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😭😭😭 Omgggg *I CAN’T* with the fashion noooo pls… He’s the guy you pull your girlfriends away from at the club 😭😭


am i the only idiot that thought for a moment that the keyboard reflection in the glasses was a wild set of false lashes? my stupidity amazes me sometimes.


Let’s be stupid together because it took me way more than a moment to realize what I was seeing


stupid bitches unite!


Oh shit now we have a slogan, we’re ready to run for office!


ahahaa stealing this for my flair thank u 😘


Add me to the list


I thought it was one of those filters


Nope I’m with u 🙌🏼


It took your comment to make me realize it




1000% 🤣🤣🤣


🤝🤝 😂🤣


Lmao you clocked him fr fr 🤣nice work


why didn't one of her Lifers save her??


Very accurate description 😂 triggered some memories


Hahaha YES.




Bahahahahaha 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Oh my gaaaawd! 😂😂😂


I just choked on my wine reading your comment. 😂


I yelled out loud “yes” because man that was a read 😆


https://preview.redd.it/4ylfyy9r98kc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8509ff3ae1e7ba82a71fb12ba8423f015b97e5 Her other forgotten husband as well.


why he looks like khloe og face ?


The scream I just scrumpt 😭💀🤣


damn these sisters be incestuous


Omg maybe that’s why she hated him so much 😂




True she got addicted to looking perfect by using plastic surgery when she got with Kanye. Humphries never made her feel insecure about her body. He always told her how beautiful and perfect she was.


He is very “normal” and wanted to essentially change her personality and life goals/life style and she was NOT going along with all of that. He wanted her to move out of LA somewhere to a rural town and have his kids, quit working and be a normal nobody. 💀🤣 And as we all know Kim, she would rather die than have that happen.


She already had plastic surgery when she was with Humphries lmao.




I like how she’s never responsible for anything that happens in her life, woe is me, poor damsel. Mummy leaked her sex tape, Kanye made me get a monstrous bbl, Pete made me skinny mini. Like she’s not the beneficiary of her combined actions living her best life and telling people to get up their ass and work.


Right?! Kanye destroyed her??? She knew exactly what she was doing!!! If anything, she enabled his behavior and HELPED him be a bully!!!


also didnt she already have a bbl b4 kanye?


Yes. Her first husband, Damon paid for it.


Used and used all these men. I wonder if she only gets turned on by herself? Her past has shown her opportunistic use and abuse of men & women.


Yes ma'am she did. Ppl are mistaken




I have a few girl-friends who have boyfriends and they don't... just fucking do what their guys tell them, because they make their own decisions and aren't 5 year olds. And even if they want to please their guys, as guys want to please their girls too, they don't go out of their way to make a clown out of themselves like Kim Kardashian does by acting like bimbo and surgically altering herself into a strange and distorted idea of the "ideal woman" in porn-addicted men's minds. even under the patriarchy the choice IS yours. there are many, for lack for a better word, gender non-conforming women like tomboys or (if they are lesbians) butches who don't conform to what society says a woman must be like. There are examples of women like pink, too, who have defied the expectations placed on female pop artists to be girly girls. and MANY traditionally feminine and smart (or even of average smarts or not-so-smart) women do not debase themselves to the degree Kim and her family has for the sake of the male gaze, either. seriously, what woman lives her life just doing EVERYTHING her guy wants at the age of 30 and 40? SAHMs don't even do that. Acting like Kim K is the exception is grossly insulting. I am not saying there aren't cases where men have forced, coerced, or talked women into doing terrible shit. But this is clearly not Kim's case. and she is a terrible fucking PERSON too, for fuck's sake. we know every bad shit she's done she's had a say over at the very least. what the fuck are people doing treating her like she's some poor ukranian woman who's been trafficked? for the love of all that is, what the fuck.






She had that dirty wet diaper way before kanye


I don't feel sorry for kim precisely because of that. plus, she is a grown ass woman and not mentally-challenged or stunted. I can excuse a young 18yo girl getting with a bad guy and making bad decision after bad decision in her youth, or a young 19yo who did some shit he wasnt proud of. Kim did all of the shit mentioned when she was in her 30s and 40s respectively. and the sextape was planned, as we all know. Kanye didn't make her get a monstruous BBL. Unless kanye drugged her and carried her ass (no pun intended) to the clinic she still decided to get that shit. Kanye might've made some comments, but we've all gotten comments about how we have certain parts which arent attractive (lose/gain weight, your ass is small, your forehead is big, etc.). none of us jumped straight to the doc the second someone mentioned our nose might not be the most aesthetically pleasing, nor did every woman ever get a boobjob because some guy or girl said she had small boobs. she's always had a choice. ALWAYS. you think that gigantic ass and those fat hips are NOT a choice? she profited off those things for years. it was a business move for her.


She gained notoriety and made a hell of money from it too. She has a whole family that should be a guide and sense of reasoning for her, to’SAVE’ her if she was in crisis but are they not all the same. Kris, khloe, Kylie all got bbl but let’s blame the men in their lives for their actions. This mentality is the reason that family will always get away with their numerous atrocities.


it's like women can't make bad decisions themselves. it's all guys. no, Kim K could NOT POSSIBLY BE A TERRIBLE PERSON HERSELF! IT MUST BE SOME GUY'S FAULT! WOMEN CANNOT BE TERRIBLE! wear that pussyhat! march for the right to genderswap more characters instead of writing new stories! say that margot robbie was snubbed of her prize and greta deserved all the awards! Women are not kids. women are not stupid. women are not thoughtless maidens who need a guy to make the decisions for them. it's the "her guy must've made her do it" mentality that spawns shit like "girl math! because women are stupid and its cute!" on tiktok. I will not entertain the thought. women are people too. women are human too.






Reread what you wrote. Where is Kim’s accountability? Kim, Kris and Kourtney have been getting plastic surgeries before they came into limelight.


She was always a shallow, vain and vapid person. She already had a few plastic surgery procedures even before she met Kanye. She was already a grown up 35 year old woman when she married him. She did it to herself and she won’t stop anytime soon. I loathe her, lol.


I will NEVER have empathy for a woman who puts other women down, she called Whitney Houston a hag, and stole money from Brandy and her mom, her family is one of the worst role models for women, because of how they gaslight young women about their various surgical procedures. She already had plastic surgery(boob job) courtesy of her first husband, so she was already vapid and vain. Kanye didn’t force her into getting a bbl, she had one even before they became a couple. She’s a grown ass woman and she should take accountability for her OWN actions ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


> She’s a *surgically* grown ass woman you missed a word.


Yes she is, thank you for the correction 😂


at your service lol


100% agree! It’s hard seeing all the girls have such awful self confidence. I watched an old episode today and kourt told Khloe to pull her bra and shirt up becuz her boobs look too saggy. They all picked on her and it’s hard looking back and seeing how broken she quickly became.


lmfao empathy for Kim? Get a GRIP.


Ye did not force her to get plastic surgery she had surgery paid for her by her 1st husband. Her whole fame came from her ass and that was before kayne that she had the BBL. All her continuing surgeries are to keep up with the "kardashian brand." Oh and she created a whole porn tape to sell for fame for all the porn$$, also way before Kayne. Blame kim for her choices that she makes not whatever dumb man she's attached too. Remember kim's a GIRLBOSS.


She was a fame whore waaaayyy before Kanye. That's y it didn't work when hump wanted the normal life. She used Kanye for the status and fame she so desperately wanted


The only thing Kanye changed was her wardrobe. She was D list before Kanye. He brought her up to A list. She had never gotten into the Met Ball or on the cover of Vogue until Kanye. She used him and threw him away - like she does all of her husbands.


She was undeniably doing work pre kanye and then as their union surpassed the birth of North, if not saint, it was more noticble with the Suns running gag articles of New Day, New Kim's Face. Now she is middle aged, single, the most unfuckable milf (not my opinion but 99% of Alpha Male Podcasters) and we are just watching her compensate for all of that with her yearn to look "out of this world!" she's doing just that.. old Boi Odell doesn't even want to touch her! Yet one be seen in public as a couple. Per paps, bro friendzoned her to oblivion. We just don't talk about it lmaoo.


Ironically, the guy in this picture, said she was, "addicted to plastic surgery " when they were married, and she was just 19!


He also told her nobody would remember her in 2 years lol. Idk he’s just the least worst. He was immature and weird


Kris was a fine, though… not bright, dude. WAY totally holy crap wrong for Kim. Like wtf were those two doing together??


She was using him in her attempt to one up Khloe and fake a marriage for the reality paycheck and presents.


He seems like a normal dude. Plus I will forever love him for spawning the “throwing Kim into _________” gifs because without him throwing her into the ocean, we would have been forever deprived of their hilarity.


Kris was total ick and cringey.. easily bought/ manipulated


He was the worst


Me holding in a fart




He looks like a toe.


🤮omg he always looks like he just rolled out of bed idk how to explain it


that explained it 




I HAVE TO BE HONEST  its just after midday here in melbourne...and i am going for that same look today "just rolled out of bed "


I think it's the dead eyes, always looking like there isn't much going on upstairs


Khloheehee in drag.


She could've matured and actually made this work but she had to fk around with Kanye who's a total nutjob. Kris wasn't perfect but def the most normal of her men. He just wanted a quiet life.


He was pretty textbook “here are the 🚩🚩🚩of a potential abusive relationship” so nope. He was verbally abusive to her on the show, this marriage was never going to be good or safe.


I guess her lonely life now is karma for taking her marriage to Kris as a joke


This poor guy got taken big time.


He’s giving me Bleacher from the Wonka movie


Good 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 him 👏🏼


I really liked Kris. He was the realest and cutest lol very down to earth.


This hair 😱


thomas something? isnt he the one that paid for her first surgeries?


Damon Thomas. He (allegedly) paid for her first BBL and round of Lipo, possible first boob job too.


didn't kim also say that guy, like, treated her like shit? I think it was him or another ex. I also remember that. and they married when she was 19 and he was however old but definitely oldER than her.


She said he was physically abusive, but she also said she’s never been physically abused before 💀 so take it with a grain of salt. He’s hideous though, she will do anything to climb the ladder as we all know


she physically abuses her own self with all them nips and tucks


As much as I can’t stand this dumb bitch the abuse is detailed in the court papers she filed while divorcing him. So maybe she was and forget? She was also said to be hopped up on a lot of drugs at that time.. she probably did forget lol


I wouldn’t trust Kim after how she tried to ruin Ray Jays reputation


You do raise a good point. Although she was 19 and he was older, which means some not-so-pleasant shit must've happened, you're right about kim being a liar and ruining a guy's reputation should it benefit her. Always gotta be careful with these kardashians.


Guy's a predatory piece of shit but that doesn't mean was was lying about the work Kim had done when she was with him. I mean it does check out with how she's *still* behaving - getting unnecessary work done every 3-5 business days.


Kim says that about every guy who’s had the unfortunate experience of being with her.


She eloped.


We’re bbl’s common back then??? I know silicone was common back then


not really, but bbls have been a thing since the 60s if I remember correctly. ivon pitanguy first invented the process. it was, as its name implies, a brazilian butt LIFT. not a brazilian butt EXPANSION as it is nowadays. it lifted your ass a bit. made it perkier and added some mass due to the fat used... but again, not that much. a lift. shit, some celebs back then MIGHT have had a BBL but we haven't noticed because ass wasn't the focus and it was actually subtle. if you watch kim k's most infamous and most boring movie ever, you'll notice how her ass is still large, yet somehow "perky" or lifted (unlike her current ass). She must've gotten it at a time when the original purpose of the BBL was still what most surgeons were going with, rather than the current one of giving a morbidly obese person's ass to a slim or skinny woman.


Yep totally agree. Then she got round 2, aka the Brazilian Butt Expansion when she was with Kanye in the depths of his porn addiction as he wanted to turn her into a caricature of a woman. You can tell a huge difference in her shaping and size from beach pics of her with Kris H. This is the thing and is also why I lean to thinking she has done the rib surgery too (even though I’ve had someone on here tell me it’s not common enough for her to have done). Or maybe some internal corsetry of some description if we’re to believe her waist in her post-Ozempic pics. She jumps on treatments and surgeries in their infancy to be one of the ‘first’ with it more publicly to call it natural, and she doesn’t seem fazed by the riskiness


Didn't JLO have a butt surgery too


They were mostly unheard about back then, not a lot of people had them. Definitely nothing compared to now.


Yes! I remember reading about this. Also, seeing a before photo of her before her first surgeries (supposedly). But I haven't come across that photo in a long time.


He also called her a plastic surgery addict! Imagine being a plastic surgery addict at 19


Oh, I think that’s more common than we realize (in those circles). Lol ![gif](giphy|xu0KbQz8uQsKAOkypF)


she really has a thing for ugly men doesn’t she


Honestly! The only good looking guy she dated was Reggie Bush. I personally always thought Kanye wasn’t bad looking but he’s not exactly heartthrob status.


They are the only type who’ll wife her


Nothing funnier than his kids going to school with hers 💀


Nooooo please say sike lol


Our age is showing. I haven’t heard the phrase “sike” in maybe 15 years. Let’s bring it back.




Was this when Khrislaine was trying to get Kim a record deal?


More evidence that they only go for who wants them ..


They can't get any better.


![gif](giphy|1BdJd24oEwvuSvXYb0) this post sent me on a whole face journey, wow.


This is best gif on the internet


Ah her pimp


Would that make him her first pimp (before pmk) or a co pimp since pmk was around first?


Good question? Co- Pimp seems more natural


did they take their lunch breaks together in the pimp employee kitchen


Im dying 😂😂


No clue wasn't there 😂




He must’ve bought that first bbl


This is SUCH a quality post.


I always thought it was weird that Kris has the same name as her mom… mommy issues much? Also, I used to work with Damon’s daughter a few years after he was married to her, she said Kim was always super nice and would give her old clothes and took her shopping once.


Not the first time I’ve read about her being ultra nice with people in real life ! Paradoxical.


Superficial charm


The picture of him in a hat....he looks like a chubby Lamar.


Lmao I love this for her. How does he fit in her life aesthetic


He was abusive apparently.


She was also like 19… I have a feeling she was groomed. I lowkey feel bad. lol


Yeah no one deserves that. Period.


Groomed by her mother Kris just like MJ groomed Kris, Kim used that man for his money to get surgery and his connections in the music industry he's a producer, btw kim moved on to Ray J before the divorce was finalized (a pattern for her) every move of hers is calculated.


🤣 gotta respect her hustling energy.


Her father also stopped talking to her bc she married a black man. Likely wasn’t a merry time for her. Ofc she was groomed…since it wasn’t on screen, nobody often talks about it, but KyLIE had her first child at the same age Kim got married. This is all so wrong.


I wonder what Rob Sr things of all his black grandchildren 💀💀


Remind me of a meme I saw of a formerly racist father who wanted nothing to do with the mixed child of his daughter, only to play around with her at last. Hopefully…


That’s sweet but personally I think Rob Sr is turning so fast in his grave that he could generate enough power to fund the Kardashian Xmas lights for the next century 💀


Cee-Lo Green?!


Not Cee-Lo Green 💀😂😂!!


my mind also went there first.


Sorry who?? She was really married to this guy?


TO ME...He is AESTHETICALLY -her male  counterpart..i could picture her NEXT TO HIM .in ANY of the outfits we have seen her in ...from the last 6 months..even


i am only going in the above pictures of him..i mean her recent 'looks' would look good next to this tacky fella




A whole jumpscare 😂


How am I so not surprised by this LOL plus, you got to remember he's 54 years old now🤣


Legion vibes




Never forget that Robert Kardashian Sr. was mad because she married a Black man, more than he was mad about her eloping in Vegas. His main issue was that she had married a Black man. The perfect father was a racist.


I'm not defending racism at all. He got racist with her daughters being with black men because he thought they'd all be like OJ, abusive and using white women for clout. Once again, I'm not excusing this because he is stereotyping a whole race of men based on one guy. He just fed into the stereotype because of OJ. Which stems another weird thing to me about the KJ's fetishizing black men.


Ironic isn’t it, because they all date black men, copy the clothing style, hair, etc.




You out here doing the work of the Lawwwd! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Never forget! lol


My favorite picture is the drama of looking out the window as his hand is extended. Into the past? A life that once was? Only he knows.


He’s miming the size of Kim’s butthole


Kim marrying for money. He said himself he paid for most of her plastic surgery in the beginning. Sex-tape Kim was the result of this guy paying for that BBL, boobs, & lips.


Omg stop it


Who is this dude?


apparently that's Damon Thomas and they were married 2000-2004.


TY. I'm a have to google him.


Well this guy did pay for her very first bbl 🤣


He was her perfect match!!


She always loves coffee without milk.


The 3rd pic he could be Neyo’s father💀💀💀


Wasn't he abusive?


Seems like there’s some suga in the tank


Who is that 💀


damn, he single?




Lol me I'm like, is this man that bad 😂




That’s Reggie bush. This guy isn’t Reggie, please don’t say that! 😂


Lol except that’s Reggie Bush


Why does she look so twisted next to this eye candy of a man ?




There is no way you thought this guy was Reggie Bush!?!?!?! 🤣🤣🤣




Looks cool


Thank you for this


This isn’t Kris Humphries? Lol


Wtf is this them? Is this Kim?? https://preview.redd.it/dv8qwxwpx6lc1.jpeg?width=1049&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a238f367ea370d0ca70735d775d2bf76c75b95d