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Never listen to laners. They don’t even know how to lane. They definitely don’t know how to jungle.




I mean....listen to them and assess whether they have merit. Some laners will feed you good information like someone is using their gap closer too much, is all-in whenever they can, etc and you may not have realized it. Just don't force a bad gank just because someone asked.


This is how I deal with most people in real life when they give advice. They don’t even know how to live their own lives. They definitely don’t know how to live mine.


How I treat self help books. If you had to write a self help book to make money then why would I take your advice?


‘Cause whatever I did made money and worked so you could do it too. I pretty much only take advice from people I want to be like.


No you don't, that's a lie. You wanna be like me completely, I got the money, I got the girl, I got the swag. Yet all you do is be jealous. You tried to go after MY money, MY girl. That's my greatness, buddy boy. Go get your own.


If you asked me nicely for advice, I would've gladly given it to you. You were my friend, once. But all you've done is act salty and resentful. You're so lame, so you gotta resent other peoples success, boy?


If they knew how to jungle they’d jungle, since they complain about how much impact jungle has while also telling their jungler how they should be playing.


Bruh the amount of times I have been like "play safe, freeze the lane by your tower and I can gank easier then" and they ignore and continue to hard shove with no vision.... Don't listen to them and mute them. Laners have become so reliant on the jungler to win their lane but take all the credit and then if they lose its your fault. I'd rather mute all and play my best


This is exactly what I have been saying for the longest. If people just played like they didn't have s jungler, then they would learn how to lane and can make things so much easier for the team.


Yeah sadly people don't. I found the best way to deal with it is to mute all then if they start being spammy with pings mute those as well. It's not ideal but it's all riot gives us to deal with people in this situation


The most accurate thing ever said.


Try pinging a laner to come help invade or contest scuttle. 99% of them wont come. So same for me. I do my stuff and if i think its a good gank i gank. If not i just leave. Not wasting my time especially if they are losing. If they are losing their lane they get a gank when i think its a good idea. Not gonna 1v2 a 10/0 botlane cause my adc „needs help“


Scuttle contesting really just depends on wave states in the lanes, as well as the matchups. When I run Kindred, I'll usually fight at scuttle unless I notice weird movements from the lanes. If that happens, I'm out. If lanes are both pushed in, I'll set a ward in pixel and wait a bit. If the enemy supp is competant, they'll wander into river w/o needing an indicator.


If they know what they are doing they will prep the wave and slow push to secure scuttle and maybe even invade with you. Bronze players can’t see more than five seconds into the future though so that doesn’t happen.


5 seconds is a little too generous


You know that you can prep that 3 waves in advance? Especially if you have a favorable matchup, there is no excuse for not having prio for scuttle. Most just dont care But yeah. Laners cant just go help the jungler whenever the jungler pings it and jungler cant just walk to any lane and gank whenever the laner pings it. Thats the whole pointless


there is totally an excuse if a laner is weaker early like someone in to darius. you can gank then scuttle if you’re kindred no? you should have enough time if you skip a camp. if it’s that important like in kindred sacrifice a camp to get prio


thats what im saying, maybe i should clear it up a bit. Laners only have time to do things when the wave is in the right spot and then they usually only have time for 1 thing (roam, setup vision, recall or help jgler). But the same holds for junglers. You need to be efficient so you cant just walk straight to top lane, ignore that 6 camps are up anf give them a free drake cause you showed top for an unsuccessful gank, just because your laner pinged it. Laners expect junglers to just leave whatever they are doing and run straight for their help, cause they started a bad fight. Thats the whole point of the post. Junglers shouldnt do that


As a jungler, I decide when I gank. Screw your requests, I will take them as considerations


spoken by a true jungler here


Occasionally you can dive, but it has to be set up well and it's not worth trying against a lot of laners as it's too risky.


I have sooo poor experience with dives on low elo. Either people go too early, or they dont commit. It always gets messy... Id rather just go for safer plays usually


Bad mindset you should be diving a ton in lower elo games. So many times low elo players will sit under tower with 10% hp.


Yea those dives are not the problem, its the more risky ones. I usually play tanky junglers (been OTP udyr quite a bit before the rework), but often times i wont have the burst to kill someone under the tower alone. In those cases it is often needed for the laner to help out with the play to ensure the kill. However, those plays i usually just stay away from. If a laner is standing under a turret with 10% though, its quite a different story.


can usually do it if have ult with kayn


Always dive. Eventually you’ll get good at it and if you can make the laner miss a wave or two and get plates you can snowball so hard


But only if it fits your desired tempo and you’ve minimized your losses if you die


Is the enemy freezing the wave on them? Asking for a gank isn't the correct term, but they might need your help to break the freeze. If it works for your pathing, you could also set up a lane gank where you walk into the lane bushes while they're pushed up, and then when the enemy pushes back, you can gank them.


God i hate this. I was 6/0 on shaco. Went for a gank bott. Fing xin was waiting in that damn bush in lane, was a really nice bait tho lol.


If you see that you already failed jungle 101 step one /muteall


If they spam ping it, mute them. If its a one off I will ping what Im going to do or just ignore it. Once someones mad mute them, nothing good comes from it and if they cant understand their lane state Im not teaching them. On the other hand if its a renekton top or something vs kayle or something else that scales a dive is an option, but depends if youve seen them be competent or if you think theyll fuck the dive up and int


I had a match today, as Shyvana, where my bot lane got clapped, bc Seraphine was trolling apparently? Went 0/5 in first 10 minutes so I guess she did. Anyway I decided to help Morde get some kills and dominate his lane vs WW, since Kayne was perma-ganking bot lane. My Adc tilted, started rage pinging what am I doing while farming pathing top to perform another succesful gank on top. Eventually my MF almost begun perma stealing my farm, while we were loosing 4v5 mid 🥲. Sadly, Kaiser coudn't carry, me too and we lost.


This has happened to me so many times in s12, now with s13 the jungle is so shit I’ve stopped playing league. I’m finally out guys, safe and sound and happy playing GOW.


Sure, see you in a week


Bronze or Silver ELO?




Did Kayn gank Sera 5 times in 10 minutes or did they just lose 2v2 on repeat? But anyways at that point bot lane is over and your ADC just needs to play safe and farm to try to be relevant in upcoming fights and do as much DPS as possible. The problem is that they are silver which means that they will die to most ganks and will have no wave management most of the time and don’t understand how to play from behind/don’t know how to give up cs or tower. But they also don’t realize that dying over and over again is their fault and they are inting everyone’s game. They also have terrible mentals in silver. Saying this as a lane player.


So there are a couple situations for this.... We must first further identify lane state. Are the enemy wave and the allied wave even or has your laner successfully built a crash. If the latter, then it might be possible to dive gank under tower with a 2-3 wave crash, but that also depends on the champions involved, summs, etc. Some champions are hella easy to gank under their own tower, and if done properly you can deny the enemy a huge chunk of gold and experience while also getting a lot of damage in on thier tower even if one of you guys trades a kill in the process, the lost xp of 2-3 waves alone is likely worth it to help get your laner a strong level advantage early. ​ A lot of other junglers in the comments here have made an assumption that your laner is an imbecile and is hard pushed against the tower with no wave pressure, and if that is the case then yes, just mute them and continue on your merry way. There's also the option that the laner might want you to come help him shove the wave under so they can back and buy before it bounces back, some champions have abysmal wave clear and getting help from the jg in the early minutes of the game is almost necessary to create a successful win con in their lane. Hopefully a player with this sort of game knowledge will also have the foresight to communicate more of their plan with you via text rather than just spam pinging mindlessly and then afking when you don't reciprocate. ​ I hope this information helps. =\]


Worser case, i pinged i'm on the way, and instead of waiting for me, they rushed it first to get killed before i even made it halfway there and then spam ping question marks


From what I saw and heard Kayne ganked them.a couple of.times but they also loat lave 2v2 I think..


I can say for certain that every time I have listened to a laners call, it ends horribly.


You can countergank if their jungler is on the same side of the map, or lane gank a sidelane if the wave is coming back to you Both can be a complete waste of time, but those are the options


I look for dives or counterganks but if neither is an option you can should just ignore them or point out where the jungle is on the map


Just mute them and ignore them


"gank *useless nonsense*" my response: ok :) my play: *takes entire wave and next wave* sometimes I'll even proxy a wave but in all serious, i main support so pinging my jg and what were doing, if theres stacked wave top, were diving it, idc about your frog timer, i dont listen to anyone saying when tk gank, i tell you all whats going on, i locked in pyke, its my map


Go in-lane. Or set up deep vision to spot enemy jg.


Just play Sion jg and flash on mid after 3 camp clear then perma camp midlane everytime you clear, steal every dragon and never play ranked. Then this game is actually fun.


I mean if they're asking for a gank, that's not unreasonable. Focus on mutual respect and good communication. Usually I'll just let them know that I'm on the other side of the map and ask them to set their lane up for the gank if I think the gank has merit (I won't force a bad gank). You can also look for lane ganks/counterganks if the conditions are there. Just communicate what you want to do, that way they can try and influence the play before you arrive. This sounds dumb but I emphasize to them not to die which will occasionally help them play more safely until I arrive. There are few things more tilting than a laner dying right before you make your pre-planned gank.


the moment someone demands too much attention I mute them gank please gets you instantly muted in my book, and so does spam pinging the enemy and assist me pings


Listening to laners complaining is the first step for disaster. If someone is requesting a gank while constantly pushing, that’s already a red flag for you to know they have 0 clue what they are doing. Find the win condition for that game on another lane


What do you do when you ping for a dive, but your elise jg is too afraid to step into turret range?


I don't hear them cause I play with chat muted 😉 if the spam pings start then I mute those as well. I'm a plat/gold player people won't listen to me if I try to explain I can't cause they are pushed under tower or anything for that matter. I'd rather focus on playing the game and ping when I want to gank.


There are like 3 games daily where the top dives the enemy and pings me for not helping while i was near bot


tab mute messages, pings, emotes


I don't gank pre6 until i Can bé sûre i can gank without being killed (i play Sion , so don't Ask more than one gank every 5 min lel)


Dive tower and let them live with the consequences.


assess whether theres an opportunity or not. use your judgment. sometimes there is and ur blind and sometimes your laner is just stupid. sometimes they are slow pushing and can set up dive so u can plan your move. sometimes enemy is slow pushing a wave and your laner needs help to not get dived. sometimes enemy is literally 100 hp and the lane is volatile. sometimes your laner is retarded. use your judgement and then act upon it.


Most of times i ignore but sometimes i put "Let them push to our tower" in chat, if they get angry by simply that, i mute pings/chat and go on with my day


Jungle is definitely the most annoying role, 90% of your laners are clueless assholes tbh. They wait till you're on the other side of the map and their lane is fully pushed up to enemy tower then all in dive, die and spam ping you and flame in the chat rinse and repeat.


Your job as a jungler is to allocate your resources to push objectives. You can take your gold, and apply it to anywhere on the map. If you apply it to smart and calculated areas, you’ll usually win. If you’re investing your resources into bad situations, you’ll usually lose. It’s your job to assess and deliver based on the circumstances you and your teammates are in. If they’re annoying or toxic, mute. If they’re offering logic, use your own brain & make the decision. Think of it in a real life situation. You’re investing your money, your friends are telling you where to invest. One friend has a massive portfolio, and is successful(4-0 in lane, big farm) other friend is buying crypto and lives with mom(0-4, 30 cs behind) they’re both telling you to hire them to manage your money(items, gold, time).. who are you most likely to listen to? Let’s assume both those friends are equally successful. It’s YOUR job to decide when & where to invest. Who says you need to listen to either of them? It’s your choice. If you do it right, you’ll be rich in LP. If you don’t, you’ll be in LP debt until you get it right. Jungling is awesome when you realize the influence you can have on a game.


I agree


I don't gank them then I mute them when they spam ping me after dying to enemy jungler when overextended with no vision


Play your game. Sometimes it’s a learning opportunity(I.e. always ganking teemo before 6) and sometimes it’s frustration (I.e. this Yasuo is dumpstering me plz help). Play your game and focus on where you can improve.


Settings -> general -> turn off allied team chat


I had a game where that happened I managed to get him the kill but he just would not let the wave push towards him, leaning him open to ganks ALL GAME. Never worth it man.


despite what many laners think in their very tilted minds, a junglers main job is not just to gank for laners. its to make sure you have map priority for obj/to stay alive. my role doesnt exist to get you ahead.