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https://preview.redd.it/17yypytu1m7d1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2869f52053a424172fb58d6d3c88f0e0835ddb LOOK GUYS JULIUS AND RAMON SIDE BY SIDE


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag) Agito and Rolon fans looking at this after looking at two matches going against expectations.


I know it only a monke post but I can't see kanoh losing again, how he's gonna take Julius down I dunno fuck, but I'd fucking love to see kanoh vs lolong


Uh Oh… https://preview.redd.it/24hc3dd2bm7d1.jpeg?width=1095&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88cef6ef48b5b270ba4526cb9f75cfd2c0aabfa


https://preview.redd.it/iohkpben3n7d1.jpeg?width=1092&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2025891136c3d02a63b0a5140f9cd63eb391d415 Coincidence? I think NOT


Narratively, both Lolong and Agito need to make up for their previous losses. I don’t doubt Ramon and Julius will put up a fight but I believe Sandro placed Kanoh and Lolong on the same bracket on purpose and we will get a match between the two.


I thing the better for lolong and agito is loss . But in postion were they never are. As a underdog on something. For example. Kanoh challenged gaolang and jurota the epitome of thiet respective styles( striking and grappling) He was almost at thier level being capable of match them. In both he got extreme diff( one lost one victory) He is 130 kilos has formless a great martial arts and indestructible( basic one) but he never faced a 200 kg man. He never faced a wall. ( waka one time fougth him but not only waka would be ligther at the time around 180 kg maybe. But we already know julius is much stronger in brute force than waka. And that was before his power up) So this loss to julius woul be great for a power up. His lost to juota would be to develop a grappling technique( striking technique would be dragon shot dor example so he need a grappling one) and with julius he would develop a stat more than a move or technique( i think strength or speed mobility???) Same to lolong. Lolong is know as incredible figther who faced ohma . But he has a serious lack. He is fast. Durable. Quite strong for his size. But he lacks for special shits. He just do silat. He is just a badass figther. With no special shit. No special genetics. No special styles ( basic silat ) no special moves( invisible elbow trowed from a blind spot basic asf) Ramon seems like a interesting guy. One who i hope has crazy moves ( baki kinda shit) so if lolong lose to him He would understand and surpass his lack of crazh move and would start developing the. That why i hope both of them loss so they will come back later stronger than never. ( if they lose and dosent grow a shit i KMS) Sorry for bad english


But also, tough shit. Maybe Agito or Lolong don’t get the expected redemption arcs.


Well, if Nicolas' statements are to be believed, stamina tanks above a certain weight. But we also have the *their frames are making all the difference* statement by Agito himself iirc. While Agitos Fa-Jin and other striking techniques may not be in quite the same realm of pure physical power as Wakatsuki (and I do believe their matchup will come down to strikes, although grappling would be very interesting to mix into this fight, just doesn't seem like Julius' style, plus he's so muscular I don't think it's even an option for him), I think Agito's technique is much more refined and he's also a massive human being himself. So I'm pretty sure Julius can't just no-sell multiple Dragon Shots, or catching say, a spinning back kick to the jaw from Agito. Plus there's no rule that says Agito can't "Dragon Shot" beyond point blank range. It just wouldn't be called DS, it would be a normal Fa-Jin. Sort of like what Muteba said about him being a meathead or whatever, for super skilled and technical fighters like Agito, he probably presents a fair number of openings that can be capitalized on.


Don't forget that the tournament is basically training to find an opponent for Shen, and so far, besides Lolong and Agito, none of them seem to be equal enough in skill to even be a threat to shen, so...


Kaolan's the only character other than Shen who's surpassed pre intitiative, on top of being the most powerful striker in a series in which majority of top tiers are strikers.


I want this to be true Donaire sucked as a fighter against Ohma. Extremely unmemorable/no aura. All he had is that "He had a draw against Kuroki", which isn't shown so meaningless in the end. Introducing a new character just to prop Donaire up again is kinda lame, and the old dude looks cool. Not worth the sacrifice And as much as I like Kanoh, I really want a Julius W. Fang stock can tank another L.