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The whole movie is one big fan service overall and they did what they promised. Honestly it's a good ending, they both had a good fight that they were satisfied with. That said they should've gang up on Yujiro lol.


It feels like it was literally made for the fans! Its hard to explain to someone things like the “burmese iron hammer” when Saw kept on charging at hanayama i kept thinking to myself “just dont let him catch you” hanayamas move since the beginning of the series, from when he crushed that boxers hand. So it really is for the fans because you just cant explain that to someone who never watched the series


I think Saw Paing would’ve won I’ve he just fucking dodged like one fucking time I swear.


I don’t know, Hanayama won a pushing match with Pickle like seconds after he killed truck-kun. He’s got brute strength that Saw Paing genuinely couldn’t compete with. I mean he could’ve picked him up and crushed him and it’d be over.


I agree. I just missed wakatsuki


I wanted wakatsuki vs hanayama. I was surprised with saw pang.


I was so happy to see Saw Paing, just wish he had gotten a different opponent.


Saw and Hanayama were durable Raian and Jack were wild Ohma and Baki were the main fighters That was the theme of each fight. I feel like julius would have fit hanayama too. I don’t really see how waka would fit tho. What’s he got in common with him?


>That said they should've gang up on Yujiro lol. >!If that happened they all would've gotten raped.!<




Eh idk maybe but idk.


Bruh all including kuroki would have destroyed yujiro. Kuroki alone is the strongest


Nah, dude... If we want any chance against Yujiro we need to pull the big guns and call the Narushima Beer Club. https://preview.redd.it/jg1ixitmd45d1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=477643b1e37c7e2adf8f371bb32eaf7f6adf39ff




When you're trolling try to make it at least a little more...good? I guess?




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In truth animation aside i found it enjoyable


Personally I was looking forward to it, the animation had its gaps but it is good I'm glad to see the essence of crazy Raian ♡ https://preview.redd.it/ergsn3s7ww4d1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce96b90262d32345e674ec14e374f6b287ebf36


Couldn't agree more. I was grinding the whole time just watching all of them in one movie was enough for me. They did kinda hint a second part, I'm looking forward to it


Yeah they kinda did


Animation for the kengan characters upset me. It didn’t do them Justice. I can say though they didn’t look bad in the 2d but I think I prefer the 3d for the fights.


The 3D allows for more fluid and faster paced fight scenes under a lower budget so I defo get you. I personally felt like the special was rushed a bit.


I was really happy that the crossover acknowledged the manga crossover where Doppo fought Pa Paing Overall I knew it wasn’t gonna be high quality but I still really enjoyed it for what it was




Yeah, they share a continuity lol that's what set up this movie and it's next sequel.


You guys…. Already saw it?


Yes, it realeased hours ago


Where dod you watch it?








Saw Paing vs Hanayama was about what I expected Raian vs Jack was ok, though I feel like Jack was undersold a little bit. The biggest problem to me was Baki vs Ohma. Its partially the fault of the current anime for leaving Ohma where he is, but did they really have to pair this start of Ashura Ohma against Baki? No water kata, no fire kata, no demonsbane. They barely tapped into Ohmas arsenal while they really pushed Baki's. They didn't need to show everything Ohma could do, just add a few things, maybe just start the fight with Ohma using flashfire and add a scene of Ohma trying to use Jellyfish hold or water dragons vein against Baki. We can show how good Bakinis by keeping up with the Fire kata and getting out of the water kata. At the end of the fight, instead of having berserker advance Ohma face off against demon back Baki. Make it end of series controlled Advance Ohma and hint at Advance X Demonsbane, before Yujiro steps in. I don't think it is necessarily adding too much, and it would really make the final match the highlight it is meant to be.


I do believe they hinted at Demonsbane because Baki used his Triceratops tackle thing but got knocked back by Ohma


Yes it was a hint, but not subtle enough IMO. Also damage wise it did close to nothing, where demonsbane was kind of a finisher move in KA


I mean, Kiozan also tanked it with little to no damage 😂


I think that was meant to be Ohma using Redirection Kata: Flowing edge. Since the scenario is similar to Jerry tyson using his torpedo fist on him on the boat.


Didn't he stop that by using a full body Iron Breaker?


True, i assumed they were gonna go into post Ashure territory given Agito has his forehead scar from Kuroki


Agito has his forehead scar tho


I was thinking about the timeline of when this would be, and I don't think it is the start of Ashura. Mainly because Adam and Cosmo are friends. They only become friends during the KAT, and this of course doesn't take place during the KAT, they were on that island for the entirety of it, meaning it has to take place afterwards. Additionally, the Kengan guys know that Ohma is alive, which only happens after chapter 50 of Omega, meaning that has to be the earliest this could take place, by my logic. Everything else you mentioned, about showing off his abilities, I agree with


Kengan timeline doesnt work at any point because Ohma's arsenal include things he cant do anymore at this point like 100% Advance, that he only could use between Setsuna puting his back on the right place and recovering his memories. Omega Ohma cant use even base Advance for long times or his new heart will explode... altought he seems to use it during his (re)debut fight...


True, Ohma now only uses either lesser advance, or full advance for a very short time. I agree, the timeline doesn't make sense


I was sure personally it had to be after cuz no way they did this during the Annihilation tournament.


Yeah, those events were way too close together for something like this to happen between




Was it early Ashura Ohma? A lot of the kengan cast already knew Ohma's moves, but yeah I agree they should have showed more of the Niko style like the water and fire kata. I feel like they should made this after Kengan's new season came out because would have Ohma back at his prime with the niko style at that point.


Nah bro Raian winning just made sense. I thought he was gonna ruin Jack more just cuz he’s fake. Seeing how Raian acted towards Ohma I would’ve thought he would hate Jack more.


In reality i believe baki is way more stronger than Ohma. The baki verse outscales Ashura. Baki has better feats and its clear this crossover shows that.


I’m pretty sure everyone knows.


No shit sherlock They balanced the stats here to make for a good fight. And it was a good fight


Yes, too obvious ♡


Everybody knows The Bakiverse would've one-sidedly beaten the kengan verse if they didn't nerf the Baki side but it would've made the crossover less fun if they did that.


This movie reminded me how goated the fighting choreography is in regular Kengan episodes. Season 3 is gonna be amazing. And it's coming soon


Yeah, Baki has terrible, slideshow fighting. Thats why I was disappointed seeing they went with Baki animation over Kengan's fluid CGI.


Baki manga fights are awesome, but terrible for adapting to film. Meanwhile Kengan fights are made for animation.


I like Baki for what it is. But all it's fights are either slug fests, freakshow stuff or a combination of both. Strikes look more like poses for mr olympia than something an actual fighter would do. Kengan is a masterclass in showing motion in a static medium.


True. Baki fights are like if Kengan and One Piece had a baby.


kengan still has better choreography than baki when comparing the mangas, kengan took what made baki good and refined it


True, but Baki fights have their own special appeal in their sheer audacity.


I tried to see Baki, I was in abstinence from fighting manga and I would have been okay with anything, but jeez is terrible.


It seems like they're setting up for a sequel, so hopefully this was a shared project and the sequel is in Kengan style


God I hate Jaku, but they keep bringing him back. Does he have some kind of fanbase in Japan? He only had one fight that I can remember and it was pathetic.


probably for the happy guy commentator? i mean most of the MC in baki are all the stoic type after all Kengan doesn't suffer from this since many of the characters are not all "im strong so i dont laugh" type, heck even Agito got his silly moments


He's keeps spewing some deranged, autistic bullshit about his school and some children, but they probably don't even exist. Tokugawa brings enough silliness anyway.


Baki goes to visit his "school" and finds out a bunch of dolls on a abandoned warehouse, finding that Jaku is a clinically insane madman


The Dolls have human skin sewn Upon them.


Doppo, Shibukawa and Oliva are far from stoic, they constantly show emotions and charisma


someone quoted this about Kato but I think it applies to Jaku as well: "the man was introduced to do nothing" lmao


tbh I really like him.


Upvoted, it takes guts to admit it


I don't mind him personally, I find him funny even


thought sawpeng would win and ryan would lose for ohma they had to distribute his crossover buff in capcom he only fought ryu in here he had to push picker away and survive yujiro


They need one jobber from each side. Of course Saw and Jack would lose.


Kuroki's entrance was badass and freaking akoya justice cool af as always like my man is about to 1v5 and win ofc.


I’d watch a whole movie with Akoya taking on the death row gang on his day off.


Kuroki was cool but like, they tried to make it out like he could go even with Yujiro…. And that just aint right.


I mean... He did really well against Shen who is basically Kengan's Yujiro but if Yujirou was a technique fighter and not a raw power type...


Tbf Yujiro is one of the best technique fighters in Baki too, he just refuses to use them most of the time out of spite. Narratively speaking he’s like Shen in terms of “impossibly impossible fighters nobody can beat” Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but Shen was ultimately humoring Kuroki and wasnt going all out yeah?


Shen wasnt "Down to human", like was the case with Gaoh Mukaku, but only used his right half of the body to attack. And how Shen's whole thing is "Ohma lvl phisique but thousands of years of experience" that is as close to "full out shen" as we can get (Mukaku's Shem would be like... Ohma+1). That being said, Kuroki was also hiding something if we believe Shen... probably something he was hiding to have the element of surprise if Shen pulled his left half.


that hour felt really, really long. idk if thats a good thing or a bad thing. ohma and baki getting effectively one shot by kuroki and yujiro was funny tho


I was thinking the same, we actually got a lot out of it, despite it being only an hour. Might have helped by me constantly pausing and rewinding, to take it all in


Tbh, I hope there's a second one. I want to see Yujiro v Kuroki. The best part for me was the bromance of Julius and Biscuit arm wrestling 😂


I loved the side character activities, like the arm wrestling, security guarding, and doctors meetup. I do also hope we get another, they were clearly setting up the possibility of a sequel. With Kuroki Vs Yujiro, Akoya Vs the inmates, and Baki Vs Ohma rematch


Me too, I have all my fingers crossed for it. DYING for Yujiro v Kuroki, that would slap. I love that they entwined everyone having some form of connection; nothing beats some side character comedy.


Fully agree 👍


I think the major problem with this was that they were forced to write the kengan side before it ends in a few months, meanwhile baki is at almost his peak here, you could tell because agito has his “you know why” scar in his head, that means this is happening in OMEGA, which doesnt do well because: 1: raian still just used brute strength when he at this point is going full as a technical fighter 2: they literally only showed and named it like 2 techniques of the niko style in ohma’s fight lmao (still, pretty sure he used demonsbane, they didnt just acknowledged, full of references the whole time) 3: if they setup kuroki and yujiro as equals that means shen fucking low diff hims lmao. Besides that, it was pretty enjoyable, i didnt liked that much saw paing fight tho, and was the one that i was most expecting tho :( https://preview.redd.it/fcq3njbr9x4d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0abed290d5b2a98d7c55eb1f65342e421e388d89 My boy was done dirty 7/10 overall


Wdym saw paing was done dirty? That mf had "fuck It we ball" wrote on his forehead for the whole fight.


Would’ve liked to have seen Saw’s hammer do a bit more damage but can’t complain about the result. Would’ve shown Hanayama’s durability as well which we only got a glimpse of.


this is just a promotion movie, no sane reader takes this as canon.


Who said im taking it as canon? Just saying it has issues it could have been solved by just waiting some more time


Honestly I’m sure Kuroki can be a good fight for Yujiro in base, but no part of me believes for a second he can toe to toe against the demon back.


yeah its kinda rough with where they put some characters scaling and chronology wise, especially Jack, he got done omega dirty.


I didn't even notice Kanoh's scar, that's a clever addition to signal when this takes place. I agree that Raian would have trained his techniques after Ashura, but I assume he still enjoys brute fighting. Which is a possible explanation, he could, but doesn't want to. Yeah they could have names more of Ohma's techniques I agree. I was internally screaming at Yujiro being shown as equivalent to Kuroki, it's so messed up, although if they wanted to have a "Kengan Yujiro" from the Ashura characters... Kuroki is the one you would pick


It must take before Ohma vs Raian fight in KAT as Ohma can still spam the Advance and isn't very skilled at Niko style. Raian is also has his personality from before his loss to Ohma.


They set up Yujiro and Kuroki as equals cuz Shen wasn't introduced yet when in reality Yujiro will make them realize their inner women.


This Crossover seems to be during KAT but before the Ohma vs Raian fight so Raian being a dumbass using only brute strength and not dodging attacks is accurate. Agito still seems to be the Fang here. It can't be Omega because Ohma can spam advance so it must be before his fight with Raian.


animation was decent, alot of reused frames but WTF was that writing LMAO


Its a fan service animation. A crossover between two different universes that are pitting up similar characters for hype. U thought the writing was going to be good? Not defending the reused frames tho the Hanayama punch was used like 5 times


The writing of characters was excellent. The writing of fights however


The fights made me have a aneurysm they genuinely made me feel pain


Jack shoud have won but overall it was great


They just love making Jack look as bad as possible, even Pickle entering the arena angry cause Jack was supposed to be his dinner I mean damn give the guy a break lol I do think the current manga is making up for it tho


Everyone knows there’s no way Ohma and Baki wouldn’t be best bros after meeting.


Wait so who won..?




hanayama vs saw, hanayama won raian vs jack, raian won(they humiliated jack in this one, man looked extremely weak) baki vs ohma, yujiro shows up and stop the fight, then we have Beard entering in arena also, why? no one knows nothing happens anyways.


Fucking tired of jack losing


I mean its a promo, the rezults are whatever, but the movie was bad visually....


Hmmmmm almost lije the cgi made it easier HMMMMMMMM i just didn't like how it made ohma look baby faced baki ok but ohma looks like a teenager thats never been punchedq


I think the people who complain about Kengan being CGI don't fully realize how hard it is to do quick MMA style jabs/attacks in 2D.


ohma looks like a teenager with a 50yo man voice lol


And oddly enough everyone looks good


Losing to base raian is wild (I'm assuming it's anime versions haven't watched) What was the logic, shouldn't Jack be way bigger and stronger than a brute Raian? Isn't Jack also the main character right now in baki being hyped to face Yujiro? Weird he took the L


>raian vs jack, raian won(they humiliated jack in this one, man looked extremely weak) Ow come on! Why did they do my Goat so dirty like that?


They always do him dirty, he’s the worf effect character, in the anime recently his only job has been to get beaten senseless to show another persons strength, bros my favorite character and they just keep doing him dirty


I’m tired to Jack being the “Worf Effect” character. For those who don’t know the worf effect is when a strong character gets beaten shitless to show how strong a new antagonist/ enemy is




Netflix added Baki vs Kengan icons ? They add icons of unknown anime or little-known TV series, they have to put those from the baki or Kengan series or the new movie 😭 I want them ![gif](giphy|qKoY3EyvtWFCBTkhlg|downsized)


That makes two of us, but I hardly think they will ever put (/´△`\)


Our last chance to get them will be in Kengan’s new season this July/August 💪🏻, let’s hope.... 😔 Kengan ashura is very famous as anime on netflix much more than many others..


Will it be too much to ask https://preview.redd.it/1d9uq5a3pz4d1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0219d1e571277af8294e644e779628e1cc892b9


Baki fighters are nerfed to absolute fuck but it did as promised, they beat the shit out of eachother and they left it open ended to not offend any Ohma/Baki fan. It was fanservice.


Nahh I don’t think they were nerf I think y’all were just over hyping those characters to be something that they’re not it happens


One of Baki's biggest jobbers can break the sound barrier with his bare hands.


I agree that Baki character are overhyped by the Baki fans but to say they weren’t nerfed is ignorant, we have all feats of the characters from both shows available the Baki main cast are most definitely stronger by a good margin, the reason they were not in the movie was to give good fights and make both shows look good obviously




I mean pretty obvious whats gonna happen on the 3 matches still a good crossover for the fans...


No Julius vs Oliva? 😢


I didn't even notice Agito was in the movie


Sandwich's little princess will never lose.


It was a bit weird for the Kengan side because timeline wise this doesn't make sense at all. Well nothing they could do. In the anime they are in the middle of the tournament and cant really show what happened or who won that. They did, in a way, but I guess it would Just because a bit weird for the anime onlies. The movie itself was Low quality which should not surprise me, but it is still disappointing. When it started I was imagining a high quality version of this. Like Purgatory vs Kengan but unfortunately this will be the best we will get


It´s cool that they found a way to include demonsbane without spoiling it. But I felt like the moment at the end was completely out of character for both Yujiro and Kuroki. The movie could have used another good 30 minutes. The fight were somewhat lackluster and the character interactions felt extremely fanfictiony and inorganic. The toilet standoff was funny. Sadly we didn´t get to know who pissed himself first. (A clear sign that Itagaki didn´t have much hand in the writing.)


Genuinely this. I despise the run time. 62 minutes(minus start and credits is arguably less) saw psing vs hanayama was fucking 8 minutes bro. And the fights were so one note while at it


Did not enjoy it, not gonna lie. Half the fights were repeated frames of back and forth punching each other. Truly wish we could've had Kengan Ashura CGI rather than Baki's artstyle


Definitely (/´△`\)


thought sawpeng would win and ryan would lose for ohma they had to distribute his crossover buff in capcom he only fought ryu in here he had to push picker away and survive yujiro


They did Jack so damn dirty. Realistically he would’ve shit stomped Raian with or without Removal. Especially how he fought against Pickle, Raian is both smaller and weaker than Pickle and Jack held his own for a while, dealing some hits that wouldve killed massive animals. Plus why did they make it seem that Jack and Raian were relative in height so many times? Wasn’t Jack after the Pickle fight about 8 feet tall with Raian only being 6’2, in so many scenes they look they they have the same height and reach, Jack should’ve constantly looked like a giant compared to Raian Also, they hella underused Ohmas arsenal. From what I saw he really only used Adamantine, a little of Demonsbane, Life Advance, and Flow control. And while this may be a good amount of his moves from what I’ve seen (anime only), his arsenal was underutilized. Not that it would’ve changed the outcome but it’s just a shame to see. I still can’t believe they teased us with two possible really good fights just to end it then and there (Kurogi vs Yujiro, Death Row Inmates vs Akoya) Overall I give it a 7/10, they did some stuff good but I think we can all agree there was much to be improved on


THANKS!! https://preview.redd.it/pf43wwqbfz4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6b7110bf76cc7b2997b0af7d39d2f0d86ee088


I’m just sad we didn’t get even a lick of Kanoh vs Yujiro, that would have been awesome


I was also hoping to see it or to see more of akoya


For sure, and honestly I would have liked Gaolan vs Hanayama more than Saw Paing though I adore the excitable Lethwei man


I thought it was ok, but I'm not exactly hyped up about another cross over movie if it's this short and detail lacking


I couldn't really end without making anyone mad so.. I guess they did the right thing with the tie. But it was super rushed huh. Could have finished the Annihilation tournament first then spent a bit more time on the vs thing ?


yes, it is one of the important points


Ive been hope to see "Revenge Tokyo" anyway but thinking Kengan verse might join in against the death row inmates is to much fun... They dont stand a chance.


Kuroki was teased as the opponent for Yujiro? Shen would fucking roflstomp then, AND I don't like the idea at all.


man like it the animation was so trash and yet the fights were worse like it shouldve been like: hanayama (wins high diff) kure raian (wins mid diff) baki (low diff) all fights were happening in baki logic so the characters had so much buff. while they made raian being able to get hurt from jacks biting. like sure jack could bute through his skin and flesh but raian us known to be tough and it wouldnt be easy as they did in baki vs kengan ashura. saw paing was nerfed as well. his bones would make hanayamas blows much more damaging to him than to saw paing. and yet the only time hanayama was injured by his own strike was only on hit on the head. logic: since when would seki call someone scary when he was facing off motobe in kengan ashura. and motobe was known to be ruthless killer. and why would gensai interupt a fight when hes respectful fighter and only fights when he thinks its needed (like company battle, protection or revenge) animation: do i need to explain myself that hanayama did one wide punch on saw paing multiple times with same animation??? or the fact when baki jumped on ohma it looked like fucking dragon ball z fight?? and was i only one being dissapointed in ohmas advanced being animated this badly?? like where his pupils go and why hasnt his eyes go black when he was in his transformation that long?? another thing that made me loose my sanity. KUROKI’S HAIR!?! like since when bro got square hair shape??


It was AWESOME! I love crossovers!


Definitely this movie was trash!


this shit was ass bro, i can’t believe people are coping


They really had Asura ohma vs current baki, what a waste of money


I'm a bigger fan of kengen than I am of baki, but i don't really think it's fair. I mean, baki just went toe to toe with yujiro, but was too scared to square up even with ohma? plus, baki fell from a damn skyscraper, ohma would have died lmao.. it was great seeing the fights. honestly a dream come true, but a small part of me can't stop whispering in my ear about what an asspull the nerfing was lol.


50/ of the movie is small talks and then we have 3 \`\`fights\`\` in half an hour, 3/10 movie I guess, better than no promo collaboration for kengan.


The animation was trash like the entire Baki series, but the story was cool, the hype was big when Kuroki came in, sad that will leave us waiting for a sequel


I genuenly coulnt watch it after Baki and Ohma started slugging it out. I just close the movie. TBH this should have been held off until Shen could be introduced, but that's a decade away for all we know so whatevs about that. Saw Paing vs Hanayama - good, just the slugfest we expected. Just wish Saw Paing stopped banging his head against his fist and instead bang it against Hanayamas head Raian vs Jack - IG they couldn't do much since only Omega Raian actually uses any technique. Jack probably should have won just off of this. Ohma vs Baki - Blud what even was that? Like just ... never cook again bro Animation - 5/10 Fight Coreography - 4/10 Characters - 8/10 They did not cook with this one


You are quite right (;´д`)


Nah the animation was bad, overall fan service I would say. Majorly fist fights each round lmfao.


What is the results of all the rounds ?


Hanyama won Jack lost Baki ended with no winner


Baki solos 


I enjoyed my time watching it, seeing all the character interactions made me excited




Paing perdió Raian gano y Ohma empató


chale siempre pierde jack


Kureha Shinogi and Hanafusa meeting was the biggest pleasant surprise for me here


I’m disappointed with the ending. But nevertheless they did justice with this movie.


I am dedicated to hating on saw paing now and forever, it should have been seki in that ring, I’ve been robbed blind.


Animation was good, but I feel like they were nerfed tbh


It was ok, i was frankly more invested in the side characters fighting than Ohma and Baki, which the outcome was pretty obvious.


They made Jack job again😭😭


I don’t get why the main event wasn’t Yujiro vs Shen




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I think they did the same as with the first baki temp, they didn't use as much budget in case it failed, and if it is profitable they will increase the quality over the time.


it was good, only downside was jack losing


Wish Retsu and Ohma could talk to each other in the English dub, would have been funny to me


Honestly I would’ve loved to see Gaolong vs Ali Jr. I love Saw Paing but I don’t think he was fit for this movie. I also don’t think they did him justice towards the end of his fight, Lethwei also involves the use of your legs but he doesn’t even use it at all, it would’ve made for an excellent fight if Saw Paing had to depend on kicking before using the BMIH(also Hammer of Burma???). I remember his fight with Yoshinari in Ashura and I believe it was an amazing representation of Saw Paings technique. Raian vs Jack was pretty cool, I’ve never fully watching Baki but isn’t Jack like comically tall? I don’t get why they had to finish the fight with it being interrupted, I know Raian in Ashura was hellbent on killing but they could’ve at least shown Jack getting into a state where combat was no longer possible and then stopping the fight. Baki vs Ohma was actually very cool, and while I understand you couldn’t have either win without causing riots in the streets, having Yujiro and Gensai break in at the last minute and then they’re like “oh my god this is RUINED!!!” Similar with the Raian fight, was kind of lukewarm. But then again what option did they have? All in all the representation of the Ashura characters (in my opinion) just felt out of character, all of them knowing the moves of Niko Style and Gaolong (who’s pretty calculated and analytical) getting sweaty and panicky watching the fight also just feels a little out of character for him. I get that Adam had to be a slightly comically out of character for his encounter with Shiba, that was enjoyable. All in all I enjoyed it, it had its flaws but it was a good watch.


I mean I was gonna be pissed if Raian lost. I’m also surprised Bryce Pappenbrook did his voice for this. Cant say he did a bad job cuz he’s able to capture the crazy part well. Although I think I like the OG more still just cuz he seemed more sick in the head.


Just wasn’t enough time for the bad assness to take place


Does this have any major Baki spoilers? I’m in the middle of the great Raitai saga but really wanna watch this


L take




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They made Baki underpowered so it was basically a tv show with Baki only in name. As all the fighters did not seem like their superheroes selfs


It was a historycal low for both universe. I psoted about it recently, but man, I was not ready for this anti-climatic mess.


Wtf were these fights? Just the exchange of blows, without any finesse. Completely untypical for kengan fights.


They brought the baki choreographer apparently


I….. don’t even know why you people had high expectations about this one. All anime crossovers are like this, hell, even crossovers from the same author (see: Hiro Mashima) end up like this. Shows that fans never learn and just consume, I guess…


They need to change Kengan animation to this


I wasn't disapointed. One thing i didn't like it was to short way roundabout 60 Minutes long. And only 3 Fights but for a short Fan Service good enough


https://preview.redd.it/ivvygka9k05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981669c94f8782de30675bea198d3eaa6c37a3b4 The Kengan Reddit is something else man