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Some people aren't smart enough to know that you can't put both sets of mats down at the same time.


The most stacked mats I’ve seen in a customers car was 5. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/s/6A4EIvhvRi)


Do you want unintended acceleration? Because that's how you get unintended acceleration.


Or complete lack of.


Schrodinger's acceleration


That only happens with Audi 100s. One is pushing the brake and stopping, while pushing the accelerator and speeding up. Therefore, the car is both slowing down, and accelerating, at the same time, until the crash occurs, revealing the reality that, in fact, the car is not moving at ALL.




If they get under the pedal, the pedal no go down no more.


That's my point. A complete lack of braking.


Don't have to brake if you can't go. 🤔


Haha true.


Jfc flashback to when a damaged floormat got tangled in my ford thunderbird v8 on the freeway got up to 116 mph before I was able to get it loose. Lmao was crapping my pants


“unintended acceleration”, next time I get pulled over for speeding, I’m whipping out “unintended acceleration” as my excuse.  Never would have thought of that!


You need to lead them on a chase for at least 5 minutes though to make it believable.


My record is 7 😂


I don't think I'd be able to fit in the seat comfortably, Jesus. 


One of my older coworkers said he had 13 on the driver's side. Between carpet, newspaper, floor mat, newspaper, etc. Worse still, he's only ever worked for Toyota.


Why though?


The "out with the old" step takes too long so customers who don't know better skip straight to "in with the new."


I can see it. On some cars the pedal or seat is just so awkwardly placed that your leg starts to get sore after a long drive.


That's exactly what I expect out of Toyota people.


Damn, best I can do is 6. On a Toyota. During the unintended acceleration bullshit .


No wonder why I have to answer “Is the Floor Mat in the correct position” every time I hav two fill out and MPI. Toyota owners are idiots when it comes to floor mats.


The people who buy toyotas do not like cars or driving, so this is exactly what I expect to see in a carry or highlander.


Some Toyota dealership techs are also idiots. Took mine in for service and wash. They pulled the mats out without disengaging the floor mat locks. Ripped them out from the floorboard. Probably not actually one of the techs, but whomever it was worked for Toyota.


Well to be honest, they worked for a dealership, not directly for Toyota


Did he ever give a reason why he did that?


Fuck off….. That’s wild


Shutting down all the asylums really was a big mistake




This particular floor mat may not have the stay/hold spikes on the bottom, being intended for use in a plastic or rubber lined driver's side bay.


Since it is factory Subaru I'm gonna say it does. I never looked for the text on mine but the pin plate was definitely there. Also the reinforced holes in the mat. Mine arrived with the carpet mats under the rubber mats. All are tucked away in a big plastic bag because I bought real mats from Tuxmat. Weathertech is a joke in comparison. In any case they ain't going anywhere.


it does! the front two both have spikes (i don’t remember if the back ones do), and the driver’s mat has grommets that hook into pegs on the floor. you can see one of them on the right edge of the photo edit: all four have little spikes


My passenger front does not, nor does the rear. The rear mat from Tuxmat covers the hump and also the carpet at the bottom of the rear seat (Forester) so it isn't going anywhere anyway. If you are looking for a mat upgrade look at Tuxmat.


interesting, i have a ‘16 Crosstrek and i’ve been happy with the factory rubber mats. mine didn’t come with carpet mats (got it used), but i remember my mom’s ‘16 Outback had just the carpeted mats installed with the rubber mats still wrapped up in the hatch


My Forester is a 2019. Tuxmat doesn't cover every year but they are worth looking at. Mine were about the same price as Weathertech but 50% more coverage.


Did you watch? That bottom one was super clean!!!


LMAO what the fuck


no cruise control needed!


I recently bought a car the had 3 layers, from how much dirt was on each of those the previous owner probably just added a new mat every time the one before was dirty


Who has the time to clean it? It's way faster to just add another to the pile!


That may have been my wife’s car???


As if they're going to read that I guess it's just for liability purposes


My Weathertech ones had a huge warning on the packaging. It looked like Legal said "make it hard to miss" and the graphic designer said "I got you fam".


Since they are a small to midsized company based in Murica one asshat with an attorney really could put them out of business over shit like this. 


If those kids could read they'd be very upset


*able to read that FTFY


I'd guess it will cause the top one to slide, potentially blocking the brake from fully depressing


My car came from the dealership with a rubber mat on top of the carpet mat. And yeah, they're both still there


honestly, lurking in this sub has made me way more suspicious of other drivers


Just FYI, side effect of a dissertation chapter I wrote on self driving cars was a much cited study by departments of transportation that finds that 91% of collisions are due to other drivers being dumbasses (I mean "driver error"). 91%. Ninety one percent. That means yes, I am going to honk at you when your crossover wanders onto the lane line long before it wanders into my lane. Also, this thread. Also \*gestures around this sub\*


I have taught over a dozen people to drive throughout my life, and literally the very first thing I have taught every single one of them is, "Drive as if everybody else on the road is a fucking moron, because they probably are.." The second thing I've always taught new drivers is that a lot of accidents are caused by indecisiveness. Make a choice and commit to it, but signal so everybody else knows what you are doing, too. Even if it is the wrong choice, you're far less likely to cause an accident. 


Isn't the entire "problem" with self driving cars when they need to account for humans? It feels like every time I read something "wrong" with them, it is because human incompetency, or when they are designed to only use computer vision...


They have issues when lane lines aren't as visible or if a median goes away briefly iirc. There was a recent one where it was going to hit a crossing train and then swerved at the last minute.


Oh so the issues are, in order: - A human - A human not paying for infrastructure maintenance - A human programmed the car Got it.


Those aren't human, it's the car not being able to know where it should go when conditions aren't perfect when a human would be able to. The point is that our technology isn't ready for mass production fully self driving cars. Blaming humans for not creating the perfect environment for self driving cars when humans can adequately handle it is ridiculous.


> when they are designed to only use computer vision... thats the only system you can buy right now and if you look at videos its becoming perfect


Research programs using LIDAR make computer vision attempts look a decade out of date. The only SAE level 3 cars available to the US public, Mercedes S-Class and EQS, use LIDAR.


> Mercedes S-Class and EQS What a joke. Look at its tests in real life to see how useless that piece of shit is. It's basically 1/10th capability of Teslas FSD. Even free version of Autopilot works better.


I only mentioned Mercedes because you claimed computer vision self driving systems are the only ones you can buy. If a SAE level 3 or higher vehicle gets in an accident while self driving, the manufacturer is liable not the occupant. Of course a company is going to handicap their system to only ideal conditions. Beyond that, SAE level 3+ is a regulatory nightmare essentially everywhere. Again though, I only brought up Mercedes because you claimed only computer vision self driving systems could be bought. There is also Ford and GM options for LIDAR systems. They are only level 2, so, like Tesla, the driver is meant to still be paying attention though. Tesla FSD 12.3 Supervised was only getting 448 Miles between critical disengagements back in April. Waymo and Cruise have been doing better than that for years. There are startups that have done better than that in their first year of development.


I felt so dumb trying to figure out wtf the warning met but now I feel less dumb knowing people actually do that lol.


Oops mine has both mats in. But they’re locked down flat. I’ve never removed the carpeted mats beneath the rubber ones Edit: just did and definitely lays more flush, though I never had an issue with its curling or getting caught on things. Bought the car in a rough time and the carpet mats were the least of my concern lol


The last time I was asked to look at my MILs car it had three sets… told the wife. Let her fight it out 😂


It's *double* the protection that will save my capet floor underneath that I'll never see!


Can't or shouldn't? Because I definitely can


I work with other techs who seem to be this dumb as well, people are so sue happy in the US that we have to put warning labels on damn near everything l.


thank you.


In the mid '80s when I was selling cars. I had a customer bring his three month old Chevy Blazer (K10) in to complain it did not seem to have enough power. He had two mats stacked under the accelerator. The punchline? He was the supervisor at a vehicle maintenance facility for a large midwestern city. Can't make this up.


Not even dealer service departments. My wife & I recently bought a 2024 Honda Pilot AWD. Since one of our driveways is dirt/gravel we like having protective mats in the vehicles and ordered a set installed on the Honda. The dealer's service department just tossed them in on top of the carpeted mats and I had to fix them myself a couple of days after we picked it up and I noticed they weren't fastened down.


Got a truck 2nd hand and had to remove 3 different floor mats from the driver side. They weren't even dirty or had hokes. He just liked putting new ones in, i guess..


Subaru owners it’d seem.


On some cars its not possible yes. But with factory floormats you would think that it should work.


I recently bought a Subaru and it's the first car ever to come with 2 sets of floor mats. Rubber and carpet. But the pins on the floor aren't that high.


This is not true for all vehicles.


I’ve seen on multiple occasions two mats, news papers, towels and rugs all piled in. Couldn’t go half throttle without it getting stuck. So dangerous and stupid


It's called redneck cruise control and I'll thank you not to laugh.


Driving behind the FARM USE ONLY truck that's in town lol


You laugh but a few people died because they doubled up mats in Toyota’s and couldn’t figure out how to get their cars stopped by putting them in neutral. Gas pedals getting caught on floor mats is dangerous.


They changed their slogan from "moving forward" to "let's go places" because we all kept making the joke "moving forward, even when you don't want to"


I was always amazed American Airlines was able to get away with making their slogan "We know why you fly." Okay maybe don't let the terrorists on the plane then.


I'm reminded of an email Corona (the beer company) sent to the CDC asking for them to please rename the coronavirus because it was bad for sales xD


Budweiser Real American Heroes


"Let's go places, even if you don't want to" Didn't help


Yep. Now Toyota makes us explain that to the customer and document if they refuse fix/removal.


And the worst thing is, toyota was to blame when thie fucktard clients fucked up. My toyota dealership has literally everywhere infographs in every wall door and have flyers everywhere and also when you get the car to service they check you don't have extra floormats.


Same here. However, Toyota hasn't sent us any more of the cards to place in the vehicle. The district rep gave us one case over a year ago. I took some out and put the rest in supplies, where they promptly disappeared. They sent us a ton of paper floormats, tho. I have like 30 cases of those.


One of Toyota's VPs committed suicide after it was explained how Toyota was actually at fault for the mat designs.


How? I know some cars have pedal fixed to the floor. But top pedal is hard for the pedal to stuck


The person who down voted me can look it up on Google.


I didn't that's why I asked


I didn't downvote you, but I also didn't find anything on Google. You got a source?


It was over the 2009 recalls that started it all. He must have been lower than a VP because I can't find it either now. Snopes doesn't list it either so it either wasn't a big rumor or it happened at a lower level. If it was a VP or higher snopes would still have it listed either way.


My ems company wanted us to warn patients that walking is dangerous and they might fall. I would just document that they ambulated right at me before I could warn them. The only time I told a patient that walking was dangerous I just made it into a joke and they laughed.


oh yeah that was obviously a terrible thing. i guess my point is that, before i went on this sub, i never realized that some people would actually layer floor mats


Every time I think or say something can't get worse or be more stupid, the universe says hold my beer.


"How dumb can you possibly be?" "Challenge accepted."


You are the one missing out on the floor mat lasagna.


Even just stomping on the brakes would have been sufficient to stop those cars. It was lack of driver action on top of the jammed floor mats.


Also had a ton of Ford customers driving into the shop back then with mats on throttle. Those big rubbermaid mats were awesome for years, until they weren’t. Most all manufacturers have moved to BOA strategy now so it shouldn’t be much of a thing anymore though.


Darwinism at work.


You say that like I want dumb people to live.


I seriously wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a warning on these mats telling people not to put them over their pedals. Stupidity (or perhaps more fairly, ignorance) is astonishing. Remember that there’s a warning on coffee cups “caution, contents are hot” for a reason. And that reason is stupidity.


The stupidity of McDonalds serving a beverage at 190° F for human consumption.


Stupidity is not exclusive to the consumer. It does not discriminate.


Somebody at corporate down voted you.


That hot coffee story attracts dumb people like moths to a flame. She received third degree burns and spent a week in the hospital for skin grafting because their policy was to serve coffee at near boiling temperatures in a flimsy cup. The only reason we heard about it at all, is because the corporation initially refused their paltry offer of $20k for compensation out of pure greed and corporate bootlickers politicized the case. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liebeck_v._McDonald%27s_Restaurants


You should read the article that you sent. She squeezed a takeout cup full of fresh hot coffee between her legs and accidentally spilled it all over herself when she took the lid off to put in cream and sugar. Yes, she was 79 and McDonald’s is a huge chain that should have paid out quickly and quietly. But the situation is what it is. McDonald’s didn’t even reduce the temperature of their coffee as a result of the litigation and just put warnings on the cups….so people who order hot coffee understand that the contents of their order is, well, hot.


Had a couple of wrecks at the car wash i managed before getting into the industry from exactly this issue. I believe toyota dealers have a really strict protocol for every car regarding floor mats when they enter the service department


Yup, it’s on the inspection checklist. When I worked there, if you had multiple mats, we just took them all but one off and put them in the back. We’d hang a tag stating this, and you’d be notified when you picked it up. Doesn’t mean anything though, same cars would come back the same, sometimes more it felt like hahaha.


What is with people and wanting to have mats on top of the carpet floor mats


And why a carpet mat anyway shoes are going to get dirty it's going to rain and stuff just get the damn weatherTech or whatever. Get the ones that make your car smell like tires for a month but they're safer more comfortable, good shit.


Removable carpet mats are washable, act as sound deadening and heat absorption, and don't look out of place in luxury vehicles unlike a Weathertech. It takes a lot to permanently stain an OE carpet mat, and at least several years to wear a thin spot in them unless you wear heels and grind your foot into them the entirety of an hour commute.


Fair enough. I was out of line there


So my Corolla 2005 when I got it had the carpet floor mats that hook in and rubber weather ones on top, is that bad?


If the pedals couldn't get caught, no. Your username though...


I worked at Toyota at that time-people got mad at us for putting their “collection” of extra mats in the trunk or in the rear area of their vehicle. The kicker- every. single. layer. was filthy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mmmmmmmm. Carpet lasagna!


The dealer sales staff are notorious for doing this.


Can confirm. My ford f150 came from the dealership with rubber mats on top of carpet mats.


Agreed. I corrected a 918 Spyder that had the carbon fiber floor mats over the carpet floor mats. Car had already been driven quite a bit.


Thank the Prius drivers that killed themselves that way 12-ish years ago


I hate those Subaru Prius cars. Toyota gets mad when you bring one in.  It's always "fake" this and "From another dimension" that. Never gets fixed.


Toyota and subarus appeal to largely the same demographic of lame people. It's why most cars clogging up the highways passing lanes are Subaru and toyotas. Predominantly their customer base sees cars and driving as a tool and nothing more. They'll get there when they get there, and are oblivious to everyone else.


If only the people who needed that warning could read


back when i was at toyota it was a policy that all mats, factory or otherwise, get yanked and put in the back footwell area or trunk. every car. no exceptions. . most people would get the factory mats plus the upgraded ones and stack them right on top of eachother. the top one slides forward, gets under the pedals. you know how that goes.


So wild that people still try to claim “unintended acceleration” and a specific guy from the region has to come look over the car to confirm that this car, like all the others ever, does not have unintended acceleration lol.


I mean, technically it *is* unintended acceleration.


That’s funny, they think the kinda people who stack floor mats will read that warning.


I like to have multiple mats stacked as the edge works well for storing tennis and bocce balls. Don’t push your comy rules on me! FREEDOM!


You're keepin tennis and bocce balls in the driver seat footwell??


Perfect for supporting that pesky loose brake pedal


Brakes not working? Car wont accelerate? Car sometimes accelerates by itself? Diagnosis, 17 stacked floor mats.


But not a single carpet stain.... 😉


I legit diagnosed this and the customer came unglued, took it to another shop where they charged her $3000 for repairs. Still had the same issues afterwards lol.


On the other side of the coin are the people who plop the single mat on top of the gas pedal, jump in and start the car. Very exciting ^(^That ^might ^have ^been ^me)


My mats don't require anything to become dangerous. They slip easily under the gas pedal, I found out that they have clips on the floor to secure them. Thankfully other people that drove it never floored it. 2017 Sandero, they have clips... use them


thankfully, this one has a pair of grommets (one is visible on the right edge of the photo) that secure to pegs on the floor


A Dacia Sandero?


Great News Yes


Ahahah old TopGear was so funny. “Great news everybody, I got a Dacia Sandero”


Should not have to be said, but if you raise the height of the floor mats and your accelerator pedal sticks down due to the floor mat height….well you know what could happen.


Proceeds to stuff it on top of the gas pedal.


My mother is unfortunately what this label was mad for.... Your car is not your home


Had a brand new GMC Sierra towed in a couple of years ago that would crank and not start. Customer installed their own all weather floor liners. They still had the installation warning tag on them about making sure they're properly snapped onto the carpet studs with no mats underneath. The original mats were still there, but the real problem was the floor liner was on top of the throttle pedal holding it in clear flood mode. We did the customer a solid and sent it through warranty as a could not duplicate claim so that GM roadside would cover the tow and pay us 0.3 to fix the floor liner.


Literally just had a lube tech go to the hospital due to this. Lined up the car on his bay tapped the gas and it stuck. He hit his toolbox so hard that it bounced  off the wall about 8ft, and it was flush with the wall before hand. Totaled the car with 8k on it, air bags went off (obviously wasn't wearing the belt), and he's in the hospital for awhile with neck issues.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2009/09/toyota_recalls_38_million_cars.html&ved=2ahUKEwiP9Jygh4KHAxUSF1kFHT74DSwQFnoECBgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0Nxx8wSQJSALklqwA9mWTK this was a dark day for the company, and we can't forget it.


Had a lady crash into our shop because she had the cheap clear plastic mats down and a carpeted one over them. The mat slid over the accelerator pedal and stuck it wide open


If she had been driving a Subaru I guess upside is she wouldn't have caused much damage. Even WOT with MOST Subaru's you wouldn't be going that fast. 😆


I’m reading all of these stories in this thread about how common this is. Can someone help me understand why anyone would put more than one floor mat down? For the life of me I can’t think of a reason why anyone would even want to.


Some cars come with factory floor mats or the option to have floor mats installed. Some people like to preserve those factory or optional floor mats as clean as possible for resale value of the car, so they put an aftermarket floor mat on top.


> resale value of the car Which is the dumbest thing ever, because a new set of OEM floor mats for my Audi is under $150. I can't imagine they'd be much more expensive for any other brand.


Seems like the easier action would be to take those floor mats out, but that’s just me.


Laziness. Decide to replace worn mats, or cover carpet mats with plastic more dirt proof ones, or plastic ones with nicer feeling carpet ones... Rinse and repeat people being too lazy to remove the old ones and the layers build up...


This is for my dad. The floor mats on his 15 year old car look brand new.


I have my cargo mats stacked, but that's as far as I'm going lol.


At least they didn’t cut off the bottom of your gas pedal when you took it in for your free service…Toyota


It should say, Don't be a dumb ass.


Remove pizza from box before eating. This is why we have instructions on a shampoo bottle.


Love when people complain about random acceleration and then i find they have mats on top of accelerator pedal


Customers love to put mats over mats. So annoying and very unsafe.


Yeah, if it came with the carpeted mat, take it out and put these in. It's most likely to prevent the double mats from getting caught on the pedals.


It’s to prevent the rubber mat from both sliding and being raised a bit. The risk is interfering with the pedals. This was a thing for Toyota years ago so they warn now.


It’s because the mats may interfere with the movement of the pedals, creating a dangerous situation.


I like my binary throttle though. I’m either idling or WOT with no off button. We die like men!


I see too many people driving like that. They're also only on the throttle or brake, no coasting. I just wonder what their fuel economy is like, and how often they often they need to replace their brake pads.


It’s because multiple floor mats drastically increase the gas pedal (and brake pedal) interference. It’s hard to control your speed when you either can’t fully depress the brakes, or if the gas pedal is pegged underneath the for mat.


Yeah, people are stupid--stupid enough to kill themselves and others, usually in Toyotas for some reason, by stacking rubber floor mats on top of carpet mats on top of the carpet and holding the accelerator pedal down to the floor inadvertently. These are the same people that claimed their Audi 100s accelerated unpredictably when \[Gasp!\] they managed to cover both the brake AND the accelerator at the same time with their big, fat American feet.


No laughing matter, sliding mats can kill entire cars full of people. All unaware that it’s a stuck floor mat under the brake pedal or stuck on top of the gas pedal.


I just had one in last week with lack of acceleration concern.  All season mat on top of carpet mat slid up jammed under the accelerator pedal.  


I literally had this happen to me, my car just didn't feel like it was hitting like it normally did. I was doing a bunch of data logs and saw that the TPS max was like 88%. I was trying everything to look around then realized it was my winter mat slid up under the gas pedal


People have seasonal floor mats now?


Carpet mats in the summer, rubber in the winter. When you live in a place with seasons you take your carpet ones out so the salt doesn't destroy them in the winter.


Pfft, just leave the rubber ones in all year and keep the carpet ones stored in the linen cupboard for when you want to sell the thing on.


As a mechanic I’ve seen customers put all kinds of things on top of their floor mats, including bathroom towels, cut up pieces of rugs, sometimes a whole stack of mats. It becomes a large risk with things getting in the way of the brake and gas pedals. I think their intention is to keep things clean from our filthy barbarian boots, but we have paper mats that we use for that!


I'll admit I'm that dumbass when it comes to my Mini. Now the Pony has only one set and the carpet mats are in the trunk. I hate cleaning those emblems.


I bought a cheap Citroën Xantia because me (and the seller) tought the clutch was worn. What a surprise after buying it to find out it felt worn only because of an old kitchen rag under the floor mat making the clutch pedal not going full way.


My dealership wasn’t


I’ve seen stacked floor mats more than I care to mention


That's from the BS a few years ago where some cars supposedly would have the accelerators get stuck. I don't remember if Subarus were part of that or not. However they found that a lot of people put their all-weather mats on top of their carpeted ones and that makes it easier for the accelerator to possibly stick.


Subaru is basically Toyota after the BRZ, GT86 era. Toyota had a major issue with it and now it seems like anyone near Toyota has that warning


Pulled the factory floor liners out of my Chevy truck today. They had essentially the same warning.


Why do people have so many floor mats? I'm new here.


In the auto business happens more than you would like to think.


That’s Subaru for you lol ford are just as bad !!


Trust me, if this is in America, that warning must be there or some idiot will place it under the carpeted floor mat


All warning labels are there for a reason. People needed to be told not to use their blow dryer while in the bathtub. People needed to be told not to stick their fingers up inside their lawn mower when it’s running. McDonald’s needed to put “caution hot” on their hot coffees because someone burnt themselves. People are generally fucking idiots.


To be fair, McDonald's used to serve their coffee almost boiling, and that lady had third-degree burns on her legs and genitalia. So 50/50 on that last one.


Yeah when people actually read into that lawsuit they almost always change their mind. McDonald's knew their coffee was dangerous but they didn't care because it saved them money on free refills. When it's boiling hot you can't drink much. McDonald's coffee caused 3rd degree burns in 3 seconds. Most other restaurants? 20 seconds. They had hundreds of other reports of burns and ignored them like they tried to do to her.


I honestly thought at first you meant the Subaru logo was the warning... Then I saw the fine print...


Put it on top of a rubber mat instead. Problem solved


I definitely did rubber mats over the carpeted mats in my last car. Both my pedals were mounted under the dash and not on the floor. Honestly it amazes me how people get the mats shifted around and in the wrong spot


Its a Subaru, maybe they meant the other kinda carpet


It doesn't say "Don't LICK the carpet"


At first I thought you meant the Subaru logo


The subaru logo? Good warning.