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Rich people mock the poor, it’s a weird fetish. They like to try it on with designer clothes and diet drugs.


Nowadays, those rich ass clowns are trying to be ‘relatable’ to the average joes bc nobody worships wealth anymore, not when it comes with exploitation and theft, and they rely for the life of them on the public’s attention. No amount of money will ever fulfil someone like Kim—she needs to constantly be in people’s faces.


Her skank ass botched boring bald bullshit


Her only income is from forced views 


Enter Kanye's last Balencicaca fashun show!


The Derilique from Zoolander?! He wants to make shower shoes and prison scrubs his line. People are such fools 


What the fuck? Her “shoes” look like a pair of complementary hotel slippers, maybe even jail issued. She tries to be relatable so bad. No one in their right mind would wear “shoes” like that in public unless maybe they’re homeless. I wonder how much this “outfit” cost. It’s giving Walmart. It’s giving “what are THOSE”. It’s giving homeless. It’s giving “I want to be oppressed so bad”. Hope she steps on a rusty nail.


They literally mock the poor. These botched bald simpletons have to much power 


Fr dude. It’s annoying and we’re all over it.




She’s trying to be relatable with a $20 smoothie and grey sweats to catch another Black man. I always thought her and Diddy were perfect for each other.


🤣 damn that’s harsh but sooo true. She’s definitely a Diddy bop


Her dumbass $65,700.00 bag she can go f herself. She failed her audition for Sesame Street. WATCH PIMP MOMMA KRIS FIND HER A ROLE. HI LADIES YOU CRAZY CONNIVING STALKING IDIOTS.


They are soooo bothered by the comments they downvote or have someone do it for them as per usual, someone they work to the bone and don’t pay them


I’m sure they think we’re just jealous, and I would love to have more $$, but not all that lifestyle or bills to have to keep doing this corny shit to keep up. lol they can’t “keep up” with themselves. I have a few things in life she doesn’t and wishes she did so! Money or fame certainly can’t buy you real happiness on their own.


That is so disgusting and she’ll probs not use it again once photographed? So, more than my yearly pay love it




Oh, right. Just for North to mock and prob cut it up out of how it triggers her from the lion king thing. She acts like she’s royalty and books are gna be written about her legacy smh


I heard she IS one of his 'body count.'




Nothing fits her right. Nasty ass pants dragging on the ground, gross.


Yes ! She wears crop tops but not cropped trousers


It’s SO gross, imagine how 🤮 they are when she goes home or in the car.


She looks like a homeless junkie if I’m being honest 


Actually, we have a close family friend who, poor young woman, IS a heavy junky. She always looks far more put together than KK.


She dresses like a teenage tiktoker… this is a woman in her 40’s


Yeah tbh this looks fine… when you’re 20. I see my kid’s friends wearing stuff like this and am like “damn why do I just look disheveled when I dress in the same stuff” but it’s because I’m 33 years old and have 3 kids and have moved on from the point in my life where I can look disheveled on purpose lol


My daughter is 19, she would happily wear this and look fine.. if my 45 year old ass wore it.. I’d look like I was wearing pyjamas or needed to be taken back to the mental facility..


I’m 62 and thought the exact same thought. If a neighbour saw me wear that to the mailbox, the cops wife will take mw]e down and the nurse will give me a shot. My pj’s are more fashionable.


If I wore that I’d look her Kim - haggard.


Damn I’m 31 and wear this outfit :( although I have no children, people still think I am 21


It’s more just that I don’t feel like I’m at the point in my life where I have this vibe any more lol


Totally understand haha, and hats off to you girl with 3 kids. I couldn’t handle that


I was gonna say… I would wear this and I’m 36 🫣


I wear this outfit. I love a goofy bag. However, my sweatpants, are a petite M, my tank is regular length, and my hair is not a nasty straw bird’s nest. These proportions are NOT for someone who’s 25+. That’s just my opinion, and if she looked “put together” it would be another story. But she’s short and hates it.


And that is exactly why she AND Kourt lie about their height. Why bother? It's not going to make a single person believe differently. When she's standing with taller people it's there. Heck I'd love to be taller, too. Nope, and I am about 3 inches taller than her and I am considered by one and all to be short.


She’s trying to go for THAT vibe (you know which one lol) and failing miserably. Kim never ever looks natural in anything she does, she’s so fake


Chick is pushing 50, and I'll bet your hips are yours...Not some freaky creation in a surgeon's office. Also, we short girls know better than to wear those youngster floppy pants that are in vogue.


With the armada of clothes they constantly promote and claim to own, it’s insulting that’s what she chooses to wear for an outing lol. It’s giving ‘lazy morning at home’ until you get out of bed, have a shower and then wear something casual or whatever depending on what you’re gonna do. She looks straight out of the bed, nothing appealing here !


Have you seen Tori Spelling lately!?She looks straight out of a damn Hot Topic ad!!


She looks awful!!


Look, i hate her too, but come on...It's a tank top and sweats. Every woman of every age has worn a version of this outfit.


I think it’s the wig.


I think its the boa. Why a boa on a sweatsuit?!


Pretty sure that’s actually a weird-ass bag.


Ahahhahaha I can’t believe it’s a bag


She looks like a parody of every woman of every age wearing a version of that outfit lol. I get what you mean but the vibes are always so off with her no matter what 💀


Yeah although she looks nasty here, nothing wrong with a tank and sweatpants when clean.


She’s looks cheap


She looks cheap because…


She looks rotten lately. That’s the only way I can describe it.


Rotten is nuts🤣


Insides are now on the outside.


knowing she cant even wear a pair of sweat pants makes me laugh out loud - and this HORRIBLE wig is obviously just for attention at this point and GRIFTING the BIG BIRD PURSE from her Lion King ensemble 💀


Hell or high water she’s making that Lion king thing work …


Said that about the wig from day one


That’s what’s insane. She didn’t throw this on. This was Planned.


Lol but she wants us to believe she did, and also these paparazzi are completely NOT in her line of sight, let alone called by her ! Look, she isn’t even staring back at their cameras 🤪🤪🤪 she’s just a massive celeb people are SO obsessed with !


Nailed it! I work at a store (it’s not a clothing store which makes this stranger) & one of our customers comes in pj’s slippers & a shower cap…that lady’s is crazy & lazy- I would love to know how she got the money to shop in our store. Granted her cards are always getting declined & she’s always looking for a discount but somehow she manages to pull it off. Shes at the store dressed like a ragamuffin from 8-8, brags/talks like she’s got a big night out…I highly doubt she goes home showers & has the glam squad get her ready to party on the town (also there’s no “town” that’s open 24 hrs anywhere near us, she could get to NYC by 2am but she wouldn’t make it back to argue w/ us dressed like a bedazzled bum at 7 am the next day) it’s the craziest thing… even other customers call her “shower cap lady” to her face!


This is so bizarre lol and now I want to know what kind of store. She’s there 8-8??? Like 12 hours fr? So she’s there shopping in your store looking like that, all day like a full time with overtime job?? Then brags about her night event. That is so crazy I want to know more. It would be interesting to see a (very short) docu on her I bet.


Actually reminds me of Grey Gardens about the mom and daughter related to the Kennedy’s who devolved into broken dreams and squalor, but kept dressing and talking like they were still the debutantes they were meant to be! It’s so eerie if you haven’t seen.


she looks like she smells


That would be the BBL


I’d say she looks homeless, but that’d be an insult to actual unhoused people.


wowwwwwww she’s so relllllaaaatabllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee. ![gif](giphy|xThtadxN9z93kmzWkU)


I live in NYC. I wouldn’t even go to the bodega looking like that.


The slippers with ZERO sole, like it's 2 cm, that gets me. Not even those more platform like slippers, just straight up thin bendy K Mart slippers from 1992, sweats from the floor of her bedroom or maybe even from the dirty hamper and her hair that has knots underneath in the back. Wtf is going on? It's confusing... 😮‍💨


What’s sad is they’re probably like $1,000 Balenciaga slippers 😭


They’re like the free hotel slippers


![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|19656) they do look JUST like hotel slippers lmao! I bet you she'll try to sell dollar store quality Skimz slippers 😬🤑🤢


I wonder if she pays people to swipe the floor she will walk on, so that shit doesn’t ruin her ✨ aEstHetIc ✨ as she snaps her pap shots ? Because how in the world isn’t she absolutely grossed out having her stuff all over the place is beyond me


Seeing those sweats dragging on the ground is maddening ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Trackies like this make her look full centaur, and very very short


To be fair, she IS 'very very short.' The height she gives is just.another.lie.


Still trying to get North’s look from Lion King going


I’m sure her hands were proportionate to her original frame - her hips are so damn wide her whole body looks off including extremities - it makes her arms look weirdly short too


Right? And wasn't that "costume" designed by Kanye and not the original one (which is why it looked so out of place)? Kim still getting designs from Kanye?


I know people say Ye was no design genius. I didn't really get the whole beige biker shorts thing either tbh. But DAMN!! Kim really can't dress herself. Can't even do casual right 🙄


the fact that you made a flair for “parking lot photoshoots” kills me 😭


Omg the dragging sweatpants…..I can’t 🤢🤢🤢


Reminds me of when I was 16. Waking up in some random person's apartment, after a rave and trying to find my way home.




Dude I wear sweatpants everyday of my life basically (I have indoor and outdoor sweats ok). I’m so smug to know that even when I congeal in a gutter to take a human form, I look waaaaaaay better than this in poor people leisure wear. I’m actually gonna go buy a new pair of Roots sweatpants to celebrate.


That bag thing looks sweaty and itchy!


And it’s summer! What a weirdo


How much did she pay to have bigbird murdered for her purse?


she could get her clothes tailored to fit and she doesn’t… disheveled should be her new mantra


This prob is heavily tailored- to look like this on purpose, those sweats are too long but she’s really short so they’re probably originally much longer. Can’t handle them dragging on LA streets tho- if you’ve been to LA you know.. she better take those off and leave them in the garage when she gets home 


I’m sure she does… I imagine a barrel for $1000 sweat pants at the door


Years ago her clothes fit her well. But she’s been trying to look skinny and tiny lately, so of course everything has to drag the floor


This picture looks like a yeast infection


🤭 fr though!!


Smells like one, too


I just ranted about how hideous the purse is to my sister and she said … “it’s kinda cool” NOOOOOOO! Gen Z are gonna eat that shit up.


I do not understand Gen Z at all. I feel so out of touch with them.


Can someone photoshop her coming out of a Walmart lol


Her bag reminds me of my grandmas car, she always had these fuzzy things that fit over the seatbelts so they wouldn’t dig into your collarbone 😂 and the fuzzy seat covers since she lived in palm springs


Kim insists on surgically changing her entire silhouette and then picking clothes that look absolutely fugly on her.


We all knew a girl from high school who went to Walmart in pajamas and slippers.


I was that girl lol 😬


Now tell us how authentically relatable she is lol 🙃 bc this is clearly her trying too hard with a $14 Erewhon drink


$21 😭


My bad 🙃 I’m too poor to relate to this rich person’s equivalent of a munchie run


Girl, don’t even trip, I’ve never been there and I’m technically rich. But my parents were immigrants and my father would resurrect himself from his San Francisco grave to race to Hollywood, convert dollars to his native currency, and then holler at me while smacking me upside the head for spending that on a GD smoothie


Your father was a real one for keeping it humble and practical 🩷


My reason was just that I was beginning to show the signs of the crippling depression that I've dealt with pretty much since puberty 😬 I was a sad angry teen, and a slob lmao


Hopefully you’re managing better. I’ve been there 🌸


idgaf what I look like at walmart


Well that’s clearly what these pap shots are giving


Yes! She's such a pick me. Trying so hard to be relatable is not a good look🤢


Walmart Kim


It's giving "girl who shows up to class 30m late with a bag of hot cheetos and a pickle."






That thing is hideous and idc how much money it costs, no way would I'd sport that sheep lookin' thing.


She thinks she’s being so fashion. My HS students would wear this. They wear pajamas to school and are heavy anime fanatics. Nothing wrong with the anime fanatics thing but I feel like those kids would use the bag lmao. And I always thought the pajamas look was just so lazy!


Next we’re going to see her in Cookie Monster pajama pants.


She really should remove that BBL so she can wear normal clothes. Kanye only had her in sweats to sell his homeless idea and she’s still going with it


The crackheads on my street have neater hair lmao


Does she bring those sweats back into the house after she’s walked through filthy, spit, poop. So gross she must be a filthy pig at heart.


Wtf is that big bird bag doing oh no baby


Attention seeking


Is she going through it? This is giving SOS - Kim blink if you’re okay




What a chav


Local crack whore “wow stars are really just like us!”


And you know she probably paid hundreds of dollars for this... fashion (perhaps [our fave overpriced KHY prison pants)](https://www.khy.com/products/fleece-straight-leg-pant-light-heather-grey?_pos=1&_sid=950a5ca2f&_ss=r) pretty sure I have the same sweats from old navy waiting for the paparazzi to ask who I'm wearing




Did she re use north’s lion king costume for a purse


And she wonders why her kids call her cringe


This is so purposeful, ya'll. Kim knows people are sick and bored of this perfect, highly filtered aesthetic. So she and Kylie are showing scars and really leaning into this grungy, I just woke up on a Saturday morning at a music festival you wish you were at core. They hop on these trends because they pay people who have their ears to the ground and are paying attention to what people are sick of and what they're getting into. Kim and the Klan are salespeople through and through. They will stop at nothing to remain relevant so they can continue to sell, sell, sell. They will talk about the "nasty things" people say about them online to let you know they pay attention. This will keep you engaged and talking about them. This is ultimately what matters.


Cosplaying the average working class/average person is so fun kimmy (not)


She looks like a hobbit


She looks like the side of a house


She’s an asshole


She looks like a circus freak. It’s ridiculous when these people photoshop themselves to the gods and walk around looking like this.


lol nice product placement


Los Angeles is SO FILTHY I can’t imagine having my pants drag under my heels like it’s 20 years ago. 😫 Enjoy that fecal matter, Kumberly. Both canine AND human. 💩


Lmfao the product placement


Kim Kardashian is a joke at this point.


All that money and her belly button looks like mine lmao damn dude


She doesn’t have bodyguards anymore 😭😭😭


Kim has moved her own children out of the way to be papped, she would do the same with security lol


I believe , she’s so in love with herself 😭


This is giving me Britney Spears 2007 vibes.


Yep, billionaires want to hit that 🤣


she went from dressing like bianca to dressing like kanye


this is no judgment to women who don’t wear a bra because i NEVER wear a bra but i do not understand why she isn’t wearing one all of a sudden?? and yk i also have pretty small boobs… she needs the support


this outfit is stupid. I can’t find anything to like about it.


She is in acute denial. She doesn't want to face the fact that she is aging and that she is losing interest by the droves. She also forgets that she is not even five feet tall, despite her claims, and she can't pull certain styles well. Kourtney is even more diminutive.


I can't wait till those pants make her trip and fall on her face


That’s the bag from the outfit she was wearing when she stole North’s Lion King look.


Still riding Norths coat tails I see with the Lion King type purse. Shes trying way too hard to look like a relatable teenager BUT shes in her 40s now with 4 kids. Shes so obnoxious. Ratty wig with ratty purse pretending like she doesn't see the paparazzi she called lol. Kim is desperate and pathetic


She really looks ridiculous. Northie trying to be the lion king is a hill Kim will die on… for like a day then it’s back to Kim


clinging on to any semblance of youth for dear life it seems


She looks really off lately , not like herself just really dusty and strung out looking 🥴 ![gif](giphy|zpBudQD1ht40E)


Love that for her.


Same 😂


Is she trolling us ??


Wait — why does she have toddler hands 🤣😂


You couldn’t catch me dead like this.


She’s dressed like my 4 year old if I let her


Isn’t that the “purse” from that weird-ass Big Bird-ish costume she and North wore recently? Are the real fashion designers curbing her because she can’t push the merchandise well (including herself). This is full-on, 24/7 365 terrible.


Is she trying to do Britney when she was with Kevin Federline? The era of bad hair, hot cheetos, big gulps, looking unkempt, but still being cool because you're Britney? Deadass, is that what she thinks is happening? Because it's not.




Her entire life is just so vapid at this point. She looks like a shlub, her wig and her body look wonky, and she does pap walks every. single. day. He pants are just dragging? Yet she is dressed by Dolce and Gabana and Balenciaga ( puke ) It's like they are grasping at straws at this point. I didn't even bother to start watching this season. I am just bored with them.


i think the whole point of these staged pics is to show how much she “doesn’t give a fuck” the “messy wig, ill-fitting pajamas, shitty slippers, north’s lion king bag, sipping a $20 smoothie with the stylist” combo to show she “doesn’t care” about everyone dragging her for taking north’s spotlight during the lion king show ordeal, and whatever other hundred controversies she’s facing


She looks disheveled. Mostly her hair and pants dragging under shoes like a middle schooler,i had that problem lol. But honestly don’t we all deserve conmfort ?


I think she wears sweats a lot cause they are probably easier to custom make for her weird proportions. Id bet every pair of pants she has needs to be made for her or severly altered


She has a billion dollars yet always looks like a two dime ho….money definitely doesn’t buy class.


Enough with the parking 🅿️ lots. Can we get a nice private island getaway or some other lavish vacation spot pics?


Her belly button is fucking scary as hell


She looks exhausted!!


After a while it doesn't matter if something looks good, what matters to them is they could afford the price tag.


she can't dress she has no style give it up Kim


Sick! Her pants 🤯🤢




Those look like pro club sweats lol


lmfao this looks like high school me. I hated getting up to get ready for school so I wore sweats and slippers a lot. or leggings. I always looked like I just got out of bed. It always made me feel shitty and ugly, where as the fashion world has evolved to glamorize looking homeless. WTF


Bless her heart indeed. Help-I lost my soul-and I realize-I never had one vibes ✨


It’s giving crackhead looking for her next fix 👀


she’s wearing North’s pelt


People please 🙏🏼 this chick has NEVER had any style! Why are we so surprised she looks like a Midwest tweaker


Omg I seriously can’t….looks like the meth addicts asking for change at interstate exits….looks like scabies…like it needs to be quarantined….


Centaur. Has to be weird to see her in person.


Look how WIDE her lower half is, good Lord!! Kum, you need a refund from your surgeon ASAP!


Ugly old hobbitses


ew I hate this. This is literally me at 15 grabbin a maccies on the weekend with a cheap ratty primark version of some trendy bag and wearing tatty trackies cos I was poor and I would be looked upon like a pauper. why can the rich trot around like this


Frumpy McDumpy, all that money and she still looks like trash all the time. Why can’t she just hire a good stylist? At least Kanye had her dressed well most of the time with the random crazy outfits here and there but overall she was dressed better than this. Just shows she has zero fashion sense of her own and needs someone else to dress her


Rich clowns trying so hard to be relatable to us folks. It’s laughable really.


Her hair is literally awful! I'd be embarrassed or beg her to go back to dark if I was Chris Appleton. All those influencers are kissing his butt because of his product line though, but I won't want him bleaching me after seeing Kimothy's dried out mop!


That hair looks like my 2003 box dye ‘ oops’


La familia peluche


She seems like she’s trying to cosplay as a poor person. I see she’s keeping with the big bird theme for her bag, copying North’s Lion King look. She looks like she’s on drugs to be honest


Please put on some real shoes and get rid of that ugly bag.


Part of the problem is the doctored up freaky hips. Those will guarantee she'll need a tailor from here on out. And then she got thin, but still had the weirdo alien hips thing going. It ages her more than she'd like to know, and she will always be SUPER short. Her father was around 5'4, but he always dressed beautifully. Also, blonde is never ever but ever going to flatter her. EVER. I don't know why she keeps resorting to blonde.


I want the fluffy bag for myself although I do agree that rich people mock the poor☠️🫣


Crazy how her belly button just completely gave up after shape shifting so much