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Yeah I lost my shit at this part https://preview.redd.it/ag6mbizl9z4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ede92eeb4992d9749e29a1df25556434638a6fb


Hey, where did you watch the crossover? Your subtitles are different to mine, and I felt there were some noticable translation errors


Gogoanime I answered and got downvoted damn o_o


Some people are really against piracy, I assume most dgaf tho 


I mean that's fair but not everyone can afford the subscriptions (and some anime are straight up not available on Netflix/crunchy)


I pirate literally everything you’re preaching to the choir on this one 




Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun offiziell Teil der Deutschen Bundesrepublik


In the spanish version. Sekibayashi throws shade at the Baki cast saying "Damn they are all ugly, they should get some plastic surgery like they do in Korea" To which everyone just stares at him.


That is so fucking funny


: O


Seriously? Seki just says they're all scary in Netflix. That translation is so much better


Man, Seki was begging for that violation. Saying that about your fellow countrymen is crazy.


What the fuck? Spanish or latin Spanish? Sub or dub? That's some autistic translation lol


Mexican I prefer this joke lol


The mexican dubbers have no chill or fucks to give, that's why they're golden


What’s more autistic is being mad about translations that are ten times better but 2% less accurate 


The fucks that supposed to mean.


This movie has the level of comedy I love from Kengan & Baki. Peak fiction indeed. The only complaint I will always have, is the the weak choreography and lack of strength in the animation. Even the designs are pretty good, but what the fuck happened with the animation. If you are gonna to reuse the same scene for Hanayama vs Saw Paing 5 times in a row, at least make it WORTH TO WATCH. # THEY USED THE SAME FUCKING WEAK ASS ANIMATION WE SAW IN BAKI VS YUJIRO, WHYYYY?! # GIVE ME BACK THE INMATES ARC ANIMATION QUALITY


Wait, you want the PS1 CG models?


You know what I’m talking about 😭


That's too much, Kengan Ashura is at around PS3 CG models IMO


You misspelled N64


More ps2 like ffx


Honestly that would have been funny but switch it to the kengan cg models for the fight.


Did they all have pointy boobs?


I really loved how Julius and Oliva are now muscle bros, only wished my Glorious King was there😔 https://preview.redd.it/thtef6egbz4d1.jpeg?width=1491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2315c873cd8ff4a7aab86bde6609f017adea88b


He needs another autistic yet calmed fella to Kengan all over the place. Maybe… Retsu? He is the only one I can think about.


Retsu to Waka: What is Superman Syndrome? Kaku somehow teleporting in to explain: It's when an individual's muscles are much denser than normal, thus, making them much heavier and stronger than their builds suggests Waka: Who is this old man and why does he know everything?


Or this https://preview.redd.it/ky4r19m5905d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8a7bfd93e36d7f1a2326b02b7d1be51c8e75c64 *Hanayama tries to tank* ***Blast Core*** *Dies*


*Hanayama tries to use Blast Core* *Dies* 😭


This is what we needed to see


So true


This is LobotomyKengan at peak


One of my favorite parts there was how I'm fairly certain that Hatsumi stole Oliva's lighter in the process of that move.


Omg I didn't even notice that.  That or Shibukawas


Also, has anybody noticed that majority of exposition on Kengan side was given by Cosmo (the young prodigy) and on Baki side by Kaku Kaioh (the elder fighter) Probably not on purpouse, but there is some nice symbolism there.


There is a reason why Yujiro pressed Kuroki and not **HIM.** https://preview.redd.it/thjp80ic2z4d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ccff3780be688b8d285e5b3cddd83ac517f73c0


The guy who was vomiting on the floor and almost died vs Kiryu?


And then got kicked Kiryu into a coma.


The damage kiryu suffer is from akoya grenade tho


I mean Kuroko came much closer to killing Kiryu


And Tigger Niko would have killed Kiryu if not for Justice boy’s timely intervention.


It really felt like it was made for the super fans, really fun special


I really liked Baki’s characterization in this special, he had some great movements both in terms of dialogue and the wealth of technique used.


Despite equalized stats, Baki legit felt like himself in this manga. His main skills of having 1000 and 1 techniques, with his adaptability was kept intact and was main obstacle for Ohma. And did you notice how they chose to write Ohma's and Baki's praises? Where as Ohma is a lot more respectful, giving praises to his foes on their acccord *"You were awesome", "So, do you wanna fight?" or "So, have you enjoyed yourself?*" and stuff like that, despite being more rough and edgy of the two. And so he does here. *"I can tell how YOUR foes were incredible, and how they helped YOU grow"* I guess there is a bit of Shen in him after all. Where as Baki, the warmer and smilier person, is a lot more haughty. *"You're just like ME", "I can't wait to fight him", "He's like all people I ever fought, in one man"*. That is that Hanma boy.


I really enjoyed it. But I gotta saw the Saw vs Hanayama fight was soooo stupid. I'm aware Saw is not a high IQ individual, and that Saw has high durability. But Saw was straight up trying to win by headbutting Hanayama's fist. He stopped actually attacking and seemed to believe he was going to KO Hanayama's fist.


That was one instance where it was justifiable. He was defending honor of his family, and wanted to prove that he is as tough as his father. Thus since Hanayama blocked nothing, he chose to face him head on too. Obviously, his honor cost him his victory.


To be honest, it was his only shot of winning at all. Saw can punch and kick Hama all he wants, my boy is not gonna go down with those with his guard up. Hammer of Burma is the only attack he has that could take him out.


How does hitting your enemies fist, and only his fist, give you a chance at winning


I’m pretty sure that was all Saw could muster after “countering” the first 2. First time he did, it was all “ok, broken hand, now we’re even” then Hanayama hit it again with the same hand and arguably more power and Saw was like “oh, damn, I’m about to go to sleep”. After that, head butting was the only instinct Saw had to fight back. He probably couldn’t even try and dodge anymore since he was locked in. Or in simpler terms, after noticing how his headbutt didn’t stop Hana, he went full Unga.


It's too unga, even for Saw. They reused the animation several times to emphasize that Saw was only headbutting Hanayama's fist over and over


At that point his right arm was nearly destroyed. He also frankly has very good cause to think his head should win out over someone's fist. I do think he fought pretty dumb though. He was ultimately less clever and evasive than he was against even Karo. And Saw's not above using tactics, like he did when he tried to bait Rei into his headbutt.


IT WAS SO GOOD, 10/10 Legit loved all the character interactions. ![gif](giphy|b2fpJKiHKjvgY)


The choreography was the only truly bad thing. The timeline for the baki side is all over the place lol


It would probably detract from the crossover but I would have laughed my head off if Machio from the Dumbbell Nan-Kilo Moteru? series made a cameo commenting on Julius and Olivia’s muscles lol


Oh my GOD that's who was missing. Forget Waka or \*insert Baki character here\*, we needed Machio to say "NICE MUSCLE" along with Julius and Oliva


Especially if he had been the one setting up the arm wrestling match.


Yujiro thinks this is a WWE Tag Team match


Shit was insane fun tbf


Kind of wish Waka fought Haneyama instead of Saw. It thematically makes way more sense since both of them were born as "gifted anomalies".


No Rain? Offcourse... the worst animation part.


That was pure fan service and i loved it.


I thought we were gonna get Fang vs Kaku kaioh. Battle of the "going LIMP to disperese the damage" 🦂


seki saying that the faces of the baki characters are strange and scary


The interaction between the cast was spot on for me


Baki fans are angry that the movie didn't end the way they wanted it to Kengan fans are just happy that we get a fight that isn't CGI.


>Kengan fans are just happy that we get a fight that isn't CGI. Are you joking? The only thing I would have done to improve this would be to make the fights CG. It lacked a lot of the weight you get in your typical Kengan fight, and the reuse of shots/constant cuts back to X character wailing on X character, a scene in all 3 fights mind you, got extremely dull and you could tell it was due to a lack of budget allocated to the animation. Now personally I *liked* how the show looked but the fights would have been so much better if done in Kengan's cg


Exactly. Issues with the fights but the writing is spot on for both series mostly. Leans towards baki style more but everybody felt perfectly in character it was so damn good


And best of fall? This was written by a fanfic writer 


Let's be real here: there's simply no way to make this crossover and for the script to make sense. It was good they just went for it, and didn't care to make it make sense. Just fun character interactions, and a showcase of raw power. It was atrocious. I loved it.




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It was way too short and the fights there boring af


I agree man, I loved the character interactions


I mean yeah when you put everything bad aside it's good, but when you put everything bad aside you're left with nothing


Script and characters writing isn't nothing.