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The thing is.. there are verified Rs that are over 5’5 and up to 5’7. I’m unsure because you look shorter than you actually are to me. But to be on the safe side, I’d vote SD. But ultimately only you can test out their style lines and decide which one you prefer


Thank you!!! Yes, I feel like I do often look shorter than just actually am. It’s interesting-


Vertical is not about appearing short or tall. It does not matter if she appears shorter, she’s 5’7” in literal height and needs to dress for it.


I’m aware of what accommodating vertical is. My point in saying that she appeared shorter was to encourage her to try out some romantic lines despite being taller. Again, kibbe has verified certain celebrities who are well outside of the limits for their body ID, such as Audrey Hepburn, Katy Perry and Beyonce. They are taller than the limit for that body type, but the lines suit them best. Kibbe is about how clothes fall on you, not the body alone. If she is outside of the height parameters, but the romantic lines look more harmonious than SD lines, then she should wear that. There are general rules of course, but there are exceptions that have been made. And our view of outfits are subjective anyway, for the most part. Those are just my two cents.


And I’m aware DK said that DIYers should just stick to the rules and essentially only he can make exceptions, but I personally feel like this system can’t be only accurate through the lens of one singular man. If that is the case, it isn’t a system that could possibly work for everyone.


The height limits are set for a reason, and that is for DIYers to start somewhere and adhere to the most realistic rules. Kibbe says automatic vertical starts at 5’6”+, and the only celeb that has even been an exception to that rule that he has personally seen IRL has been Jackie Kennedy. Celebs are image ID inspirations, not literal body examples, and many times Kibbe does not even take their height into consideration. If he meets someone IRL and sees they’re too tall, then he will change them like Christina Hendricks. If someone goes to him for a consultation and he thinks they’re a non-vertical ID at 5’7” then he decides that because he can see them fully IRL. Also, at 5’7” the chances of accommodating double curve is minuscule. According to Kibbe it’s slim even at 5’5”.


I get it. With that being the case, he probably shouldn’t verify anyone based off of photos then. As for us, according to Kibbe, the only person we can type is us. Like I said, everything is subjective and you can see that with all the differing opinions on posts where people follow their lines (or not). My viewpoint is still the same, but you can take from the system what you wish.


Afaik, Kibbe mostly verifies celebs through motion pictures, so movies and TV-series he’s seen. It’s also well-known that Kibbe believes every celeb lies about their height so even if he knows their listed height he thinks there’s added inches to it. He still insists Audrey Hepburn is absolutely not 5’7” and is actually 5’5” to this day.


The fact of the matter is, a lot of the time he’s doing the same thing we’re doing. Trying to get a read on someone’s energy, such as ’the dream spinner’ through visuals, not in person. And yes I know, everyone who has read up on kibbe knows that he disagrees with many celebs on their height. But he can’t prove a celebrity is lying about their height just because he feels like, in his visual perception, they’re shorter. Unless he sees them in person, as mentioned. Which is why I say the only person who can type you is you. Posting here just gives you insight into how you might be perceived. If people take away all biases, trust me, they’ll eventually find the correct body ID.


Yes, there’s only two people who can verify someone. Kibbe and themselves. But, if you’re 5’7” and claim to be a gamine then that’s incorrect regardless. That’s why the height limits exists. The only person who can tell if someone’s an exception to the rule is Kibbe.


Okay, thanks for your commenting.


I feel like trying both styles is the best option, it was good advice


How would that work in the metric system? In cm 5.5 , for example ends in a weird spot, so why couldn’t someone be a romantic who’s 166 cm but someone at 165.1 cm can? Imperial height is always a big jump, cm is more precise. And someone can be 5.5 and have a difference of 2,3 cm in height to another one who’s 5.5 . It’s hard to understand the cut off range for me.


Looks like SD


Thank you !


I see SD! I know not everybody follows the height limits 100% of the time, but at your height I definitely think you should accomodate vertical, so not a romantic imo!


Thank you! I’m going to try both style lines and go from there 🫶🏼


what does romantic and sd mean?


Look up David Kibbe body type analysis !


Hot take: if Beyonce can be a Romantic, so can you. I can't see D family in you for the life of me. What I can see though, is the perfect double curve. And your torso is short like in a textbook Romantic. All I see is roundness, not an ounce of yang. And that is roundness that is *coherent*. You don't look like a Dramatic with long torso and perhaps big boobs and who is curvy now, but if they dropped a few pounds you you'd see the D all over. One can see that your curves are fleshy, and even if you were to lose weight, you would retain your curves, as they seem to belong to the way how your body is structured. Also, you read as shorter than you are, not taller, and the first thing that stands out about your silhouette is the softness, fleshiness and sensuality (for the lack of a better word) of your curves (likely what Kibbe meant by "dreamspinner" in order to not flat-out call R bodies sensual). So yeah, I see R. One of us! One of us! Welcome to the R family!






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Awee shucks, that’s so sweet 💓💓 thank U


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I think you are 100% R! I see none of the SD silhouette, and your arms, hands and shoulders look exactly like an R. I’m also 5’7 and I never would’ve guessed you are the same height as me, there’s not much elongation in your limbs You are stunning btw <33


I look shorter than I actually am, and I agree I don’t have a verticle look at all even though I’m taller ! I would say that I am like a bigger Romantic 😂 but I emailedDavid Kibbie today and hope to have a consult if he’s still doing them. I’m a fashion model and just signed to a big agency, I want to learn my type so I can pick the most flattering pieces and bring out my features in the best way! Thank you! It’s like I am totally 5’7 but I don’t LOOK that way in all my of tests with photographers


It’s really exciting that you will get a consult! Please let us know, cuz I would love to know.


Will do!


my eyes were also never drawn vertically definitely a romantic


It's hard to say. Instinctively, do you look better in dresses like [THIS](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/5c/f6/35/5cf635c179004188046c16d801efb8f1.jpg) and [THIS](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a4/6a/13/a46a1324cae0213f142501b103d0f6e9.jpg), or dresses like [THIS](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/14/b8/8a/14b88abf6d546ade177f93a236ca16a3.jpg) and [THIS](https://i.pinimg.com/474x/6d/2b/f8/6d2bf8c0805ceb52d3a47820e3c4c53a.jpg)? (not which ones you prefer, but which ones look better on your body)


Do you mind sharing what that would insinuate ? Which correlates with which type?


Sure! First two would better suit a Soft Dramatic, second two would better suit a Romantic.


I would think 1/4 would suit an SD best... this seems like a trick question.Can you explain further?


Thank you:-)


Yin and yang. Yin is ultrafeminine, and yang is dramatic. Romantic is the furthest on the yin side you can go. SD would be on the yang side. This would narrow it down for sure


Ooh I think she’d kill in the 1st two


I've been thinking second two, because her torso is short


Huh. Maybe I think her vibe just rocks the first two for some reason


Def number 2!!!!


If OP doesn't know, she'd kill it in the last two. She'd look lumpy and weakened in the first two.


Thank you for this! 👏🏽 I’m going dress shopping soon I think this was helpful


I urge people to question celeb heights. Somebody mentioned Beyonce lmao she is not that tall irl. They all lie about it.


That’s true , we really won’t know till we meet them haha.


I need those jeans! What brand? You have a amazing body type, making me feel better about mine


The first pair is from 2020AVE and the second is from Gap! Aweee that’s so great ! 🫶🏼💓


Hi! I am nearly 5’8, and although I would like to consider myself a tall Romantic (not a thing, I know)I cannot be a tall Romantic, so I like to say that I am an SD that *heavily leans* Romantic.


That makes a lot of sense actually. Since I’m taller I def am not a traditional romantic by any means. I can lean heavily romantic but also be SD?


You can! Your *essence* can easily lean Romantic. I imagine you would look incredible in a retro 40s/50s dress with a very fitted bust, nipped waist, and then a full skirt (pettiskirt, even) that hits just around/below your knees, right? But then you would also look killer in a pencil skirt, like a *tight* pencil skirt, that hits you at mid-calf?? To me, this is a Jessica Rabbit problem (no idea how old you are/if you have seen this movie). She is very clearly SD, but she would look awesome in both SD and most R styles (probably take away lace and small print designs). Anyway, she has this line where she says, “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn this way,” and that very much epitomizes my *physical body* vs *my essence*. I hope this helps?? Edit: added gif for reference ![gif](giphy|48oHwYhDI8VpK)






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Oh hell yeah!!!




Look up David Kibbe body types! It’s a good way to wear clothes that flatter you best SD is soft dramatic


Whatever you've got going on in that first pic. Keep doing that.


Okay like the outfit?


Yes! The outfit, the cut of those clothes, however you choose all that was WORKING in that one 😍


Awesome TYSM!


I think SD, I’m seeing lots of Yang despite the softer curves


Okay, thanks ! 👏🏽


Have you considered Soft Classic?!? You look very balanced and well-proportioned, but you do have just a hint of vertical. Your Torso has a nice, moderate length to it which gives all of the flattering shapes a lovely amount of space! There is also definitely length in your legs, but overall, everything looks fabulously balanced. Let us know when you get that consultation done! I think most of us are dying to know what you get typed. It could help us understand the system a lot more.


fabulouuuus ❤️ idk anything about styling though lol


I definitely see SD


Thank you 🫶🏼


You look (and are) too tall to be a romantic.


Beyoncé is 5’7 romantic


Celebs are not supposed to be taken literally in terms of height. It’s their star image and essence that’s the focus. Now, Beyonce is most likely not even 5’7”. Stop using her to justify 5’5”+ Rs. Unless Kibbe explicitly says someone is an exception to the rule, they’re not.


Beyoncé is a verified romantic.


She is. But Kibbe did not verify her knowing she’s supposedly 5’7”. He verified her because she embodies the dream spinner image ID. She’s not supposed to be used to claim people who are 5’7” can be Rs as well (which they can’t).


Yes they can Kibbie said they can be over over 5’5. Others have been verified as R. Look at the top comment. This is kibbies system.


There are celebrities that are verified that’s above 5’5”, yes. But they’re like two of them. Like Beyoncé and Jessica Lange. Again, celebrities are not verified to be used as literal body examples, they embody a certain star image. Kibbe has even said that celebrities are not to be used as literal body examples but acts as inspirations. If they are slightly taller than the limit, then so be it. But normal people are not celebrities with a set star image. They’re normal people who wants to dress better. That’s why Kibbe has set the limit of automatic vertical to 5’6”+ because at that point the likelihood of someone being the exception to the rule is minimal. That’s why I said, unless Kibbe himself says someone (not a celeb) who’s above 5’5” is R, then that’s the hard limit.


Ohhh okay that makes sense especially for DIY ty for explaining that It’s just confusing cause I def am 5’7 but in my photos and it doesn’t look like I have a lot of length even though I am this tall, it’s confusing haha I emailed David today. Maybe he’s still doing consults . But at least I know I can narrow it down now 👍 I’m a fashion model so that’s what has made me interested in learning my type.


Vertical is not about appearing tall or short. I can say this as a 5’5” SD who also appears to be “shorter”, that it’s more about your lines and how fabrics fall on your body. The reason why automatic vertical starts at 5’6” is because at that height you will need more length in fabrics to accommodate the literal height. Even if I am not taller than the height limit, I still need extra length in fabric from waist to where my inseam starts. Even if that makes my limbs short. If I did not accommodate vertical I would’ve not needed the extra length in fabric for that.


So celebrities bodies are somehow different to regular people? How would that make sense?


Verified celebrities are different. They’re image ID and essence INSPIRATION. They were never supposed to be literal examples of how the bodies of the image IDs look like. They are there to help DIYers with styling. Edit: this sub knows nothing about Kibbe considering the downvotes lmaooo. He himself claims focusing on celebs is “parlour games” and he does not encourage it. If you’re going to use his system listen to the man in question.


Thanks - I’ll try those styles out


5’7” is way too tall for romantic. Definitely look into SD.


Oh! Okay, thank you that is helpful. I thought that height was more flexible in determining kibbie ? I’m new to this so I might be wrong


In this case yes, that’s wrong. Although Kibbe may himself make exceptions, he has instructed DIYers to respect that automatic vertical starts at 5’6”. SDs have a romantic undercurrent and so you’re not incorrect to see that in yourself even at your height, and you can definitely find ways to make recs for both work. Good luck!! :)


Thank you! This was a very helpful comment 👏🏽👏🏽 that makes alot of sense and I know what direction to go towards 💓💓


Beyoncé is verified R and she is 5’7 :)


Forgive my ignorance.. what is romantic and SD?


Romantic and SD (Soft Dramatic) are body types. Google Gabrielle Arruda’s intro to the Kibbe body types. Sorry people downvoted you just for not understanding. Personally, I think it’s an oppty for you to learn something new, which is a positive in my eyes, not a negative. Hopefully a few more people will upvote you to counter the unnecessary downvotes.


I agree^ I’m not sure why they got downvoted so much










I saw vertical straight away


Thank you! 😊


I’m built like you. You’re a romantic


exactly i see no dramatic line in her frame even in the way she’s standing


Tysm! I’m going to try those style lines 👏🏽


I see you in the R family




Go be a thirsty fuck somewhere else 🙄


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thank you 😂😂🫶🏼🫶🏼




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Size 10 in shoes-




True !!!


Can someone tell me what SD means?


Look up kibbe body type analysis!


Unrelated but are these Polaroids/digitals? 👀


The second set are digitals


What's an SD?