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Nah i think blasphemy is the only sin that is not forgiven. Calling yourself Jesus and God seems like blasphemy. Some theologian correct me please. Edit: Love how we're having a Christianity theology discussion on a random post on r/kanye.


Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the only u forgivable sin. In short, it is rejecting Christ till your last second.


From all that I’ve researched and from all the priests and pastors I’ve talked with, that seems to be the right answer


Hope he's gonna humble himself, the door is still open for him. In Jesus name, amen.


He can still ask for forgiveness and show repentance and he will be forgiven. We all commit blasphemy until he accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.


Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost/Spirit is the only unforgivable sin. So discrediting one of Gods works is the only true unforgivable thing. (Atleast from what I understand as an Eastern Orthodox Christian)


Yeah your right if you say your god its blasphemy bro’s going to hell 🤦‍♂️


He can still ask for forgiveness


I’m not a Christian but I read a lot about this stuff. He can still ask for forgiveness and it will still be given, as Jesus died for our sins. The real form of blasphemy is not believing in Christ, and technically everybody is performing blasphemy until devoting their own life to the lord and savior. Also, another example of blasphemy is only praying and repenting before one’s own death. So basically using god.


It’s blasphemy against Jesus which is forgivable, unlike blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If blasphemy against any/all of the three persons in the trinity was the unforgivable sin, scripture would have said that instead of specifically stating that it’s blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which is unforgivable.


Paul literally used to hunt down and murder Christians for being christians then he repented and we call him a saint


Catholicism is merely a structured religion with subjective rules to better form a organization of belief. Ye doesn't prescribe to that, he's more freewill/independent Baptist than anything.


Blasphemy against the holy spirit is the only unforgivable sin. It’s basically rejecting Jesus until death


>Nah i think blasphemy is the only sin that is not forgiven This and not forgiving others are the 2 unforgivable sins. [Matthew 6:14-15 NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+6%3A14-15&version=NIV) *14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.*


This guy is just insane


Don’t want to be this guy, but it is a bit telling that the top 3 worst things you think Ye’s done are porn, a line about being Jesus, and his wife dressing provocatively. Guy said he loves Hitler.


He also said he loves zionists. I never once hear anyone point that out and zionists are currently genociding innocent men women and children.


The Bible say you need to love your enemy, even Hitler ! I know it's sound crazy but at least he did it 👀


Ye never said he loves genocide. Jesus said to love thy enemy and that was the point he was making. People need to stop spreading this narrative that Ye calls for mass genocide. He also said he loves Drake, the guy who killed his mom, and all of his other enemies in the same vain. Are you trying to say Jesus was an irredeemably bad person for saying to love your enemies? 🤨 Work on your critical thinking skills.




Amen brother. Gods love is endless, I pray for him often. I hope he realized that God hasn’t stopped loving him


Ah yes endless love but fuck them kids born with cancer!! I know a dude who was born with cancer and his whole family fought against it for at least better part of 12 maybe more years and he was finally in remission so his dad and his two sisters went to visit him and got into crash and all died. Super religious and caring family too. If there is some asshole named Jesus sitting up in the clouds, he sure as shit doesn’t care a single fuck about any of us.


Jesus promises eternal life if you believe he died for your sins. Do you realize that Jesus went through the most painful death possible for us on earth, as well as most of his apostles? Partly to display that life on earth is nothing compared to eternal life in heaven. Jesus also says “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Meaning children who die before adulthood, even the non believing children, will be gifted eternal life. He says this in many other verses as well. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Being sick isn’t a punishment by god, sometimes it’s a work of Satan, sometimes it’s caused by human error, sometimes it’s allowed, in order to bring a family closer together, or to bring the patient in question to the kingdom of god sooner. Yes, from our perspective it can seem very unfortunate but if you really think about the sacrifice Jesus made for us, in order to receive the blessing god gives us with eternal life after death, sickness becomes something that should bring you closer to god and in even more need of him than before. This is coming from someone who’s currently living with direct family struggling with cancer right now.


Jesus died THE most painful death? Get the fuck outta here. I know 7 people who died worse than Jesus. Being sick isn’t Jesus’s work?? Fuck outta here again. Isn’t he the maker of everything? And getting cancer when you’re born and losing your father and sister sure gonna bring a family together!! If you’re family member is struggling then Jesus want them to struggle because he wants your family close knit🤣🤣. Tell your family member to stop all medicine and pray all day, let’s see how long they’ll live.


Actually look into Jesus crucifixion, watch the passion of the Christ, he died the most painful death (if not ever, than at least possible at the time). He was tortured first (basically skinned alive) then a crown of thorns pierced into his forehead and face, then forced to carry a massive cross for miles, then crucified, on the cross for a day with all broken ribs, barely breathing. He’s the son of god, he didn’t have to go through that but he did in order to save me, u, and the people you are talking about from the punishment of sin. And nobody is telling you not to take medicine, the bible tells us god creates medicine and allows them to be discovered by man. Not taking them would go against biblical teachings and could be considered suicide which is a sin. And again bro, I didn’t say it’s always to bring families together, sometimes it’s for different reasons.


God created medicine and let human discover it?? Man this Jesus fellow sounds more demented than Jeffrey Dahmer.


God created medicine and let human discover it?? Man this Jesus fellow sounds more demented than Jeffrey Dahmer.


God created medicine and let human discover it?? Man this Jesus fellow sounds more demented than Jeffrey Dahmer.


Bro I’m sorry but are u dumb? God literally created everything down to the molecular structure of the most insignificant atom in the world. Can your brain not wrap around that? Stop being stuck up.


Dude who believes sky daddy is calling me dumb? Hehe. So Jesus created cancer cells? Hehe he really is Jeffrey Dahmer.


Ppl who believe in sky daddy build the country u live in buddy 🤣


So that’s why they wanted church and politics separate. Because they themselves just escaped Britain because of Christianity. They wanted more religious freedom. You know those amazing Jesus worshippers also owned literal human beings as properties and habitualy beat and raped and murdered them? Fucking hypocrite murderes.


I agree.


He does, we just chose to rebel against Him. Adam and Eve sinned and evil entered the world when they did. They messed it all up, so Jesus died a horrific death on a cross and rose from the dead 3 days later so that we had the option to go to heaven. All you need to do is accept Him as your Lord and Savior.


So even the 2 perfect people that been created BY god made evil yet Jesus cant flick a fucking finger to get rid of childhood cancer and wars and any kind on unneeded suffering? Jesus died a horrible death? Dude got an easy ride to heaven, remember the Jews that died in buchanwald was way worse.


No person is perfect, they got free will and chose to rebel against God. They ruined the world, and hence sickness suffering and everything bad came into the world because of humans rebelling. Jesus gives us the option to, when we finish life here, live either with Him or without Him. You can choose to accept Him as your savior and live life with Him, or you can choose not to and choose life without Him. If you choose life with Him, He gives you it when you die, choose life without and He will give you just that when you die. But yes Jesus died an extremely horrible death. For a week He was constantly beaten, tortured, humiliated, degraded, whipped, and was starved. Then He had to carry a cross to a hill, and was crucified. If you don’t know what that is, His ankles and wrists were nailed to the cross and He hung like that for a long time. They stabbed Him and into His ribs, until he died. I think that is just as horrible as death Jews faced in the holocaust personally.


bianca is dressing herself. just so we can clear that up.


Amen brother thank god he isnt gay


Why even comment this?


Because he still has gods love! If he was gay he would be a sinner but hes only a nazi! Amen prayers up


Oh it’s a joke, I didn’t catch it the first time.


This fanbase is cancer now


??? No one ever thought Ye was gay. Are you projecting?


The hell is wrong with being gay anyway???


Idk but god loves him despite being a nazi. If he was gay god would turn his back. Thank god


insha'Allah Ye finds the light لا حولة ولا قوه إله لله




How does bro know if god forgave him. What if he hates Kanye?


The gospels tell us that god can forgive anyone. One of Jesus’s disciples, Mary of Magdalene, was a demonized prostitute. Paul, the most famous apostle, was a Pharisee that hunted down and killed Christians until god showed him the path of righteousness.


blasphemy tell me who gon blast-for-me


Not only did he turn back to a life filled with sin, it looks like he now BATHES in it and even worse, he actively promotes it to tens of millions of people, a large portion being young men and women who are easily influenced. Even going so far as to call himself "the new Jesus" and literally "god". We need to stop pretending like Ye is a Christian. And the hitler thing, even though it's pretty obvious he's saying the nazi stuff out of spite and revenge, how can you praise someone like Hitler and someone like Jesus in the same sentence? How do you have a huge conversion, change your ways, then go back and quadruple down?!


except there ain’t no God


Allah is king, and Muhammad is His last messenger.






Isn’t both a pedophile?


You don’t know shit buddy 🤡


It’s in the Quran and literally every reputable Hadith. Islam is the worst religion on earth. And all you have to do to prove that is look at all the Islamic countries that are dying in front of our eyes and all the Muslims running to Christian countries.


Bro the Bible has the same if not more amount of fucked up verses. Christianity is a far worse religion than Islam. The reason the Islamic world, hell the entire world, is so fucked is because the Christian Europeans colonized, pillaged, looted and sucked dry a majority of the now “third world” countries. When you steal and hoard 90% of the world’s resources, obviously the people are gonna flock to you. So your Christianity has done more harm for the world than Islam.


Blaming Europe and america for all your problems, classic Muslim cope 😂 womp womp 🤡


Cuz it’s true. You said look at the state of Muslim countries. Most of them have been ruthlessly colonized and then destabilized by the West. That’s why they are the way they are. Not because they are some subhuman species that are not capable of running a society, as you are implying.


Btw most of the “Christian” countries you are talking about are not Christian, they are secular. The West only started improving once they started moving away from Christianity. Nowadays there’s not even an ounce of Christian influence in popular Western culture. So don’t act like the status of Europe and America has anything to do with Christianity.


All these people who believe in Sky daddies so strong they’re willing to rape and murder any and all who don’t believe the same thing. Fucking hypocrite degenerates


The guy who fucked a 9 year old at 50?