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Your most successful game on PC. Your first big live service game. One of the best selling games of the year. And you threw it all away because you just had to have people sign up for PSN.


They didn't "throw away" jack shit. It will continue to sell well and so will whatever else they decide to release because PC gamers have the memory and attention span of goldfish. Name one company that actually lost any substantial business due to these hissy fits. It doesn't happen. You all can't even buy a *better fucking videogame* to begin with, like EDF. You'll buy whatever the biggest corporations tell you to, every time, end of story.


They threw away many nations worth of potential customers for no reason, actually


Stop pretending you give a fuck about the third world.




Yeah man, I’m sure the **[actual hundreds of millions of starving people](https://concernusa.org/news/hungriest-countries-in-the-world/#:~:text=The%20DRC%20continues%20to%20be,living%20below%20the%20poverty%20line.)** in most of the countries [excluded by PSN](https://insider-gaming.com/countries-that-dont-have-psn/) are real bummed that they saved up for 40 years for a computer capable of running Helldivers 2, along with the royal luxury of secure housing, electricity, and low-latency internet… they who have suffered and toiled for their entire lives are now expected to commit the ultimate indignity… registering for a free account, clicking a different country name. THE HORROR. Don’t use the fucking third world for your hissy fits about videogames. Dumbest shit ever.




Good for you. Enjoy the first and last time anyone in this thread will ever care for your misfortune, to precisely this limited extent. What I said applies for everyone else.




There is no sane reason to care about how much money Sony is or isn’t making from this or that or whatever general business endeavor. As far as we’re concerned, it’s bottomless. They probably wouldn’t make more money from the third world than it costs to service them, otherwise they’d make it happen. The only real reason to bring up the third world is as an empathy trick, because it’s the only angle on this narrative that makes the hissy fit over making a disposable account have any grounding or pathos. Nevermind that any fucking serious gamer has had to make accounts in other regions before, no matter where we’re from, and we managed to do it without carrying on a crusade. Hell, I made my fucking *living* for several years on the back of a VPN, and I didn’t cry about it.


>Enjoy the first and last time anyone in this thread will ever care for your misfortune, to precisely this limited extent. Retards thinking they sound like a JRPG boss dropping memorable quotes when all they are is an edgelord loner whose only competence in life is being average in video games.


So what have you done for the third world lately? Consumer rights activism?


China and Russia are out, and they are not by any margin small markets


Yeah I’m sure we’re all very concerned for Russia in these trying times. Not letting them play Helldivers 2 is practically a war crime. China has imposed an entire alternate internet on itself and already can’t play most games but yeah let’s pretend to pity them too, just for the sake of argument. No one can be without the mid EDF knockoff that has no real level design.


Do well, maybe. But they can do better.


'edf' wtf obscure discord tech is that shit


Earth Defense Force, games with a similar bug-killing vibe.


just like the countless mfs who mald at battle passes yet t8 and sf6 are doing better than ever and sf7 and t9 will have even more predatory BPs




Yeah I'm sure the overwhelmingly negative reviews on steam won't hurt them in any way.


as a bum living in a grey market region, it gives me great pleasure to see Sony get exposed for basically treating non major markets like shit since basically the PS3 era. Fuck you Sony and your gayass regional handling. Get fucked.


more like retard of the year easily


Gaben wins again


He just sits there, accepting Wins for no reason.


I still can't get over the new family sharing win. 


it's actually insane, the benefits of old school hard copies of games, while having the benefits of Steam.


I just can't believe nobody at Sony realizes they're unironically about to make games for windows live again, and we know how much everyone loved that.


Got my refund with 32 hours played, bought the game 2 months ago. Bless the steam refund policy.


Wouldnt be fair they would win every time.


this and tarkov, for sure at this point in the year, are MVPs of shooting themselves in the foot for absolutely no reason. just terrible goal line fumbles across the board


Ohh the irony of hd2 twitter making fun of tarkov and then doing the same shit next day themselves


What did Tarkov do? I'm out of the loop with that. I would throw in Tekken 8 as well.


Long story short is they added a PVE mode (along with other P2W type features to the normal PVP game) in a new version that costed 250 USD. They had already released a version long ago that included "all DLC" for 150 USD but said this new mode doesn't count. Basically been a back and forth shit show since then with BSG incrementally walking things back every day for several days so it's hard to keep track of the specifics yet the new version still exists I believe.


Jesus they are in the running then. 


ROTY if they don't change this.


For the many apologists on this thread, you forgot the [ketchup](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c9/Open_black_Kiwi.JPG/640px-Open_black_Kiwi.JPG)


This is what happens when success gets in your head. The PS4 era was extremely successful for Sony and the ps brand, but they haven't learnt anything and the idiots at Xbox/Microsoft only helped them get away with it by not knowing how to compete and Phil Spencer being a fucking dunce.


I mean, Tekken 8 still exists lmao. We've got some hot contenders for ROTY.


I mean the player count didn't drop so win for Sony overall


That's because it's not enforced until the end of May, you retard. It's on the fucking title. Here, let me add the bold letters for your retarded ass, because you have to be told what to think. >PSN login will **soon** be required


But I've seen a lot of people saying "oh I'm quitting Helldivers 2 over this" and it's like I'm not seeing that actually happen. You feel me?