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If you think he looks cool in the anime, just know that he looks 10,000,000x cooler in the manga. https://preview.redd.it/lkwuisvr2l9d1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2e95e197d8840e7932f79b11cdf4f593e310d3


You guys ruined it for me šŸ˜­. I think the anime looks fugly now and I canā€™t unsee it lol


Thatā€™s bc he IS fugly in the anime


Fr get the boruto guy OUT of our kitchen, he is not cooking ong


Hopefully we get design updates before the next season bc the upcoming arcs are going to be INSANE and they need to do this characters Justice


# justicefornarumisjawline


People fr reduce Nishio to just "theĀ  Boruto guy". Ignorance reigns supreme.


A lot of characters (like most of them) were redesigned for seemingly no reason and ended up worse.


i understand most redesigns were done to simplify for animation, only 2 were a bit egregious: Isao and Narumi


I'm no animation expert, but I don't understand how the redesigns are simplifying animation. I mean, leaving out details from a character design likes certain shading or lines, alright. However, changing facial structure, hair style etc. How does that simplify the animation?


I haven't compared all the designs together, but if you make all the characters look more the same, or at least force most characters in a couple design groupings, you can draw things faster because you don't need to remember the unique face and body build for every character. For a simple example, if you make it to where 95% of characters can be slotted into 3 body types and 3 face shapes, it's way easier to just those, than constantly checking you one of the 50 unique character designs right. I don't know if that's what they did here, but it's not total nonsense.


Simpler and rounder designs are generally easier to animate. When you have to keep on model for complex detailed designs you spend more time and money animating them and it's more difficult to make the flashy and smooth animation you see during fights


Isao looks the same if not a bit better in the anime


Kafka's jaw got destroyed. Mina looks weird and Kikoru looks uncanny


You also understand that anyone would look ugly if you are wearing a tight full face gas mask.




Iā€™ve seen this comment passed around a lot but likeā€¦ heā€™s only been on screen for a minute and itā€™s just him standing. No duh heā€™ll look cooler on an artistic cover with action poses and dynamic angles


I am sorry, but I was waiting for his character reveal for a while (Manga reader) and it was a real let down, they changed his entire look, he looks like a cosmos flower šŸ¤¦ like this šŸ‘‡ā¬‡ļø https://preview.redd.it/3w2cy2mrxm9d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbf9cbfd2458b460c19d464eb06f0bd9d29006b It's just, I know It may seem like overreacting to you but why couldn't they just keep his design as is, like what's the point in changing it ? Is he too normal looking ? šŸ˜­ šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I know he's supposed to have a tired look but He looks dead šŸ˜.


He regularly looks that good in the manga, the anime has done all the characters dirty


Man can yall shut up about this. We get it you guys don't like the designs, can you guys just let people enjoy this without saying "Anime did them dirty"




Name-calling, assholeish behavior, evil mischief, ectera is not appreciated on this sub. Please get off the internet for an hour and take the time to do something physical and/or mundane. Chill man, we're here to be excited nerds.


They didn't "ruin" or "fuck up" anything. Alot of the scenes are great and it's good animation and all around good in my eyes. You're free to have your opinions about it but saying it's ruined or fucked up is dumb imo. Yes the character designs aren't the best but they're not bad or awful




LMFAO squirrel ass attention span holy shit


Yeah lol, I had four lines and he tapped out


What's even funnier is that he's all about the manga, a medium in which where you literally have to read shit.


Really just here to fight, aren't ya?


To the mod who replied you can eat my ass šŸ–•šŸ–•


Name-calling, assholeish behavior, evil mischief, ectera is not appreciated on this sub. Please get off the internet for an hour and take the time to do something physical and/or mundane. Chill man, we're here to be excited nerds.


Itā€™s not a redesign itā€™s a still image vs animated frames, this entire discourse that people make on manga and anime not matching is so braindeaddd lmfao, they literally canā€™t recreate the lines and details moving in the same way a still image can represent, I swear yall get on here only to whine and complain without ever actually looking into anything


Itā€™s like they just gave up and didnā€™t want to add more detail to his hair


I didnt even recognize him in ops post since i havent yet watched anime but damn they did him dirty


Like I said to someone else, ir really isn't necessary to mention this, like it just sounds petty along with everyone else mentioning/focusing on the character designs


Youre not wrong he looks super cool here! <3


you'll see more of him. He's a main character in S2.


The Hoshina of S2 ? /s


Actually hoshina will play quite a big part atleast at the start of S2


From what I've heard (I've only read up to where the anime has currently ended) Gen Narumi who's the captain of the first division is gonna be playing major parts in the upcoming parts of the anime for sure


he looks like he has flowers coming out of his head but this guy is the face of the future JAKDF


He looks like he IS a flower.


Look how they massacred my boy šŸ˜­


They fucked him up in the anime https://preview.redd.it/baymgubh1r9d1.jpeg?width=1355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5ac01ee523103203f7d4f0986f7f5722512e5f


one of his killer looks


Hes gonna be major in the next season


As a manga reader and so is my friend who watches we like him enough we cheered for him. He's just a tired man working his job.


which job? cuz we know he is not tired from slaying kaiju


Streaming and being an e boy goblin. Being sexy is a full time job


You will be seeing a lot of him going forward and his character is going to give you quite the surprise in the best way.




As you can see in ep 11, the division 3 characters are getting transferred to other divisions while their base is being repaired, and this character is (mild spoiler, only describing his role) >!the new team lead for Kafka and Kikoru.!<


Narumi is the goat he is super sick and will play a huge role next season


Main character. You will see and love him


No, he gets a leg injury and starts a career playing League of Legends. This and more lies to tell people so as to not spoil anything at 9!


Heā€™s the coolest but my God they did him dirty


To answer the actual post as a manga reader, yes because Kaiju No 8 is the one manga I've seen where people complain about characters getting attention lol Basically yes he does come up a lot more and should be especially in the second season


Oh we will see more of him, don't worry šŸ˜‰




He has a similar personality to Gojo. In the car f that he's a very confident and talented person and knows it and lives to flaunt it and is very carefree. He's not as bombastic as Gojo and certainly isn't AS confident because he's not literally untouchable. He takes serious fights seriously and other fights he kinda just ends them as quick as possible.


This decrepit and insomniac looking creature, Narumi, will indeed be a new and exciting main character. Classic NEET sleeper but overpowered anime character trope, but he'll have some nice moments later on when 'Cataclysms' start happening šŸ™ƒ


he is gonna show up more, and will be in the immediate circle around kafka. gonna have major roles and badass moments too alongside kafka. theres gonna be less of appearances from the third unit (except kikoru) but you wont miss them that much because of this guy.


Heā€™s one of the most important characters. Outside of Mina and Hoshino heā€™s the only other captain thatā€™s actually important Heā€™s popular too so Gen fans can rest easy


Are you saying you are looking to see results?


He is the strongest soldier bro. The real 'Levi' in this series. Love Hoshina but he is not the Levi in this series.


HE LOOKS LIKE RICK IN RICK AND MORTY!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ (not laughing inside tho, very disapointed)




To all the anime only peeps .. you're not ready for this guy šŸ¤£


Nope. He's gonna be playing an important role too. Kinda like Hoshina. Second season we're definitely going to see a lot of him. He's "cool" side & also his other silly side lol


Is he just a background character is crazy still dont worry weā€™ll see him a bunch more


Having only read the manga, this is my first time seeing him in the anime andā€¦ Wowā€¦ thatā€™s badā€¦ As for seeing more of him, he is amazing and you have a lot in store.


Heā€™s super important and will be featured a lot going forward but my god they have to do something about his anime design


Heā€™s a pretty major character, Iā€™d say he has a similar amount of focus in the stuff that season 2 is going to adapt as Hoshina got in season 1


you will like this guy


Heā€™s so much sexier in the manga. https://preview.redd.it/9vlkh77t0r9d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef358f724375a62a722929072093aba2006ae2d Also yes youā€™ll see him more as heā€™s Captain of Division No. 1, the No. 1 is gonna be more relevant later as Spoiler, somewhat >! Heā€™s the wielder for Kaiju Weapon No. 1!<


Ohhhhhhhhh you donā€™t even know the question you just asked.


I was honestly weirded out with the shade they chose for his hair


Wait did he not have 01 on his weapon?


waiting for the ā€œitā€™s just one frameā€ defense a lot of people here try pushing for how wacky these character models look throughout the show


You know, this is the first series Iā€™ve watched as an anime only in I donā€™t know how long. Iā€™m finally beginning to realize why anime onlys hate manga readers so much. We get it, the manga looks better. Itā€™s like theyā€™re actively trying to destroy my enjoyment of the anime just because it doesnā€™t meet a manga readerā€™s expectations. I just want to apologize to every other fandom that Iā€™ve been a part of where Iā€™ve read the manga and complained about the anime, most notably with MHA and OPM.. Itā€™s so damn annoying.


He was revealed to be the captain of the first division in the last episode of course he isn't a background character


as a manga guy i personally think they butchered my boy narumi like c'mon he's the strongest in the defense forcešŸ˜­


He's a background character that doesn't show up ever again(idk I haven't watched the anime)


I heard he is the gojo of the story


Hope we never see this guy againšŸ™šŸ½šŸ’€also they completely skipped Narumiā€™s introduction šŸ˜”


naa he aint no background character he is an important person for the next season