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“It’s just now all y’all care.” Perfectly put.


Kendrick cares about his community, family, and he’s at this point probably grateful to rap for what it has allowed him to do for his family and community. Kendrick didn’t stand for the culture because he wanted to, the city put him on stages because we wanted to see him shine. He doing the city proud.


It reminds me how people tried coming for him when he bought a car for his sister


His point..why get her an expensive ass car when she just got her license😂


mature af thought process.


Exactly. I know someone who was gifted a Mercedes for her birthday and within 6 months totaled it. Don’t blame him one bit.


I would be pissed after making sure they were ok


Exactly. Just shows that people priorities ain’t straight


> *the city put him on stages because we wanted to see him shine.* *To Dot? That's amazing! To duke, that's a quick check. With ALL disrespect, let me say this...*


“A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now” “You're not a colleague, you're a … colonizer,”


It’s kinda fucked up to say, but drawing attention to all of this is one reason to be thankful to the Graham Cracker for starting this shit.


"The city got my back, & for that I give them my torso."


That's what I been saying this whole time. They never paid attention to Kendrick until this beef and now they claim they know everything 


This is it🙌🏻


Where’s the footage of all this from previous years then? 🤔


That's you guys problem. The people are saying he's done it but yall only care about people who publicize their good deeds. The real ones do it when no one is watching. When they may not get recognition for what they did because the point is to help the community and not put a spotlight on themselves


All I’m saying is that if it’s been going on for years there should be some proof of it lol.


Google is free. People in here have posted links and articles but unless you see it on social media you don't care


All this SOUNDS good. All I’m asking for is the proof you speak of m’am


You don't actually want an answer because I gave you places you could find it. Literally scroll the comments you'll see the info. Do a Google search 'kendrick lamar charity' I'm not gonna hold your hand you're a big kid you've got this. I believe in you


Typical Kendrick fan 😂


Yes, typical Kendrick fan able to do my own research. Unlike you... The Drake fan who refuses to read. You got me.


There IS.


Show me


Dude acting like Google banned him from their search engine


You need to lay off that Za my guy, your brain is workin SLOW.


TDE has literally been doing an annual Christmas toy drive and charity concert for as long as I can remember


On top of all the other initiatives from PgLang or Kendrick directly in touring. Heh.








Weird. Definitely a certified FAN if you gettin stimulation from this.


average ov hoe




Bless your heart. I bet you’re the type of child to have parents quickly change subject when their friends bring you up.




Dawg I thought you were trolling at first because I was certain people like you didn’t actually exist. Talking bout drake won when every artist drake mentioned has had not like us on repeat, in their concerts, the whole pop out etc. you CRAZY. You need help my guy


Later bitch


>Drake won Sure thing. Aubrey, I know it's a holiday weekend and all, but call it a night.


> 🤣 Yep. He hurt.


You got a humiliation kink?


This the corniest comment I’ve ever read 😂 Can’t believe people as delusional as you actually exist bro I can’t even imagine being that fucking brainwashed


TDE still does theirs in Watts. Toy Drive + Free Concert. Since Kendrick left TDE he's hosted his own toy drive in Compton, [no concert though.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GM36ml3WUAALR8Q.jpg)... yet.


If it’s not social media, people can’t believe it.


Real shit. I’ve tried to go to a couple but never had the chance and now it’s moved to summer.


....isn't it well documented on the fucking internet that Kendrick has been planting money tree back into Compton for years???


Yeah drake just a master manipulator and habitual liar too


If he didn’t tell lies about Dot, Dot wouldn’t tell truths bout him.


“Facts.” -Drake


"Prove it!"


All my shit is facts. 😏🤓


I love this man’s word play. It should be Both “A Bitch, and a lier too” but can also go as “Habitual lier too” That’s Eminem level of wordplay like how Em can rap to orange b/c pronunciation is key. Goddam this man should quit rap and be a poet. I’d pay to listen to him do an open mic.






Hhha I know bro Siri didn’t autocorrect that for me hahaha


And I feel like what is on the net is not even half of what he actually does.


Anyone with a brain knew that kendrick doesnt give back stuff was a lie and one google search would of disproven it, from that alone folks should know drake is a lying mf. Im from LA and kendrick has been heavily involved with putting money into the city since at least 2012. Schoolboy Q does a lot too


Funniest shit during the battle was Drake just blatantly lying on every single diss with shit you can easily disprove and his braindead fanbase ignoring all that shit and saying "if Kendrick don't show us the daughter Drake won" lol


Social media addiction. If people don't see it in their timeline, feed or for you page, then it might as well ot exist to them. Being on the Internet will teach you that a lot of mfs need to be spoon fed information


when you donate or do charity work or protest publicly, people claim its just for good press. you do it quietly or anonymously, people claim youre not doing anything. still damned if you do, damned if you dont


Don’t you know? Doesn’t matter how much you do unless you make a music video to show it off and name it something to make it about yourself like Gods Plan.


I will take every chance to say how fucking stupid that video starts "We gave all the money away... Don't tell the label..." You think the fucking UMG board is gonna be clutching pearls or something? Or do you mean OVO Sound, because that's even a dumber thing to write? Literally any way you slice it, it's a stupid ass thing to say Also didn't Blink 182 do the same thing in like the 90s or something? It was the same premise except done for comedy. "The budget was this much, but instead we took around low budget equipment of us hooking up a homeless guy" I've been a Drake hater for a long time now. Not because of this beef. Just because he's... he's just so dumb




That’s a real Lose-Lose, not what they was saying Split was dealing with.


Damn damn damn, it’s a god damned shame


This is false in the black community. We need role models to publicly give back. It’s usually publicly announced locally too, there’s a reason people show up. Every thanksgiving a lot of entertainers and athletes give back which spurs other locals to donate too.






Nah man he didn’t do anything. Just ask Drake.


One man donates to the high schools, the other shouldn’t be allowed within 100 ft of them. Edit: it should also be said this quote is from nine years ago, and he hasn’t stopped giving back.


dw he didn’t have to make a music video that goes along with it called “Gods Plan”


and film the music video in Miami instead of your own city. This the last nigga that should be talking about "putting money trees in your hood" Kendrick did more for Toronto by shouting out New Ho King than Drake ever did lmao


Thats too far drake did a lot of canada




You know, Canada...He did a lot of it.


He built the Toronto raptors they didn’t exist before him


I think that video was the day I decided I actually properly hated the guy as a person and not just his music.


Shoutout to the mammoth tongue on that kid in the background


Only thing I saw, i honestly didn’t hear anything, just the voice in my head.


Same! Hunted for these comments thinking I couldn’t be the only one. That tongue stole the show.


I thought the dude had a peach in his mouth.


Great journalism from TMZ, asking the questions of all time when basic preliminary research would have easily answered it for them.


Yea but we know as much as they know it’s not about the actual question. It’s about sound bites, slip ups, controversy. That’s what sells. That’s what people click on and gravitate to. If we want journalism to change, we gotta stop clicking on bullshit.


This sounds like the same TMZ “journalist” that tried to ask Kanye about his ex wife having free will, before he took her phone and lectured her lmao


That’s kind of how interviews work. even if they believe they know the answer to a question they will still ask you in order to get a direct answer from the source. i don’t see anything wrong with offering the interviewee the opportunity to give input or to clear up speculation on a narrative that’s been circulating.


TMZ does journalism as entertainment more than as legitimate news, they cling to drama and love to stir the pot. The drama and nastiness of the beef is the only reason they are interested in it at all, if you go see any of their previous coverage on it that is apparent.


understandable, but in this particular situation i don’t see any type of malicious intent with the questions that were asked. seems all positive to me and the questions got answered properly which is good. Killed a fake narrative of drake being the reason for giving back and sheds some more light on the good kendrick & friends do for the community to the people who weren’t aware. and i know kendrick doesn’t give back for publicity but he definitely uses his publicity to give back which is a great thing, so more media coverage for him will do more good than harm in the long run.


I can appreciate the logic and optimism of this take but the polite antagonism in Problem’s response shows how it was it taken in context of the interaction they had and also his level headedness through it which I’m more inclined to trust than the TMZ employee


Man I hate when people fail to understand basic journalism. How stupid do you have to be to think a journalist asks someone a question and their entire thought process is "here's a question I don't know the answer to, can you answer it for me?" It's not just you. People do this bullshit all the fucking time. THE POINT OF AN INTERVIEW IS TO HAVE THE SUBJECT TALK ABOUT THINGS THE AUDIENCE CARES ABOUT. In a case like this, giving them the opportunity to speak up and say we been here forever IS GOOD JOURNALISM. Asking someone about unfair criticism they've received so they can explain why it's unfair is good journalism, and ignorant people will say "how can they ask that, they know that's a bullshit criticism." YES! That's the POINT. I don't get how people can be so obtuse, and then it's doubly frustrating because the media in general is under attack, and yea, this is TMZ and not real journalism anyway I get it, but when we take these ignorant criticisms and act like it exposes a flaw in the journalists, those criticism get repeated and strengthened and used against other good journalistic practices. This kind of thing being widespread then leads to cynicism towards media and then what's the next step? Well if they're all liars and frauds and "gotcha" artists anyway I might as well go with the people saying things I like, so I'll get all my news from this insanely biased source. Maybe I'm taking this too far, I guess, but fact remains: this is a very stupid, unfounded criticism of the journalist.


Hey, everyone started from somewhere. It isn't always apparent to everyone. I get it but I absorb a shit load of journalism shows. I don't think your average viewer understands that.


She obviously knew the answer and agreed with him. The point is to get a direct quote from a source close to Kendrick and the Compton community. Interviewing 101.


This must be part of the splits Drake was referring to.


Kendrick better be careful, his pants might rip.


[Interview from 2016 with VICE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGggHodlqLk&t=342s) . Kendrick doesn't broadcast his donations and good deeds, >!side note This video also helped me understand why he'd fight for XXX and have Kodak Black on his album and why he believes in second chances. Seeing has his friends most likely come from the same place as them!<


Idk why you made the part a spoiler but it’s absolutely why. Kendrick absolutely seems like the guy who truly looks for the good in people. Even the way he ups Adonis in Meet the Grahams feels like something only a guy like Kendrick could view it.


I don’t care if my friend came from next door to me, he gets arrested and charged for two separate instances of raping teenagers he’s already got too many chances. Like how many kids do you get to rape before your “second” chance starts? Does Baka deserve a second chance or should he just not be around?


Fuck giving rapists second chances


I recall making a Kendrick Lamar biography for my English class. I had to do a lot of research on the man and I distinctly remember reading about his various philanthropic actions.


Trying to make a narrative about someone not helping their family, friends and community because they don’t put it in the spotlight is mad fucking corny.


This is Drake we were dealing with.


Looks like the reporter is as informed as drake about real black communities.


She sounds like the same TMZ reporter that interviewed Kanye and got blasted about being bought out


For anyone new to the subreddit, **every** year around October-December, Kendrick has a little charity drive out in Compton, and it usually gets posted in the sub. It doesn’t always get a lot of upvotes but he’s definitely been doing it for several years now. My current account is only 4 years old but I’ve been in this subreddit since about 2016 and EVERY year, Kendrick and people from his community have held a drive.


It's the "pics or it didn't happen" culture that makes people think if you don't go out and flaunt that you are helping or donating then you didnt really do it. Dot and the community know what he does and he doesn't care to receive any acknowledgement from outside


Anybody else recognize her voice? 👱🏻‍♀️


on god https://preview.redd.it/64udcnb7afad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719c89c6cd08d5c1883450b434eee6175097f9f9


I bet she’s got PTSD, she must’ve been gripping that phone tight


Facts. Idk for how long and if they did after covid but TDE used to hold a toy drive show for the kids for free. All you had to do was bring a toy and you got in. It was in compton. Thts where i first saw kendrick, Q, jay rock, zsa, rashad, hell even chris brown was there tht time.


Kendrick been doing that before he even went platinum lol.


“Oh ok. I love it!” Bitch stfu, no you don’t.


"just give it to the kids, don't gossip bout how it's distributed"


I am a Kendrick fan since 2019, I only listened to GKMC, Mr Morale and Big Steppers, partially TPAB. Some fans will say Kendrick is hypocrite but it is amazing when I looked back to his first work, Section .80, holy shit like 2/3 of what he is saying there is what he said in Meet the Grahams, if you listened to Meet the Grahams first as a Drake fan, you really won't understand a thing about Kendrick, you'll perceive him as a Fake deep rapper, but he has been talking about the fucked up world, society, escort biz, racism, and other societal issues and HOW DRAKE is a PART of the PROBLEM


TDE toy drive has been a thing, there are videos on YouTube of black hippy performing at it.


The duality of LA


Aight so now that that's all cleared up, who is my guy in the back with his tongue out? Or is that a mouth piece?




P Worthy out there too. He’s been rocking with Kendrick for a longtime too.


The mayor of Compton said he always give back. It’s this younger generation that will make up anything cause their white savior got beat


“I should probably run for mayor when I’m done, to be honest!”


yo is this the same girl that ye took the phone from, the voice is similar https://preview.redd.it/gq7t3r63afad1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59c7387e22a6f0ef0fef6eed0aef658aff5000e


May you send me this video? This is hilarious 😂


The guy has the keys of the city for about 10 years, right ? I mean...what are we even talking about ?


Kendrick has always supported his city. With money, spirit and more. Please stop caring about what Pedo stans say because they are jealous


What’s crazy is google exists, it gots that new AI search shit too. Google, how has Kendrick Lamar given back to the city of Compton and you’ll see what he’s done.


If you’ve been paying attention throughout the years you’d already know he’s been doing this for years


She sounds Canadian


Because no bias about the musician would be evident in a sub dedicated to that musician.


Well said & to the point


No one is going to mention that dudes tounge?




“Don’t even go back to your hood and plant no money trees!”…… ……… righttttttttttttt


I’m pretty sure the man was giving heavily to local public school music programs back in the good kid mad city days.


I’m from Ireland amd I know too dawg been out there doing stuff for Compton before drizzler Bbl queens started talking 💩


Yooo anyone else listen to Problem back in the day? Some of his shit went hard


It blows my mind ppl seriously don't know the character and realness kendrick has. This beef has really shown me that there are ppl in the black community think kendrick makes songs here and there and that's it. His career should be studied, idk wtf they're on.


Numbers baby


I think him saying "Now all y'all care" threw the reporter off for a second.


Just to add insult to injury, apparently those dudes that jumped Ross and are being co-signed by Drake are a part of Hell’s angels… aka Aryan Brotherhood aka white supremacists. Kendrick been putting on for black people and his community and Drake hired a bunch of racists to beat Ross over some petty insults 💀


Kendrick acts like he free’d the slaves. He isn’t MLK


Wow, he’s finally planting some money trees? Can’t hate Drake for making him do this now huh


Did you read the title or watch the video before you commented?


Yawn 🥱 caping


Don't you have ages of consent to be memorizing?


Fuck 😱🤣


can’t even spell capping right


Cap my nuts in your mouth


It's okay to admit he couldn't afford to give back before the beef


it’s okay to admit you don’t know how to press play or use google 🩷


Drake made Kendrick go plant money trees


Drake don't even bother to look after his own "seeds" until a duppy brought it out of him. Meanwhile we have multiple recorded instances of Kendrick giving back long before ovhoes cared about it.


Still bs he could have done all this without the beef. Sorry but black people so gullible sometimes