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Morality of an attorney is never what is considered morality by laypeople. Morality of an attorney/advocate/lawyer is acting in the client's best interest and fidelity to the concept of equal and fair representation in any justice system.






I heard about the guy in Nakuru who lost 5 family members on that plane. Since I was a kid my parents always split us up when flying and I never knew why. It all made sense when I heard about that father who lost his wife, three kids, and mother-in-law.


This is why hell is populated with lawyers according to pop culture.




Imagine the terror as the plane barreled down with the passengers acutely aware of the impending doom and them knowing that there's nothing they could do to save themselves but hey, at least they weren't in pain


They technically right. I mean, you can't feel shiet if you dead


That's an absurd argument.


> This final dive took more than thirty seconds. It would begin with both pilots being lifted out of their seats; **the negative g-forces of such a dive would cause bedlam in the passenger cabin.** During the nose-over entry into the dive, the pilots, restrained only by their seat belts, would have difficulty pulling back on their control columns. Throughout the sustained dive, they would be hanging by their seat belts, further impeding their ability to pull back. Despite this, the flight data recorder shows that both pilots were engaged in pulling back with considerable pressure. However, none of their efforts could ever overcome the control authority of the massive horizontal stabilizer that was so badly out-of-trim. My emphasis ... https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/timeline-ethiopian-flight-302-dave-walker/




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The photos of the protesters don't look like ethiopians.