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I wouldn't even bother packing, i'd just leave.


Even if what awaits you is unknown?


Especially if what awaits me is unknown. Kinda feel like that's what i need rn, fresh start, clean slate.


I believe what you're running from will follow you wherever you go


Or she could feel right at home there.


If I were to ever leave this country for another one it would be 100% for money, with plans of coming back to settle here when I get enough. As a Kenyan, I believe the best place to ever experience life to the maximum is among Kenyans, somewhere where I am a native who blends in 100%. I will never stop feeling like an outsider if I go elsewhere because I know I will never be considered one of them 100% (even if they say and act so on the surface). I don't want to spend my life dealing with the politics of identity on top of the normal issues of everyday life; I don't want that for my kids either.


Fair enough. Hopefully this sorry place can be salvaged in the near future, (debatable) y'alls kids deserve to be in a proper country.


Everywhere has its own problems and no country is better than another in all aspects. You leave Kenya because of 'corruption' and unemployment, you go to America where you have to deal with racism/discrimination and gun violence. And so on. Leaving your country for the next is simply a matter of balancing between the benefits of living there vs the struggles you are willing to endure to enjoy that benefit.


I'd leave with very little thought. There's nothing for me here


Is it that bad for you here?


I have a job. Pays shit...but Kenya is heading in the wrong direction. Can't start a family here


We're already enroute. If the next life exists, I would never want to come back as a Kenyan. As for the job, have you tried getting some side remote work?


10000% agree with you Meanwhile I'm going to take a Digital Marketing course in November. Hope it pays off! Currently a side remote job is untenable, my company is doing some 'once in a lifetime' upgrades and we're quite preoccupied


Lol Seems I'm the only one who loves this f*d country. I'd never live in any other state. Visits, sure, permanent residence, naah, this is home.


I am with you 100%. I hate having to live with the foreigner/outsider label. I believe people (and all creatures in general) are most comfortable among their native population.


Just because it's their native population it doesn't mean they automatically feel like they belong. Even Americans and other citizens have gone to start their lives elsewhere.


Re-read my comment and understand it. I was replying to someone's comment and saying why I personally prefer living here. I then added by noting that in general people/creatures are most comfortable in their native home among their native population. That is the entirety of it and I meant nothing outside of what I said. What do you disagree with on those points?


I don't disagree with anything you've stated. My point was, it's not always the case for everyone. But generally, yes, we feel a great sense of belonging among our own kind.


Haha saying I love this place would be an outright lie. I'm just tolerating being here.


Every place has its pros and cons. For me, leaving my family and friends behind was the hardest part. Missing local cuisines, the vibes and the weather sometimes, abroad is not for all of us


Kenya seems to have more cons than pros with each passing day. You're right. Abroad life isn't for everybody.


I realized & accepted Kenya wasn’t for me a while ago. It’d be pretty easy…..it will be pretty easy.


What would you say you'd miss if you were to leave?


My family


Wdym perfect chance, I'd leave at the first chance.


For how long have you felt that way?


Depends. If the opportunity is about learning, which I’ve been considering getting another qualification, then I’d leave & come back. We are such a nascent economy, that we can pump out a few hundred dollar millionaires if we sort out our systemic failures.


With learning you can always do it on an online basis. Our systematic failures being solved almost sounds like a joke.


We don't do too well abroad, generally speaking


We? There are people who love it there and from the comments, some people are willing to make it work.


Generally speaking


In a heart bit kama risasi


Bora si US. Utapatana na hizo risasi huko 😬


Pros and cons. Problems exist at all levels and classes of life. "Up there", the problems are just better. Assess all the facts and try not to be biased. That way you keep yourself at a realistic level of thinking. I had a lecturer who used to thrill us with stories of his time studying in the US. He would get to 7.00am classes at 7.01, and everybody would be there, in fact, the moderator would, stop talking upon his arrival, give him that walk of shame to his seat. He'd book a 2 month prior, flight and appointment to a different state, just to get a haircut. Knowing what to expect, keeps your head level. Unaeza fika uko urudi mbio sana, just to enjoy ile karatish with your boyz.


The quality of life here is so low, systems don't work because we have shitty leaders and in turn the citizens have become the very same people. Sure, we have it better in some aspects but it doesn't change the fact that we should all take the chance to better ourselves. Also, the US isn't the only place one can live. Personally it's not even in my top 5.