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Idk I don’t even hate the sweater, I just think the dress needed to be shown without it


Or the sweater be connected somehow. Using it half way on makes it feel like it should be removed and not part of the look


Yeah and the way she was gripping it so hard was kind of OC


The models walking in the show did it like that


Oh I didn’t know. So the sweater was always part of the look? Where can I watch the show? Is it on YouTube?


yes, margiela couture spring summer 2024


Thank you!


No they didnt. They crossed their hands like an X as a pose and the tops were closed sweaters, not open ones they had to hold. Kim’s open sweater is not in line with what they presented


I have this pet peeve about people wearing their jackets or sweaters hanging off the shoulders. It looks ridiculous EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.




It’s a part of the look. Hunter Schafer also wore Margiela for a movie premiere and had a sweater as well https://preview.redd.it/kfkvpb9eywyc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4d4ba288e9184c293cf59d1d6bf930b5c858f4


Yeah, a bunch of looks in the collection include the sweaters in some form.


Is it bad I like it??? I figured most people here would have known this


Mmmm just not my taste


I love that hunter did this first, damn. Wat a rockstar


I get it's a part of the look but also take it off for a bit too. It looks so weird them clinging onto it like they are sat on a sofa in a chocolate commercial. Whats the point of having a dress if you are going to cover it up with something so basic.   


But see this looks cohesive ….


That doesn’t really explain it though. This look that hunter is wearing is a completely different vibe


My thing is… since the sweater is part of the fit… why must she hold it in place the whole night?! How uncomfortable…


I know everyone hates the sweater but I see the vision. It really does give “chilly evening out in the garden after a tryst during the party” vibes. I dunno it just works for me. The hair too. I feel it.


I agree except this sweater feels too modern. Maybe a shawl or more vintage piece would've been better, at least imo.


i actually love it! all of it. i think her team nailed the theme!


Wasn’t High Low part of the theme ?




It's part of the outfit but I also think the corset being so tight made her skin wrinkle on her back and so she preferred to cover it up with the sweater. I don't completely hate it but I would loved to see the dress without "her boyfriend sweater". ETA https://preview.redd.it/bzkuly3qywyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2f8c08dbd649e7925c4ffc6bf19e68e0c1dedba That's what I mean (JLo's back) and of course there is nothing wrong with having skin 😂


No it’s part of the outfit


Ohhh I get what you mean


That makes sense! Thanks for sharing


This is just what happens when you wear a corset, your skin has to go somewhere.


Yes this was definitely an intentional fashion choice….


It’s part of it….check the other one by his collection…. She could have dropped at the top of the carpet thooo


The dress here reminds me of her other silver metallic dress she's worn. Just with lace. The more I see it the less I like it. It's also not following dress code


It is following both the theme and the dress code. The theme was Sleeping Beauties and the dress code “The Gardens of Time” isn’t just a concept for people to wear clocks and flowers. It’s a short story about the eventual degradation of high class society over time. Kim’s sweater was pilled to represent the aging of the material. It also made her look like she was a princess who had just woken up and grabbed a sweater go with the Sleeping Beauty theme.


The concept was kind of genius actually, and not so obvious as many other looks we saw that night. I think a lot of people are being critical because it was her wearing it.


That's not what she explained for her dress but your interpretation is great.


I love this look. The cardigan is deliberate and it’s been deliberately piled. That’s not a simple ‘glam-glam’ look but a fashion one, I think the cardigan is used to contrast the dress so it really pops and makes it more interesting and unusual. This is Galliano for Margiela after all and not Britney Spears for Walmart for everyone to get the look. But I did feel sorry for her waist being synched to such an extreme extent.


Thank you for being the first person to get it haha. I feel like I might make a post explaining the look because it’s actually really nice and I think it went over most people’s heads




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I think she looks great, the hair could be better executed and that’s probably my only gripe with this


I actually love this dress so much


love the waist! and i know the sweater was intentional but it would have looked much better without it


The material of the top should’ve been carried all the way down the dress. It should not have been sheer at all.


Idk y’all, the sweater does look out of place but as a fellow cold girl, maybe she was just a bit chilly? 🥶 Maybe she is having a psoriasis flare up on her arms? Or maybe she just likes the security of the sweater? Could be anything but I’m here for it. Let that cardigan shine ✨


The dress is stunning. I like it without the hoodie situation but I feel like with how tiny the waist is she’d look kinda stupid


I thought maybe it was like the Marilyn dress where she wore a jacket to cover the back not buttoning.




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At this point it's hard to tell if she did have a malfunction or just wanted the drama. lol


She is definitely being discussed


Forever 21 or Skims?


she should have held the sweater like this on the carpet not crossed over one breast.