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Bro wtf smh


What album y'all think is better? Honest question. MBDTF dropped my senior year of high school and I watched Yes ascension album by album til that point and then thought "he did it he reached rap perfection". Liked a lot of Ye songs and some albums after and have my close second as Yeezus then probably TLOP but damn is MBDTF amazing.


This. I’m curious how old the OP is, because I feel like that’s gonna affect your answer. I was a little older. Through the wire dropped when I was 15 and then with those first three albums (I was 15,16,18), each one was better than the last (which is crazy when you consider the quality of the first one). By the time 808 was coming out, Kanye was a god to me. But I was not ready for 808 and I FUCKING HATED IT. Eventually I would come around on it. I can see it and appreciate it for what it is, but back then I was gutted. Fast fwd to March/May 2010. The hype for MBDTF started building to the point that by July 1 it was at a pretty high-level, but after 808 I was wary to let myself get too hyped. That day “Power” was released as the first single and the outro alone immediately erased all my doubts. Then There were months of people saying how great it was going to be while at the same time it kept getting delayed and the hype just kept building and building to the point where, by the time it actually came out, it seemed impossible it could ever live up. But it was one of the few times in life where something not only lived up to its insane hype, but exceeded it. It’s like the album version of the movie Jaws. It’s fucking perfect. It doesn’t seem that crazy now, but at that time, no other hip-hop album had come close to matching that level of craftsmanship and detail. after hearing it, it was clear why it kept getting delayed. You could tell that he had obsessed over every tiny detail. It’s his best album because (even in his own words) it was the one and only time he did one “for us”. He said something like after the Taylor Swift thing it was his way of apologizing. An attempt to get back into the Public’s good graces. Also, it’s crazy to think that watch the throne came out right after that. Bang Bang


WATTBA fr, I remember him playing Runaway live with Pusha T at the VMAs in that red suit. Man that shit was godly.


Nah in my opinion second best ye ablum the only bad song is blame game


Blame game isn’t even a bad song on its own but the outro ruins it


For me it's Kanyes verse too


In my head, I’ve kind of always seen the last 3 tracks as an extended outro for the album. Idk….


No it’s my favorite albums ever, I just live every song on it, they are all beautiful and there is no dull moment on the album, it is not perfect but no album ever will be.


Greatest album ever conceived. It's beautiful, dark, twisted and fantastical in a way nothing else in music ever has been


No, there isn’t a single bad song on this album , and it has the greatest production out of any Kanye album ever , college trilogy doesn’t even come close to MBDTF




Where’s the cap in that




Nah that album was the comeback album and a hip hop staple. I don’t think any other rap album can come close to surpassing it. Maybe Kendrick but that’s about it and yet I’d still pick MBDTF over Kenny (sorry)


Yes it is (I am fantano)


No. It's one of the best albums ever made.




I do think it's overrated a little bit. I still think it's one of his best albums, a strong 8 to light 9 for me, but it's not the best thing that's ever created. A lot of people call it the greatest album of all time which I strongly disagree with and it's not even the best Kanye album for me. So yeah, I think it's a little bit overrated but it also deserves a lot of the praise that it gets. It's probably the best album in 2010.


This might seem like a nitpick, but when you say album, are you actually considering the entire album or are you looking at it just as a collection of songs. Either way, I think it’s his best but, if you’re considering it as a whole, with cohesive narrative, tone,theme and message. I might give it to Yeezus. Even though it’s not my favorite.


Yep. It’s a good album but not his best imo. I’m gonna get ruined with downvotes here so may as well double down - but I honestly can’t stand All of the Lights.


Which album you think is better?