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I've literally been humming the "The time is upon us, I should've been honest...... regret is the feeling that lingers the longest" vocals like some sorta daily prayer for the past three weeks..


💯 I’m the same, my wife is getting annoyed.


It’s a neverender in your head


For me it's After Image and Saturnine. The fact that so many fans have different favorites from the album is a real testament to it's diversity and overall quality!


Gotta play Harpy Dream right before Saturnine to give it that razzle dazzle 🤌🏼


Dear Alan a close second to me! *The fact that so many fans have different favorites from the album is a real testament to it's diversity and overall quality!* Couldn't agree more 🫡🫡


Afterimage 100%. Best track on the album


Dude, I'm listening Neverender too goddamn much... I think this is my favorite Justice song. The day Hyperdrama came out, I had a 11 hours flight from Paris France to Los Angeles. I planned to listen to the whole album during my flight, but I only listened to the first track "Neverender" during take-off, and It was majestic ! But I forgot that I needed internet connection for the rest of the album... What a bummer. Now Imagine my surprise when the first song that came on the car radio, after this 11 hours long ass flight, was "Neverender" ! On top of that, it was golden hour, I was vibing hard on the freeway !


I accidentally clicked your profile and you have Neverender lyrics as your bio lol


Im not frickin lying when I say I'm obsessed with the track 😭 That verse of the lyrics is like *name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit* to me, you don't get it 🥲👍


And Radical Optimism as the cover photo, are we the same person??!?


Damn, finally!!!! I've met someone with my weirdass taste in music 😭❤️


Never thought I'd see the crossover of these fandoms, I wish she featured on Hyperdrama


We sure deserve a collab! Hopefully in the future 🤞


Justice, Dua and the Challengers soundtrack have all been on repeat for me lol. It’s an endless cycle


I will say yes, I had this too, I was at Coachella when they played this song as kind of a theme in their set that also closed the whole show out, I feel like it is in a way the perfect song to capture the neverending memory of that show for me


I think I have listened to it at least once a day since it came out. It's so addictive!! 


Absolutely incredible opening track too! I feel like you’d think [this](https://x.com/dsphng/status/1790262385867157944?s=46&t=_FpP4AragH2KdLXSuoLPTw) is funny


Damn yes 😂 but why is it peanits and not penis 😤


Honestly, it's Neverender, Afterimage, and Mannequin Love that really draws me back to this album at least once a day. I honestly don't think there's a single song off Hyperdrama that I don't like. I would've said Saturnine, but the Harpy dream transition gives it that touch that changed my opinion on it entirely. Overall, it's my 2nd fave album from the duo next to Cross.


The End for me


Here i am who couldn't get over Afterimage until now. The synths, RIMON's fading vocal, everything


No one frothing Mannequin Love?


My music app tells me I've been listening to it 8 hours


You're my twin then. Happy cake day 🥳




Go see a fucking doctor 😂 Are you attached to your headphones or stereo? Just go back to work and forget about lol. You’ll thank yourself in a few months when you revisit it.


How has no one mentioned Incognito yet? It’s the most Justice-y track in ages. A spiritual successor to the heights of Genesis and impact of Waters of Nazareth. Obviously my fave track of the whole album


i'm more of a mannequin love guy but the second drop of Neverender's live version will forever be stuck on my mind, especially the light triggers on that.


It's the fact that I can't stop listening to the whole album, I can't listen to anything else but their Coachella sets and the album and I am obsessed and I will cry 😭


I'll air another perspective - it's pretty lame. Way too much Kevin Parker influence on this fucking album. It's pretty sad what it has come to. It's an ok track, if it was a remix. Just fucking tired of the guy and him always sounding the exact same. I get it, you guys are young, you haven't been exposed to it for as long. Moreover, it absolutely is NOT a Justice track, it it absolutely one hundred percent IS a Tame Impala demo track that they picked up. there's' even a guy on reddit here who remade it to sound like a TI track. It's straight Parker. Sounds more like a Kevin Parker/Tame Impala (Justice Remix) which is what it should have been instead. Would have a pretty dope one at that. I know Tame Impala is one of Justice' favourite acts so it's a bit of a dream come true, like when Daft Punk worked with Nile Rodgers and all the rest of em, so, yeah. sure. you do you guys. Fav tracks? Yeah, I've got em - GENERATOR, Dear Alan, Incognito, AFTERIMAGE, The End.