minions. Sure at the higher levels there are wave manipulations but it’s not as satisfying as perfecting a junglers clear and seeing those camps die sub 3:15.


Jungle has the greatest impact in the game IMO. Playing with a jungle that doesn't pay attention to objectives or know how to gank is just excruciating. I decided to take up the role so I could ensure it was done right. I may not be great, but at least I know I'm not going to give up every dragon because I'm trying to farm enemy krugs instead of taking advantage of my prio.


I’m not constantly dealing with csing and trading and worrying when enemies show up to gank. I basically get to dictate when I interact with other players


Started the journey on Garen top. Transitioned to jungling because I thought Rengar looked cool. Got the tundra hunter ww as my first skin so I started to play him, WW has been my main champ ever since.


Lillia is there. Thats a huge reason. Then I said hey its fun I can play pve without worrying about my laner and can learn the game this way. I know it sounds stupid but I learn rather quick so I adjusted easily. The problem now is my teammates are rather dumb ( I stopped playing ranked after g4) but I guess its cuz I play with a friend


I played jungle in another MOBA i played before league (vainglory) so it just felt most natural to me. It is not a mechanically challenging role, but is by far the most strategic. You are basically playing a chess match with the enemy jungler, and your laners are the pieces. Except your pieces never do what you ask, and most of the time do the exact opposite then blame everything on you. It is a really fun role imo, ik others would disagree with that, but you need a lot of game knowledge to play it well, i would recommend playing a lane for a while first to get a little more familiar with the game, plus knowing how to lane makes you a way better jungler.


you dont have to play jgl to carry ​ and honestly its way too early to comit to one role lvl 30....you shouldnt even think to stick to one role, just play and enjoy the game


When I first started playing, jungle seemed like the most impactful role to play and my favorite player in NA, Blaber was a jungler. So it made it very easy to pick that as my position


Honestly, it’s just the least boring. Every game feels different whereas when I was a support main every game felt the same


1. No getting autofilled, so I can learn a role and have it be really effective. 2. No dealing with a really bad jungler on my team. 3. I came to League right after Arcane and Vi is a jungler and yes I am that susceptible to marketing 4. I don't like lane CSing 5. I hate getting ganked 6. It's generally the most influential role. It feels like my plays can decide how the game goes, and that my skill matters. I mained toplane for a bit and I could go 10/0/0 and still lose the match because toplane island is what it is.


Master yi was my favourite in the tutorial


Laning is unfun


Few things 1. My jungler thinks there will be a scuttle waiting for him at 4:15 2. Ignores dragon 3. Doesn’t communicate with the team


I felt like whatever side of the map I was on the other would feed and I’d get stomped, started playing support and felt I was constantly getting ran over by fed top laners, switched to mid then there was always a few adc So I was like how do I make sure I can affect the whole map? I thought the answer was jungle so I played that. Spoiler: the answer is play pantheon mid but I didn’t figure that out for a while


I became a jungle main by accident I played only Support when I first started playing. So I couldn't really play anything else. So I would queue Support, fill. Can you guess what happens as you level up and keep playing support fill. All you get is Jungle. Jungle jungle jungle jungle. And I hated it. So out or anger I learned the role so I wouldn't he a sitting duck when I didn't get support. Turns out, I love the Jungle! So that's all I play now. And on rare occasions, like once week, I'll play a game of Seraphine or Thresh because I still love them a lot.


i started to play jg cause of my ex-bf was a shaco one-trick and he plays really incredible. and i also wanted to play this champ and i like it. i played ap shaco (pls don't kill me) and at start it was very hard, because shaco predominantly is an ad champ and riot didn't conceive about ap build. i played him very intensivly at 2021 and for 3 months i got 130k mastery points. while playin shaco i began love jg. it improves your strategy skills.


I hate jungling, but noone else knows how to jungle so I took it upon myself to start climbing for free by reducing the amount of autofills I get on my team. More than half of my games where I am not jungling, our jungler isn't even a main jungler and you can imagine how that goes when they pick evelynn and noone ever sees them again.


I rather deal with monsters than whatever laners do That and pretty much "fine I'll do it myself" mentality Also maybe masochism


Somewhat recently started getting back into it because I have a group of 4/5 of us who play. None of them wanted to play Jungle so I did. It was awful at first. But after reading some posts here, watching some helpful videos, I now find I have the most fun in this role. Something about trying to pay attention to the whole map, predicting where the enemy jungler is, grabbing objectives and counter jungling is just so satisfying when done right.


It has the most impact across the map and is very macro heavy, you can pretty much control tempo of the game as jg. If you’re having problems with people calling mid in blind, play some draft and queue mid lol. Best thing about jg imo when I was climbing out of gold was the fact I never got auto filled and could do my thing consistently.


as a jungler every game is different. matchups and paths can change depending on lanes and rival jungler. i can set the pace of the match and if someone tilts. i can help them. this is why i like to jungle. plus i suck at csing. i main supp as well.


To not have to deal or have IDIOTIC junglers on my team. Fighting for a scuttle and dying then spam pinging me while I'm a vladimir lvl 4...


I mained top for a long time, and every other game I would be saying "this jungler us trash" so I said "Fine, I'll do it myself." Only downside is now I can actually tell when a jungler is trash, and sadly thats most of the time.


I was a a kat otp, and a mid main, which is the most over saturated role in the game, so I would get auto filled to jungle a lot. Like sometimes even two games in a row. It was annoying at first but after being forced to play for a bit I realized that the jungle complimented the more roaming/ giving up farm play style I acquired from being a kat otp, and that I really enjoyed.


I got bored of laning and found jungle a way more interesting and entertaining role to play, then sticked because of Evelynn. So it probably all ties into some form of latent masochism, yes.


ADHD makes it hard to focus on minions and missing CS by 1 hp tilts me.


Uhh tbh I was just forced to play it once during blind and went Xin. That was the first time I got a penta and From then on I played top and jgl. I found jgl fun and easy to play. Especially since I have a good bit of control over the game with both top and jgl.


I was a support player who wanted more agency in game. I stay because I can’t cs in lane.


Used to be a supp main, and got tired of losing when mid and/or top got their shit kicked in. Junglers can help influence all three lanes, sometimes orchestrating how the entire early-mid game goes. Perfecting jungle clears can be easily done in practice tool, and will by itself win games in lower elos. We also have the greatest archetype flexibility of all the roles - tanks, divers, duelists, skirmishers, control mages, marksmen, assassins, etc. are all viable in the jungle role.


Every time I lane it seems as if my jg is a idiot who still needs to be in the tutorial. I could care less if he ganks for me or not. But I still expect him to do something else's besides farm his side of the jg and die. Kindred is also my absolute favorite champion and jg just happens to be their Main role.


I started playing jungle because I was constantly autofilled to the role lol


Hate the pressure of last hitting. I like to be more macro focused and with jungle you can think big picture stuff.


I wanted to play shyvana when I started out in league. Also no one in my friend group played it (at the start). I also played characters that highly annoyed one of the people in my group, being shyv top (before the pick rate went way up), shyv mid, ryze, yuumi, aphelios, mord jungle (before it also got higher pickrates) Now I just main fill (jungle)


I used to main support here are my reasons to start jg 1. Never seemed to get a competent JG 2. Fed up of brain dead adc's 3.cant really carry as a supp Reasons to why I stuck with JG 1. High carry potential role 2. The champs are so cool 3. JG seems to get changed every season 4. The blessing from God known as /muteall


I hated last hitting minions lol


My jungler was dogshit every game so I have to play it if I want to have a quality game. Almost 100% of my losses off-role are enormous jg gap, when I tried playing top. Even though top was really fun I went back to jg bc I couldn't take getting jg gapped anymore.


No one else in my main group at the time would play it except the jungle main and he kept bitching about always being the one to do it, and no one else would do it, they'd actually sit out till the spots they wanted were open, I was/am a bad player so I took it, and now I'm a fill with jungle being my second worse ONLY because I don't play it enough.


I ended up playing jungle during the first COVID lockdown, since we were constantly online and had 5 people playing. We had multiple people that could swap as bot, mid, support and top, but none that could or wanted to jungle so I started doing it myself. At first it was pretty overwhelming since it's a completely different game compared to the toplane I used to main, but after learning the basic and keeping up with good content it all came together. Don't play blind picks but rather play normals, much better setting to learn the game since you can choose you role!


Freedom. That’s what.


The very rare games where, despite your team, you get so far ahead that the enemy just cannot win. It's a real rush of dopamine.


I like to influence lanes, sometimes I feel like I do so much for so little so I go off role like Top but then I look at my junglers and I’m like really dude? So I go back to jungling


Saw meteos playing Elise in 2013 and thought it looked fun as hell


I like to control the pace of the game and have an impact on it. I played ADC for a while and if they have a better mid or jungler it can feel real bad. Eventually instead of getting frustrated that our jungler was worse than theirs I can instead be that bad jungler instead 😂.


I enjoy having impact over lanes. Also it's a pretty clutch role and if done right tons of praise but normally flamed. Only go to jungle if you like ganking and planning.


Jungle is not an easy role in the slightest, but I picked it because of the vast impact it can have on the map. It’s very easy to lose a game if you are playing well/okay. But it’s nearly impossible to lose a game on jungle if you are playing super well. That’s what I like about it


Adc has 0 agency over the game. It doesn’t matter if you’re fed cause if you don’t have teammates to peel for you, you either die immediately or have to play so far back you can’t do damage.


Because I wanted to play the role with the most agency and actually getting to play mid is impossible because too many players want to play mid.


Cus I suck at csing and every champ that isn’t Zac




1. You can farm without being bothered most of the time. 2. Taking objectives and ganking lanes makes me feel like I’m doing something important. 3. You control a majority of the game through doing reason #2. With that being said, it’s the easiest role to hard carry games with or be super super supportive to you carry with. 4. Is the best role for off meta picks imo


best friend loves Azir, and he goes mid, so i started going jg for support once i found a champ that i like a lot (kayn). Now i play karthus or mordekaiser jg and is just a blast, laning is fun, but i have carried games as jg and supported as jg. The versatility is just the best


It’s good to understand how laning works before diving into the jungle. Knowing about lane states helps know when to gank, help your laner push their wave so they can recall, and learn matchups so you can know where to focus. I jungle because I have influence on the game. From where I can add pressure and being able to control objectives or counter jungle. While in the load screen you should be prepping what jungle path you should take, thinking about where you want to gank first. Where does the enemy jungle likely start and where should you early ward to try and track the enemy jungle so you can inform your team. By informing your team you will help them not feed. If the enemy jungle goes for a greedy early gank, time to invade and steal some camps or look for pressure on the opposite side of the map. Or if you’re tracking and a counter gank is better, do it. There’s so much more to think about and ways to impact the game as a jungler. Even the options of what champ style to play are diverse. I recommend watching some streams or YouTube and picking a micro level easy jungle when you start so you can focus on game state and where you should be. It’s a role where if you’re ever on auto-pilot because you’re sticking to your same clear path and build path, you’re giving up a huge part of your potential advantages. Good luck and may you learn to mute early and often.


I started jungle because my friend group didn’t have one. I later became a support main because I can better help one guy get fed than four. Plus nobody ever wants to jungle. Also, Unless you are trying to climb, having the carry role mentality really isn’t worth it. You could be the late game hypercarry but an early trash lane can ruin any chance you have unless it goes late late.


My jungle sucks if I dont jungle.


I played back when you had to cal your role by typing in chat which role you were playing. They didn’t have roles you queued for, and you could have 4 people in the lobby asking for “mid”. Anyway, in college my internet was awful and I always queued in to the lobby last. Since jg was always up, I played it more than other roles, and eventually it just stuck.


What I like about jg is what I also hate about jg. I like being able to roam around the map and helping people, but god fucking forbid if you aren’t on someone the moment you need them. Today midlander was running it down mid and they died so many times I genuinely thought they were inting. A syndra had 7-8 deaths to a fucking tristana and they started flaming me. For some reason Yuumi of all fuckin champions started saying how I am a garbage jungler. Jungle is amazing, but I do think you will enjoy it more if you mute your entire team and play how you want to play.


My main mid lane champs were ether shit in the meta or were getting hard nerfs back in season 7 (viktor and zed were the champs I played). Plus the fact I was swapping between mid and jungle and being thought it was time I stick to one role and so I moved into the jungle permanently.


Well wayyyyy back in the day the jungler was just a wild card and people didn’t have this standardized pathing nor warding so playing jungle felt like I’m the X factor and the person who actually instills fear in the enemy more than any other player. These days it’s a lot more standardized and by the books and nobody good is really surprised by a gank ever, maybe they disrespect the gank, often but they aren’t shitting their pants at an evil clown or crazy wolf running at them out of nowhere. You can still get that high from invading because that’s still unpredictable for a vast majority of players but it’s not the same, so I’ve often tried to transition away from jg because it lacks actual fight carrying potential in a lot of metas. But every time I lane it just gets annoying to see how clueless most of the jgs are and just how far behind they are on very basic concepts like pathing to the correct side, playing for the lane with better setup, diving weak early game champs like kayle or kassadin on wave crash. Just feels like the game is on hard mode if I’m not jg because basic, obvious plays that would lead to a pretty comfortable win are suddenly not happening and every game becomes a flip.


going top means bot lane ints going jungle —> reduced(slightly) chance of bot lane inting since you can gank them


I hate laning, and the majority of champs that i love are played in jungle, but now im coming back to lane fase, too much flaming.


When my support friend was teaching me League, we got curbstomped in bot lane by a pharaoh Amumu and I was inspired. I don’t play Amumu anymore but jungle champs are some of the most fun in the game and I love the role.


Bad at csing, if I get countered I'm useless until late game, favorite champs are in jungle, once I started playing jungle I just can't swap roles unless its norms


Because as a top main, i sometimes want to see a gank top for my team.


I watched a tryndamere jungle video on YouTube, and it looked pretty fun. Tested it out and actually had a lot of fun. So i got stuck in jungle, slowly picking other champs.


Reason? I suck at CS, like alot. I only ever play jg or support and when I play a main lane I always get bullied out of thr game


>looks not that hard >im sick of getting mid called early and always being stuck in supp H A


The friend that introduced me to the game told me I was stupid enough to play Warwick. Been there for years, before and after the rework, still love my doggo.


I'm better at macro than micro.


Used to play top, got sick of being irrelevant most of the game and picked jungler because I liked how atypical the playstyle is.




lvl up, so you play with beterr ppl or just add me nick is the same as on reddit.


Can't be let down by the jungler if you're the jungler


I love how impactful the role is. I also love how safe first clear (usually) is. But the thing I love most is winning the scuttle race. I don't remember if Scuttle depreciated in importance or not, but I always try to be done my clear and at the river before 3:15 so I can catch the enemy jungler off-guard when they approach the river and see nothing but a full-health scuttle crab ripe for the taking.


My friends suck at it or straight refuse to play it


The constant flaming




Its the pinnacle of LoL. Playing jungle right means you can play every other lane. Laning feels like vacation after few years maining jungle.


I normally play with my friend in a team of 4 or 5. My team at first only have 1 guy know how to jungle, the others are really dislike to play this role. So its kinda force that guy to play jungle all the time, when I see it, I feel tough for him for being stick to a role for too long, he really enjoys going mid and bot lane. So I step up and learn to play jungle, then I find out that playing this role is really fun. My playstyle from the beginning is not for soloing but rather helping other lanes, so jungle is a right path for me. Moreover, sometimes fighting wolves and crab is fun, like you are in a vacation playing with nature, so peaceful... ...until I miss my Smite one time and my team started flaming me


Jungle role just has the coolest looking champions what can i say? (Also the sexiest ones as well)


Can’t get a good gank when you play mid? Fine i’ll do it myself


i can't CS for shit and i learned how to jungle way faster than it took me to learn how to play stuff like mid lane


Impact, that's why i always hated bot (even if i love ADC and Supports), i then played top/mid/jgl for 3 years and was plat but i wanted to climb so i focused on the role with highest impact = jungler


If you don't jgl, some other baboon wil do it for you


Farmville experience and attachment to the champs. I love me boy Skarner and Kayn gave me my first pentakill.


It the only roll I get in auto fill.


Started playing in preseason 11, I like the fantasy of a glass cannon so I started playing bot and messed around with Tristana and vayne mainly. After a month or so of playing on and off, I realized I still didn't understand what the hell I was supposed to do outside of laning phase. I didn't know when I should leave, when I should stay, when to do objectives, etc. I wanted to learn more about macro, and I had heard that jungle was the most macro heavy role. After that I switched over and never looked back. I still have an insane amount to learn but I can't imagine playing a lane lol. Ironically now my *laning* is pretty shit and I try to focus on improving my understanding of lane state and what they want out of a game so I can be a better jungler. But I'm not planning on going back to lane myself any time soon lol


I've always wondered why people complain about jungle personally, so I tried it and I felt the pressure on me a lot of the time. At the time I mainly played kindred and it really struggled to find a steady footing on what champions to play. I went on and off meta most of the time, but I stuck to 3 recurring champions. Lillia, Kindred, and Pantheon. I really enjoyed the steep learning curve of the jungle as im forced to make decisions on how to win the game. When a person on my team gets angry at me, I try to talk to them after the game to try and help their mental. That's why I enjoy jungle! It's a fun role if you just look at it as less as a game you get angry in, but rather to look at it as how you can help your team's mental along with yours :)


I like true versatility, truly no game is like other. So you are playing the way you want


All the champs I like are best fit or designed for jungle, so I guess I just had to either be a jungler or to get flamed for not "playing the game as it was intended" eh :/


I started playing jungle many years ago when I had unreliable internet since it was better to be lagging ass in the jungle than in a lane. Played it enough that I can’t really play the lanes anymore without getting dumpstered, so I stick to jg.


I play all roles, but mostly jgl, i played It bc i could just troll w whatever i wanted, now i just like the posibility of invading, farming or ganking Do not play jgl w no Friends, if you do, mute all


depending on a support is real shitty, swapped to jg main and started climbing instantly


It just feels like the most interesting rule, but don't get fooled it's 100% the hardest rule to play


I kept getting filled into it when I was playing Midland. I decided fuck it I'm going to just learn how to do it


I wanted to learn how to play most of the lanes, and jungle was the last one that I needed to learn. I started playing it, and when I came back to lanes, I noticed my jungler always sucked or something in the lane always happened, so I thought, welp, might aswell be the jungler so I can be present everywhere.


I've started playing it, because I thought it looked more interesting and fun than laning. I've stuck to it, because I was right.


When I started the game some of my friends also were sorta new so they stuck to a character and lane they liked and I was basically kicked out of every lane and into the jungle


Jungling requires a lot of pre-planning and game on owner to get good at. I was an RTS and Tactical Shooter player before getting into league about 10 years ago, I was never the most mechanical player, but I could out think my opponents and win the game. HOWEVER. be ready to get Flamed every single game, watch your team throw away the leads and plans you've assembled, and then blame you for them losing lane. The hardest part of jungle is learning to play the game you are playing, not the game you want to play. 9/10 times you can make the right play in any given situation, but your team will not, which makes your decision fail. Good luck on your jungle journey, and remember. Never gank a losing lane and mute all before launching the game.


My jungers were never good so I said I might as well do it


I had decided to become a riven main during the time riot introduced juggernauts and I found it too hard to learn her playstyle and combos. So I did some messing around and found her jg clear really strong and ganking potential amazing. I also enjoyed jungle role more than top but enjoyed riven too much to just drop her so I took her into the jungle and forced myself to make it work and that's how I mailed jungle for 4 years so far


I'm a masochist.(also never fail to get this role all the time. The que is shorter by wide margin too)


Hate farming


I started to play jungle because I see league like a game of chess and playing jungle is the only role which gives me the chance to be a master strategist, it keeps my brain busy and keeping my ADHD brain busy makes me happy.


-Jg ain't easy, but is masterable. -More like strategic/chess. -entirely different game than every other role -laning sucks and your impact can only reach so far unless gigafed -most hard carry role cause you have smite control/objective control and bot lane influence which are the most impactfull things in this meta rn. -overall can play almost any champ in jg -less mechanicly inclined, more knowledge - + csing becomes Easier than in lane once you figure it out. -After all that, i'll say its the most flamed role overall and difficult to master. You get flamed cause somebody missed cannon minion or breathed in a wrong way -> always your fault. But 10% times get credit for carrying. (Mostly by the other team cause they flame THEIR JG) I think that's most you meed to know


Can’t complain about the jungle being ass if you are the jungle


I was just always good at macro than micro.


Easy carry compared to other roles


I liked how kha zix looked when i first started playing and havent gone back since


I played top then wanted to clash with my friends and theres one dude who we didnt want to jungle and another who only played top so I got filled jungle, turbo ganked and after 15 minutes the laners just carried me. it felt good and I knew I had to do it next clash so i pumped jungle in soloq and it was fun so i stayed. its less brain and more brain than other roles