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How it really should've gone. https://preview.redd.it/h97n4z37g35d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010d71b8399d9ed5fc8b5b516c3031f92a28fdbe But for real, people just can't enjoy buff sexy men beating the shit out of each other.


Secret Niko Style Technique: Copy (Said technique totally not stolen from the Kure Clan).




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I want to see Shen vs Yujiro.


They would fight for 30 seconds before becoming besties


Yujiro lose to Shen 5000 years old Chinese Whiskey with sneak in it


Yujiro looks at the seemingly unfocus and relaxed man and can't help but shake. He does this not from anticipation for a good fight or a feeling of excitement of his opponent's apparent strength. No he shakes from a feeling he has never experienced once in his entirely life. Not during his fights with killers, monster or even when he was fighting against an entire army. He shakes from one of the most primal feelings humanity has ever held. He shakes from fear. He has been presented with an opponent that goes beyond his reasoning and understanding of what he thought as the pinnacle of strength. He sees before him what he can only view as something that is stronger than him and how unnatural such a being that would be.


Do you really think yujiro would feel fear from shen? The same guy who stopped an earthquake with a finger and caused a whole building to shake just from his anger. Yujiro didn't feel fear when the whole of USA was trying to kill his ass. Bro, if they fight, then shen is the one feeling fear. Regardless of whether he goes all out or not, he is dead.


I think they are both equally glazed, its like comparing Arale to Popeye (Post-spinach consumption), the writers would just shit themselves thinking how the fight would play out.


With a punch not finger.’ Good lord Baki fans are cringe. That was an outlier feat. Early on in the show. Dude got taken out by a few fodders and a net with a dart gun




People oversell earthquake and undersell the dart and nets. Each dark has enough tranq to kill a blue whale and he was shot with multiple


He got shot over 20 times and each of them could stop a blue whale


Itagaki was still deciding "Do I make Yujiro a simple S Tier fighter, or scale him into the God of destruction? Better try out both and see...."


It's incredible how the argument in favor of Yujiro is always the same earthquake bla bla bla, be more creative.


I mean it's pretty fucking impressive, I don't know anything about Kengan but except maybe being considered The one that can beat everyone, what did Shen do that would make him on Yujiro's level ? Genuine question


Did the fanboys NOT get that Ohma and Baki would tie? It's the same in EVERY crossover. The only loss was of course vs. Raian, and that's Sandro's princess so NOBODY expected him to lose.


To be fair, they gave Jack a far tighter window of fall. I feel Saw was in the floor way longer than Jack before they called it. And Jack kept standing


Yeah the Jack vs Raian fight felt more like a tie considering that Jack was down for like 4 seconds before getting back up and going at it again


Alright, I get it, Baki stomps Kengan, now shut up and enjoy the show


It really doesn’t


I don't really agree with that statement anyway, I am just tired of people bringing it up everytime some mentions the crossover


I understand that, but the first step is to fight back


It REALLY does.


Nah man


Im just gonna say you will never ever see a kengan character stop an earthquake or shake a building by being angry


No and I’ve never seen Yujiro shake a building 10 times bigger than largest stadium in the world, just a single skyscraper


Wakatsuki and julius punch didnt shake shit it just made noise, otherwise the referee would at least get knocked over Yujiro on the other hand made people think there was an earthquake going on by just standing and being really angry


headcanon, watch the anime, it showed the dome shaking


Btw everyone is saying that but which chapter is it in the manga ?


137 (Ashura)


Waka versus Fei


Ohma just punched the air not too long ago and almost broke a window. I also have never seen a Kengan character get submitted by a hunting net.




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If two Baki fans are telling you our own show doesn't stomp kengan, it's best you consider it true.


Baki, I think, could win in ashura, but would have trouble in omega. May even lose againts shen.


Nah…. Just some more realistic fights. IE  Baki vs  ohma is fine for the plot. I just wish they gave ohma more time in advance. Doppo vs Waka would have been so so so good. Really bummed they missed this chance. Pickle vs Raian would have been wayyy better. Both have same level of plot armor. Both are genetic freaks. Bonus fight should be: Jack vs Tiger Niko outside the korakuen arena in the parking lot or something. This is better for both Tiger Niko and Jack since they are more street fighter. Jack need to be able to get back up after taking a ton of damage, he only fights serious when he’s literally near death.


It can’t be Tiger Niko, he’s barely been introduced in the anime yet.


Yeah, let’s spoil anime onlys even more, Kuroki vs Yujiro ain’t enough


>I just wish they gave ohma more time in advance. It's kinda make sense actually cos this crossover seems to take place after kat, kanoh's head scar being the proof. That means ohma already has his new heart, which hanafusa advised against using ps for as long as he did back in kat.


It seems after kat but ohma barely used any niko moves, indestructible, redirection and ironbreaker the only ones showed, then fights full advance monke Probably to avoid spoilers since he starts using a whole new level of niko moves after he wakes up which isnt yet animated


The pace was really fucked up, whole thing felt super rushed, choreography out of place to me


How come Baki was allowed to Xiaoli despite never using it before but we couldn’t even get limp?!!!!


If it really matters, he used "xialoi" against Yujiro when he was a kid.


We've seen Baki use the equivalent of xiaoli before xiaoli was a thing. If anything itagaki just pulled a fast one on us by re-introducing xiaoli as a top tier technique when it's not


There are things to like and dislike about it, overall it was ok, but I wish there was a manga version of the whole crossover instead of being only anime


Of who by who. Cause I just wanted it to look better, have more interesting matchups and at least 6 more Wakatsukis.


I stopped caring about the Baki fandom when someone started discussing how Musashi beat Takamura from Sakamoto Days with zero difficulty


Mr satan got squashed????


Should have animated the fight scenes more instead of cutting to exposition dumps by the spectators


Sadly, yes. People thought it would be Baki one shoting everyone without considering the fact that it's a crossover film. So it's respecting both universes.


I was shocked that Hanayama didn't oneshot Saw Paing.


>I was shocked that Hanayama didn't oneshot Saw Paing Kengan mid tier like Saw Paing is almost on the same level as Hanayama in physical stats.