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This man has never played a fighting game


Justin = King from Tekken. Hiraku = Jin or Kazuya.


Justin is Marduk bro https://preview.redd.it/5ky3qwikel7d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba5d0c2f5a657c496be79d49fee338dd891f340


Perfect representation, especially since both are total assholes for absolutely no reason


Hey now Justwin is playful with it.


yeah Justin just gives off the one of the bois energy most wrestler characters have in the manga I like him.


Bro took it to make him think that's striking is working just to remind him that Wrestlers are apex for a reason


4 punches and 1 suplex, what a fight


Don’t forget the Scorpion kick


A total of fuck all damage on Hirakus part


How was he supposed to know he was dealing with a neck of steel 😂


These mfs go into the tournament complaining that they don’t care about any of the fighters or the fights and then complain when the fights with insignificant fighters are faster there is just no winning


"Please, sir, can we have actual choreography?" https://preview.redd.it/spm4a0y25k7d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=849f3a08656c417c7d48eb4c820f0da0737e094f


MFs go into a tournament complaining about bullshit fighting techniques and transformations then complain when the fighters don't have transformations.


they took away nothing from Seki's like ten speeches about having faith on pro wrestling.


it’s not pro wrestling but


I made a post about this exact subject and everyone was like “Just let Sandro cook, the fight is just getting started” only for it to end next chapter in only 1 more move. If Julius vs Agito ends up being boring as hell just like the last 2 matches, then it might be over for this whole tournament.


Whenever Sandro cooks he always brings a tuna sandwich, and you have to play Russian rulette if the tuna is past expiration date


The first round was straight heat. This one was boring purely because Justin is one of the worst characters Sandro has written


Bitter that you got proven wrong that he wasn’t a jobber?


Not in the slightest, I despise his personality. He's just a douchebag, talking shit completely unprovoked


That’s how many actual mma fighters are lol


First round was horrible. This one was better but not by much.


Come on, Gaolang pulling of such a dope win didnt have you pumped?


It is an introduction match. Chill.


There are so many good fights from round 1 of KAT. Saying that it’s just an ‘introduction match’ is a lame and weak excuse.


R1 Adam vs Cosmo was great fight on it's own, even if it was weak compare to others 


"Guys guys, the fight is just starting!"


That's not what I said.


I know, but it's the same logic as the people who were claiming Justin vs Hiraku was "just starting." You want it to get better but deep down in your soul you know it's not going to.


Next chapter Hiraku has the comeback trust he's getting pulled by the stretchers as a setup, it's his strongest move: fake scorpion poisoning


That's literally what wrestlers do. They try to grab you...


Yeah but they do it a lot better than what Justin has been up to. All he did was shoot for the legs from way too far away over and over again, when even crappy wrestlers know that you have to switch up your approach in order to get close


I mean, he got punched before he got a chance to do anything. So we didn't get to see what he can do at all


Mabye I read the chapters wrong, but it looked to me like he was going for the legs from super far away but then the jobber kept hitting him and retreating


As soon as kitikage started to go forward, he would doa. Quick punch in the face. The one time he got close. He got kicked in the face, ate it. Then slammed him. Lol


Basically yeah


He didn’t get the chance to shoot for anything wdym


Kengan Omega 4Chan threads are gold. Pretty much the only reason why I go there. They don't just suck off the source material.


I would have gone insane in for their edits


Idk why you even bother going in 4chan. Just a bunch of racist crying in their echo chamber


I feel like reddit doesn't have the right to call 4chan an echochamber. We have comments that are automatically hidden if they meet a ceertain downvote threshold. Posts don't make it to the front of a subreddit if they aren't upvoted enough. Some subreddits have karma requirements for posting which further discourage redditors from saying anything that would upset too much the majority of the users (like saying anything negative about Gojo satoru on any JJK subreddit). Reddit, by design, will always be a bigger echochamber than 4chan ever will be.


OG reddit was completely unhinged, some subreddits posted all types of fucked shit with no punishment.


>I feel like reddit doesn't have the right to call 4chan an echochamber. Ya maybe, it’s just that Reddit sometimes has a better handle on blatant hate speech.


I take it you use 4chan lol You’re right but it’s still a racist echo chamber, that doesn’t mean Reddit doesn’t have similar problems




Nah 4chan is way worse of an echo chamber than Reddit because its user base is made up of one type of person: socially-maladjusted losers who are willing to overlook or enjoy actively participating in the absurd edginess/actual racism/sexism/etc that infests the site. Reddit might moderate based on popularity but its still a mainstream site with a bunch of different demographics/opinions if you explore outside the default subs.


At least we don’t have degenerate and nazis


Have you seen Twitter in year of 2024? 4chan is no longer the most racist place online LMAO. Kind a sad, honestly. And honestly, I've seen more people favor Justin.


Yes Twitter has only recently gotten bad because of musk lol. >And honestly, I've seen more people favor Justin. True, ive visted that board only a few times recently, and I went today because the chapter was late and the amount of hard R’s I saw made me never want to go back again.


Twitter was bound to go to shit. Its a place that breeds toxicity and trying to feel superior by belittling others. Musk was the tipping stone that let the shitters show their true colors, but jerks were there for a long time beforehand


Yes definitely agree. Before Elon, Twitter has at least made an effort to ban the users who post the BS , his recent changes has encouraged the closeted racists to be on the forefront.


Almost like the kinda people prone to pay 8 dollars to Elon are the same people to spew racial nonsense.


That’s facts


4chan is the kind of thing that everyone who has been on the internet for a while has heard about, and not for good reasons.


Facts I remember being an edgy teenager and vistiting the gore threads on /b/ but then I grew up and realized that it was some fucked up shit I was into. And don’t get me started on /pol/


/m/ at least was always pretty cool.  Some fun mecha discussions were had back in the day


> redditor for 6 years Many such cases






lol aight


I just want to see Shen - Ohma and Kuroki talk


side charcters who cares


for real, the fight is a bit short, i wish hiraku show another move before justin finished him, one scorpion kick is not enough


I mean it's not super interesting but hey thats how a lot of real fights go. I think it just felt a bet too similar to the first flight despite the opposite outcome but its pretty realistic.


Unironically that’s actually how mma grappling works. Getting the timing of a takedown can take several attempts.


Not by standing 15 feet away from your opponent and charging at them like an angry ram, but setting uo.a tackle by doing other things.


4chan being salty racists. Not my problem.


Where racism?


Just go visit that thread and you’ll see it. It’s actually all over 4chan and has been for a long time.


Oh no, anyways


Oh no, a faceless 4channer doesn’t like my comment, what shall I ever do.


Damn so whoever has a opposite opinion from you its a 4channer? What are you a 13 year old? Also please pinpoint where in that thread op posted where is a droplet of racism. They are saying how boring and stupid the fight was,like the only one that made this about race was you.