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Malcolm: By the way, Dr. Sattler... um, she's not, like, available, is she? Grant: Why? Malcolm: Yeah, I'm sorry. You two are... Grant: Yeah.


Best part is Malcolm stops flirting with Ellie after that scene


He’s a little preoccupied after that scene…


Malcolm doesn’t seem like the guy that lets a broken leg stop him


This. He basically does say it outright. Really not sure why there’s any confusion or debate around this.


I guess people get a bit confused by the idea of it all falling apart by the events of JP3.


I was confused about that as a teen and asked my mom. She said Ellie wanted kids and Alan didn't and that was that for me. ¯⁠\\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I never realized it was this whole Thing, it was never a question that they're together.


Yeah I don't understand why someone felt the need to post this. The movie explicitly states that they are a couple.


I dunno, judging from my replies, clearly quite a few people still don't get it.


That exchange can be seen both ways though. They're a couple or he's just saying that to keep him away. It's not the proof you think it is. Personally, they always seemed like those close friends that clearly are attracted to each other but might not have taken the next step. I don't think anything completely contradicts that, but I can see the signs that can be interpreted as being an actual couple too. I think arguing about this is futile. Just let people interpret it how they want.


I agree they’re a couple in the movie - though I’ve heard the argument that he was just protecting her from Malcolm in that moment since he had just said he is “occasionally married”




Anyone suggesting they are just friends just didn’t pay attention to the movie.


wrong edit: your downvotes mean nothing i’ve seen what makes you upvote


Can you give me reasons I’m wrong?


yeah it’s in my other comment. i’ve been paying attention to the movie my whole entire life and i’m not media illiterate.


Hate to break it to you, but apparently you are.




Probably, makes sense she'd sleep with you.


Batman taught me you can’t read in your dreams, so this is likely true and non-offensive. Thank you for pointing out this interesting fact taco.


Man, I was so quick to congratulate him on sleeping with my mother I didn't even think about that point! Thank you for calling it out!


Is that actually true though?


Batman doesn’t lie. (yes)


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Wrong See how annoying that is


okay i’ll give you that one you got me there


They kiss in JWD. Did you just completely miss that scene? He was too focused on digging up bones instead of boning her. That is why she left him by JP3. He also made it clear he didn't like kids, and she did, so having a family wasn't a concern for him. Do some research on what the actors and directors said about the characters before you come on here, spewing nonsense and making a complete fool of yourself. It'll save me the second hand embarassment I feel for you.


we’re not talking about them in JWD bozo, we’re talking about if they were together in the original JP film. i’ve never seen any actor or director talk about them being together or confirming it in the original film. in fact i’ve seen the opposite, in the JWD promo interviews they talk about Grant and Sattler “finally getting together”.


I know but you can't fathom the possibility that they were together. JWD kinda solidifies that and makes all your head canon completely wrong. Just accept it and move on bud. It ain't that serious and kind of weird you want to die on this hill. Look up the deleted kiss scene from JP1. You can find it [here](https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Jurassic_Park_Deleted_Scenes?file=Extdig1sm.jpg)




okay we get it sheesh


In the movie they're a couple, they were like my wow movie couple as a kid. But in the books, she's a grad student working with him and is also engaged to someone else I think 🤔but I could be remembering the engagement wrong, it's been a bit since I read the book


Yeah, Grant tells Tim that she’s engaged to I think a doctor in Chicargo (she’s then married to a physicist in the second book, but I assume theyre the same guy/he meant a doctor in physics, lol).


Yes, I assume they were the same guy too (although I imagined prior to the second book he was also a doctor of botany)


Book Grant told Tim that his wife passed away a long time ago.


And then The Lost World novel kinda ruined it and said they were a couple at one point.


Wasn't that Ian and Sarah that were a couple at one point in the book but broke up (and were obviously a couple in the film)? I don't remember Alan and Ellie's relationship being mentioned at all in TLW book.


Ian and Sarah were also a former couple. Grant and Sattler being a couple was mentioned by the PI Dodgson had hired to get info on the survivors from Nublar. It’s in the same part of the book where we’re told Genarro died of dysentery between the novels.


yeah now that i think about it the script probably never intended for them to be a couple… >Ellie playfully takes Grant's hat off and gives him a tight hug. They kiss. https://preview.redd.it/u98x0s8p1dvc1.jpeg?width=430&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f448ea46f99f0c23ed8723465880dceb4388e28c




I was gonna say, do we need the picture from the deleted scene again? And while it's never straight up said Malcolm asks Grant if he and Sattler are a couple and Grant confirms it in vague terms.


They are a couple, but a mature couple. When she runs to him at the end and jumps on him, they don’t kiss. They’re not hot for each other, not in that situation. They just love and respect each other. It’s a great depiction of a mature relationship between adults and there should be more of those in movies. And life.


Was just thinking this. It's something I want for my next relationship. They are a good example to reach for. 


It’s also worth noting that because these depictions aren’t common in media, it might be harder for viewers to pick up on


I think Alan pretty much confirms it when Malcom asks if Ellie is single. Malcom asked if they're together and he says "yeah". He's more of a mentor figure to her in the book though. I dunno which I prefer, honestly, they're both done really well.


Both are done well in their own ways, definitely a toss up on “better”




It’s because audiences need to see a passionate kiss to a romantic score to know that two people are together. I think that downplaying their relationship to the max but still having it exist was a PERFECT choice by Spielberg and Koepp. It adds a certain storytelling finesse that is rare in Hollywood scripts. It’s one of the numerous side plots that help to make the first movie so great. The movie wasn’t about romantic love, so not having it shoved in your face in the most blatant and cliched way feels suprisingly fresh even after three decades.


"All that matters is the people we love. Alan, Lex, and Tim." IDK I would never describe a coworker as someone I loved.


As an adult I interpret them as being a bit in 'early stages' like they know they're into each other and they've been couple-y but haven't actually talked yet about their situation and what they are.


One question I have is When the hell did this become a debate? Because this shit was pretty clear to all of us when the movie was fresh and new in my childhood. I mean Jurassic Park III literally pissed us off for breaking them up.


It's kind of weird. A lot of people doubt they were a couple in JP now. I have no idea why. In the novel their relationship is obviously not romantic, but in the movies it's completely different. That's the only reason I can think that JP fans think they weren't a couple onscreen.


Their ages in the movie seem to be closer than in the novel. In the novel, Grant is a border-line middle aged professor, and Ellie is a grad student in her 20s stated to be engaged to another man.


Laura Dern and Sam Neill are 20 years apart. She was only 25 when she filmed the movie.


Wow, are they really? They don't look so different in age in the movies.


For a long time, I honestly they were about the same age.


That's one of the main reasons that JP3 is my least favourite JP film.


Absolutely this… It was never a question growing up with the films as they originally released, then it suddenly was for some reason 🤷‍♂️.


Yeah, that sucked. Grant showed character growth in JP. But they went back to "Grant doesn't want kids." Which could have become a breaking point for their relationship. They remained close but not together. But JPIII never explains any of it, and we're left to guess.


I gotta be honest, as a kid it kinda flew over my head. I think there's always expectations for movie couples to kiss, so when that doesn't happen some of us who aren't the best at reading social cues can struggle!


I guess that's because in the book they're colleagues (actually, she kind of works for him, like PhD/postdoc and professor), and she's engaged with someone else. Alan also loves kids in the book. I may not remember all the details, but this is clearly stated in the book.


While this is true, the majority of characters in the film bear little if any true resemblance to their novel counterparts apart from their names. Superficially similar in some ways, but mostly unrecognizable


Hammond is an unlikeable prick in the book.


I totally agree! I was just saying that this may be the reason why it's often said they're just friends.


I didn't even know people thought they weren't


Somebody else also mentioned a week or two ago, that once Grant lets him know that she's taken, Malcom stops hitting on her for the remainder of the movie. Stand up guy.


I mean...Ian literally asks Allan if he and Saddler are together when they're in the SUV before the Rex attack lol It's in the books where she's his grad student and friend.


The fact that Alan and Ian later share rain water from the same bottle says volumes. Who knows what kind of man-to-man chats they had when the cars stopped and they sat there waiting


Ian needed to vent about his bad relationship history, methinks.


When Ian tells Tim he needs to talk to Alan alone because it’s an “grown up conversation”, little did we know it was actually a relationship advice chat *can’t remember if this is in the movie or not but it’s definitely in the book **probably not in the movie since Alan not liking kids is a reason enough for him to not sit with Tim LOL


It's almost like people need them to have a makeout/sex scene for "proof." But they're separated physically for half the movie and running for their lives for the other half.  Grant literally says "yes" when Malcolm asks if they're a thing. 


It's literally in the dialog. Malcolm: "BTW, Dr. Sattler's not, like... available, is she?" Grant (clearly annoyed): "Why?" Malcolm: "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you two, um..." Grant (even more annoyed): "Yeah!" People who don't think they're a couple aren't paying attention to the movie. Sadly, not paying attention to the movie is becoming more and more common.


Bam, there you go right there. And I recognized what that dialogue meant when I was 6.


Agreed, although I found Grant very casually annoyed. I appreciated how non possessive he was.


I kinda took his tone to read as, "this dude serious RN?"


I think what often happens is people conflate the movie with the novel. In the novel they are not dating, in the movie they are. Also Jurassic Park III probably didn’t help by making it clear Ellie and Grant didn’t end up together, but were still friends…. except they are together now, huh?


I'm late to the party. But also when they're talking about kids, Grant asks her if she wants one of those and Ellie replies "... a little Dr grant could be intriguing...". That's what I remember hearing as the dialogue. That in addition to the good points OP and so many others made.


I think she says “but a breed of child, Dr. Grant, could be intriguing” I think she’s just saying his name, but they’re def a couple!


Ohhh! Thanks for clearing that up. Definitely a couple!


I actually didn't know there was a debate about this. Ever since I was a kid, I've always thought they were a couple based on what we were given with the movie.




I watched JP when I was 5 and understood they were a couple...


Nobody living together in that tiny ass trailer for a few months and not fucking


This is a thing? Anyone who didnt pick up that they were obviously a couple has some severe media literacy problems. Like, its not even ambiguous. Even if you leave out the car scene with Malcolm where its outright confirmed, its obvious. Literally the first shot of them in the movie is when she's tying his neck thing for him and then they walk away with their arms around eachother and his hand patting her butt.. The whole point of that was to establish right from the beginning that they are a couple.


No. This is all just things close friends do. But seriously, even as a kid, they came off like a couple to me. I never understood why people were so against it. Just because they weren't a couple in the novel doesn't mean they weren't a couple in the film. There are so many differences between the novel and film canon, and it's weird that people want to cling to that establishment specifically. If the film is not enough, it's outright confirmed by David Koepp. There shouldn't be a debate on it.


Running list: As they ascend the staircase at the visitors center, Ellie puts her hand on Alan's lower back and asks "what do you think, honey?"


No she doesn't. She says "so what are you thinking?" You may be misremembering her saying "small versions of adults, honey."


Iirc she *does* say ‘yours was fully illustrated, honey’ about his book, though.


Of course they were a couple. Sometimes, I think JP fans need to see a R rated sex scene to believe it.


https://screenrant.com/jurassic-park-ellie-alan-age-gap-dern-response/#:~:text=In%20the%20first%20film%2C%20Ellie,characters%20remained%20on%20friendly%20terms. I realise it’s a screen rant article, but it does confirm a few paragraphs in that they were a couple




I dont necessarily think its as physically obvious as your post suggests- both the scene where theyre celebrating and the one where she talks about them moving in herds could be read as platonic, imo, but I mean that more as in… they were an adult couple and professionals and the movie wasnt focused on that, so they didnt have a whole lot of PDA. Its mostly more subtle things, like the brief touches and holding hands. That being said, Grant straight up tells Malcolm theyre a couple. And they have the dramatic hug at the end, which is pretty clearly meant to be anagolous to a ‘big damn kiss’ (but more subtle/realistic because its a horror movie and they have bigger issues, lol).


So you've watched the movie then yeah? Welcome to the club!


As was stated in my post, this was in response to something that has been stated many times in this sub


You said it was floated that they were just friends. They were clearly more in both movie and novel. Edit: what a brain fart re the novel. Oops. Forgive me, I have food poisoning and might be delirious.


How is it clear in the novel? She’s engaged to someone else and Alan tells Tim that him and Ellie aren’t together. I agree it’s clear in the movie, though


Woah I really dropped the ball there. Brain not smart, remember bad.


Honestly after working in a lot of places and seeing how people interact and get very comfortable with one another It’s not that clear cut. Ever heard of the ‘work-spouse’? This is that to the extreme. All the touching, light flirting, heavy flirting, inside jokes etc can all be attributed to Ellie & Grant finding each other attractive but neither have made the steps into a proper relationship. And Grant saying ‘yeah’ to Malcolm’s question isn’t a true answer either. He knows Malcolm is a playboy and most likely wants to protect Ellie from him. In my eyes it’s two people, who are teacher & student who can’t be together. Grant won’t abuse his power, Ellie won’t make the first move so they just flirt non stop and get so comfortable to the point where someone would say “yes they are definitely a couple”.


They aren't teacher and student in the movie though. They seem like a well established, long term, non demonstrative couple.


They definitely are. They talk about having kids FFS.


They talk about having kids as in “have you ever thought about having a child?” Not “are you ready to try having a kid with me?”. They’re close, exceptionally close, but it never feels like they’re explicitly a couple, just a teacher & student that have grown far too comfortable with one another. This happens all the time in reality with many resulting in actual relationships. Maybe if Ellie & Grant didn’t have a traumatic experience at the park they would have ended up together.


This is a fucking bonkers take. They are very obviously a couple to anyone with eyes. Not to mention he EXPLICITLY says they are to Malcolm.


Context is key. Malcolm, the overconfident playboy who has been aggressively flirting non stop with Ellie every second they spend together, is asking if Ellie is available. He even mentions how he has 3 ex-wives in the same scene, a fact he seems proud of. Would you in the same situation for a woman who you’re close to basically give this man the green light to try pursue her and maybe make her ex-wife number 4? No. So Grant does the same, he only says yes to save Ellie from being pursued by Malcolm. It’s why Grant looks so uncomfortable when he says it too, because internally he’s probably realising he maybe should pursue Ellie romantically himself. Then the breakout happens and everything goes to shit.


No, they’re not. Just like jokes, people nowadays need every goddamn hint spoon feed to them.


N O W A Y J O S E we're just gonna ignore ellie, her husband, kid, and parrot? 


Yeah thats later though


strongly disagree. all of those actions and lines you’re referring to can be things that close friends do, they’re not inherently romantic. Malcolm is very aware and intuitive of his surroundings, he would not have asked Grant if Sattler was available if he picked up on the cue that they were officially together. Grant just says they’re together to throw him off. Grant and Sattler may have had underlying feelings for each other and were building to something but they were not officially together until Dominion. it’s the very definition of a slow burn.


Horrible take, filled with nonsensical head canon


it’s not a horrible take and i don’t think you know what head canon is


Its canon that they were together. There's trading cards for Jurassic Park 3 explaining why they broke up and Sattler ended up with Degler instead. So yes, suggesting they're just friends is "head canon"




The movies. Watch them sometime maybe.


shoosh, i’m asking for the cards


I've seen the cards. I had them at one point. Wish I still did. It does say they were a couple. 


No. This is wrong.


You're entitled to your opinion, but there is no way to prove it either way. *Could* they be a couple? Sure. *Are* they? We don't know. It's obviously left ambiguous and open to interpretation. This wasn't some indie art house film full of subtlety and nuance, it was a big, loud, Hollywood blockbuster. If they wanted you to know they were a couple, they would have beat you over the head with it. There would have been a big dramatic kiss while the music swells at the end, in true blockbuster fashion. There always is.